Vol. hi
Vol. I
This Large Paper Edition is limited to One Hundred and
Twenty-five copies, all of which are numbered.
This is No. G 9
Translators' Note
The Preface of Snorri Sturluson
The Story of the Ynglings ....
The Story of Halfdan the Black .
The Story of Harald Hairfair
The Story of Hakon the Good
The Story of King Harald Greycloak and of
Earl Hakon the Son of Sigurd
The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison
Explanation of the Metaphors in the Verses
1 1
*-**«..««-' tj' «_i." '■_#
AS this work is to be published in four
volumes, we think it best to keep the
general body of Notes for the last ; only
printing in each volume an explanation of the
metaphors contained in the staves of verse which
occur in it. But the map of Norway with the
names of the Saga period is given in this first
portion of Heimskringla for the convenience of
the reader.
William Morris.
IN this book have I let write tales told con-
cerning those chiefs who have borne sway in
the Northlands, and who spake the Danish
tongue, even as I have heard men of lore tell the
same ; and also certain of their lines of kindred ac-
cording as they have been taught to me. Some
of this is found in the Tellings-up of Forefathers,
wherein kings and other men of high degree have
traced their kin ; but some is written after olden
songs or story-lays, which men have had for their
joyance. Now though we wot not surely the truth
thereof, yet this we know for a truth, that men of
lore of old time have ever held such lore for true.
Thiodolf of Hvin was skald to Harald Hairfair,
and he did the lay concerning King Rognvald
Higher-than-the- Hills, which is called the Tale of
the Ynelino'S : Ro^rnvald was son of Olaf Geir-
4 TJic Saga Library.
stead-Elf, the brother of Halfdan the Black. In
this song are thirty of his forefathers named, and
their deaths told of and the steads where they lie.
Fiolnir was he named who was son of Yngvi-Frey,
to whom for long time after have the Swedes done
sacrifice, and the Ynglings are named after his
Eyvind the Skald-spiller also told up the tale of
the forefathers of Earl Hakon the Mighty, in the
lay called the Haloga Tale, which was done on
Hakon ; therein is Soeming the son of Yngvi-Frey
named, and record is therein of the death of each
and of their howesteads.
After Thiodolf's tale are the lives of the Yng-
lings first written, and matters added thereto from
the tales of men of lore.
The first age is called the age of Burning,
whereas the wont w^as to burn all dead men, and
raise up standing-stones to them : but after that
Frey was laid in barrow at Upsala, many great
men fell to raising barrows to the memory of their
kin, no less often than standing-stones.
But after that Dan the Proud, king of the Danes,
let make for him a howe, and bade them bear him
thither dead with the kingly raiment and wargear,
and his horse with all its saddle-gear, and plenteous
wealth beside, then many men of his kin did even
so afterwards, and thence began the Mound age
in Denmark; but long thereafter the Burning age
held on among the Swedes and Norwegians.
But when Harald Hairfair was king in Norway,
Iceland was settled, and with the king were skalds
whose songs folk yet know by heart, yea and all
Preface to the Round World. 5
songs on the kings who have since held sway in
Norway ; and most store we set by that which is
said in such songs as were sung before the chiefs
themselves or the sons of them ; and we hold all
that for true, which is found in these sonofs con-
cerning their way-farings and their battles. Now
it is the manner of skalds to praise those most
whom they stand before while giving forth their
song, but no one would dare to tell the king him-
self deeds, which all who hearkened, yea and him-
self withal, wotted well were but windy talk and
lying ; for no praise would that be, but mocking
ARI the Learned, the mass-priest, who was
the son of Thorgils, who was the son of
Gellir, was the first man of this land who
wrote down lore both old and new in the speech
of the North : in the beginning of his book he
wrote mostly of the settling of Iceland and the
law-making therein ; and then, concerning the
Law-speakers, how long a time each had given
forth the law ; and began counting by years first
till Christ's faith came to Iceland, and afterwards
thence down to his own days.
He set off his lore of years by many other
matters, both the lives of kings in Norway and
Denmark, and in England also ; yea, and by great
tidings withal, that had befallen here in the land.
And I deem his lore altogether most noteworthy,
6 TJie Saga Library.
for of exceeding wisdom he was, and so old, that
he was born the winter next after the fall of King
Harald Sigurdson. He wrote, as himself sayeth,
the lives of the kings of Norway after the telling
of Odd, the son of Kol, the son of Hall of the
Side ; but Odd had learnt them from Thorgeir
Afradskoll, a man who was wise indeed, and so
old, that he dwelt at Nidness, when Earl Hakon
the Mighty was slain. Even in the same stead
King Olaf Tryggvison let build the cheaping
town that now is. Now Ari Thorgilson, the
priest, came seven winters old to Hawkdale, to
Hall, son of Thorarin, and abode there fourteen
winters. Hall was an exceeding wise man and
of keen memory ; he bore in mind how Thaug-
brand the priest christened him at three years
old, the winter before Christ's faith was made law
in Iceland : Ari, the priest, was twelve winters
old whenas Bishop Isleif died. Hall had fared
from land to land, and was trading fellow of King
Olaf the Holy, whence he gat great furtherance ;
and so his reign was well beknown to him. But by
the death of Bishop Isleif were worn away wellnigh
eighty years from the fall of King Olaf Tryggvison :
Hall died nine years after Bishop Isleif, and by
then were his years reckoned at ninety-four, and
he had set up house in Hawkdale in his thirtieth
year, and had dwelt there sixty-four winters, as
Ari writes. Teit, the son of Bishop Isleif, was
fostered at Hall's in Hawkdale, and kept house
there afterwards : he taught Ari the priest, and
told him manifold lore, which Ari wrote down
afterwards. Ari also got manifold knowledge
Preface to the Round IVorld. 7
from Thurid, dauy^hter of Snorri the Priest, a
woman wise of wit ; she remembered Snorri her
father, who was near thirty-five whenas Christ's
faith came to Iceland, and died one winter after
the fall of King Olaf the Holy.
Therefore nought marvellous was it that Ari
knew truly many ancient tales both of our land
and of the outlands, whereas he had learnt them
from old men and wise, and was himself a man of
eager wit and faithful memory.
But the songs meseems are least misplaced, if
they have been wrought aright, and are duly
THE ROUND WORLD, whereas manfolk
dwell, is much sheared apart by bights :
great seas go from the outer-sea into the
earth ; and men know for sure that a seagoeth from
Niorvi's sound right up to the land of Jerusalem ;
from that sea goeth a long bight to the north-east
which is called the Black Sea, and sundereth the
two World- Ridings ; to the east is Asia, but to
the west is called Europe of some, but of some
Enea : but north of the Black Sea lies Sweden
the Great or the Cold : Sweden the Great some
men deem no less than Serkland the Great, and
some make it even to Blueland the Great ; the
northern parts of this Sweden lie unpeopled by
reason of the frost and the cold, even as the
southern parts of Blueland are waste because of
the sun's burning. Mighty lordships there are in
Sweden, and peoples of manifold kind, and many
tongues withal ; there are giants, and there are
dwarfs, yea and Blue-men, and folk of many kinds
and marvellous, and there be savage beasts and
12 The Saga Library. I- 1 1
drakes wondrous great. Out of the north, from
those mountains which are without all the peopled
parts, falls a river over Sweden, which is called
aright Tanais, but of old was called Tanabranch
or Vanabranch ; it comes unto the sea at the Black
Sea ; the land betwixt the Vana-mouths was then
called Vanland, or Vanhome. This water divides
the two World-Ridings ; that to the east is called
Asia, that to the west, Europe.
EAST of Tanabranch in Asia was the land
called As-land or As-home ; but the
chief burg which was in that land they
called As-garth, in which burg abode a chief called
ODIN, and that was a great stead of blood-
offerings. That was a custom there that twelve
temple-priests were set the highest of all the
people ; they were to rule the sacrifices, and judge
betwixt man and man; they were called DIAR
or DROTTN AR, and all folk were bound to their
service and worship. Odin was a great warrior,
and exceeding far-travelled, and had made many
realms his own, and so victorious was he, that in
every battle he gained the day ; whence it befell,
that his men trowed of him that he should of his
own nature ever have the victory in every battle.
His wont it was, if he sent his men to the wars or
on other journeys, before they went to lay his
hands on the heads of them, and to give them
blessing, and they trowed that they would fare
well thereby. So it was with his men withal, that
III-IV The story of the Ynglings. 13
whensoever they were hard bestead, either on sea
or land, they called upon his name, and deemed
that they had ease thereof, for they thought
that in him they had all their trust. Now Odin
often fared so far away, that he abode many sea-
sons in his journeys.
ODIN had two brethren, one called Ve, and
the other Vili : these brethren of his ruled
the realm whiles he was away. But on a
time whenas Odin was gone a long way off, and
abided long away, the As-folk deemed they might
never look to see him home again ; so his brethren
fell to sharing his goods, but his wife Frigg they
must needs have in wedlock betwixt them both ;
but a little after came Odin home and took to him-
self his wife once more.
NOW Odin fell with an host on the Vanir,
but they bestirred them manly and warded
their land, and now one, now the other
prevailed ; either harried the land of the other and
wrought scathe thereon ; but when at last either
grew loth thereof, they bespoke a meeting of
truce between them, and made peace and delivered
hostages one to the other ; and the Vanir gave
their noblest men, Niord the Wealthy and his
son Frey, but the As-folk gave in return him who
was called Hoenir, and said that he was well
14 The Saga Library. IV
meet to be lord ; a big man he was, and the
ofoodliest to behold. With him sent the As-folk
a man hight Mimir, the wisest of men, but the
Vanir in return him of the best wits in their com-
pany, Quasir by name. But when Hcenir came to
Vanhome, then was he straightly made a lord,
and Mimir taught him all good counsel. But when
Hffinir was in his place at Things, or assemblies,
whenso it befell that Mimir was not anigh him, and
there came before him any hard matter, ever
would he answer in one wise : " Let others give
rule ! " said he. Then the Vanir misdoubted them
that the As-folk had beguiled them in the exchang-
ing of men, and they took Mimir and cut his throat,
and sent the head to the As-host : then Odin took
the head, and smeared it with such worts that it.
might not rot, and sang words of wizardry there-
over, and gave it such might that it spake to him
and told him many hidden matters.
Odin made Niord and Frey temple-priests, and
they became Diar among the As-folk. The daughter
of Niord was Freya; she was a temple-priestess,
and was the first to teach wizardry among the
As-folk according to the wont of the Vanir. While
Niord was with the Vanir, he had had his sister to
wife, for it was lawful there so to do, and their
children were Frey and Freya. But it was for-
bidden among the As-folk to wed such near kin.
V The story of the Ynglings. 15
A GREAT mountain-wall goes from the
north-east to the south-west ; that parts
Sweden the Great from other realms ;
south of those mountains there is no long way to
the land of the Turks, and there had Odin wide
lands of his own. Now in those days fared the
Lords of the Roman Folk wide over the world
and beat down all peoples under them, hut many
lords and kings fled away from their own before
the trouble of them : so whereas Odin was fore-
seeing, and wise in wizardry, he knew that his
offspring should people the Northern Parts of the
World. So he set his brethren Ve and Vili over
As-garth, but himself went his ways, and all the
Diar with him, and much other folk withal ; and
first he fared west into the Garth-realm, and then
south into Saxland. He had many sons, and got
for himself realms wide through Saxland, and
there he set his sons over the heeding of the land.
Then he fared north to the sea, and abode in a cer-
tain island that is now called Odin's-isle in Fion ;
thence he sent Gefion north over the sound to
seek new lands, and she came to Gylfi, and he
gave her a day's plough-land. Then went she to
the Giant-home, and there bore four sons to a cer-
tain giant, and turned them into the likeness of
oxen, and yoked them to the plough, and drew the
land out into the sea, and west over against
Odin's-isle, and that land is called Selund, and
1 6 The Saga Library. V
there she dwelt afterward. Skiold, the son of Odin,
wedded her, and they dwelt at Hleithra : there is
a sea or water left behind which is called the Low.
And so it is that the firths in the Low lie in such
a wise that they answer to the nesses in Selund.
So sings Bragi the Old :
Glad Gefion dragged from Gylfi,
Great lord of the deep sea's-sun,
Due increase unto Denmark,
Hard drew the reeking beasts :
Eight foreheads' moons shone forth
From four heads as they went.
And furrowed off the fair
And friendly island home.
But when Odin heard that good land was to be
gotten east in Gylfi's country, he went thither, and
made peace with him, because Gylfi deemed he
had no might to withstand the As-folk. Many
dealings had Odin and Gylfi together in cunning
tricks and wizardry, and ever were the As-folk the
mightier therein. Odin took up his abode at the
Low, at the stead which is now called Ancient Sig-
town, and made there a great temple, with blood-
offerings according to the custom of the As-folk ; he
owned the land there as wide about as he called it
Sigtown ; and there gave he abode to the temple-
priests : Niord dwelt at Nois-town, but Frey at
Upsala, Heimdall at Heavenberg, Thor at
Thundermead, Balder at Broadbeam ; to all gave
he good abiding-places.
VI The Story of the Yiiglhigs. 17
IT is said soothlyof Odin of the As-folk when he
came into the North countries and the Diar
with him, that they were the first to bring in
and teach those crafts which men have long since
plied. Odin was the noblest of all, and from him
they all gat the crafts, for he was the first that knew
them all and the greatest number thereof to boot.
Now it is to be told that whereas he was so greatly
worshipped, these were the things that brought it
about : he was so fair and noble of visage when he
sat amid his friends, that every man's heart laughed
thereat ; whereas, when he was a-warring, then was
his countenance terrible towards his foes. And
this was the cause thereof, that he knew the art
and craft whereby he could change his hue and
shape in any wise that he would ; and this again,
that the speech of him was so clear and smooth
that all folk who listened thereto deemed that
alone for true which he spake ; and in measures
did he speak all things, even as that is now said
which is called Skald-craft.
He and his temple-priests are called Lay-
smiths, for that skill began through them in the
North-lands. Such craft had Odin, that in battle
he could make his foes blind or deaf or fear-
stricken, and that their weapons would bite no
more than wands ; but his own men went without
byrnies, and were mad as dogs or wolves, and bit
on their shields, and were as strong as bears or
III. c
1 8 TJie Saga Library. VII
bulls ; menfolk they slew, and neither fire nor steel
would deal with them : and this is what is called
NOW Odin would change his shape ; his
body would lie there as of one sleeping
or dead, while he himself was a fowl or a
wild beast, a fish or a worm, and would go in the
twinkling of an eye to far-away lands on his own
errands or the errands of others.
Moreover, he knew how by words alone to
slake the fire or still the sea, and how to turn
the wind to whichso way he would. Odin had
a ship called Skidbladnir, wherein he would fare
over mighty seas ; and that same ship might be
folded together like a very napkin. Odin had ever
Mimir's head by him, and that told him many
tidings from other worlds : and whiles would he
wake up dead men from the earth, or sit down
under men hanged ; wherefore was he called the
Lord of the Ghosts, or the Lord of the Hanged.
Two ravens also he had which he had tamed to
speak, and wide over the lands they flew, and told
him many tidings ; and from all these things he
became wondrous wise ; all this craft taught he by
runes and songs called wizard songs, wherefore are
the As-folk called smiths of wizardry. Odin was
wise in that craft wherewith went most might,
which is called spell-craft, and this he himself fol-
lowed : wherefore he had might to know the fate
of men and things not yet come to pass ; yea, or
VII llie Stoyy of the YngUngs. 19
how to work for men bane or ill-hap or ill-heal,
and to take wit or strength from men and <:;;^ive
them unto others. But with this sorcery that
is thus done goes so much lewdness, that it was not
thought to be without shame for menfolk to deal
therein, so that cunning was taught to the temple-
priestesses. Odin knew of all buried treasures
where they were hidden ; and he knew lays where-
by the earth opened before him, and mountains
and rocks and mounds, and how to bind with words
alone whoso might be found dwelling therein ; and
he would go in and take thence what he would.
From all this craft he became exceeding famed,
and his foes dreaded him, but his friends put their
trust in him, and had faith in his craft and himself;
but he taught the more part of his cunning to the
temple-priests, and they were next to him in all
wisdom and cunning : albeit many others got to
them much knowledge thereof and thence has
sorcery spread far and wide and endured long.
But to Odin and those twelve lords did men do
sacrifice, and called them their gods, and trowed
in them long afterwards.
Folk are called Audun after Odin's name, as
men were wont so to call their sons, and Thorir or
Thorarin are named after Thor ; or names are
joined to it from other matters, as Steinthor or
Hafthor, and so in many other wise.
20 The Saga Library. VIII-IX
ODIN settled such law in his land as had
of old time gone among the As-folk ; and
he laid down withal that all dead men
should be burned, and that with them their chattels
should be borne to bale ; for he said that with
such wealth as a man brought to his bale should
he come to Valhall ; and that there also should he
enjoy whatsoever he had buried himself in the
earth. But the ashes should men bear out to
sea, or bury in the earth ; and over noble men
should a mound be raised for the memory of
them ; but in memory of all men of any mark
should standing-stones be raised : and for long
after did that wont endure.
Folk were to hold sacrifice against the coming
of winter for a good year ; in midwinter for the
growth of the earth ; and a third in the summer
that was an offering for gain and victory. All
over Sweden men paid Odin scat, to wit a penny
for every head, but he was bound to ward their land
from war, and to sacrifice for them for a good year.
NIORD wedded a woman called Skadi,
but she would nought of him, and so
was wedded to Odin, and many sons
they had, one whereof was called Seeming, over
whom hath Eyvind the Skald-spiller made this :
X The Story of the Yugliugs. 2 1
The reddener of shield,
The sire of As-folk,
Got the scat-giver
On a giant maiden.
While for more seasons
In Manhome dwelt
']"hc warriors' friend
And Skadi with him.
But she of the rock-lands'
Rushing snow-skids,
Sons a-many
Bare unto Odin.
Earl Hakon the Mighty carried back the tale
of his forefathers to this Seeming.
Now this Sweden they called Manhome, but
Sweden the Great called they Godhome ; and of
Godhome are many tales told and many marvels.
ODIN died in his bed in Sweden; but when
he was come nigh to his death, he let
mark him with a spear-point, and claimed
as his own all men dead by weapon ; and he said
that hewould go his ways to Godhome and welcome
his friends there. Now were the Swedes minded
that he would be come to that As-garth of old days,
there to live his life for ever ; and then began
anew the worship of Odin and the vowing of vows
to him. Oft thought the Swedes that he showed
himself to them in dreams before great battles
should be ; and to some he gave victory there and
then, and to others bidding to come to him ; and
either lot they deemed good enow.
22 The Saga Library. XI -XI I
Odin dead was burned, and his burning was
done in the seemliest wise ; but the troth of men
was it in those days, that the higher the reek
reached up aloft, the more exalted in heaven
would he be who was burned there ; yea, and the
richer the more treasure was burned with him.
SO then Niord of Noatown became ruler
over the Swedes, and upheld the sacrifices,
and the Swedes called him their Lord and
he took^ree scat of them. In his days was there
exceeding good peace, and years of all kinds of
plenty, so great that the Swedes trowed thereby
that Niord swayed the plenty of the year and the
wealth-hap of mankind. In his days died the
more part of the Diar, and to all of them were
blood-offerings made, and they were burned there-
after. Niord died in his bed, and let him be
marked unto Odin or ever he died ; the Swedes
burned him, and greeted sore over his grave.
FREY then took to him the realm after
Niord; he was called Lord of the Swedes,
and took free scat of them ; he was well-
beloved, and happy in good years even as his
father. Frey raised a great temple at Upsala,
and there had his chief abode, and endowed it
with all his wealth, both land and chattels. Then
began the weal of Upsala, which has endured ever
XIII The story of the Yuglings. 23
since. In his days began the Peace of Frodi, and
then also were plenteous years throughout all lands;
and that the Swedes laid to the account of Frey ;
and he was held dearer therefor than the other
gods, as in his days the people were wealthier
than aforetime from the good peace and plenteous
years. Gerd, the daughter of Gymir, was Frey's
wife, and their son was called Fiolnir. Frey was
called by another name, that is to say, Yngvi, and
this name of Yngvi was long used for a name of
honour in his blood, and his kindred were in after-
time called Ynfrlings.
Now Frey fell sick, but when his sickness waxed
on him, men took counsel and let few folk come
into him ; and they built a great howe and made
a door therein, and three windows ; and so when
Frey was dead they bore him privily into the
howe, and told the Swedes that he was still
alive, and there they guarded him for three
winters, and poured all the scat into the mound :
gold through the one window, silver through the
second, and copper pennies through the third.
And this while endured plenteous years and
NOW Freya upheld the sacrifices, for she
alone of the gods was left behind alive ;
and of the greatest fame she was, so that
by her name should all women of honour be called,
even as now they are called Fruvor (ladies) : so
24 The Saga Library. XIV
also every woman is called Freya who rules over
her own, but House-freya she who rules a house-
Now Freya was somewhat shifting of mood ;
Odr was the name of her husband, but her
daughters were Hnoss and Gersemi, and they
were exceeding fair, and after them are called all
things that are dearest to have.
But now when all the Swedes wotted that Prey
was dead, and the plenteous years and good peace
still endured, then they trowed that so it would be
while he still abode in Sweden; neither would they
burn him, but called him the God of the World,
and sacrificed to him ever after, most of all for
plenteous years and peace.
FIOLNIR the son of Yngvi-Prey ruled
next over the Swedes and the wealth of
Upsala ; he was a mighty man, and his
years were full of plenty and peace. Peace-Prodi
abode as then at Hleithra, and great friendship
there was betwixt these twain and bidding from
house to house. But whenas Piolnir fared to
Prodi in Selund, then was a great feast arrayed
there against his coming, and folk were bidden
there from lands far and wide. There had Prodi
a great homestead, and therein was there wrought
a mighty vat many ells high, which stood on mighty
big beams ; now this stood down in a certain under-
croft, and there was a loft above it, the floor
XV The Story of the Yugliugs. 25
whereof was open, that the liquor might be poured
down thereby ; but the vat was full of mingled
mead, and that drink was wondrous strong. A-
night-time was Fiolnir brought to his lodging in
the next loft, and his company with him. Amidst
the night he went out unto the gallery to seek a
privy place, and he was bewildered with sleep and
dead-drunk ; so when he turned back to his lodging
he went along the gallery, and unto the door of
another loft, whereinto he went, and missed his
footing, and fell into the mead-vat and was lost
there. So sings Thiodolf of Hvin :
Now hath befallen
In Frodi's house
The word of fate
To fall on Fiolnir :
That the windless wave
Of the wild bull's spears
That lord should do
To death by drowning.
SWEGDIR took the realm to him after his
father, and he vowed a vow to go seek
Godhome and Odin the Old. He fared
with twelve men wide through the world ; he
came out to Turkland and Sweden the Great, and
found there many of his kin and friends, and he
was five winters about this journey ; then he cam_e
home to Sweden, and dwelt there at home yet
awhile. He had wedded a woman called Vana out
in Vanhome, and their son was called Vanland.
But Swegdir fared yet again a-seeking God-
26 The Saga Library. XVI
home. Now in the east parts of Sweden is a great
stead called Stone, where is a rock as big as big
houses be ; so one evening-tide after sunset, whenas
Swegdir went from the drinking to his sleeping-
bower, he looked on the stone, and lo, there sat a
dwarf thereunder. Now Swegdir and his men were
very drunk, and they ran to the stone, and the
dwarf stood in the door thereof and called on
Swegdir, and bade him come in there, if he would
find Odin. Swegdir ran into the stone and it shut
behind him straightway, and Swegdir never came
back again. So sings Thiodolf of Hvin :
There the day-shunning
Diirnir's offspring,
The dark-halls' warden.
Won King Swegdir,
When into the stone
Leapt tlie strong-hearted,
The man all reckless,
After the dwarf kind ;
Then when the bright
Abode of giants,
Sokmimir's hall,
Gaped high o'er the king.
THE son of Swegdir was Vanland, and he
took the realm after his father, and ruled
over the Wealth of Upsala ; he was a
great warrior, and fared wide about the world.
One winter-tide he abode in F"inland with Snow
the Old, and there wedded his daughter Drift ; but
in the spring-tide he went his ways and Drift was
left behind, but he promised to come back after the
XVI The story of the Ynglings. 27
space of three winters, yet came he not back in ten
winters. Then sent Drift after Huld the witchwife,
but sent Visbur, the son of her and Vanland, to
Sweden. Drift made a bargain with Huld the
witchwife to this end, that she was to draw Van-
land to Finland by spells or else slay him ; but
when the spell was set forth, then was Vanland
at Upsala. Then he grew fain of faring to Finland,
but his friends and counsellors forbade him, and
said that the wizardry of the Fins was busy in his
desire. Then he became heavy with slumber, and
laid himself down to sleep, but when he had slept
but a short space, he cried out and said that the
Mare was treading him. His men went to him and
would help him ; but when they went to his head,
she betrod his legs, so that they were nigh broken,
and when they went to the legs, she so smothered
the head of him, that there he died. The Swedes
took his corpse and burned it beside the river
called Skuta ; and there standing-stones were set
up to him. So sings Thiodolf :
Now the witch-wight
Drave King Vanland
Down to visit
Vihr's brother.
There the troll-wise
Blind-night's witchwife
Trod all about
Men's over-thrower.
The jewel-caster.
He whom the mare quelled,
On Skuta's bed,
There was he burning.
28 The Saga Library. XVII
VISBUR took to him the heritage of Van-
land his father, and fell to wedding the
daughter of Aude the Wealthy, to whom
he gave as a dower three great towns and a gold
necklace ; two sons they had, Gisl and Ondur.
Then Visbur left her alone, and took to him another
wife, and she fared to her father with her sons.
Visbur had a son called Domald, and his step-
mother let sing unluck at him. So when Visbur's
sons were twelve and thirteen years old each, they-
went to him and claimed the dower of their
mother, but he would not yield up the same.
Then they cried out that that gold necklace should
be the bane of the best man of his kin, and so
went their ways home. Then was yet more sorcery
set a-brewing and to this end, that they should
have might to slay their father. Therewith Huld
the witchwife declared unto them that even so she
would work her spell, yea and moreover that the
slaying of kin by kin should ever after follow the
blood of the Ynglings ; and thereto they said yea.
Then they gathered folk to them, and fell on
Visbur unawares a-night-time, and burned him in
his house. So sings Thiodolf :
And King Visbur's
Will-burg next
Swallowed up
The sea's hot brother.
When the seat-warders
Let loose the baneful
Thief of the woodland
XVIII The story of the Yngliugs. 29
On Visbur tlieir father.
And the roaring wolf
Of the red gleed bit
The mighty king
All in his hearth-keel.
DOMALD took to him the heritage of
Visbur his father, and ruled the lands ;
and in his days there fell on the Swedes
great hunger and famine. Then the Swedes set
up great blood-offerings at Upsala : the first
autumn they offered up oxen, but none the more was
the earth's increase bettered ; the next autumn
they offered up men, and the increase of the year
was the same, or worse it might be ; but the third
autumn came the Swedes tlockmeal to Upsala
whenas the sacrifices should be. Then held the
great men counsel together, and were of one
accord that this scarcity was because of Domakl
their king, and withal that they should sacrifice
him for the plenty of the year ; yea, that they
should set on him and slay him, and redden the
seats of the gods with the blood of him ; and even
so they did. So sayeth Thiodolf :
Of yore agone was it
That they the sword-bearers
Must redden the meadows
With blood of their lord : •,
When the land-folk were bearing
Their blood-wetted weapons
Away from the place
Where Domald lay life-spent.
30 The Saga Library. XIX-XX
When the Swedish people
Fain of plenty
Brought to undoing
The bane of the Jute-folk.
THE son of Domald was Domar, who next
ruled the reahn. His rule over the land
endured long, and there was good plenty
and peace throughout his days ; of him is nought
more told save that he died in his bed at Upsala,
and was borne forth to F"yri's meads, and burned
there on the river-bank whereas are his standing-
stones. So sayeth Thiodolf :
Oft have I
Of men of lore
Asked concerning
The corpse of Yngvi,
Where in earth Domar
Was down borne
By the roaring bright
Bane of Half
Now wot I surely
That sickness-bitten
Fiolnir's offspring
By Fyri burned.
DYGGVI was the name of his son, who
ruled over the land after him : and of
whom nought is told, save that he died in
his bed ; as Thiodolf says :
XXI The Stoyy of tJie Vnglings. 31
Nouglit I misdoubt me
That Glitnir's goddess
Hath Dyggvi dead
For her own plaything ;
For the sister of Wolf,
The sister of Narfi,
Must come to choose
The kingly man.
And the over-ruler
Of Yngvi's people
Loki's sister
Has bewitched.
The mother of Dyggvi was Drott, the daughter
of King Danp, the son of Rig, who was the first
who was called King in the tongue of the Danes,
and his kin have ever after held the name of King
for the highest among names of honour. Now
Dyggvi was the first who was called King among
his kin, but or his time they were called Drott-
nar, and their wives, Drottningar, and the company
of their court, Drott. But Yngvi or Ynguni was
everyone of that kin called through all the days of
his life, and the whole race is called Ynglings.
Queen Drott was sister of King Dan the Proud,
after whom Denmark is named.
THE son of King Dyggvi was Day, who
took the kingdom after his time, and so
wise a man he was, that he knew the
speech of fowl ; and a certain sparrow he had
which told him many tidings, and ever flew from
land to land ; and on a time when the sparrow
32 TJic Saga Library. XXI
flew into Reith Gothland, to a stead called Vorvi, he
flew into a carle's cornfield, and there gat his meat ;
but the carle came upon him, and caught up a stone,
and smote the sparrow dead. Now King Day was
ill at ease that his sparrow came not home, so he
betook him to sacrifice of atonement, to know
what had betid, and he had answer that his sparrow
was slain at Vorvi. So he summoned to him a great
host and went his ways to Gothland, and when he
came to Vorvi, he went upintothecountry and harried
there, and folk fled away far and wide before him.
Now King Day turned back with his army to the
ships as evening-tide drew on, and he had slain
many folk and taken many ; and as they crossed
over a certain river at a place called Shooter's-ford,
or Weapon-ford, a certain field-thrall ran out from
the wood unto the river-bank, and cast a hayfork
amidst their company, and it smote the king upon
the head, and he fell from his horse straightway,
and got his death therefrom ; and his men went
back to Sweden.
In those days a lord who went a-warring was
called "gram," and the warriors werecalled " gramir."
So sings Thiodolf :
or Day heard I,
How forth he wended
Fain of fame
To his fated death ;
When unto Vorvi
Came he that tameth
The death-rod's hunger
For his sparrow's avenging.
Yea e'en that word
All unto the eastways
XXII The story of the Ynglings. 33
The folk of the king
l<'roni fight must bear,
That the fork that pitcliclh
The meat of Sleipnir
Hath laid alow
That lord of battle.
AGNI was the name of Day's son, who was
king in his stead, a mighty man and far-
famed, a great warrior, and a man of all
prowess in all matters. On a summer King Agni
went with his armv to Finland, and went a-land
and harried there ; but the Fins drew together
a great host and met him in battle, and Frosty
was the name of their lord. So a fierce fight befell
wherein King Agni gained the day, and Frosty
fell there and many of his host with him. So
King Agni fared, war-shield aloft, through Fin-
land, and laid it under him, and gat mighty great
booty ; and he took and had away with him Skialf
the daughter of Frosty, as well as Logi her
So when he sailed from the east, he made for
Stock-Sound, and pitched his tents south on the
strand, whereas wood then was. Now King
Agni had that gold necklace which Visbur had
owned. But King Agni must needs wed Skialf,
and she prayed him to hold a funeral feast over
her father ; and he did so, and bade to himself
many mighty men and made a great feast : of
mighty fame was he grown because of this way-
faring. So at this feast were there great drinkings,
111. 1.1
34 TJic Saga Library. XXII
and when King Agni was merry with drink, then
Skialf bade him heed well the necklace which he
had on his neck ; so he fell to and bound it strongly
on his neck or ever he went to sleep. But his
land-tent stood by the wood-side, and there was a
high tree over the tent to shade it from the sun's
heat. So whenas King Agni was asleep, then
Skialf took a stout rope, and did it under the neck-
lace. But her men overthrew the tent-poles, and
cast a bight of the rope up into the tree-boughs,
and then hauled at it so that the king hung right
under the tree -limb, and gat his bane thereby ;
then Skialf and her men ran a-shipboard and rowed
away. King Agni was burned there, and sithence
the place was called Agnis-thwaite, being in the
eastern part of the Taur and west of Stock-Sound.
So says Thiodolf :
I count it wondrous
If Agnis' men
Deemed redes of Skialf
For the redes of fate.
When with the gold-gaud
That goodly king
Logi's sister
Hove aloft :
He who on Taur-mead
Needs must tame
The wind-cold steed
Of Signy's husband.
XXIII The story of the Yngliugs. 35
ALREK and Eric, sons of Agni, were
kings in his stead ; mighty men were
they and great warriors, and skilled in
manly deeds : their wont it was to ride horses and
break them both to the amble and the gallop, and
greater was their skill therein than of any other
men ; and with the utmost eagerness they strove
with each other which rode the better, and had the
best horses. On a time the two brethren rode
away from other men, with their best horses, taking
their way out into a certain mead, and never came
back ; and when men went to seek them, they
found them both dead, and the head of each one all
to-broken, but no weapon had they save the bits of
their horses ; and men deemed that they had slain
each other therewith. So sings Thiodolf :
Alrek fell
Whenas fell Eric
Brought to his bane
By his brother's weapons :
There with the headgear
Of riding-horses
Day's kin, 'tis said,
Did kill each other :
None yet had heard
Of horses' harness
Plied in the fight
By Frey's own offspring.
36 The Saga Library. XXIV
YNGVI and Alf were the sons of Alrek,
and took kind's rule next in Sweden
Ynevi was a ereat warrior and ever
'&■* ""-^ " J,'
happy in battle, fair and of the greatest prowess,
stronof and most brisk in fieht, bountiful of his
wealth, and one of cheerful heart, and from all this
he became famed and beloved. But King Alf, his
brother, sat at home, nor went to the wars, and he
was called Althing ; he was a moody man, masterful
and rough ; his mother was Daybright, the daughter
of King Day the Mighty, from whom are come the
King Alf had to wife Bera, the fairest and
eagerest of women, a woman most gleesome of
heart. Now Yngvi Alrekson was once again come
in autumn-tide to Upsala from the viking wars, full
of all fame, and oft he sat long a-drinking be-
nights ; but often would King Alf be going early
to bed. Queen Bera sat full oft late of an evening,
and Yngvi and she had privy talk together. Hereon
would Alf oft be speaking to her and bidding her
to go earlier to bed, for that he would not lie awake
for her. Then said she that happy were the
woman that had Yngvi to her husband rather than
Alf, and Alf grew exceeding wroth when she spake
that word full oft.
On a night Alf went into the hall, whenas
Ynsfvi and Bera sat a-talkine in the high-seat ;
and Yngvi had a sword across his knees. Now
were men much drunken, and gave no heed to the
XXV The story of the Ynglings. 37
king's coming in ; but King Alf went up to the
high-seat, and drew a sword from under his cloak
and thrust it through Yngvi his brother. Tlien
Yngvi sprang up and drew his glaive and smote
Alf deadly, and they both fell dead to the floor : so
Alf and Yngvi were laid in mound in Fyri's meads.
So says Thiodolf :
There he the warden
Of holy stalls
Must lie dead, slaughtered
By Alf the Slayer,
Whenas Day's offspring
A-rage with envy
Must redden blade
In blood of Yngvi.
Unmeet that Bera
Should whet to battle
The slain men's lullers,
Whenas two brethren,
Each unto each grown
All unhelpful,
For jealous grudge
Must slay each other.
HUGLEHv hight the son of Alf, who had
the kingdom of the Swedes after those
brethren, because the sons of Yngvi
were then but children in years. King Hugleik
was no warrior, but sat at home in the seat of
peace ; he was exceeding wealthy, and niggard of
wealth withal. He had in his court many of
all kinds of minstrels, harp-players, and jig-players.
38 The Saga Library. XXV
and fiddlers; and spell-workers he had with him also,
and all kind of cunning folk.
Now Haki and Hagbard were two brethren of
great fame ; sea-kings were they, and had a great
company ; and whiles they went both together, and
whiles each one alone, and many champions there
were with either. Now King Haki went with his
army to Sweden against King Hugleik. So King
Hugleik gathered together an host against him, and
there came into his fellowship two brethren, Swip-
daof and Geisrad, men of fame both, and the
greatest of champions. King Haki had twelve
champions with him, and Starkad the Old was
then of his fellowship, and King Haki himself
withal was the greatest of champions. They met
on Fyri's meads, and a great battle befell there, and
anon Hugleik's folk fell fast ; then set on those
chiefs, Swipdagand Geigad, but Haki's champions
went six against each, and they were taken. Then
went Haki into the shield-burg against Hugleik
the king, and slew him there, and his two sons
withal. Thereupon the Swedes fled ; but King
Haki now laid the lands under him, and became
king over the Swedes, and sat at home by his
lands for three winters ; and amid that peace and
quiet his champions went from him to the viking
wars, and thus gat wealth to themselves.
XXVI-VII The story of the Yngliugs. 39
JORUND and Eric were the sons of Yngvi,
the son of Alrek ; they lay out at sea in
their warships all this while, and were great
warriors. One summer they harried in Denmark,
and there happened on Gudlaug, the King of
Halogaland, and had a battle with him, which had
such end, that Gudlaug's ship was cleared, and he
himself taken. They brought him a-land at Strcam-
isle-ness, and there hanged him, and there his folk
heaped up a mound above him. So says Eyvind
the Skald-spiller :
Gudlaug moreover,
Borne down by tlie might
Of the Eastland kings,
Must tame the grim-heart
Horse of Sigar;
The sons of Yngvi
On the tree they horsed him
The jewel-waster.
There then corpse-ridden
Stands the windy tree
On the Ness a-drooping
Where the deep bays sunder.
'Tis the ness of Slream-isle,
Famed in story
By the mark of a stone
For the mound of a king.
THOSE brothers Eric and Jorund won
much fame from this deed, and they
deemed themselves far greater men than
aforetime. They heard that King Haki of Sweden
40 The Saga Libyary. XXVIII
had sent his champions from him, so they made
for Sweden and drew an host together. As soon
as the Swedes knew that the Ynglings were come
thither, a countless host flocked to them. Then
they laid their shijjs into the Low, and made for
Upsala to fall on King Haki, but he went out
into Fyri's meads against them, and his company
was far less than theirs. Fierce fight befell there,
and King Haki set on so hard that he felled all
who were anigh him, and in the end slew King
Eric, and hewed down the banner of the brethren.
Then fled King Jorund away to his ships with all
his folk. Now King Haki had gotten such sore
hurts, that he saw that the days of his life would
not be long ; so he let take a swift ship that he
had, and lade it with dead men and weapons, and
let bring it out to sea, and ship the rudder, and
hoist up the sail, and then let lay fire in tar-
wood, and make a bale aboard. The wind blew
offshore, and Haki was come nigh to death, or
was verily dead, when he was laid on the bale,
and the ship went blazing out into the main sea ;
and of great fame was that deed for long and long-
JORUND, the son of King Yngvi, now became
king at Upsala and swayed the realm, and
ofttimeswent hea-warring in the summer-tide;
and on a summer he fared with his host to Den-
mark, and harried in Jutland, and in the autumn
XXIX The story of the Yngliiigs. 41
went up Limbfirth, and harried thereabout, and
laid his ships in Oddsound. Then came thither
with a mighty host Gylaug, King of Halogaland,
the son of Gudlaug who is aforenamed, and he fell
to battle with Jorund. But the folk of that land
were ware thereof; they flocked thither from all
quarters with ships both great and small. So there
was King Jorund overborne by multitudes, and
his ships cleared, and he himself leaped overboard
a-swimming, but they laid hands on him, and
brought him a-land. Then let King Gylaug rear up
a gallows, and lead Jorund thereto, and hang him
thereon ; and thus his life-days ended. So sings
Jorund who died
In yore-agone
Must lay down life
In Limafirth ;
When the high-breasted
Hemp-rope Sleipnir
Must needs bear up
The bane of Gudlaug.
And there the leavings
Of Hagbard's goat
Gripped hard the neck
Of the Hersirs' ruler.
UN, or Ani, was the son of Jorund, who
was king over the Swedes after his father.
He was a wise man, and held much by
blood-offerings ; no warrior, but abode on his
lands in peace.
42 TJie Saga Library. XXIX
Now in the days when these kings aforesaid
bare rule at Upsala, the kings over the Danes
were, first, Dan the Proud, who lived to be ex-
ceeding old ; then his son Frodi the Proud, or the
Peaceful, and then Halfdan and Fridleif the sons
of him, and these were great warriors. Halfdan
was the older, and the foremost in all matters ;
and he went with an army against King Aun of
Sweden, and certain battles they had wherein
Halfdan ever gained the day ; and in the end
King Aun fled into West Gautland, whenas he
had been king at Upsala for five-and-twenty years ;
and for twenty-five winters he abode in Gautland,
while King Halfdan ruled at Upsala. King Half-
dan died in his bed at Upsala, and was laid in
mound there. Thereafter came King Aun yet
again to Upsala, and was then sixty years old.
Then he made a great sacrifice for length of days,
and gave Odin his son, and he was offered up to
him. Then gat King Aun answer from Odin that
he should live yet another sixty winters : so he
reigned on at Upsala for twenty-five winters more.
Then came Ali the Bold, the son of Fridleif, with
an army to Sweden against King Aun, and battles
they had, and King Ali ever had the better part;
and again King Aun fled his realm, and went into
West Gautland ; and Ali was king in Upsala
twenty-and-five winters or ever Starkad the Old
slew him. After the fall of Ali, King Aun went
back again to Upsala, and ruled the realm there
yet five-and-twenty winters. Then he made yet
another great sacrifice for the lengthening of his
life, and offered up another of his sons ; but Odin
XXIX The story of the Ynglings. 43
answered him that he should live on ever, even so
long as he gave Odin one of his sons every tenth
year ; and bade him withal give a name to some
county in his land, according to the tale of those
sons of his whom he should offer up to Odin. So
when he had offered up seven sons, then he lived
ten winters yet in such case that he might not go
afoot, but was borne about on a chair. Then he
offered up yet again the eighth son of his, and lived
ten winters yet, and then lay bedridden. Then
he offered up his ninth son, and lived ten winters
yet, and then must needs drink from a horn, even
as a swaddling babe. Now had he one son yet
left, and him also would he offer up, and give to
Odin Upsala withal and the country-side there-
about, and let call it Tenthland ; but the Swedes
forbade it him, and there was no sacrifice So King
Aun died, and was laid in howe at Upsala ; and
ever since is it called Aun's sickness when a man
dies painless of eld. So sings Thiodolf :
In days agone
At Upsala
Must Aun sickness
For Aun work ending :
And he the king
To life strong-clinging
.Sank back again
To second childhood.
Yea, the little end
Of the long sword
That the bull beareth,
Beareth he mouthward.
There the son-slayer
Drank from the sword-point
44 TJie Saga Library. XXX
Of the yoke reindeer,
Drank lying lowly.
No might had the East King
To hold aloft
The herd's head-weapon.
EGIL was the name of the son of Aim who
was king in Sweden after his father ; he
was no warrior, but abode on his lands in
peace. He had a thrall hight Tunni, who had
been with Aun the Old, and was his treasurer ; but
when Aun the Old was dead, then took Tunni
abundance of his wealth and buried it under the
earth. But now when Egil became king he set
Tunni amid the other thralls ; and this he took
exceeding ill, and ran away, and many other thralls
with him ; and they dug up the money which Tunni
had buried, and he gave the same to his men, and
they took him to be lord over them. Thereafter
there flocked to him much folk of the runagates,
and they lay abroad in the wild-wood ; but whiles
would they fall on the country-sides, and rob men
or slay them. Now King Egil heard thereof, and
went to seek them with his host; but on a night,
when he had taken up his quarters, came Tunni
with his folk and fell on them unawares, and slew
many of the king's men. So when King Egil was
ware that war was come upon him, he turned against
Tunni, and set up his banner, but many of his folk
fled away from him, so furiously as Tunni, he and
XXX The story of tJie Yilgliiigs. 45
his, set on, and King Egil saw nought for it but to
flee. So Tunni and his folk drave the whole rout
to the wild-wood, and then fared back to the peopled
land, and harried and robbed, and found nought to
withstand them. All the wealth Tunni took in the
country-sides he gave to his men, whereof he became
well-beloved and followed of many.
Now King Egil gathered an army together and
went against Tunni ; so they fought, and Tunni
prevailed, and King Egil fled away, and lost many
men : eieht battles had Kinir Efjil and Tunni to-
gether, and in all of them Tunni gained the vic-
tory. So thereafter King Egil fled away from the
land, and made for Selund in Denmark and the
court of King Frodi the Bold ; and there he pro-
mised for King Prodi's helping scat from the
Swedes. So Frodi gave him an host and his cham-
pions withal, and Egil went his ways to Sweden.
And whenas Tunni knew thereof, he went against
him with his host, and they fought together a great
batde, wherein Tunni fell. So King Egil took his
realm to him, and the Danes went back home.
King Egil sent King Frodi good gifts and great
at each season, but paid no scat to the Danes, and
yet held good the friendship twixt him and Frodi ;
and after Tunni's fall King Egil ruled the realm
alone yet three winters.
It fell out in Sweden that there was a certain
bull set apart for sacrifice, that waxed old, and
was nourished so over abundantly that it grew
outrageous ; and so when men would take him, he
fled away into the woods, and went wild, and was
long time in the thicket, and dealt dreadfully with
46 The Saga Library. XXX
men. Now King Egil was a mighty hunter, and
oft he rode day-long through the woods a-hunting
wild deer ; and so on a time, whenas he had ridden
with his men to the hunting, the king chased a
certain deer a long while, and had followed after
it on the spur into the woods away from all his
folk : then was he ware of that bull, and rode to
him, and would slay him. The bull turned to meet
him, and the king got a thrust at him, but the spear
glanced from off him ; then the bull thrust his horn
into the horse's flank, so that he fell flat, and the
king with him. The king leaped to his feet, and
would draw his sword, but the bull thrust his horns
into the breast of the king, so that they stood deep
therein. Then came the king's goodmen thereto,
and slew the bull. The king lived but a little while,
and was laid in mound at Upsala. Hereof says
The happy of praise
High kin of Tyr
Must flee before
The might of Tunni.
The Jotun's yoke-beast
Reddened thereafter
The bull's head-sword
J n the breast of Egil ;
The beast who a great while
Wide through the east-wood
Had borne aloft
The brow's high temple.
Yea, and the sheathless
Sword of the bull-beast
Stood deep in the heart
Of the son of the Skylfings.
XXXI The Story of the Ynglings. 47
OTTAR was the name of the son of Egil,
and he took the reahii and kingdom after
him. No friendship he held with King
Frodi, so Frodi sent men to King Ottar to claim
the scat which Egil had promised him. Ottar
answered that the Swedes had never paid scat to
the Danes, and said that neither would he do so
now ; and therewith the messengers went their
ways back. Now Frodi was a great warrior, and
so on a certain summer he went with his host
to Sweden, made the fray there, and harried,
and slew many folk, and took some captives.
There gat he exceeding great prey, and burnt
and wasted the dwellings of men, and wrought the
greatest deeds of war. But the next summer Frodi
the king went a-warring in the East-Countries, and
thereon King Ottar heard tell that King Frodi was
not in the land ; so he went aboard his warships
and made for Denmark, and harried there.and found
nought to withstand him. Now he heard that men
were gathered thick in Selund, and he turned
west through Eyre-Sound, and then sailed south
to Jutland, and lays his keels for Limbfirth, and
harries about Vendil, and burns there, and lays
the land waste far and wide whereso he came.
Vatt and Fasti were Frodi's earls whom he had
set to the warding of the land whiles he was away
thence ; so when these earls heard that the Swede
king was harrying in Denmark, they gathered force,
and leapt a-shipboard, and sailed south to Limb-
48 TJte Saga Library. XXXI
firth, and came all unawares upon KingOttar, and
fell to fighting ; but the Swedes met them well,
and folk fell on either side ; but as the folk of the
Danes fell, came more in their stead from the
country-sides around, and all ships withal were
laid to that were at hand. So such end the battle
had, that there fell King Ottar, and the more part
of his host. The Danes took his dead body and
brought it a-land, and laid it on a certain mound,
and there let wild things and common fowl tear the
carrion. Withal they made a crow of tree and sent
it to Sweden, with this word to the Swedes, that
that King Ottar of theirs was worth but just so
much as that ; so afterwards men called him Ottar
Vendil-crow. So says Thiodolf :
Into the ern's grip
Fell the great Ottar,
The doughty of deed,
Before the Dane's weapons :
When gledes of war
With bloody feet
Tore him about,
And trod on Vendil.
I hear these works
Of Vatt and Fasti
Were set in tale
By Swedish folk :
That Prodi's island's
Earls between them
Had slain the famous
XXXII-III l^he story of tlieYiigliugs. 49
ADILS was the name of King Ottar's son,
who ruled in his stead. He was king a
long while, an exceeding wealthy man,
and went warring certain summers. Now King
Adils came with his army to Saxland. A king
reigned thereover called Gerthiof, and his wife was
hight Alof the Mighty, but nought is told of their
having children. This king was not in the land as
then. So King Adils and his men rushed up to
the king's stead and robbed there, and some drave
down the herds to a strand-slaughtering. Certain
bondfolk, both men and women, had had the wai-d-
ing of the herd, and all these the king's men took
with them : among these folk was a maiden won-
drous fair, named Yrsa. So King Adils fared home
with his war-gettincjs, and Yrsa was not left among^
the bondmaids : men speedily found that she was
wise and fair-spoken, plenteous in knowledge of all
matters, so they held her in great account, but the
king most of all ; so that it came about that. King
Adils wedded her, and Yrsa was queen in Sweden,
and was deemed the erreatest of noble women.
KING HELGI, the son of Halfdan, ruled
in Hleithra in those days, and he came to
Sweden with so great an host that King
Adils saw nought for it but to flee away. So King
50 The Saga L ibrary. XXXIII
Helgi went ashore with his host and harried, and
got plenteous pkinder, and laid hands on Yrsa the
queen, and had her away with him to Hleithra,
and wedded her, and their son was Rolf Kraki.
But when Rolf was three winters old, then came
Queen Alof to Denmark, and therewithal she told
Queen Yrsa that King Helgi her husband was no
less her father withal, and that she, Alof, was her
mother. Then Yrsa went back to Sweden to King
Adils, and was queen there ever after whiles she
lived. King Helgi fell in battle whenas Rolf Kraki
was eight winters old, who was straightway holden
as king at Hleithra. King Adils had mighty strife
with a king called Ali the Uplander from out of
Norway. King Adils and King Ali had a battle
on the ice of the Vener Lake, and Ali fell there,
but Adils gained the day. Concerning this battle
is much told in the Story of the Skioldungs, and
also how Rolf Kraki came to Upsala to Adils;
and that was when Rolf Kraki sowed gold on the
Now King Adils had great joyance in good
horses, and had the best horses of that time :
Slinger was the name of one of his horses, and
another he had called Raven ; him he took from
Ali dead, and of him was begotten another horse
who was called Raven, which he sent to Haloga-
land to King Godguest ; and King Godguest
backed him, but might not stay him ere he was
cast from his back, and gat his bane thereby : and
this befell at Omd, in Halogaland.
Now King Adils happed to be at a sacrifice to
the Goddesses, and rode his horse through the hall
XXXIV The Story of the Ynglings. 5 1
of the Goddesses ; and the horse tripped his feet
under him, and he fell and the king fell forward
from off him, so that his head smote on a stone, and
he brake his skull, and the brains lay on the stones,
whereby he gat his bane. y\dils died at Upsala,
and was laid in mound there, and the Swedes
called him a mighty king. So sings Thiodolf ;
Still have I heard
Of Adil's life-days,
How that the witch-wight
Should waste them wholly ;
How the doughty king.
The kin of Frey,
Must fall adown
From the steed's shoulder,
And that the brain-sea
Of the son of king-folk
Was mingled all
With miry grit.
And the deed-famed
Foe of Ali
Even at Upsala
Had his ending.
EYSTE I N Avas the name of the son of Adils,
who next ruled over the Swede-realm.
In his days fell Rolf Kraki at Hleithra.
At that time kings harried much in the realm of
Sweden, both Danes and Norsemen. Many sea-
kings there were, who were at the head of many
folk, but had no lands : he alone was accounted
aright a sea-king, who never slept under sooty
roof-tree, nor ever drank in hearth-ingle.
52 The Saga Library. XXXV
THERE was a sea-king named Solvi, the
son of Hogni of Niord's-isle, who in those
days harried in the East-countries, and
had a realm in Jutland withal. He made with his
host for Sweden ; and at that time was King
Eysteina-feastingin the country-side which is called
Lofund. Thither came King Solvi on him un-
wares and a-night-time, and beset the king in his
house, and burned him therein with all his court.
Then went Solvi to Sigtown, and bade folk name
him king, and take him for the same ; but the
Swedes gathered an host, and would defend the
land, and a fight befell, so great that it is told
thereof that it brakeoffneverfor the space of eleven
days. Therein gat King Solvi the victory, and
was king over the Swede-realm a long while, yea,
until the Swedes betrayed him and he was slain.
Hereof says Thiodolf:
I know how Eystein's
Ended life-thread
Lieth hidden
In Lofund country,
And say the Swedes
For sure, that Jute-folk
Burnt indoors
Their doughty ruler.
The mountain-tangles'
Biting sickness
Ran on the king
In the ship of the hearth-fires :
XXXVI The story of the Yngliiigs. 53
Then when the toft's-bark
Hurnt o'er the king,
And crowds of warriors.
THEREAFTER was Yngvar, the son of
King Eystein, king over the Swede-
realm ; a great warrior was he, and was
oft aboard warships, because in those days was
the Swede-reahn much troubled by war, both of
the Danes and the men of the East-countries.
Now King Yngvar made peace with the Danes,
and then fell to warring in the East-countries.
One summer he had out his host, and fared to
Esthonia, and harried there summer-long in the
part called Stone. Thither came down the Estho-
nian folk with a great army, and a battle befell ;
but by such odds were the folk of the land greater,
that the Swedes might not withstand them, and
King Yngvar fell there, but his folk fled away.
He was laid in mound there down by the very
sea, whereas it is called Adalsysla. So the Swedes
fared home after this overthrow. So says Thio-
Forth flew the news
How folk of Sysla
Had Yngvar done
To death a-fighting ;
How Eastland folk
Beside the Sea-heart
Smote the fair-cheeked
Chieftain deadly.
54 The Saga Library. XXXVII
Now the eastern sea
Ever singeth
Gymir's song
For the Swede-king's joyance.
ONUND was the son of Yngvar ; he was
the next to take the kingdom in Sweden.
In his day was there good peace in
Sweden, and he was very rich in chattels. King
Onund went with his army to Esthonia for the
avenging of his father. He went up a-land with
his host, and harried there far and wide, and got
great plunder, and went back in autumn-tide to
Sweden. In his days were there plenteous years
in Sweden, and King Onund was best beloved of
all kincrs. Now Sweden is a great woodland
country, and such great wild-woods are therein,
that it is many days' journey across them. So
King Onund set himself with great care and cost
to clearing the woods, and peopling the clearings ;
he let also make ways through the wild- woods, and
wide about therein was found woodless land, and
thus great country-sides were peopled there. So
bv this wise was the land widely settled, for the
folk of the land were enow for the peopling thereof.
Kingr Onund let cut roads throurfiout all Sweden,
both through the woods and the mires, and the
mountain wilds ; wherefore was he called Road-
Onund. King Onund set up a manor of his
in every shire of Sweden, and went through all the
land a-guesting.
XXXVIII The Stoyy of the Ynglings. 55
ROAD-ONUND had a son hiVht Insriald.
Now in those days was Yngvar king in
Fiadrundaland, and he had two sons
by his wife, one hight Alf, the other Agnar, and
they were much of an age with Ingiald. Wide
about Sweden in that time were there county-
kings of Road-Onund, and Swipdag the BHnd
ruled over Tentli-land. Upsala is in tliat county,
and there is the Thing of all the Swedes holden ;
and there also were great blood-offerings, and many
kings sought thither : and that was about mid-
winter. So on a certain winter were many folk
come to Upsala, and King Yngvar was there, and
his sons ; and both Alf, the son of King Yngvar,
and Ingiald, the son of King Onund, were six
winters old. So these fell to sporting as children
use, and each was to rule over his own band, and
so when they played together, then was Ingiald
proven feebler than Alf, and so ill he deemed that,
that he wept sore thereover. Then came to him
Gautvid his foster-brother, and led him away to
Swipdag the Blind his foster-father, and told him
how it had gone ill with him, and that he was
feebler and of less pith in the play than Alf, the
son of King Yngvar. Then answered Swipdag
that it was great shame thereof So the next
day Swipdag let take the heart out of a wolf
and roast it on a spit, and gave it thereafter to
Ingiald, the king's son, to eat: and thenceforth
56 The Saga Library. XXXIX
became he the grimmest of all men, and the evilest-
Now when Ingiald was come to man's estate,
then King Onund wooed a wife for him, even
Gauthikl, the daughter of King Algaut, who was
the son of King Gautrek the Bounteous, the son
of Gaut, after whom is Gautland named. King
Algaut thought assuredly that his daughter would
be exceeding well wedded if she were given to
the son of King Onund, if so be he was of the
same mind as his father. So the may was sent to
Sweden, and Inmald wedded her in due time.
NOW King Onund went from manor to
manor of his in the autumn-tide with his
court, and journeyed to a place called
eavenheath, where there are certain strait moun-
tain-valleys, with steep mountains on either side
thereof. Heavy rain was falling at that tide, but
before had snow fallen on the hills. So now there
tumbled down a mighty slip with stones and clay ;
but King Onund and his folk were in the way of
that slip, and the king gat his death thereby, and
many of his men with him. So says Thiodolf :
Onund the king
Was caught by tlie blTne
Of Jonaker's sons
Under the Heaven-fell.
All unsparing
On the Eastman's foeman
XL The Story of the Yngliugs. 57
Came the wrathful
Corpse destroyer.
There the handler
Of Hogni's bulrush
By the world's bones
Was overwhelmed.
THEN Ingiald, the son of King Onund,
took the kingdom at Upsala. Now the
Upsala kings were the master-kings in
Sweden, whenas there were many county-kings
therein, from the time that Odin was lord in
Sweden ; but the chiefs that abode at Upsala were
sole lords over the Swede-realm until that Agni
died. But then was the realm first apportioned
between brethren, as is afore writ ; and afterwards
the realm and kingdom drifted apart amongst kin,
even as these were sundered ; but some of these
kings cleared great woodlands and peopled them,
and thereby eked out their realms. But when
King Ingiald took the realm and kingdom, were
there many county-kings, as is written afore.
Now Kincr Incjiald let set afoot a cfreat feast at
Upsala, with the mind to hold the heirship feast
over his father, King Onund ; and he let array a
certain hall, neither less nor less seemly than the
hall at Upsala, and he called it the hall of the
Seven Kings, and there were made therein seven
King Ingiald sent men all over Sweden, and
58 The Saga Library. XL
bade to him kings and earls, and other men of
note. To this feast came Kinij Aljraut, the father-
in-law of Ingiald, and King Yngvar of Fiadrunda-
land, with his two sons, Alf and Agnar ; King
Sporsniallr withal of Nerick, and Sigvat, King of
Eighth-land. But Granmar, King of Southman-
land, was not come. So six kings were set down in
the new hall ; but one high-seat of those that King
Ingiald had let make wasemptj-. All the folk that
had come thither had place in the new hall ; but
Kin"- Injjiald had settled his own court and fjood-
men in the hall of Upsala. Now the custom it was
of those days that when an heirship feast was to be
holden over kings or earls, he who made the said
feast, and was to be brought to his heritage, should
sit on a stool before the high-seat, until such time
as the cup was borne in, which was called the
Bragi-cup : then should he stand up to meet the
Bragi-cup, and take oath, and drink out the cup
thereafter, and then be led into the high-seat
that was his father's, and thus was he fully come
into the heritage of all things after him.
Now in like ways was it done here, for when
the Bragi-cup came in, uprose Ingiald the king,
and took a great bull's horn, and took even such an
oath that he would increase his realm by the half on
every one of the four quarters of heaven, or else
would die ; and therewithal he drank out the horn.
But when men were drunken a-night-time, then
spake King Ingiald to Gautvid and Hulvid, the
sons of Swipdag, and bade them arm with all their
folk, even as had been laid down aforehand that
same night. So they went out to the new hall
XLI The Story of the Yngliugs. 59
and bare fire thereto ; and so then the hall fell
ablaze, and the six kings were burned therein with
all their folk, but all those who sought to come out
were slain speedily.
Thereafter Kin;/ Iny;iald laid under him all the
dominions that these kings had owned, and took
scat therefrom.
KING GRAN MAR heard the tidings of
all this bewrayal, and he deemed it might
well be that the same fate was brewing
for him, if he paid not good heed thereto. That
same summer Hiorvard the king, who was called
the Ylfing, came with his host to Sweden, and
laid his ships in the firth called Mirk-firth. But
when King Granmar knew that, he sent men to
him, and bade him come feast with him with all
his men ; and he took the biddincj crladlv, because
he had not harried the realm of Kintr Granmar.
So when he came to the feast, there was the wel-
come goodly. And so in the evening when the cup
came in, it was the wont of those kings who abode
at home that at the feasts which they let make, folk
should drink benights two and two, to every man
a woman, as far as men and women would pair,
and then the odd tale of them apart together ; but
the viking law was it that they should drink all in
company, even when they were a-guesting. Now the
hisjh-seat of King: Hiorvard was digfht over arainst
the high-seat of King Granmar, and all his men
6o The Saga Library. XLI
sat on that dais. Then King Granmar bade his
daughter Hildigunna to array herself and bear ale
to the vikings ; and she was the fairest of all
women. So she took a silver bowl and filled it,
and went before King Hiorvard, and spake :
" Hail to ye all, O Ylfings ! This in memory of
Rolf Kraki ! " And therewith she drank the half
of the cup, and then gave it unto King Hiorvard.
Now he took the cup, yea, and her hand withal,
and bade her sit beside him ; but she said it was
not the use of vikings to drink sitting paired with
women. Hiorvard answered and said, it was
more like that now he would for a shift do this, to
let the viking law go somewhat, and drink paired
with her. Then sat Hildigunna beside him, and
they drank together, and talked of many things
that evening. But the next day when the kings
met, even Granmar and Hiorvard, Hiorvard fell
to his wooing, and bade for Hildigunna.
King Granmar laid the matter before Hild his
wife, and other great folk of his realm, and said that
they would have great avail in King Hiorvard.
Good rumour there was thereat, and to all it
seemed well counselled, and so the end was that
Hildifjunna was betrothed to Kino- Hiorvard, and
he wedded her. Hiorvard was to dwell with King
Granmar, because he had no son born to ward his
realm for him.
XLII The Story of the YiigUngs. 6i
THAT same autumn King Ingiald gathered
force with the mind to fall on those folk
allied ; he had an host out from all those
realms which he had aforetime laid under him.
But when those kin-in-law heard thereof, they
cjathered force in their realm, and there came to
their helping King Hogni and Hildir his son, who
ruled over East Gautland : Hogni was the father
of Hild, whom Granmar had to wife. So King
Ingiald went up a-land with all his host, and had
overwhelming odds against them. Now they
meet in battle, and of the hardest it was; but when
they had fought a little while, there fled away the
lords who ruled over Fiadrundaland and West
Gautland and Nerick and Eighth-land, with all
the host that were come from those lands, and gat
them to the ships. Then was Ingiald hard bestead
and gat many wounds, and therewith fled away to
his ships; but Swipdag the Blind, his foster-father,
fell there, and both his sons, Gautvid and Hulvid.
King Ingiald fared back to Upsala with things in
such a plight, and was ill-content with his journey,
and deemed it well to be seen that the host which he
had from his realm conquered by war would be but
untrusty. Sore war there was afterwards betwixt
King Ingiald and King Granmar; but when a long
while things had thus o-one on, the friends of either
of them brought it so about that they made truce.
62 The Saga Library. XLIII
and the kings appointed a meeting between them-
selves, and they met and made peace together,
even King- Incriald and King Granmar and King
Hiorvard his son-in-law; and the peace should
hold good betwixt them whiles they all three lived ;
and it was bound by oath and troth. The next
spring went King Granmar to Upsala to the blood-
offering, as the wont was at the coming of summer,
for good peace ; and suchwise the lot fell to him
thereat that he would not live long : so he went
back home to his realm.
THE next autumn fared King Granmar and
King Hiorvard his son-in-law to guesting
in the isle called Sili at their own manor
therein ; and so while they were at this feasting,
thither came King Ingiald with his army on a
night, and took the house over them, and burned
them therein with all their folk. Thereafter he
laid under him all the realm which those kings
had had, and set lords over it. But King Hogni
and Hildir his son would oft ride up in the
Swede-realm, and slay those men of Ingiald's
whom he had set over the realm of King Granmar
their kinsman-in-law. So for a long while was
there mighty strife betwixt King Hogni and King
Ingiald ; nevertheless King Hogni held his realm
in King Ingiald's despite even to his death-day.
King Ingiald had two children by his wife, the
eldest (a daughter) was called Asa, and the other,
XLIV TJie Story of the Y)igliiigs. 63
Olaf the Tree-shaver ; but this lad Gauthild, the
wife of King Ingiald, sent to Rovi her foster-father
in West Gautland, and there was lie reared along
with Saxi, the son of Bovi, who was called the
Now men say that King Ingiald slew twelve
kings, and betrayed them all whenas they trusted
in him ; he was called Ingiald Evil-heart, and
was king over the greater part of Sweden. Asa,
his daughter, he wedded to Gudrod, King of
Scania ; she was of like mind to her father. Asa
brought it about that Gudrod slew his brother
Halfdan ; but Halfdan was the father of Ivar
Wide-fathom. Withal Asa accomplished the death
of Gudrod her husband, and then fled away to her
father ; and she was called Asa Evil-heart.
IVAR WIDE-FATHOM came to Scania
after the fall of Gudrod, his father's brother,
and straightway gathered together a great
host, and went his ways up Swedenward. Now
Asa Evil-heart was before that gone to her
lather; but King Ingialdwasa-feastingat hismanor
of Raening when he knew that the host of King
Ivaf was come anigh; nor did he deem that he
was of might to meet King Ivar in battle; and,
on the other hand, he deemed it certain that,
if he fled away, his foes would gather together
against him from every side. So he and Asa fell
to that counsel which has now become far-famed,
64 77/6' Sao-a Libmry. XLV
for they made all their folk dead drunk, and then
let lay fire in the hall, and the hall burned there,
and all the folk that were therein, along with King
Ino;-iald and Asa. So savs Thiodolf :
There was Ingiald
Trod to his ending
By the reek-flinger
At Rrening manor :
When tlie house-thief
Fiery footed
Stalked through and through
The God-sprung king.
And such betiding,
All the people
Of Swedes must deem it
Most seldom told of ;
When he himself
His life of valour
The first of all men
Must make nought of
IVAR WIDE-FATHOM laid under him all
the Swede-realm, and he gat to him all Den-
mark withal, great part of Saxon-land and all
the East-realm, and the fifth part of England. Of
his kin are all who since him have been kings of
Denmark, and Sweden also, such as have been
sole kings thereof; for after Ingiald Evil-heart
the dominion of Upsala fell from the kin of the
Ynglings, that may be told up by the straight line
of forefathers.
XLVI The Story of the Ynglings. 65
OLAF, the son of King Ingiald, when he
heard tell of the fall of his father, fared
with such folk as would follow him ; be-
cause the whole assembly of the Swedes rose up
with one accord for the driving away of the kin
of King Ingiald and all his friends. Olaf fared
first into the parts of Nerick. But when the
Swedes heard of him, where he was, then he might
no more abide there ; so he went west by the wild-
wood ways to the river which falls from the north
into the Vener, and is called the Elf There he
dwelt with his folk, and they fell to clearing of the
woods and burning them, and there sithence they
abode ; and in a little there grew up there great
peopled country-sides, and they called the land
Vermland, and exceeding good land was there. But
when it was told of King Olaf in Sweden that he
was clearing the woods, then they called him Olaf
Tree-shaver, deeming his ways worthy of mocking.
Olaf had to wife her who is called Solveig or Solva,
the daughter of HalfdanGold-tooth west of Sol-isles.
Halfdan was the son of Solvi, the son of Solvar, the
son of Solvi the Old, who first cleared Sol-isles.
The mother of Olaf Tree-shaver was Gauthild; but
her mother was Alof, daughter of Olaf the Far-
sighted, King of Nerick. Olaf and Solveig
had two sons, Ingiald and Halfdan ; and Halfdan
was reared in Sol-isles with Solvi, his mother's
brother, and was called Halfdan White-leg.
66 The Saga Library. XLVII
NOW there were much folk who were
outlaws that fled from Sweden from
King Ivar, and they heard that Olaf
Tree-shaver had good land in Vermland ; and
there flocked to him so many folk that the land
might not bear them, so that there befell great
famine and hunger ; which evil they laid to the ac-
count of their king, as is the wont of the Swedes
forsooth, to lay upon their kings both plenty and
Now King Olaf was a man but little mVen to
blood-offering, and the Swedes were ill content
therewith, and deemed that thence came the
scarcity. So they drew together a great host,
and fell on King Olaf, and took the house over
him, and burned him therein, and gave him to
Odin, offering him up for the plenty of the year.
This befell by the Vener ; as says Thiodolf :
By the side of the lake
The temple-wolf swallowed
The body of Olaf,
Of him the tree-shaver :
And there the glede-wrapt
Son of Forniot
Did off the raiment
Of the king of the Swede-realm.
So the high king
Sprung from the kin
Of the Upsal lords
Died long ago.
XLVIII-IX The Story of the Ynglings. 67
SUCH as were wisest among the Swedes now
found out that what had wrought the famine
was, that the folk were more than the land
might bear, and that the king had nought at all to
do with it. Now they fall to and fare with all their
host west over the Eidwood, and come down upon
Sol-isles all unawares. There they slew King Solvi,
but laid hands on Halfdan White-leg, and took
him to be lord over them, and gave him the name
of king, and he subdued Sol-isles to him. There-
after he went with his host out to Raumrick, and
warred there, and won that folk in war.
HALFDAN WHITE-LEG was a mighty
king : he had to wife Asa, the daughter
of Eystein the Terrible, King of the
Uplands, who ruled over Heathmark. Halfdan
and Asa had two sons, Eystein and Gudrod. Half-
dan gat to him much of Heathmark and Thotn
and Hadaland, and great part of Westfold withal:
he lived to be old, and died in his bed at Thotn, but
was afterwards brought out to Westfold, and laid in
mound in Skaereid at Skiringsal. So says Thiodolf :
All folk know it
How fate bereft
The law-upholders
Of Lord Halfdan :
68 The Saga Library. L-LI
How the hill-wards'
Helpsome daughter
There in Thotn
Took the folk-king.
Lo now, Skaereid
In Skiringsal
Hangs over the bones
Of the elf of the byrny.
INGIALD, the brother of Halfdan, was king
of Vermland ; but after his death Halfdan
laid Vermland under him, and took scat
thereof, and set earls thereover whiles he lived.
EYSTEIN, son of King Halfdan, was king
after him in Raumrick and Westfold.
He had to wife Hild, the daughter of
Eric, son of Agnar, who was king of Westfold.
Agnar, the father of Eric, was the son of Sigtrygg,
the king of Vendil. King Eric had no son, and
died while King Halfdan White-leg was yet alive.
So Halfdan and Eystein his son took to them all
Westfold, and Eystein ruled Westfold while he
lived. In that time was Skiold king of Varna, and
a mighty wizard he was. Now King Eystein
went with certain warships over to Varna and
harried there, and took whatso he came across, both
raiment and other goods, and the gear of the
bonders withal, and had a strand-slaughtering
LI I The Story of the Yvglings. 69
there, and then he went his ways. Then came
King Skiold down to the strand with his host, but
King Eystein was gone away, and had crossed
over the firth, and Skiold beheld the sails of him.
Then he took his cloak and waved it abroad, and
blew therewith. And so as they sailed in past
Earl's-isle, King Eystein sat by the tiller, and
another ship was sailing anigh, and so amid a cer-
tain cross-sea, the sail-yard of the other ship smote
the king overboard, and he gat his bane thereby.
His men got his dead corpse, and it was brought
to Borro, and a mound heaped up over it at the
ending of the land out by the sea beside Vadla.
So says Thiodolf :
King Eystein, smitten
By stroke of sail-yard,
To the may of the brother
Of Byleist fared :
The feast's bestower
His rest now findeth
Neath the sea's bones
By the shore's ending.
Where by the Goth-king
Cometh ever
The stream of Vadla
Ice-cold to the great sea.
IT ALFDAN was the name of King
— I Eystein's son, who took the kingdom
I after him. He was called Halfdan the
Bounteous and the Meat-grudging ; for it is told of
yo The Saga Libya ry. LI 1 1
him that he gave in pay to his warriors as many
pennies of gold as other kings were wont to give
pennies of silver, yet he kept men short of meat.
A (jreat warrior he was, and longr time cruised a-
wan'infr, and Sfat wealth to him. He had to wife
Hlif, the daughter of King Day of Westmere.
Holtar in Westfold was his chief manor. Here he
died in his bed, and was laid in mound at Borro ;
even as Thiodolf says :
To the Thing of Odin
Was the king then bidden
By Hvedrung's Maiden
From the homes of men-folk ;
Whenas King Halldan,
Dweller at Holtar,
The doom of Norns
Had done fulfilling.
And battle-winners
Their warrior-king
Buried in mound
At Borro later.
GUDROD was the name of Halfdan's son,
who took the kingdom after him. He
was called Gudrod the Proud, but some
called him the Hunter-king. He had a wife called
Elfhild, the daughter of Alfarin of Elfhome, and
had with her one half of Yingulmark. Their son
was Olaf, who was afterwards called Geirstead Elf.
Pllfhome was then the name of the land betwixt
Raumelf and Gautelf. Now when Elfhild was
dead, then sent King Gudrod his men west to
L 1 1 1 TJie Stoyy of the Ynglings. 7 1
Agdir, to the king who ruled thereover, who was
named Harald Red-lip, and they were to woo of
him for their king Asa his daughter ; but Harald
said them nay. So the messengers came back and
told the king of the speeding of their errand. So
a little after King Gudrod thrust his ships into the
water, and went with a great host out to Agdir.
He came all unwares, and raised the fray,
coming a-night-time to King Harald's dwelling;
but he, when he knew that war was upon him,
went out with such folk as he had, and a fight
there was, but over-great were the odds betwixt
them, and King Harald fell there with his son
Gyrd. King Gudrod took great booty, and had
home with him Asa, daughter of King Harald,
and wedded her, and they had a son called Half-
dan. But when Halfdan was one winter old, in
the autumn-tide fared King Gudrod a-guesting,
and lay on his ship in Stifla-sound, and great
drinkings there were, and the king was very merry
with drink. So in the evening when it was dark
the king went from the ship, but whenas he came
to the gangway end, then ran a man against him
and thrust him through with a spear, and that was
his bane ; but the man was slain straightway.
But in the morninsf when it was lisfht the man was
known for Queen Asa's footpage ; neither did she
hide that it was done by her rede. So says
Lo, King Gudrod,
Great of heart,
Dead yore agone.
By treason died ;
72 The Saga Library. LIV
A head revengeful,
False rede and evil,
Wrought on the king,
By ale made merry ;
And Asa's man,
The evil traitor,
^V'on by murder
The mighty king :
So e'en the king
On the ancient bed
Of Stifla-sound
Was stung to dying.
OLAF took the kingdom after his father.
He was a mighty man and a great war-
rior ; the fairest and strongest of all men,
and great of growth. Westfold he had, becau-se
in those days King Elfgeir took under him all
Vingulmark, and set thereover King Gandalf his
son. Then the father and son drave hard into
Raumrick, and gained the more part of that realm
and people. Hogni was the son of King Eystein
the Mighty, King of the Uplands; and he laid
under him all Heathmark and Thotn and Hada-
land ; and therewithal fell Yermland from the sons
of Gudrod, and that folk turned them to paying
tribute to the Swede king. Now Olaf was twenty
years old whenas Gudrod died, but when Halfdan
his brother came to the realm along with him, then
they shared the realm betwixt them ; Olaf had the
eastern part, but Halfdan the southern. King
LV The Story of the Ynglings. 73
Olaf had his abode at Geirstead, but he gat a
disease in his foot, and died thereof, and is laid in
mound at Geirstead. So sings Thiodolf :
A line descended
From Thror the mi};hty
Had thriven well
'I'hus far in Norvvay.
Wide through Westmere
While agone
King Olaf ruled
The land right proudly ;
Until the foot-ache
By the earth's ending,
Brought unto nought
That battle-dealer.
The bold in warfare
At Geirstead bideth ;
There is the howe heaped
Over the host-king.
ROGNVALD was the son of King Olaf,
who was king in Westfold after his father.
He was called Higher-than-the-Hills, and
of him did Thiodolf of Hvin make the Yngling-
Tale. And so sayeth he :
That know I best
Neath the blue heavens
Of eke-names ever
Owned of king,
Whereas King Rognvalil
Who rules the rudder,
Is hight most titly.
IX ALFDAN was one winter old when his
— I father fell. Asa, his mother, went forth-
J^ with west to Agdir, and straightway be-
toolc her to the realm her father Harald had had.
There waxed Halfdan, and was big and strong even
in his early years, and black-haired withal ; he was
called Halfdan the Black. When he was eighteen
winters old he took the rule in Agdir, and straight-
way he went to Westfold and shared the realm
with Olaf his brother.
That same autumn he went with an army to
Vingulmark against KingGandalf,and many battles
they had together, and now one, now the other
had the victory ; but in the end they made peace
in such wise, that Halfdan was to have the half of
Vingulmark that his father Gudrod had had.
Thereafter fared King Halfdan up into Raumrick,
and laid it unto him ; whereof heard King Sigtrygg,
the son of King Eystein, who as then abode in
Heathmark, and had aforetime subdued Raumrick.
Then went King Sigtrygg with an host against
yS The Saga Library. II
Kino- Halfdan, and a Qfreat battle befell, and Kinof
Halfdan gained the day. So as the host broke
into flight was King Sigtrygg smitten by an arrow
under the left armpit, and he fell there. There-
after King Halfdan laid all Raumrick under him.
Eystein was another son of King Eystein, and
the brother of King Sigtrj'gg, and was then king
in Heathmark ; and whenas King Halfdan was
gone west to Westfold, King Eystein went with
his host west to Raumrick, and laid the land there
under him far and wide.
there was war in Raumrick, so he drew an
host together, and fared into Raumrick
to meet King Eystein, and they had a battle there,
and Halfdan gained the day, and Eystein fled away
up into Heathmark. King Halfdan followed after
him up into Heathmark with his host, and they had
another battle there, and Halfdan prevailed ; but
Eystein fled north into the Dales to Gudbrand the
Hersir. Thence he gat together men, and went in
the winter out into Heathmark, and met Halfdan
in a great island which lies amidst the lake of
Miors ; there had they battle, and many men fell
on either side, but Halfdan gained the day. There
fell Guthorm, the son of Gudbrand the Hersir, who
was deemed the hopefullest man of the Uplands.
Then Eystein fled again north into the Dales, and
sent Hallvard Rascal, his kinsman, to meet King
Ill The Story of Ha If dan the Black. 79
Halfdan and bespeak peace with him. So for kin-
ship's sake King Halfdan gave up to King Eystein
the half of Heathmark even as those kinsfolk had
owned it aforetime ; but Halfdan brought Thotn
under him, and the place called the Land, and he
gained to him Hadaland also, and was withal an
exceeding mighty kmg.
Iy ALFDAN THE BLACK took to wife
— I a woman named Ragnhild, the daughter
J_ of Harald Gold-beard, Kingof Sogn; a
son they had, to whom the king Harald gave his
own name, and the child was reared at Sogn, in the
house of King Harald, his mother's father. But
whenas Harald was clean worn out by years, and
was childless, he gave his realm to Harald, his
daughter's son, and let him be made king, and a
little after died Harald Gold-beard. That same
winter died Ragnhild his daughter ; and the spring
after King Harald the Young fell sick and died in
Sogn, when he was already ten years old. But as
soon as Halfdan the Black heard of his death, he
went his ways with a great host, and came north
to Sogn, and was well taken to by folk ; so there
he claimed for himself the kingdom and heritage
after his son, nor was there any to withstand him,
and so he brought that realm under him. Then
came to him Atli the Slender, Earl of Gaular, who
was a friend of King Halfdan, and the king set
this Earl Atli over the folk of Sogn to be judge
8o TJic Saga Library. IV
there by the law of the land, and to gather together
the scat for the king's hands. Then went King
Halfdan thence to his kingdom in the Uplands.
KING HALFDAN went in the autumn
out to Vingulmark ; and so on a night
whenas King Halfdan was a-feasting,
there came to him at midnight the man who
had holden the horse-ward, and told him that an
host was come nigh to the stead. Then the king
arose straightway, and bade his men arm, and
therewith he went without and arrayed them. But
even therewith were come thither Hysing and
Helsina:, the sons of Gandalf, with a grreat host, and
there was a great battle. But whereas King Half-
dan was overborne by multitude, he must needs
flee away to the woods, having lost many men :
there fell Olvir the Sage, his foster-father. There-
after much folk drew toward King Halfdan, and
he went to seek the sons of Gandalf, and met them
at Eydi by the Eyna-skerries, and there they
fought, and Hysing and Helsing fell, but Haki
their brother fled away. After that King Halfdan
laid all Vingulmark under him; but Haki fled into
V The Story of Half dan the Black. 8 1
SIGURD HARTwas the nameofakingof
Ringrick ; he was bigger and stronger
than any other man, and the fairest to look
on of all men. His father was Helgi the Keen, but
his mother was Aslauof, the daugrhter of Sigfurd
Worm-in-Eye, the son of Ragnar Lodbrok.
So tells the tale, that Sigurd was but twelve
winters old when he slew Hildibrand the Bareserk
and the whole twelve of them in single combat ;
many a work of fame he won, and long is the
tale told of him. Now Sigurd had two children :
Ragnhild was the name of his daughter, the grandest
of all women, and she was at this tide twenty
years old ; but Guthorm, her brother, was but a
youngling. Now it is told about the death of
King Sigurd, that he would ride out alone into
the wild-woods, even as his wont was : for he
would hunt beasts great and hurtful to men, and
exceeding eager he was herein.
So on a day whenas Sigurd had ridden a long
way, he came into a certain clearing near by
Hadaland, and there came against him Haki the
Bareserk with thirty men, and they fought there.
There fell Sigurd Hart, and twelve men of Haki,
and he himself lost his hand and had three other
wounds. Thereafter rode Haki with his men to
the dwelling of Sigurd, and took there Ragnhild
his daughter, and Guthorm her brother, and had
82 TJie Saga Library. V
them away with him, with much wealth and many
o-oodly things, and bore them home to Hadaland,
where he had great manors. Tlien he let array a
feast, and was minded to wed Ragnhild, but the
matter was stayed, because it went ill with his
So Haki the Hadaland-bareserk lay wounded
through harvest-tide, and till winter began.
But at Yuletide King Halfdan was guesting in
Heathmark, and had heard all these tidings. So
on a morning early, when the king was clad, he
called to him Harek the Wolf, and bade him fare
over to Hadaland, and bring him Ragnhild, the
daughter of Sigurd Hart. Harek arrayed him,
and had a company of an hundred men. So he sped
his journey, that in the grey of the morning they
came over the water to Haki's stead, and took all
the doors of the hall wherein the housecarles slept.
Then went theyto Haki's sleeping-bower, and brake
it open, and took thenceaway Ragnhild and Guth-
orm her brother, and all the wealth that was there,
and the hall and all men therein they burnt up.
Then they tilted over a wain in most seemly wise,
and set Ragnhild therein and Guthorm, and so
went their ways back unto the ice.
Haki arose and went after them awhile, but
when he came to the frozen water, then he set the
hilts of his sword downward, and fell on the point
thereof, so that the sword ran through him, and
there he gat his bane ; and he is buried there on
the water-bank.
Now King Halfdan saw how they fared over
the ice, for he was the keenest-eyed of all men,
VI The Story of Ha If dan the Black. 83
and when he saw the tilted wain, he deemed full
surely that their errand had sped as he would have
it ; so he let lay out the tables, and sent men wide
through the country-side and bade many men to
him ; and good feast there was holden that day,
for at that feast King Halfdan wedded Ragnhild,
and she was a mighty queen thereafter. Now the
mother of Ragnhild was Thorny, daughter of
Klack-Harald, the King of Jutland, and sister of
Thyri Denmark's Weal, the wife of King Gorm
the Old, King of the Danes, who swayed the Dane-
realm in those davs.
QUEEN RAGNHILD dreamed great
dreams, for wise of wit she was ; and this
'"'^ was a dream of hers : She thought she
stood in her grass-garth, and took a thorn out of
her smock ; and even whiles she held it, it waxed
so, that it grew into a great rod, so that one end
smote down into the earth and struck fast root
therein ; but the other end of the tree went high
up aloft ; and even therewith it seemed to her a
tree so great that she might scarce see over it;
yea, and wondrous thick it was : now the lower
part of this tree was red as blood, but the bole
thereof fair-green, and goodly, and the limbs up
about as white as snow. Many and great branches
there were on the tree, some aloft and some alow ;
and the limbs of the tree were so great, that she
deemed they spread all over Norway ; yea, and
far wider yet.
84 The Saga Library. VII
KING HALFDAN dreamed never ; and
he deemed that a wondrous thing, and
opened his mind on it to a man named
Thorleif the Sage, and sought rede of him how to
amend it. Thorleif told him what he was wont to
do if he were curious in any matter, to wit, that he
went to sleep in a swine-sty, and then lacked not
ever of dreams. So the king did so, and this
dream came to him : for he thought he had the
fairest hair of any man, and it all fell in locks, some
low down till they touched the earth, some to mid-
leg, some to the knee, some to the loins or the
midst of his side, some to the neck of him, and
some but just springing up from his head like little
horns ; of diverse hues were these locks, but one
lock prevailed above all the others for fairness and
brightness and greatness.
So he told his dream to Thorleif, and he areded
it in such wise, that great offspring would come of
him, and that his kin would rule over lands with
great honour, yet not all with the like honour,
and that one would come of his kin greater
and higher than all : and men hold it for sooth
that that lock must betoken King Olaf the
Now King Halfdan was a wise man, trusty
and upright ; he made laws, and heeded them
himself, and made all others heed them, lest the
high hand should overthrow the law. He him-
self made a tale of blood-guilts, and settled duly
VIII Tlte Story of Half dan the Black. 85
the weregjilds for each man after his birth and
Now Oueen Rao-nhild bore a son, and he was
sprinkled with water and named Harald, and he
speedily grew big, and the fairest that might be :
there he waxed, and was of right great prowess
from his early days, and well stored with wit and
wisdom ; his mother loved him much, but his
father not so much.
KING HALFDAN was abiding through
Yule-tide in Hadaland, and a marvel
befell there on Yule-eve, whenas men had
gone to table, and there were many men there. For
lo, all the victual vanished from off the boards and
all the good drink withal : so the king sat behind
heavy of mood, and every man else made for his
own home. But the king, to the end that he might
know what had brought this thing about, let take a
certain Finn, who was a great wizard, and would
wring a true tale out of him, and tormented him,
but oat nought of him.
Now the Finn cried ever for help on Harald,
the king's son, and Harald prayed grace for him
and gat it not ; yet Harald delivered him, and let
him go his ways, against the will of the king,
and followed after him himself. So they came on
their journey to where a lord held a great feast,
and by seeming had goodly welcome there. So
when they had abided there till spring-tide, then
86 The Sam Libnii'v. IX
spake the Lord to Harald on a day, and said :
" Great todo maketh thy father of his loss,
in that ^ve took a little victual from him last
winter ; but with a fair tale will I reward thee
that. Lo now, thy father is dead, and thou shalt
go thy ways home, and thou wilt get to thee all
the realm that thy father had, and therewith shalt
thou become the Lord of all Norway."
— I a feast at Hadaland, and the road led
JL him in such wise that he drave over the
water of Rand. Spring-tide it was, and the sun
was thawing all swiftly ; so as they drave over
Rykinswick, there in the winter-tide had been
wakes for the neat, but the muck had fallen on
the ice and made holes therein by reason of the
sun's thawing; but when the king drave thereover,
the ice brake under him, and there was King
Halfdan lost and much folk with him : he was by
then forty years old.
He had been of all others a king of plenteous
years ; and so much men made of him, that when
they heard he was dead, and his body brought to
Ringrick, where folk were minded to bury it,
then came great lords from Raumrick and West-
fold and Heathmark, and all prayed to have the
corpse with them, to lay it in mound among their
own folk, deeming that they who got it might look
to have plenteous years therewith : so at last they
IX The Stoyy of Halfdaii the Black. 87
agreed to share the body in lour, and the head
Avas laid in mound at Stone, in Ringrick. Then of
the others each took away their share, and laid it
in mound; and all the mounds are called Halfdan's
mounds. i
1' T' ING HARALD took the kingdom after
^ his fatlier when he was but ten winters
. ^^ old ; he was the biggest of all men, the
strongest, and the fairest to look on ; a wise man,
and very high-minded. Guthorm, his mother's
brother, was made ruler of his bodyguard, and of
all matters pertaining to his lands ; withal he was
duke of the host.
Now after the death of King Halfdan the Black
many chieftains fell on the realm he had left, and
the first man of these was King Gandalf, and
those brethren Hogni and Frodi, the sons of King
Eystein of Heathmark ; Hogni Karason also was
abroad far and wide through Ringrick. Then
Haki Gandalfson also arrayed him to fare out to
Westfold with three hundred men, and went the
inland roads through certain dales, being minded to
fall on King Harald unawares; but Kincj Gandalf
abode with his host in his land with intent to put
across the firth, he and his army, into Westfold. But
92 The Saga Libniyy. II
when Duke Guthorm heard thereof he gathered an
army and went his ways with King Harald. And
first he goes to meet Haki up country, and they met
in a certain dale, and there was a battle fought, and
King Harald had the victory, but King Haki fell
there, and a great part of his folk, even at the
place sithence called Hakisdale. Then back wend
King Harald and Duke Guthorm, but by then
was King Gandalf come into Westfold, and so
each goes to meet the other, and when they met
was a hard fight foughten, but thence away fled
King Gandalf, and lost the more part of his men,
and came home to his own realm with things in
such a plight. And when these tidings come to
the sons of King Eystein of Heathmark, they looked
to have an host upon them speedily, so they send
word to Hogni Karason and Hersir Gudbrand,
and appoint a meeting between them at Ringsacre
in Heathmark.
AFTER these battles fared King Harald
and Duke Guthorm with all the host
they may get, and wend toward the Up-
lands, going much by the woodland ways, and
they hear where the Upland kings have appointed
their muster, and come thither a-midnight, nor
were the warders aware of them till an host was
come before the very house wherein was Hogni
Karason, yea, and that wherein slept Gudbrand ;
so they set fire to both of them, but Eystein's sons
1 1 1 The Story of Harald Hairfair. 93
got out with their men and fought a while, and
there fell both Hogni and Frodi.
After the fall of these four lords, King Harald,
by the might and furtherance of Guthorm his kins-
man, got to him Ringrick and Heathrnark, Gud-
brand's-dales and Hadaland, Thotn, and Raum-
rick, and all the northern parts of Vingulmark.
Thereafter had King Harald and Duke Guthorm
war and battles with King Gandalf with such end
that Gandalf fell in the last battle, and King
Harald got to him all his realm south away to
KING HARALD sent his men after a
certain maiden called Gyda, the daughter
of King Eric of Hordaland, and she was
at fostering at Valldres with a rich bonder. Now
the king would fain have her to his bed-mate,
because she was a maiden exceeding fair, and
withal somewhat high-minded. So when the messen-
gers came there, they put forth their errand to the
maiden, and she answered in this wise :
" I will not waste my maidenhood for the taking
to husband of a king who has no more realm to
rule over than a few Folks. Marvellous it seems
to me," she says, " that there be no king minded
to make Norway his own, and be sole lord thereof
in such wise as Gorm of Denmark or Eric of
Upsala have done."
Great words indeed seemed this answer to the
94 The Saga Library. IV
messengers, and they ask her concerning her words,
what wise this answer shall come to, and they say
that Harald was a king so mighty, that the offer
was right meet for her. But yet though she
answered to their errand otherwise than they
would, they see no way as at this time to have her
away but if she herself were willing thereto, so
they arrayed them for their departing, and when
they were ready, men lead them out ; then spake
Gyda to the messengers :
"Give this my word to King Harald. that only
so will I say yea to being his sole and lawful wife,
if he will first do so much for my sake as to lay
under him all Norway, and rule that realm as freely
as King Eric rules the Swede-realm, or King Gorm
Denmark ; for only so meseems may he be called
aright a King of the People."
THE messengers fare back to King Harald
and tell him of this word of the maiden,
calling her overbold and witless, and say-
ing withal that it would be but meet for the king
to send after her with many men, for the doing of
some shame to her. Then answered the king that
the maid had spoken nought of ill, and done
nought worthy of evil reward. Rather he bade
her much thank for her word ; " Eor she has
brought to my mind that matter which it now
seems to me wondrous 1 have not had in my mind
V The story of II amid I la irf air. 95
And moreover he said : " This oath I make fast,
and swear before that god who made me and rules
over all things, that never more will I cut my hair
nor comb it, till I have gotten to me all Norway,
with the scat thereof and the dues, and all rule
thereover, or else will I die rather."
For this word Duke Guthorm thanked him
much, and said it were a work worthy of a king
to hold fast this word of his.
AFTER this the kinsmen gather much folk
and array them to go into the Uplands,
and so north through the Dales, and thence
north over the Dofrafell ; and when they came
down into the peopled country, they let slay all
men and burned the country. So when the folk
were ware of this all who might fled away ; some
down to Orkdale, some to Gauldale, some into
the woodland ; and yet othersome sought for
peace, and all got that who came to the king and
became his men. Nought they found to with-
stand them before they came to Orkdale, and there
was a gathering against them, and there they had
their first fight with a king called Gryting. King
Harald had the victory, and Gryting was taken,
and much of his folk slain ; but he gave himself
up to King Harald, and swore oaths of fealty to
him : thereafter all the Orkdale folk submitted
them to King Harald and became his men.
96 The Saga Library. VI-VII
SUCH law King Harald laid on all land
that he won to him, that he made all free
lands his own, and he caused the bonders
pay land dues to him, both the rich and the un-
rich. He set up an earl in each county, who should
maintain law and right in the land, and gather all
fines and land dues ; and each earl was to have a
third of the scat and the dues for his board and
costs. Each earl was to have under him four
hersirs or more, and each of these was to have
twenty marks for his maintenance. Each earl was
to bring sixty men-at-arms to the king's host at
his own costs, and each hersir twenty ; but by so
much had King Harald increased the taxes and
land dues, that his earls had more wealth and
might than the kings had had aforetime. So when
this was heard of about Thrandheim, then many
rich men came to King Harald and became his
IT is told that Earl Hakon Griotgard's son
came to King Harald from the west from Yriar
with a great company for the helping of King
Harald ; and after that went King Harald to
Gauldale, and had a battle there, and slew two
kings, and gat their realms to him, that is to say,
the Gauldale-folk and the Strind-folk. Then he
VIII TJie Story of Ha raid Hair/air. 97
gave to Earl Hakon the lordship over the Strind-
folk. Thereafter King Harald went into Stior-
dale and had there a third battle, and won the
victory, and gat that folk to him. After these
things the upcountry Thrandfolk gathered to-
gether, and four kings with their hosts were
assembled ; whereof one ruled over Verdale, the
second over Skaun, the third the folk of the
Sparbiders, and the fourth from Inner-isle who
ruled the Isles'-folk: these four kings went with
their host against King Harald, and he fell to
battle with them and gained the day, and of these
kings, some fell, and some fled. King Harald had
eight battles in all, yea, or more, in Thrandheim,
and when eight kings had been slain, he gat to him
all Thrandheim.
NORTH in Naumdale were two brethren
kings, Herlaug and Hrollaug, and they
had been three summers at the making
of a howe, and that howe was built of stone and
lime, and roofed with timber ; and so when it was
all done, those brethren heard the tidings that
King Harald with his host was coming upon them.
Then let King Herlaug gather to the howe much
victual and drink, and thereafter went into the
howe with eleven men, and then let cover up the
howe again.
But King Hrollaug went on the top of the howe
whereon the kings were wont to sit, and let array
98 The Saga Library. IX
the kingly high-seat, and sat down therein ; then
he let lay pillows on the footpace whereon the
earls were wont to sit, and tumbled himself down
from the high-seat on to the earl's seat, and gave
himself the name of earl.
After that fared Hrollaug to meet King Harald,
and gave him up all his realm, and prayed to be-
come his man, and told in what wise he had done
in all things ; then King Harald took a sword and
did it on to his girdle, then hung a shield about the
neck of him, and made him his earl, and led him
to the high-seat ; then he gave him the Naumdale
folk, and made him earl over them.
THEREWITH King Harald fared back
to Thrandheim, and abode there the winter
through, and called it his home ever after,
and there he set up his chiefest stead, which was
called Ladir.
That winter he wedded Asa, the daughter of
Earl Hakon Griotgard's son, and Hakon had
beyond all men the greatest honour of the king.
In the spring Harald gat a-shipboard, for he had
let make in the winter a dragon-galley, great, and
arrayed in the seemliest wise. The said dragon he
manned with his court-guard and bareserks ; the
stem-men were the men most tried, because
they had with them the king's banner ; aft from
the stem to the baling-place was the forecastle,
and that was manned by the bareserks. Those
X The story of Harald Haiyfair. 99
only could get court-service with King Harald
who were men peerless both of strength and good
heart, and all prowess ; with such only was his ship
manned, whereas by now he had good choice of
men to pick out for his bodyguard from every folk.
He had a great company of folk, and big ships, and
many mighty men followed him. Hereof tells
Hornklofi in Glymdrapa how that King Harald had
fought in the Updale Woods with the Orkdalers
or ever he led out his folk on this voyage :
The king for ever wrathful
With them that crave the singing
Of the fight-fish on its home-road,
Had battle high on the heathland.
Ere the high-heart war-din's raiser
With sea-skates fell a-faring
To the battle of the horses
In wind-swept hall that welter.
The host of the war-din's heeder,
Who showeth hell to robbers,
Set battlc-din a-roaring
Over the wolf-pack's highway,
Ere that manscathe that meeteth
The home-way unto the sea-log
Drave the proud-gliding dragon
And sundry ships out seaward.
KING HARALD led out his folk from
Thrandheim, and turned south toward
Mere ; but Hunthiof was the king's
name who ruled over the Mere-folk, and Solfi
Klofi was his son's name, and mighty men of war
they were. But the king who ruled Raumsdale was
lOO The Saga Library. X
called Nockvi, and he was the father of Solfi's
mother. These kings drew together a great host
when they heard tidings of King Harald, and
went against him, and they met at Solskel. There
then was battle, and King Harald gained the day.
Thereof singeth Hornklofi :
Storm drave from the north the board-steed ;
So that the wargear's wielder
Was borne aboard amidward
The battle of two war-kings.
There then the kings all valiant
Wordless each other greeted
With din-shots midst the murder ;
The red shields' voice long lasted.
Both the kings fell, but Solfi fled away ; and
both these folks did Harald lay under him, and
dwelt there long that summertide. There he set
up law and right for men, and established rulers
over them, and took the fealty of folk ; but, autumn-
tide come, he arrayed him to fare northaway unto
Thrandheim. Rognvald the Mere Earl, son of
Eystein Glumra, had become King Harald's man
that summer, and him King Harald made lord
over the two folks, Northmere and Raumsdale,
and strengthened his hands thereto both with lords
and franklins ; and ships he gave him withal that
he might ward the land against war : he was called
Rognvald the Mighty, or the Keen-counselled,
and as folk say it was good sooth of either name.
So King Harald abode the next winter in
XI The story of Har aid Hairf air. loi
NOW the spring thereafter King Harald
gathered a mighty host out of Thrand-
heim, and said that he was minded to lead
it to Southmere. Solfi Klofi had abided in war-
ships out at sea the winter long, and he had harried
in Northmere ; many men of King Harald's he
slew there ; othersonie he robbed, othersome he
burned out of house and home, and wrought there
all deeds of war. Nathless in the winter he had
whiles been with King Arnvid, his kinsman, in
So when these get news of King Harald, they
gathered together their folk, and were no few ;
whereas many deemed that they owed hatred
to King Harald. Now fared Solfi Klofi south
into the Firths unto King Audbiorn, who ruled
thereover, and bade his help, to fare with his host
for the strengthening of him and Arnvid, and in
this wise he spake :
" Easy it is for us all to see how that we have
but one choice : either to rise up all against King
Harald, and might enow we shall have then, and in
the hands of Hap shall the victory be ; or otherwise
there is this, a thing forsooth not to be chosen by
folk named and holden no less nobly-born than this
Harald, to wit, to become his thralls. My father
deemed it a better choice to fall in battle, a very
king, than to be the underling of King Harald."
So thus prevailed the redes of Solfi that King
Audbiorn gave his word to go, and gathered an
I02 The Saga Library. XI
host together, and went north to meet King
Arnvid ; and a full mighty host they had. Now
heard they tidings of King Harald, that he was
newcome from the north, and they met inward
of Solskel.
Now in those days the wont was, when men
fought a-shipboard, to bind the ships together and
fight from the forecastle ; and even so was it now
done. King Harald laid his ship against King
Arnvid's ship, and keen enow was the battle, and
much folk fell of either side ; but in the end
waxed King Harald so wood-wroth that he went
forth on to the forecastle of his ship, and there
fought so fiercely that all the forward fighting-folk
of Arnvid's ship gave back before him to the mast,
and some there were that fell. Then did Kino-
Harald follow after on to their ship, and Arnvid's
men took to flight, but he himself fell on his own
ship. There also fell King Audbiorn, but Solfi fled
away ; as singeth Hornklofi :
Our lord stirred up the spear-storm
Where the byrny's fowl rent armour
Amidst the din of Skogul,
And blood the red wound snorted.
Where on the Work the warriors
Sank life-bereft before him.
Mad yelled on shields the weapon
^Vhile dyer of edges triumphed.
Of Harald's folk fell Asgaut and Asbiorn, the
king's earls, Griotgard withal and Herlaug, his
wife's brothers, the sons of Hakon, the Earl of
A long while hereafter was Solfi a viking, and
XII The story of Harahi Hairfair. 103
oft wrought great scathe in the reahn of King
THEREAFTER King Harald laid South-
mere under him. But Vemund, brother
of King Audbiorn, held the Firth-folk,
and became king thereover ; and now was autumn
far spent. So men gave counsel to King Harald
that he should not fare south about the Stad of an
autumn day. Then King Harald set Earl Rogn-
vald over either Mere and Raumsdale, and a many
folk had the earl about him as then ; and there-
withal King Harald turned back north to Thrand-
That same winter fared Earl Rognvald by the
inner course through Eid, and then southward past
the Firths : he espied the goings of King Vemund,
and so came a-night-tide to a certain stead hight
Naust-dale, whereat was King Vemund a-feasting.
There took Earl Rognvald the house over their
heads, and burned King Vemund therein with
ninety men. Thereafter came Kari of Berdla to
Earl Rognvald with a long-ship all manned, and
they went both together north to Mere. Earl
Rognvald took the ships which King Vemund
had owned, and all the chattels that he gat there.
Kari of Berdla went north to Thrandheim unto
King Harald, and became his man ; he was a
mighty bareserk.
104 ^'^^'^ Saga Library. XIII
THE springtide hereafter went King Harald
south along the land with his host of ships,
and subdued to him the Firth-folk ; then
east along the land he sailed till he hove-to at Wick
in the east. But he left behind Earl Hakon Griot-
gard's son, and gave him rule in the Firths. But
when the kino- was eone east, then sent Hakon
word to Earl Atli the Slender, bidding him get
him gone from Sogn and be earl in Gaular, as he
had been aforetime ; for he said that King Harald
had given him Sogn ; but Earl Atli sent word
again that he would hold both Sogn and Gaular
to boot until he should see King Harald. Hereof
the earls strove till either gathered an host together,
and they met at Fialir in Staffness-bay, and there
fought a great fight. There fell Earl Hakon, and
Atli was hurt deadly, whose men fared with him
to Atlis-isles, where he died. So saith Eyvind
the Skald-spoiler :
There Hakon, stem
Of Hogni's daughter.
All a-fighting
Was stripped of weapons.
Mid edges'-din
Frey's offspring there
At Fjalir laid
His life adown.
Where fell the friends.
The kin of the Stonegarth,
Mid mighty din
XIV The story of Harald Haiyfair. 105
Of the friend of Lodur,
There it was
That the wave of Staffness
With blood of men
Was all to-blended.
KING HARALD led his host east into
Wick, and laid his ships up for Tunsberg,
which was a cheaping-stead in those
days ; he had then dwelt four years in Thrandheim,
nor had been for that while in the Wick. Now he
heard tidings that Eric, son of Eymund, King of
the Swedes, had laid under him Vermland and
took scat there of all the woodland folk ; and
how that he had called the land West Gautland
north-away to Swinesound, and west-away to the
sea : all that the Swede-king claimed as his own,
and took scat of; and an earl he had set there
called Rani the Gautlander, who ruled all between
Swinesound and Gaut-elf, and was a mighty earl.
Now King Harald was told that the word of the
Swede-king was that he would leave not till he
had as much rule in the Wick as Sigurd Ring had
aforetime, or Ragnar Lodbrok his son, Raum-
realm to wit, and Westfold right out to Grenmar,
Vingulmark also, and thenceaway south ; and
many great chiefs and other folk all about these
folk-lands had already turned to the rule of the
Swede-king. King Harald was full ill content
herewith, and forthwith gathered together a mote
io6 The Saga Library. XV
of the bonders there at Fold, and bore witness
against them of treason. Some put the charge
from them ; some paid money therefor, and some
were punished ; and in such wise he dealt with all
that folk-land that summer ; and in autumn he
went up into Raum-realm, and dealt in like wise,
laying all the country under him. But in the begin-
ning of winter he heard how Eric the Swede-king
rode abroad guesting with his court in Vermland.
KING HARALD got ready and went his
ways east over the Eid-wood, and so
came out into Vermland, and let array
feasts before him. Now there was a man named
Aki, the mightiest bonder of Vermland, exceeding
wealthy, but now much stricken in years ; he sent
men to King Harald, and bade him to a feast, and
the king gave his word to go at the day appointed.
King Eric also did Aki bid to feast on the self-same
day. Aki had a great guest-hall, now waxen old; so
he let build another one anew, nowise lesser, and
arrayed it in the best wise. The new hall he let
hang with gear all new, but the old one with old
gear ; and when the kings came to the feast. King
Eric and his court were marshalled in the old hall,
but King Harald in the new hall with his men ;
and such wise was the fashion of the table-gear,
that Eric and his men had old beakers and horns,
gilt though they were, and full fairly fashioned ;
but King Harald and his men had new beakers
XV The story of Harald Hairf air. 107
and horns, all done about with gold, fair-graven
withal, and shining as clear as glass ; but in either
hall was the drink of the best that might be. But
goodman Aki had aforetime been liegeman of
Halfdan the Black.
Now when the day came that the feast was
ended, the kings arrayed them for departure, and
the horses were saddled. Then went Aki before
King Harald, having with him his son of twelve
winters old, Ubbi by name, and spake : "If thou
deemest me, lord, worthy of thy friendship for the
goodwill's sake I have shown to thee in this thy
guesting, reward my son therefor ; and I give
him to thee for thy servant."
Then the king thanked him for his welcome
with many fair words, and promised him his full
friendship in return thereof Then brought forth
Aki great gifts, which he gave to the king ; and
therewithal they kissed, Aki and the king.
Thereafter went Aki to the Swede king, and
there was King Eric clad and ready for the road,
but was somewhat moody withal. So Aki took
good gifts, which he gave to the king ; but the
king answered little, and leapt a-horseback, and
Aki went on the way with the king, and talked
with him. A wood lay anigh to the house, and the
road went therethrough; and when Aki came to
the wood the king asked him : " Why didst thou
deal so diversely between me and Harald in our
guesting, so that he had the better part in all
things, whereas thou wottest that thou art my
man?" Says Aki: "I was deeming, lord, that
neither thou nor thy men lacked aught of welcome
io8 The Saga Library. XVI
at this feast ; but whereas the gear where ye drank
was old, it was because thou art now old, and Harald
is in the very flower of his life-days ; therefore gat
I the new gear for him. And whereas thou wouldst
bring to my mind that I am thy man, I wot not but
that thou art just so much mine." Then the king
drew his sword and smote him to death, and went
his ways.
But when King Harald was ready to leap a-
horseback, he bade call Master Aki to him. So
when men ran to seek him, some came on the road
whereby King Eric had ridden, and found Aki
lying dead there. So they went back and told
King Harald. But when he heard it he called on
his men to avenge Master Aki, and so he and his
rode by the way King Eric had ridden afore, till
either side were ware of other. Then both rode all
they might till they came to the wood that parteth
Gautland from Vermland. Then King Harald
turned back into Vermland, and laid it all under
him, and slew King Eric's men wheresoever he
might come on them.
And so King Harald went back in the winter
to Raum-realm, and abode there a while.
KING HARALD went in the winter-tide
out to Tunsberg, and to his ships there ;
and he dight his ships and crossed the
Firth eastward and laid all Vingulmark under him;
and all the winter long he lay out in his war-ships.
XVII The story of Harald Hairfair. 109
and harried in Ran-realm ; as saith Thorbiorn
Hornklofi :
Our lord the high-hearted
If his own will rule only
Out a-doors drinketh Yule,
All Frey's game a-faring.
E'en young was he loathing
The fire-bake, the hall-nook ;
Loathed the bowers of women,
And warm downy mittens.
Now the Gautlanders had been drawing together
throughout all the country-side.
BUT in the spring, when the ice was gone,
the Gautlanders staked the Gaut-elf that
King Harald might not bring his ships up
into the land. But King Harald brought his
ships up the Elf and laid them by the stakes, and
harried on either shore, and burned the steads ; as
singeth Hornklofi : .
The feeder of the fight-mew
Hath land and men laid under,
All southward of the deep sea,
The king in battle hardy !
The great king the high-hearted,
Wont to the Helm of Aweing,
Let bind the linden's wild-deer
Unto the stakes off shore there.
Then rode the Gautlanders down with a mighty
host, and joined battle with King Harald, and
great was the fall of men ; but such end there was
no The Saga Library. XVIII
thereof that King Harald prevailed ; as singeth
Hornklofi :
Throve roar of upreared axes,
The spears fell on a-howling,
Bit men the swords black-gleaming
Of the followers of the mighty.
Where the Gautfolk's foe prevailed,
High then aro>e the singing
Of the spears to flight commanded
About the necks of warriors.
KING HARALD fared a- warring wide
about Gautland, and had many battles
on either side the Elf, and oftenest gained
the day ; till in a certain fight fell Rani the Gaut-
lander. Then King Harald subdued to him all
the land north of the Elf and west of the Venner-
Water, and all Vermland to wit ; and when he
turned away thence he set Duke Guthorm over the
land with a great company ; but he himself turned
toward the Uplands, and dwelt there awhile. Then
he fared north over the Dofra-fell to Thrandheim,
and abode there a long while.
And now began children to be born to King
Harald. By Asa he had these sons : Guthorm was
the eldest; then Halfdan the Black and Halfdan
the White, twins ; and Sigfrod the fourth : all
these were nourished in Thrandheim in great
XIX The Story of Harald Hairfair. 1 1 1
NOW came tidings from the south that the
men of Hordaland and Rogaland, they of
Agdir and Thelmark, had arisen and
gathered together with great plenty of weapons
and ships and many men ; and their captains were
Eric, king of Hordaland, Sulki, king of Rogaland,
and Earl Soti his brother, Kiotvi the Wealthy,
king of Agdir, and Thorir Long-chin ; from
Thelmark came two brethren, Roald and Rig,
and Hadd the Hardy to wit.
But when King Harald heard these tidings he
gathered an host, and put forth his ships into the
sea. Then he arrayed a great host, and fared south
along the land, and gat many men from every
folk-land. But when he was come south about
the Stad, King Eric heard thereof; and he had
by then gotten together all the folk he looked to
have. So he fared south to meet the host that he
wotted would come from the east to his helping ;
and the whole host of them met north of Jadar
and made for Hafursfirth, where lay King Harald
with his host awaiting them. There a great fight
befell, and both long and hard it was ; but such
was the end thereof that King Harald had the
victory, and King Eric fell there, and King Sulki,
and Earl Soti his brother. Thorir Long-chin had
laid his ship against King Harald's; and a great
bareserk was Thorir. Hard was the brunt before
Thorir fell, when his ship was cleared utterly. Then
fled away King Kiotvi to a certain holm where
112 The Saga Library. XIX
was good vantage for fighting. Then all their
host fled away, some by ship, and some ran up
country, and so inland south about Jadar. So
singeth Hornklofi :
Heardst thou in Hafursfirth
How there fell the battle
Twixt the king of high kindred
And Kiotvi the Wealthy ?
From east-away came the ships
All eager for battle,
With grim gaping heads
And prow-plates fair-graven.
Of wight-men was their lading
And shields white-shining;
Spears of the Westlands
And Welsh-wrought swords.
Roared there the bareserks,
Battle-wood was the host.
Loud howled the Wolf-coats
And clattered the iron.
The strong master tried they,
Bold lord of the Eastmen,
The bider at Outstone,
But fleeing he taught them.
Beached ships he ran out
When of battle he wotted ;
Fast shields were a-clashing
Ere Long-chin fell dead.
The brawny-necked king
Waxed a-weary of warding
His land from the Shock-head,
And let the holm shield him.
Down neath the decks then
Dived the lads wounded.
Their buttocks uphoven,
Their heads by the keel laid.
Bold men stone-battered.
Blenched from the battle,
XX The Story of Harald Ilairfair. 1 13
Hung Odin's hall-tiles
Behind them to glitter.
Home then from Hafursfirth
Hied they by Jadar ;
Trembled the gold-staves,
And set heart on the mead-horn.
AFTER this battle King Harald found
nought to withstand him in all Norway ;
for all his greatest foemen were fallen.
But certain fled away from the land, and a many
folk were these ; for then were the waste lands
peopled far and wide. Jamptland and Helsing-
land were peopled, though either of them in-
deed had been somewhat peopled by Northmen
Amid this unpeace, whenas King Harald was
fighting for the land in Norway, were the Outlands
found and peopled, the Faroes and Iceland to
wit ; also was there much faring of Northmen to
Shetland. And many mighty men of Norway
fled as outlaws before King Harald, and fell to
the warring of the West : in the winter they
abode in the South-isles or the Orkneys, but a-
summer harried in Norway, and wrought great
scathe on the land.
Nevertheless there were many mighty men who
did fealty to King Harald and became his men,
and abode in the land along with him.
1 14 The Saga Library. XXI
AND now when King Harald was gotten to
be only Lord of Norway, he called to
mind the word that the great-hearted
maiden had spoken to him, and sent men after her,
and had her to him, and bedded her. These were
their children : Alof the eldest, then Roerek, then
Sigtrygg, then Frodi and Thorgils.
King Harald had many wives and many chil-
dren. He wedded her who is called Ragnhild,
daughter of Eric, king of Jutland. Ragnhild the
Mighty was she called, and their son was Eric
Blood-axe. Moreover, he had to wife Swanhild,
daughter of King Eystein, and these were their
sons : Olaf Geirstead-elf, Biorn, and Ragnar
Ryckil ; and again had King Harald to wife Ashild,
daughter of Ring Dayson down from Ring-realm,
and their children were Day and Ring, Gudrod
Skiria, and Ingigerd.
So folk say that when King Harald wedded
Ragnhild the Mighty he put away from him nine
of his wives. Hereof singeth Hornklofi :
The king of high kindred
When his Dane-wife he wedded,
Put from him the Holmfolk,
And Hordaland maidens.
Each woman of Heathmark,
All kindred of Holgi.
King Harald's children were nourished ever
whereas their mothers' kin dwelt. Duke Guthorm
XXII The Story of Ha raid Hair/air. 1 1 5
sprinkled the eldest son of King Harald with water,
and gave him his own name. He set the lad on his
knee, and became his fosterer, and had him away
with him east into the Wick. There he was
nourished with Duke Guthorm. Duke Guthorm
had all rule of the land about the Wick and th(;
Uplands when King Harald was not nigh.
OW heard King Harald how the vikings
harried wide about the midmost of the
land, even such as were a-wintertide West-
over-sea. So he had out his host every summer,
and searched isles and out-skerries ; and whenso
the vikings were ware of his host they fled away ;
yea, the more part right out to sea. But when the
king grew a-weary of this work, this betid, that on
a summer he sailed with his host West-over-sea,
and came first to Shetland, and there slew all the
vikings who might not flee before him. Then he
sailed south to the Orkneys, and cleared them utterly
of vikings. And thereafter he fared right away to
the South-isles, and harried there, and slew many
vikings who were captains of bands there. There
had he many battles, and ever gained the day.
Then he harried in Scotland, and had battles there.
And when he came west to Man, the folk thereof
had heard already what warfare King Harald had
done in the land aforetime, and all folk fled into Scot-
land, so that Man was all waste of men, and all the
goods that might be were flitted away. So when
ii6 The Saga Library. XXII
King Harald and his folk went a-land the)' gat no
prey there. So sayeth Hornklofi :
Bore the much-wise gold- loader
To the townships shields a-many —
The grove of Nith-wolves' land-lace,
In the land prevailed in battle —
Ere needs must flee the Scot-host
Before the fight-proud waster
Of the path of the fish that playeth
Around the war-sword's isthmus.
In these battles fell Ivar, son of Rognvald the
Mere-Earl. But to boot the loss of him King
Harald, when he sailed from the West, gave Earl
Rognvald the Orkneys and Shetland. But Rogn-
vald straightway gave both the lands to Sigurd
his brother, who abode behind in the West. And
the king or ever he fared back east gave
the earldom to Sigurd. Then there joined him
to Sigurd, Thorstein the Red, son of Olaf the
White and Aud the Deeply-wealthy, and they
harried in Scotland, and won to them Caithness
and Sutherland all down to the Oikel-Bank. Now
Earl Sigurd slew Tusk-Melbrigda, a Scottish
earl, and bound his head to his crupper; but he
smote the thick of his leg against the tooth as it
stuck out from the head, and the hurt festered
so that he gat his bane therefrom, and he was
laid in howe in Oikel-Bank. Then Guthorm
his son ruled the lands for one winter, and then
died childless, and thereafter many vikings, Danes
and Northmen, sat them down in his lands.
XXIII-IV story of Harald Hairfaif. 117
NOW King Harald was a-feasting in Mere
at Earl Rognvald's, and had now gotten
to him all the land. So King Harald
took a bath, and then he let his hair be combed,
and then Earl Rognvald sheared it. And hereto-
fore it had been unshorn and uncombed for ten
winters. Aforetime he had been called Shock-
head, but now Earl Rognvald gave him a by-name,
and called him HARALD HAIRFAIR, and all
said who saw him that that was most soothly named,
for he had both plenteous hair and goodly.
ROGNVALD the Mere-Earl was a friend
most well beloved of King Harald, and
the king held him in great honour. Earl
Rognvald wedded Hild, daughter of Rolf Nefia,
and their sons were Rolf and Thorir. Earl
Rognvald had also three children from his bed-
mates, to wit, Hallad the first, Einar the
second, Hrollaug the third ; and these were
already come to man's estate v.'hen their lawfully
gotten brethren were but children.
Rolf was a great viking, and a man so great of
growth that no horse might bear him, wherefore
he went afoot wheresoever he fared, and was
called Rolf Wend-afoot. He would be ever a-
harrying in the Eastlands ; and on a summer
1 18 The Saga Libra}'}'. XXIV
when he came to the Wick from his Eastland
warring he had a strand-slaughtering there. King
Harald was in the Wick at that time, and was
very wroth when he heard hereof, for he had laid
a great ban upon robbing in the land. Wherefore
at a Thing he gave out that he made Rolf outlaw
from all Norway. But when Hild, the mother
of Rolf, heard thereof, she went to the king and
prayed him for peace for Rolf; but the king was
so wroth that her prayers availed nought. Then
sany Hild :
Thou hast cast off Nefia's namesake ;
Brave brother of the barons,
As a wolf from the land thou drivcst.
Why waxeth, lord, thy raging ?
Ill to be wild in quarrel
AVith a wolf of Odin's war-board.
If he fare wild in the forest
He shall waste thy flock right sorely.
Rolf Wend-afoot fared thereafter west-over-sea
to the .South-isles. Thence west he went to
Valland, and harried there, and won therein a
mighty earldom, and peopled all the land with
Northmen, and thenceforward has that land been
called Normandy.
The son of Rolf Wend-afoot was William, the
father of Richard, the father of Richard the second,
the father of Robert Long-sword, the father of
William the Bastard, king of the English ; and
from him are come all the English kings thence-
forward. From Rolf's kin also are come earls in
Queen Ragnhild the Mighty lived three winters
XXV The Story of Harald Hairfair. 1 19
after she came to Norway. After her death Eric,
the son of her and Harald, went to the Firths to
be fostered of Hersir Thorir, the son of Roald,
and there was he nourished.
ON a winter went King Harald a-guesting
in die Uplands, and let array his Yule-
feast at the Tofts. Yule-eve it is when
Cometh Swasi to the door, whenas the king is set
down to table. He sendeth bidding to the king
to come out to him, but the king waxed wroth
at the bidding ; and the same man bore the king's
wrath out that bore the bidding in. No less bade
Swasi bear in again his errand, saying that he
was that Finn unto whom the king had said yea
to set up his cot on the other side the brent. So
went the king out, and needs must say yea to
faring home with him, and went across the brent into
his cot ; with the egging of some men of his, though
some letted him. There rose to meet him Snowfair,
daughter of Swasi, fairest of women, and gave to
the king a cup full of honey-mead. Then took he
together the cup and the hand of her, and straight-
way it was as if hot fire came into his skin, and
therewith would he be by her that very night ; but
Swasi says it may not be, but if need sway him,
but if the kino- betroth him to her, and take her
lawfully. So King Harald betrothed him to
Snowfair, and wedded her ; and with such longing
he loved her, that he forgat his kingdom, and all
I20 The Saga Library. XXV
that belonged to his kingly honour. Four sons
they had: Sigurd a-Bush, Halfdan High-leg,
Gudrod Gleam, and Rognvald Straight-leg.
Then died Snowfair, but nowise changed her
hue, and as red and white she was as when
she was alive ; and the king sat ever by her and
thought in his heart that she lived yet. So wore
away three winters, while the king sorrowed for
her dying, and all the folk of the land sorrowed
for his beguilement. But now to the leech-craft
of laying this wildness came Thorleif the Sage,
and with wisdom vanquished it, first with soft
words, saying thus :
" No marvel, O king, although thou mindest so
fair a woman and so mighty, and honourest her
with the down-pillow and the goodly web, even as
she would have of thee ; yet is thine honour less
than what behoveth both thee and her, whereas
overlong in one raiment she lieth ; more meet it
were that somewhat thou move her, and shift the
cloths beneath her."
But, lo ! so soon as she was turned out of the
bed sprang up ill savour, rose up rottenness, and
all manner of stink from the dead corpse. Speedy
were they with the bale-fire, and therein was she
burned ; but first her body waxed all blue, and
thence crawled worms and adders, frogs and pad-
docks, and all the kind of creeping things. So
sank she into ashes ; but the king strode forth
into wisdom, and cast his folly from his heart, and
stoutly ruled his realm, and strengthened him
of his thanes and waxed glad of them, and his
thanes of him, and all the land of them both.
XXVI The story of Harald Haiyfaiv. 121
AFTER King Harald had proven the be-
guiling of the Finn-wife, he was so wroth
that he drave from him the sons of him
and the Finn-wife, and would not look on them.
But Gudrod Gleam went to Thiodolf the Hvin-
dweller, his foster-father, and bade him go with
him to the king, because Thiodolf was a well-
loved friend of King Harald; but the king was as
then in the Uplands. So they went whenas they
were arrayed, and came to the king late of an even-
ing-tide, and took an outer place, and kept hidden.
Now the king went up the hall-floor, and looked on
the benches ; but some feast or other was toward,
and the mead was mixed. So he sang muttering :
My warriors of old seasons
For the mead are much o'er-eager ;
Yea, here are come the hoary.
What make ye here so many ?
Then answered Thiodolf:
Our heads bore oft in old time
Hard strokes from out the edge-play,
Along with the wise gold-waster;
And were we thai o'er-many?
Therewith Thiodolf took the hat from his head,
and then the king knew him and gave him fair
welcome. Then Thiodolf prayed the king not to
set aside his sons : " For fain had they been of a
better-born mother hadst thou gotten them one."
122 TJie Saga Library. XXVII
So the king said yea thereto, and bade him have
Gudrod home with him even as he had had afore-
time ; but Sigurd and Halfdan he bade fare to Ring-
realm, and Rognvald he bade fare to Hadaland ;
and they did as the king bade. They became full
manly men, and well endowed with prowess. So
sat King: Harald at home in his own land, amid
good peace and plenteous seasons.
ROGNVALD, the Earl of Mere, heard
of the fall of Sigurd his brother, and
how the vikings abode in his lands. So
he sent his son Hallad west-away, who took the
name of earl on him, and had a great company of
men ; and when he came to the Orkneys he sat
him down in the land. But both autumn, winter,
and spring fared the vikings about the isles, and
lifted on the nesses, and slaughtered beasts on the
strand. So Earl Hallad grew a-weary of sitting
in the isles and cast aside his earldom, and took a
franklin's dignity, and so fared east to Norway ;
and when Earl Rognvald heard thereof, he was ill
content with Hallad's journey, and said that his
sons would become all unlike their forefathers.
Then spake Einar : " I have had little honour of
thee, and but little love have I to part from. I
will fare west to the isles if thou wilt give me some
help or other ; and then I will promise thee, what
will oladden thee exceedintilv, never to come back
again to Norway."
XXVIII story of Harald Haiyf air. 123
Earl Rognvald said he should be well content
if he never came back : " For small hope have I
that thy kin will have honour of thee, whereas all
thy mother's kin is thrall-born." So Earl Rogn-
vald gave Einar a long-ship all manned, and in
the autumn-tide Einar sailed West-over-sea ; but
when he came to the Orkneys there lay before
him two ships of the vikings Thorir Wood-beard
and Kalf Scurvy. Einar fell to battle with them
straightway, and won the victory, and they both
fell. Then was this sung :
Tree-beard to the trolls he gave there,
Scurvy there Turf-Einar slaughtered.
For this cause was he called Turf-Einar, be-
cause he let cut turf and use it instead of fire-
wood, whereas there were no woods in the
Thereafter Einar became earl over the isles,
and was a mighty man there. He was an ugly
man, and one-eyed, howbeit the sharpest-sighted
of men.
DUKE GUTHORM abode for the most
part in Tunsberg, and bore sway all over
the Wick whenas the king was not there-
by; and he was charged with the warding of the land
withal. In those days was there great trouble of
the vikings, and there was war also up in Gautland
while King Eric Eymundson lived. But he died
124 The Saga Library. XXIX-XXX
whenas King Harald Hairfair had been king of
Norway for ten winters.
AFTER Eric, Biorn his son was king in
Sweden for fifty years. He was father
of Eric the Victorious, and Olaf, the
father of Styrbiorn.
Duke Guthorm died in his bed in Tunsberg, and
King Harald gave the sway over all that land to
Guthorm his son, and he set him up for lord
WHEN King Harald was forty years
old, many of his sons were well waxen
up, and men early ripened were they
all. And so it befell that they were ill content
that the king gave them no rule, but set an earl
in every county, which earls they deemed less
nobly-born than themselves.
So one spring, Halfdan High-leg and Gudrod
Gleam went their ways with a great company
of men, and came unwares on Rognvald the
Mere-Earl, and took the house over him, and
burned him therein with sixty men. Then took
Halfdan three long-ships, and sailed West-over-
sea ; but Gudrod set him down in the lands
that Rognvald had aforetime owned. But when
XXXI The story of Harald Ilairfair. 125
King Harald heard hereof he went with a great
host against Gudrod, and Gudrod saw that there
was nought for it but to give himself up into the
power of King Harald. So the king sent him
east-away to Agdir. But King Harald made
lord over Mere, Thorir, the son of Earl Rognvald,
and gave him Alof his daughter, who was called
the Years-heal. So Earl Thorir the Silent had the
same rule that his father Rognvald had before him.
HALFDAN HIGH-LEG came west to
the Orkneys all unwares, and Earl
Einar fled straightway from the isles
over into Caithness ; but he came back again in
the autumn and fell unwares on Halfdan. They
met, and short wa'S the battle ere Halfdan fled
against the very fall of night ; and Einar and his
folk lay tentless through the night. But in the
morning at daybreak they fell a-searching the
fleers about the islands, and every man was slain
where he was taken. Then spake Earl Einar :
" I wot not," says he, " what it is I see out on
Rinan's-isle, whether it be a man or a fowl ; whiles
it cometh up, and whiles it lieth down." So thither
went they, and found Halfdan High-leg there, and
laid hands on him. Now Earl Einar had sung
this song the eve before, or ever he joined battle :
From the hand of Rolf my brother,
From Hrollaug's hand nought see I
The spears fly gainst the foemen.
126 TJic Saga Library. XXXI
And our father cries for vengeance.
Yea, and on this same evening,
While we thrust on the battle, ■
In Mere by the beakers' river
Earl Thorir sitteth silent.
So now went Earl EInar to Halfdan, and cut
an erne on the back of him in such wise, that he
thrust his sword into the hollow of the body by
the backbone, and sheared apart all the ribs down
to the loins, and thereby drew out the lungs ; and
that was the bane of Halfdan.
Then sang Einar :
Wreaked have I Rognvald's slaying,
I for my fourth part fully.
For the stay of hosts is fallen ;
The Norns have ruled it rightly.
Heap stones then upon High-leg,
High up, brave lads of battle.
For we in strife were stronger,
And a stony scat I pay him.
Then took Earl Einar the Orkneys to him
as he had before had them. But when these
tidings were known in Norway, then were the
brethren of Halfdan exceeding ill content thereat,
and said that it must be avenged, and many others
said that sooth it was. But when Earl Einar heard
thereof, then sang he :
A many nought unmighty
There are in many countries,
For many a due cause doubtless,
Full fain my death to compass ;
Yet ere to field they fell me,
They know not who is fated
Meanwhile to fall before me
Neath foot-thorn of the eagle.
XXXII The story of Haraldllairfaiy. 127
KING HARALD called out his men and
drew together a great host, and so went
west to the Orkneys ; and when Earl
Einar heard that King- Harald was come from the
east, he grot him over to Caithness.
Then he sanir this song :
For the slaughtering of the sheep-kind
Are some with beards made guilty ;
But I for a king's son's slaying
Amid the sea-beat island.
Conies peril, say the franklins,
From the wrath of a king redoubted,
And surely of my shearing
Is the shard in the shield of Harald.
Then went men and messengers between the
king and the earl ; and it was so brought about
that a meeting was bespoken, and they themselves
met, and the earl handselled all to the king's judg-
ment. So King Harald doomed Earl Einar and
all the folk of Orkney to pay him si.xty marks of
eold. Over-great the bonders deemed the fine ;
so the earl offered to pay it all himself, and that
he should have in return all the odal lands in the
isles. Hereto they all assented, mostly for this
cause, that the poor folk had but little land, but
the rich thought to redeem their land when they
would. So the earl paid all the fine to the king ;
and the king went back east in the autumn-tide.
So a long while thereafter in the Orkneys the
earls owned all the odal lands ; yea, until the
1 28 The Saga Library. X X X 1 1 1- 1 V
time when Sigurd, son of Lewis, gave them up
GUTHORM, the son of King Harald, had
the warding of the land about the \Vicl<,
and would fare with his war-ships out
beyond the skerries ; and on a time whenas he
lay in the mouth of the Elf, came Solfi Klofl and
joined battle with him, and Guthorm fell there.
Halfdan the Black and Halfdan the White
lay out sea-roving, and harried in the Eastlands ;
and on a time they had a great battle in Esthonia,
and Halfdan the White fell there.
ERIC, Harald's son, was fostered with
the Hersir Thorir, Roald's son, in the
Firth-land. Him King Harald loved
and honoured the most of all his sons. When
Eric was twelve winters old Harald gave him five
long-ships, and he went a-warring ; first in the
Eastlands, then south about Denmark and Fries-
land and Saxland, in which warfare he abode for
four Nv^inters ; thereafter he went W^est-over-sea,
and harried in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Nor-
mandy, and another four winters he wore away
thus ; then he fared north-away to Finland, and
The Story of Harald Hairfair. 1 29
right up to Biarmland, and had a great battle
there, and won the day.
Now when he came back to Finmark his men
found a certain woman in a cot there, the Hke of
whom they had never seen for fairness ; she
named her Gunnhild to them, and said that her
father dwelt in Halogaland, and was called Ozur
Tot. " For this cause have I abided here,"
said she, " that I might learn cunning from two
Finns here, the wisest of all the wood. Now are
they gone a-hunting ; but they both of them are
fain of my love. So wise are they, that they may
follow a track as hounds, both over thaw and
hard ice ; and so cunning are they on snow-shoes
that nought mayescape them.neitherman nor beast;
and whatso they shoot at they hit without fail. Thus
have they overcome every man that has come anigh
here ; and if they be angry, the earth turneth inside
outward before the eyes of them ; but if aught
quick be before their eyes, straightway it fallcth
down dead. Now may ye in no wise cross their
way, but I will hide you here in the hut, and then
ye shall try if we may compass their slaying."
That took they with thanks, and so she hid
them there. She took a linen sack, wherein them-
seemed were ashes ; that took she in her hand,
and strawed it about the hut both within and
A little after the Finns come home, and ask her
what is come thither, and she says that nought at
all is come. Marvellous that seemeth to the Finns,
who have followed the slot right up to the hut,
but may find nought thereafter.
130 The Saga Library. XXXIV
So they make them fire, and cook some meat ;
and when they had had their fill Gunnhild arrays
their bed. But so matters had gone for three
nights past, that Gunnhild had slept, but either of
them had watched waking over the other for
jealousy's sake ; but now she spake to the Finns :
" Come hither, and lie one of vou on either side
of me."
Hereof were they full fain, and did so ; and she
cast an arm about the neck of either, and they fell
asleep straightway. But she woke them again ;
yet speedily they fell asleep once more, and that
so fast, that she might scarcely wake them ; once
again they slept, and then she might nowise get
them awake. So she .set them up withal, and
still they slept on ; then she took two great seal-
skin bags, and did them over their heads, and
bound them strongly underneath their arms. Then
she gave a sign to the king's men, and they leap
forth and bear weapons against the Finns and
destroy them, and drag them out of the hut ; and
all that night was there fierce thundering, so mighty
that they might not go their ways ; but in the
morning they fared to the ship, and had Gunnhild
with them, and brought her to Eric. So Eric and
his folk fare south thence to Halogaland ; and
there Eric summoned Ozur Tot to him, and says
that he would wed his daughter. He said yea
thereto, and Eric wedded Gunnhild, and had her
with him into the South-country.
XXXV The Stoiy of Harald Ilairfair. 131
NOW was King Harald fifty years old, when
some of his sons were fully grown, or dead,
other some of them ; they were waxen
now riotous men in the land, yea, and were not at
one among themselves. They drave the king's
earls away from their lands, or some they slew. So
King Harald summoned a Thing of many men
in the South-country, bidding thereto all the
Upland-men. Thereat he gave his sons the
name of king, and established by law that all his
very kin should each take the kingship after his
father, but all they who were come of him on the
distaff side should be held for earls.
He shared the land betwixt them ; Vingulmark,
Raumrealm, Westfold, Thelmark, this he gave
to Olaf, Biorn, Sigtrygg, Prodi, and Thorgils.
Heathmark and Gudbrandsdale gave he to Day
and Ring and Ragnar. To the sons of Snowfair
gave he Ring-realm, Hadaland, Thotn, and all
that appertains thereto. To Guthorm had he afore-
time given all rule from the Elf to Swinesound,
and Ran-realm to wit, and had set him up for the
warding of the land to the easternmost end thereof.
King Harald himself was most oft in the mid-
most of the land. Roerek and Gudrod were
ever in the court with the king, and held great
bailiwicks about Hordland and Sogn. King
Eric abode ever with King Harald ; to him gave
he Halogaland and Northmere and Raumsdale.
North-away in Thrandheim he gave the rule to
132 The Saga Library. XXXV
Halfdan the Black and Halfdan the White and
Sio;rod. In each of these counties he grave to his
sons half of the dues against himself, and there-
withal seat in the high-seat a step higher than
the earls and a step lower than he himself. That
seat of his, in sooth, each of his sons was minded
himself to have after his father's day ; but he him-
self was minded that Eric should have it. And
the Thrandheim folk would have Halfdan the
Black to sit there ; and the folk of the Wick and
the Upland-men would give the rule each unto
the one who was nighest at hand to them ; and
from all this waxed dissension anew betwixt the
brethren. And whereas they deemed themselves
to have but little dominion, they went a-warring,
as is aforesaid, and how Guthorm fell in the
mouth of the Elf before Solfi Klofi ; and after
him Olaf took the dominion he had had. Halfdan
the White also fell in Estland, and Halfdan High-
leg in the Orkneys.
To Thorgils and Frodi gave King Harald war-
ships, and they went a-warring in the West, and
harried about Scotland and Wales and Ireland ;
and they were the first of the Northmen who gat
to them Dublin. So say folk that to Frodi was
deadly drink given ; but Thorgils was a long while
king over Dublin, and was bewrayed of the Erse-
folk and so died there.
The Story of Harald Hairfair. 1 33
ERIC BLOOD-AXE was minded to be
king over all his brethren, and even so
would King Harald have it ; and at most
times were he and his father together. Now
Rognvald Straight-leg had Hadaland, and he fell
to wizardry and became a spell-worker ; but King
Harald was a foe to wizards. In Hordland dwelt
a wizard called Vitgeir ; to him sent the king word
bidding him leave his wizard-craft, but he answered
and sang this song :
Little weighs it
Though wizards we be,
We carle-begotten
On very carlines ;
When Rognvald Straight-leg,
Dear son of Harald,
Raiseth the witch-lay
In Hadaland.
But when King Harald heard thereof, Eric
Blood-axe fared at his bidding to the Uplands,
and came to Hadaland ; and there he burned in
his house Rognvald his brother and eighty wizards,
and much was that work praised.
GUDROD GLEAM abode in the winter
with his foster-father Thiodolf of Hvin
for old friendship's sake ; a cutter he had
all-manned, and therein would he fare north to
134 The Saga Library. XXXVIII
Rogaland. Great storms were about that tide, but
Gudrod was eager to go, and loth to abide. Then
sang Thiodolf :
Go not from hence, O Gudrod,
Ere the ship's plain groweth better ;
For Geitir's way is wafting
The stones in wash of billows.
Await here, O thou wide-famed.
The turmoil and wind's wonder :
Bide with us for fair weather !
Surf-washed is all round Jadar.
But Gudrod went as he was minded, whatsoever
Thiodolf might say ; but when they were come
off Jadar the ship foundered under them, and
there they all perished.
BIORN, the son of King Harald, ruled in
those days over Westfold, and abode
oftest at Tunsberg, and went a-warring
but little. To Tunsberg came many ships, both
from the Wick and thereabouts, and from the
North-country ; from south-away also from Den-
mark and Saxland. King Biorn also had ships
a-voyaging to other lands, and he gathered thus
to him dear-bought things and other goods that
he deemed he had need of; and his brethren
called him Biorn the Sea-farer, or the Chapman.
Biorn was a wise man and a peaceful, and was
deemed to have in him the makings of a good
lord ; he wedded well and meetly, and had a son
named Gudrod.
The Story of Harald Hairfair. 1 35
Now came Eric Blood-axe from the Eastlands
with war-ships and a great company of folk, and
bade Biorn his brother give up to him the scat
and dues which King Harald had in Westfold ;
but the wont was aforetime for Biorn to bring the
scat to the king himself, or send men therewith ;
and even so he will have it now, and will not pay
it out of hand, but Eric deemed he had need of
victuals and tents and drink. The brethren con-
tended hereover with high words, but nowise
might Eric get his needs, so he fared away from
the town. Biorn also fared away from the town
in the evening, and up to Seaham. So Eric
turned back a-night-time after Biorn, and came
on Seaham as Biorn and his men sat over the
drink. Eric took the house over their heads, and
Biorn went out to fight, he and his ; and there fell
Biorn and many men with him. Eric took great
booty there, and so went north-away up country.
The Wick-folk were full evil content with this
deed, and Eric was evil spoken of therefor ; and
the word went about that King Olaf would avenge
Biorn his brother when occasion served.
King Biorn lieth in Sea-farer's Mound at Sea-
136 The Saga Library. XXXIX
HE winter after King Eric fared north to
Mere, and took guesting at Solvi inward
of Agdanes. But when Halfdan the
Black heard thereof he fared thither with an host
of men, and took the house over their heads ; but
Eric slept in an outbower, and gat him away to
the wood with four other men, while Halfdan and
his men burned up the house and all the folk
therein. So came Eric to King Harald with these
tidings. The king was wood-wroth thereat, and
gathered an host together against the Thrand-
heimers. But when Halfdan the Black heard
thereof he bade out folk and ships, and waxed full
many, and put out to the Stad inward of Thors-
cliff ; and the king lay with his host out by Rein-
field. Then went men betwixt them ; and ther^'
was one Guthorm Cinder, a noble man among the
folk of Halfdan the Black, who had aforetime
been with King Harald, and was well loved of
either. Guthorm was a great skald, and he had
done a song on both father and son, and they
had bidden him a reward therefor ; which thing
he refused, and craved that they should one time
grant him a boon, and they promised him. So
now he went to King Harald and bare words of
peace between them, and now claimed his boon of
either, to wit, that they should be at one again ;
and the kings deemed him worth so much honour
that at his prayer they were appeased. And
many other noble men also pleaded this cause along
X L The Story of Harald Hairfair. 1 37
with him ; and the peace was this, that Halfdan
should have still the dominion he had had afore-
time, but he was to give no trouble to Eric his
brother. After this tale Jorun the Skald-maiden
hath made somewhat in the Sentbit :
I learned how Harald Hairfair
Heard the hard deeds of Halfdan.
To him that deals with sword edge
Dark looking shall the deed be.
Ladir, had had all rule in Thrandheim
whenas King Harald was otherwhere in
the land, and Hakon had had the greatest honour
from the king of all the Thrandheim folk. After
the fall of Hakon, Sigurd his son took all his
dominion, and became earl in Thrandheiin, and
had his abode at Ladir ; with him had been
nourished the sons of King Harald, Halfdan the
Black and Sigrod, who had before been in the hands
of Earl Hakon his father. They were much of an
age, the sons of King Harald and Earl Sigurd.
Earl Sigurd wedded Bergliot, daughter of Earl
Thorir the Silent, and whose mother was Alof
the Years-heal, daughter of Harald Hairfair.
Earl Sigurd was the wisest of men.
But when King Harald grew old he abode
often at his great manors which he had in Hord-
land, at Alrek-stead or Seaham, at Fitiar, at Out-
stone, or at Ogvalldsness in Kormt-isle. When
138 The Saga Library. XLI
King Harald was now nigh seventy years old he
begat a son on a woman named Thora Most-staff,
whose kin were of Most ; good kin she had, and
might tell Horda-Kari amongst them. The tallest
of women was she, and the fairest, and was called
the king's bondwoman ; for in those days there were
many of good blood, both men and women, that
owed homapfe to the kingf. Now the wont it was
then concerning the children of noble men, to
seek carefully one who should sprinkle the child
with water and give it a name. So when the
time came that Thora looked to bear a child she
was fain to go seek King Harald, who was as
then north in Seaham, and she was in Most ; so
she fared north in Earl Sigurd's ship. And on a
night when they lay off the land Thora brought
forth a child on the cliff's side hard by the gang-
way-head, and a man-child it was ; so Earl Sigurd
sprinkled the boy with water, and called him Hakon
after his father Hakon the Ladir-earl. The boy
was early fair to look on, and great of growth, and
most like unto his father. King Harald let the lad
abide with his mother, and they were about the
king's manors while the lad was yet young.
THE king in England of those days was
called Athelstane, who was but newcome
to the kingdom ; he was called the Vic-
torious, or the Faithful.
Now he sent men to Norway to King Harald,
X L 1 1 The Story of Harald Hairfair. 1 39
with this-like message, that the messenger should
go before the king and dehver to him a sword
done with gold about the hilts and the grip there-
of, and all its array wrought with gold and with
silver, and set with dear-bought gems. So the
messenger reached out the sword-hilt to the king
and said : " Here is a sword which King Athel-
stane sendeth thee, bidding thee take it withal."
So the king took the grip, and straightway spake
the messenger: " Now hast thou taken the sword
even as our king would ; wherefore now wilt
thou be his thane, since thou hast taken his
Then saw King Harald that this was done to
mock him ; but no man's thane would he be.
Nevertheless, he called to mind his wont, that
whensoever swift rage or anger fell on him, he
held himself aback at first, and let the wrath run
off him, and looked at the matter unwrathfuUy ;
and even so did he now, and laid the matter
before his friends, who all found a rede hereto,
and this above all things, that they should let the
messenger go his ways home unhurt.
THE next summer King Harald sent a
ship west to England, and made Hawk
High-breech captain thereof, a great cham-
pion and most well-beloved of the king ; into his
hands gave the king Hakon his son. So Hawk
fared west to England to see King Athelstane, and
140 The Saga Library. XLII
found the king in London, and thereat was there a
bidding and a feast full worthy. Hawk told his
men whenas they came to the hall, how they shall
deal with their entering, saying that he shall go out
first who came in last, and that all shall stand abreast
before the board, and each man with his sword at
his left side, but their cloaks so set on that the
swords be not seen. So they went into the hall,
thirty men in company. Hawk went before the
king- and grreeted him, and the kino- bade him
welcome. Then took Hawk the lad Hakon and
laid him on King Athelstane's knee ; the king
looked on the lad and asked Hawk why he did
so. Says Hawk : " King Harald biddeth thee
foster the child of his bondwoman."
The king was exceeding wroth, and caught up
his sword that lay beside him, and drew it, as if he
would slay the lad. Then said Hawk : " Thou
hast set him on thy knee, and mayst murder him
if thou wilt, but not thus withal wilt thou make an
end of all the sons of King Harald."
Therewith went Hawk out and all his men,
and they go their ways to their ship and put to
sea, when they were ready, and so came back to
Norway to King Harald ; and now was he well
content, for men ever account the fosterer less
noble than him whose child he fostereth. By
such-like dealings of the kings may it be seen
how either would fain be greater than the other ;
yet not a whit for all this was any honour of
either spilt, and either was sovereign lord of his
realm till his death-day.
XLIV The Stoyy of Ha raid Ilairfair. 141
KING ATHELSTANE let christen Ha-
kon and teach him the right troth, and
good manners with all kind of prowess.
Athelstane loved him more than any of his kin,
yea, moreover, and all men else loved him who
knew him. He was sithence called Hakon Athel-
stane's Fosterling ; he was a man of the greatest
prowess, bigger and stronger and fairer than any
man else. He was a wise man and of fair speech,
and a well-christened man. King Athelstane gave
Hakon a sword whose hilts and grip were all of
gold ; yet was the brand itself better, for there-
with did Hakon cleave a quern-stone to the eye,
wherefore was it called sithence Quern-biter, and
it was the best sword that ever came to Norway ;
and Hakon kept it till his death-day.
NOW was King Harald eighty years old,
and waxen heavy of foot, so that he
deemed he might no more fare through
the land or rule the kingly matters ; so he lead
Eric his son into the high-seat, and gave him
dominion over all the land. But when the other
sons of King Harald knew thereof, then Halfdan
the Black set himself down in the king's high-
seat, and took on him all rule in Thrandheim ;
142 The Saga Libya yy. XLV
and all the Thrandheimers were consenting to
that rede with him.
After the fall of Biorn the Chapman, Olaf his
brother took the dominion of Westfold, and
fostered Gudrod Biorn's son. Tryggvi was Olaf 's
son, and he and Gudrod were foster-brothers, and
much of an age ; both were most hopeful and full
of all prowess : Tryggvi was the biggest and
strongest of men. So when the folk of the Wick
heard that the Hordlanders had taken Eric for
sovereign king, then they in like wise took Olaf
for sovereign king in the Wick, and he held that
dominion ; and full ill content was Eric thereat.
Two winters thereafter Halfdan the Black died
a sudden death at a feast in Thrandheim, and
it was the common talk of men that Gunnhild
King-s' - mother had struck a bargain with a
witch-wife to give him a deadly drink. But
thereafter the Thrandheimers took Sigrod for
KING HARALD lived three winters after
he had given Eric sole dominion over
his realm, and that while he abode in
Rogaland or Hordland at the great manors he
had there. Eric and Gunnhild had a son whom
King Harald sprinkled with water, and gave his
own name to, saying that he would have him be
kinor after his father Eric.
King Harald gave the more part of his daughters
XLV The Story of Harald Hairfair. 143
to his earls in his own land,- and great stocks are
come thence.
King Harald died in his bed in Rogaland, and
was buried at the Howes by Kormt-sound. In
Howe-sound a church standeth to-day, and just to
the north-west of the churchyard is the howe of
King Harald Hairfair; but west of the church lies
the tombstone of King Harald, which lay over his
grave in the mound, and the said stone is thirteen
feet and a half long, and near two ells broad. In
the midst of the howe was the orrave of Kinof
Harald, and one stone was set at the head, and
another at the feet, and on the top thereof was laid
the flat stone, while a wall of stone is builded below
it on either side : but those stones which were in the
howe stand now in the churchyard, as is aforesaid.
Now so say men of lore that Harald Hairfair
was the fairest of face of all men that have ever
been, the biggest and the strongest, the most
bounteous of his wealth, and the friendliest to his
men. In his early days he was a great warrior ;
and common rumour goeth about that great tree
that his mother saw in her dream, how that it fore-
shadowed his deeds therein, whereas the lower
half of the tree was red as blood : and whereas
the stem thence upward was fair and green, that
betokened the flourishing of his realm ; but whereas
the topmost of the tree was white, that betokened
that he should come to old age and hoary hairs.
The boughs and limbs of the tree showed forth his
descendants who were scattered wide about the
land ; yea, and of his kin also have all kings in
Norway been sithence.
144 The Saga Library. XLVI
KING ERIC took all the dues which the
king owned amidmost of the land the
next winter after the death of King
Harald ; but Olaf ruled east-away in Wick, and
Sigrod their brother ruled all in Thrandheim.
Eric was right ill content hereat, and the rumour
ran that he would seek by the strong hand to get
from his brethren the sovereisfn rule over all the
land which his father had given him ; and when
Olaf and Sigrod heard thereof, messengers fared
between them, and thereon they made trysting,
and Sigrod fared east in the spring-tide to the
Wick, and there met his brother Olaf in Tunsberg,
and there they abode awhile. That same spring-
tide Eric called out a great host of men and ships,
and turned east-away to Wick. King Eric gat so
fair a wind that he sailed night and day ; nor was
there any espial of his coming. So when he came
to Tunsberg, Olaf and Sigrod fared with their
folk from the town eastward on to the brent
and there arrayed them. Eric had much the
greater host, and he won the day, and Olaf and
Sigrod fell both, and the howes of them both are
on the brent whereas they lay slain.
Then King Eric fared all about the Wick and
subdued it to him, and abode there long that
summer; but Tryggvi and Gudrod fled away to
the Uplands.
Eric was a big man and a fair ; strong, and most
stout of heart ; a mighty warrior and victorious,
XLVI The Story of Harald Hairf air. 145
fierce of mind, grim, unkind, and of few words.
Gunnhild his wife was the fairest of women,
wise and cunning in witchcraft; glad of speech
and guileful of heart, and the grimmest of all folk.
These are the children of Eric and Gunnhild :
Gamli the eldest, Guthorm, Harald, Ragnfrod,
Ragnhild, Erling, Gudrod, and Sigurd Slaver.
And all Eric's children were fair and full manly.
IT" AKON, Athelstane's foster-son, was in
— I England when he heard of the death
JL of King Harald his father. He straight-
way arrayed him for departure ; and King Athel-
stane gave him both folk and fair great ships, and
arrayed all for him in the seemliest wise. So he
came to Norway in the autumn-tide.
Then heard he of the fall of his brethren, and
therewith how that King Eric was as then in the
Wick. So Hakon sailed north to Thrandheim,
and came to Sigurd, the Earl of Ladir, the wisest of
all men of Norway, and gat good welcome of him;
and they made covenant together, and Hakon
promised him great dominion if he might get to be
king. Then they let summon a Thing of many
men, and at the Thing Earl Sigurd spake on
Hakon's behoof, and offered him to the bonders
for king, and thereafter Hakon himself stood up
and spake. Then fell a-talking man to man that
here was come back Harald Hairfair grown young
a second time.
150 The Saga Library. I
Now the beeinnine of Hakon's word was that
he bade them take him for king, and so name
him, and therewithal to give him help and
strength to hold his kingdom ; but in return he
offered to make them all as free-born bonders, and
that they should dwell every man on his free
At this harangue was there so great a stir that the
whole throng of bonders shouted, and cried out
that they would take him for king.
And so it came to pass that they of Thrandheim
took Hakon for king over all the land ; and in
those days was Hakon fifteen winters old.
So he took to him a body-guard and went through
the land. Now came tidings to the Uplands that
the Thrandheimers had taken one for king like in
all wise to Harald Hairfair, if it were not that
Harald had enthralled and oppressed all the folk
of the land, whereas this Hakon willed good to
every man, and offered to give back to the bonders
theodal rights which King Harald had taken from
them. All were glad at those tidings, and one man
told the other, till it ran like wild-fire all through
the land to the land's-end. Many bonders fared
from the Uplands to go see King Hakon ; some
sent men, some sent messengers and tokens ; and
all to one end, to wit, that they would be his men ;
and the king took all with thanks.
1 1 -1 1 1 The Story of Hakon the Good. 1 5 1
KING HAKON fared in the beginning of
winter to the Uplands, and summoned
Things there, and all folk that might
come came thronging to meet him ; and at all
Things was he taken for king. Then he fared east
to the Wick ; andTryggvi and Gudrod, his brothers'
sons, came to meet him, and many others, who told
over the sorrows they had borne from King Eric
his brother. So ever the more waxed the enmity
against Eric as to all men King Hakon grewdearer,
and each felt moreemboldened to speak as he thought.
King Hakon gave a king's name to Tryggviand
Gudrod, and the same dominion which Harald
his father had given to their fathers ; to Tryggvi
gave he Van-realm and Vingulmark, and to Gud-
rod, Westfold. But whereas they were young
and but children, he set noble men and wise to rule
the land with them ; and he gave the land to them
on that covenant aforesaid, that they should have
half of the dues and scat against him.
So King Hakon went north in the spring-tide
through the Upper Uplands to Thrandheim.
KING HAKON drew together a great
host in spring-tide, and arrayed his ships ;
and the folk of the Wick also had a great
company afield, and were minded to meet him.
152 The Saga Library. Ill
Then King Eric too called out men from the mid
land, but was ill-furnished with folk, because many of
the great men had turned from him and gone over to
Hakon. But when he saw that he had no might to
withstand the host of Hakon, he sailed West-over-
sea with such folk as would follow him. He fared
first to the Orkneys, and had thence a great com-
pany ; then he sailed south toward England, and
harried about Scotland wheresoever he made land;
and then he harried all about the north parts of
England. Now Athelstane, the English king, sent
word to Eric, bidding him take dominion of him ;
saying that King Harald his father had been a
great friend of his, wherefore he was fain thus to
make it avail to his son. So men went between
the kings, and they made peace with sworn troth
on such covenant that King Eric should take
Northumberland to hold of King Athelstane, and
should ward the land from the Danes and other
vikings ; he should let himself be christened also,
with his wife and children, and all the folk that had
followed him thither. That choice took Eric, and
was christened and took the right troth.
Now Northumberland is accounted the fifth
part of England. Eric had his abode at York,
whereas, say folk, Lodbrok's sons had aforetime
abided. Northumberland was mostly peopled by
Northmen after Lodbrok's sons had won the
land. Full oft had Danes and Northmen harried
therein since the dominion thereof had departed
from them. Many steads in that land are named
after the Northern tongue, Grimsby to wit, and
Hawkfleet, and many others.
IV The Story of Hakon the Good. 153
KING ERIC had many men about him;
for he kept there many Northmen who had
come from the East with him, and more-
over many of his friends came afterward from
Norway. But whereas he had but little land, he
fared ever a-warring in summer-tide ; he harried
in Scotland and the South-isles, Ireland and
Wales, and so gat wealth to him.
King Athelstane died in his bed whenas he had
been kina: fourteen winters and eigfht weeks and
three days. After him was Edmund his brother
king of England. He could not away with
Northmen, nor was King Eric beloved of him,
and the word went about King Edmund that he
would set another king over Northumberland;
and when King Eric heard that, he went a-warring
in the West, and had with him from the Orkneys
Earls Arnkel and Erland, the sons of Turf-Einar.
Then he went to the South-isles, and found there
many vikings and kings of hosts, and they joined
themselves to King Eric, and with the whole host
he went first to Ireland, and had thence such folk
as he might get. Thereafter he fared to Wales,
and harried there ; thence he sailed south under
England, and harried there as in other places, and
all the people fled away wheresoever he came.
Now whereas Eric was a most daring man, and
had a great host, he trusted so well to his folk that
he went a long way up into the land, and harried
and followed up the fleers ; but there was a king
1 54 The Saga Library. V
called Olaf whom King Edmund had set there for
the warding of the land, and he drew together an
army not to be withstood, and fell on King Eric,
and there was a great battle ; many of the English
folk fell, but ever whereas one fell, came three in
his place down from the land, and by the latter end
of the day the fall of men turned toward the side
of the Northmen, and there died full many folk ;
and ere this day was ended fell King Eric and
five kings with him, which are named, Guthorm
and his two sons, Ivar and Harek. There fell
also Sigurd and Rognvald, and there fell withal
Arnkel and Erland, the sons of Turf-Einar. Yea,
and there was an exceeding great fall of the North-
men, but they who escaped fared back to North-
umberland and told Gunnhild and her sons of
these tidingfs.
N' OW when Gunnhild and her sons knew
that King Eric was fallen, and that he
had before that harried the land of the
English king, they deemed full surely that they
might look for no peace there ; so they straight-
way got them gone from Northumberland, and had
all the ships that King Eric had had, and such
folk as would follow them, and plenteous wealth
withal, which they had gotten together, part by the
tribute of England and part by warring. They
turned their host first north-away to the Orkneys
and took up their abode there awhile, and the earl
VI The Story of Hakon the Good. 155
there in those days was Thorfinn Skull-cleaver, son
of Turf-Einar. So Eric's sons took to them the
Orkneys and Shetlands, and had scat from them,
and abode there a-winter-tide and harried in
summer about Scotland and Ireland.
Hereof telleth Glum Geirason :
The bairn-young wise wayfarer,
The rider of the strand-steed,
A goodly way had wended
Thence, and all on to Skaney.
The upright fight-fires speeder
Won sons of men in Scotland,
And sent therefrom to Odin
Hosts of the men sword-smitten.
The folk's friend drave the fight-flames
To gladden choughs of the Valkyrs;
Of the Erse folk many a war-host
Betook them unto fleeing.
The Frey of the land of people,
Of victory well-beloved,
In man's blood reddened edges,
And felled folk in the Southland.
KING HAKON, Athelstane's foster-
son, subdued to him all Norway, when
King Eric his brother had fled the land.
King Hakon abode the first winter in the West-
country, and thereafter went north to Thrandheim
and abode there ; but whereas that he doubted of
war if perchance King Eric should come with an
host from West-over-sea, for that cause he sat
with his host in the mid land of the Firth-country,
156 The Saga Library. VI
or Sogn, or Hordaland, or Rogaland. Hakon
set Earl Sigiird, the Earl of Ladir, over all Thrand-
heim whereas he had been lord aforetime, and
Hakon his father also under King Harald Hairfair.
But when Hakon heard of the fall of Eric his
brother, and withal that Eric's sons durst not abide
in Enofland, he deemed there was little need to
dread them, and so fared with his folk one summer
east into the Wick. In these days the Danes harried
much in the Wick, and wrought full oft great
scathe there ; but when they heard that King
Hakon was come thither with a great host, they
fled all away, some south to Halland, but otherswho
were nigher to King Hakon stood out to sea, and so
south to Jutland. And when King Hakon was
ware of this, he sailed after them with all his host,
and, coming to Jutland, harried there. And when
the folk of the land were ware of it, they drew
together an host and would defend their land, and
joined battle with King Hakon. There was a
great battle, and King Hakon fought so mightily
that he went on before his banner unhelmed and
unbyrnied. King Hakon won the day, and followed
the chase far up into the land.
Sosayeth Guthorm Cinder in the Hakon's-drapa:
The ship's blue stream now wended
The king with oars spray-washen ;
The high lord felled the Jute-folk
In the drift of battle's maiden.
The feeder of swans of Odin
Drave flight e'en as his will was,
The covering of the lurers
To crows' wine brake asunder.
VI I-VI 1 1 The Story of Hakon the Good. 1 57
THENCE King Hakon made south with
his host for Selund, and sought the
vikings there. He rowed with two cutters
forth into Eresound, and there fell in with eleven
cutters of the vikings, and straightway joined battle
with them, and the end thereof was that he won
the day, and cleared all the craft of the vikings.
So sayeth Guthorm Cinder :
Speeder of gales of bow-drifts'
Fires from the South came faring
To the green ness of the Seal-wound
With but two plate-decked sea-steeds,
Whenas the all-wroth sender
Of the wand of slaughter cleared them,
Eleven keels of Dane-folk,
Far famed therefor e'er after.
THEREAFTER King Hakon harried wide
about in Selund, and plundered many
folk and slew some, and had away some
as captives, and took great fines from some, nor
found aught to withstand him.
So sayeth Guthorm Cinder :
The blackthorn of the onset
Gat this, to conquer Selund,
And the safe-guard of the Vend-host
Along the side of Skaney.
Then went King Hakon east along Skaney-
158 The Saga Libyayy. IX
side, and harried all, and took fines and scat from
the land, and slew all vikings wheresoever he
found them, were they Danes or Vends.
Then went he east-away beyond Gautland and
harried there, and gat great tribute from the land.
So sayeth Guthorm Cinder :
Shielded by skirt of Odin
He won scat of the Gautfolk ;
Gold-hewer the all-bounteous
Won spear-storms in that faring.
King Hakon went back in autumn-tide with his
folk, and had gotten to him exceeding great wealth.
He abode that winter in the Wick, against onsets,
if perchance the Danes or Gautlanders should do
the same.
THAT same autumn had King Tryggvi
Olafson come from warring in the West ;
and he had as then been harrying in
Ireland and Scotland. In the spring King Hakon
went into the North-country, and set Tryggvi his
brother's son over the Wick to guard it against
war, and to get what he might from those lands of
Denmark whereas King Hakon had taken scat the
summer before.
So sayeth Guthorm Cinder :
The helmet's ice-rod's reddener
Hath set the brave mind-gladdener
Over the maid of Onar,
The oak-green of the Southland ;
The ever-nimble breaker
X The Story of Hakon the Good. 1 59
Of Swegdir's hall of battle,
Who erst had come from Ireland
With a host on the Swan-mead's runners.
those days over Denmark ; and he was
exceeding ill content that King Hakon
had harried in his land, and rumour ran that the
Dane-king would fain avenge it ; but nought so
speedily came that about.
But when Gunnhild and her sons heard hereof,
that unpeace was toward betwixt Denmark and
Norway, they arrayed their departure from the
west : they gave Ragnhild, the daughter of King
Eric, to Arnfinn, the son of Thorfinn Skull-cleaver.
So Thorfinn abode still earl in the Orkneys when
Eric's sons went away. Gamli Ericson was some-
what the eldest of them, yet was not he fully come
to manhood.
So when Gunnhild came to Denmark with her
sons she fared to meet King Harald, and had
good welcome of him. King Harald gave them
lands in his realm so great that they might well
keep them there in good fortune, they and their
men ; but he took into fostering Harald Ericson,
and set him on his knee, and he grew up there in
the court of the Dane-king. Some of Eric's sons
fared a- warring as soon as they were of age thereto,
and so gathered wealth ; they harried about the
East-lands. They were early fair to look on, and of
manhood in strength and prowess beyond their years .
i6o The Saga Library. XI
Hereof telleth Glum Geirason in the Greycloak's
Drapa :
A many in the Eastlands
Gat them a war-shrine smitten,
The mighty skalds' gift-giver
Gained victory in the journey.
The king set there a-singing,
The sheath-tongues gold bewrapped,
And hosts of the wight sword-players
Unto the ground he sent them.
Then turned Eric's sons also north to the Wick
with their host, and harried there ; but Tryggvi
called out his folk and turned to meet them, and they
had many battles, wherein now one, now the other
prevailed ; and whiles Eric's sons harried in the
Wick, whiles Tryggvi harried in Selund or Halland.
WHENAS Hakon was king in Norway
was there good peace amidst bonders
and chapmen, so that none did hurt to
other, nor to other's wealth, and plenteous were the
seasons both by land and by sea.
King Hakon was the blithest of all men, and
the sweetest-spoken, and the kindest ; he was a
very wise man, and turned his mind much to law-
making. He set forth the Gula-thlngs Laws with
the help and counsel of Thorleif the Wise, and
also the Frosta-things Laws, with the rede of Earl
Sigurd and other Thrandheimers of the wisest ; but
the Heidsaevis Law Halfdan the Black had set forth
aforetime, as is written afore.
X I I-X 1 1 1 77/^ Story ofHakon the Good. 1 6 1
KING HAKON held his Yule-feast in
Thrandheim, which feast Earl Sigurd
arrayed for him at Ladir. Thereon the
first night of Yule, Bergliot, the earl's wife, brought
forth a man-child ; and the next day King Hakon
sprinkled the lad with water, and gave him his own
name, and he waxed up and became a mighty
man and a noble, and became earl after Sigurd his
Earl Sigurd was the dearest of friends to King
EYSTEIN, King of the Uplands, whom
some called the Mighty and some the
Evil, harried in Thrandheim, and laid
under him Isles'-folk and Spar-biders-folk, and set
his son Onund over them ; but the Thrandheimers
slew him. King Eystein fared a-warring the second
time into Thrandheim, and harried wide there, and
laid folk under him. Then he bade the Thrand-
heimers choose whether they would have for
king his thrall, who was called Thorir Faxi, or
his hound, who was called Saur ; so they chose the
hound, deeming they would then the rather do their
own will. Then let they bewitch into the hound
the wisdom of three men, and he barked two words
and spake the third. A collar was wrought for
1 62 The Saga Library. XIV
him, and chains of gold and silver ; and whenso the
ways were miry, his courtmen bare him on their
shoulders. A high-seat was dight for him, and he
sat on howe as kings do ; he dwelt at the Inner
Isle, and had his abode at the stead called Saur's
Howe. And so say folk that he came to his death
in this wise, that the wolves fell on his flocks and
herds, and his courtmen egged him on to defend
his sheep ; so he leaped down from his howe, and
went to meet the wolves, but they straightway tore
him asunder.
Many other marvellous deeds wrought King
Eystein with the Thrandheimers ; and from the
warring and trouble of him fled away many lords,
and other folk also, a many, fled away from their
free lands.
KETIL JAMTI, the son of Earl Onund
of the Spar-biders, went east-away over
the Keel, and a great company of men with
him, who had their households with them. They
cleared the woods, and peopled great country-sides
there, and that was called sithence Jamtland.
The son's son of Ketil was Thorir Helsing, who
for slayings he wrought fled from Jamtland and
east-away through the woods of that land and
settled there, and many folk resorted thither to
him, and that land is called Helsingland, and
goeth east right down to the sea ; but all eastern-
most Helsingland down by the sea the Swedes
XV The Story of Hakon the Good. 163
peopled. Also when King Harald Hairfair cleared
the land before him, then fled away because of him
many men from the land, men of Thrandheim and
Naumdale. Then befell anew peopling of the east
parts of Jamtland, and some went right into
Helsingland. The folk of Helsingland dealt in
chaffer with the Swedes, and were altogether
bound in tribute to them ; but they of Jamtland
were much betwixt and between folk, and none
took heed thereof until Kinof Hakon established
good peace and chaffer with Jamtland, and made
friends there with the great men. So they came
from the east to meet him, and assented to the
obeying of him and giving him scat, and so be-
came the king's thanes, because they had heard
tell good of him ; and they would liefer be under
his rule than under the sway of the Swede king,
whereas they were come of the blood of the North-
men. So he set law amongst them and good ruling
of the land.
And in this wise did all they of Helsingland
who were come of kin north of the Keel.
KING HAKON was a well-christened
man when he came to Norway; but
whereas all the land was heathen, and
folk much given to sacrificing, and many great
men in the land, and that he deemed he lacked
men sorely and the love of all folk, he took such
164 The Saga Library. XV
rede that he fared privily with his Christian faith.
Sunday he held and the Friday fast, and held in
memory the greatest high-tides, and he made a
law that Yule should be holden the same time as
Christian men hold it, and that every man at that
tide should brew a meal of malt or pay money else,
and keep holy tide while Yule lasted. But afore-
time was Yule holden on Hogmanay night, that
is to say, mid-winter night, and Yule was holden
for three nights.
Now he was minded that when he was set fast in
the land, and had gotten it all to him freely to hold,
he would then set forth the Christian faith. And
at the beginning he wrought in such wise that he
lured such as were best beloved by him to become
Christians, and so much did his friendship prevail
herein, that very many let themselves be chris-
tened, and othersome left off blood-offering.
He abode for the more part in Thrandheim
because the most strength of the land was therein.
So at last when King Hakon deemed he had
gotten strength enough in certain mighty men to
uphold the Christian faith, he sent to England for
a bishop and other teachers ; and when they came
to Norway, then did King Hakon lay bare that
he would bid all the land to the Christian faith.
But they of Mere and Raumsdale put the matter
wholly on them of Thrandheim; so King Hakon
let hallow certain churches, and set priests thereto.
And when he came to Thrandheim, he summoned
the bonders to a Thing, and bade them take the
Christian faith. They answered that they would
put off the matter to the Frosta Thing, and that
XVI The Story of Hakon the Good. 165
they will that thither come men from all the
countries that are in Thrandheim, and they say
that then will they answer this hard matter.
EARL SIGURD of Ladir was much
given to blood-offerings, and so had been
Hakon his father. Earl Sigurd upheld
all feasts of blood-offering there in Thrandheim
on the king's behoof. It was the olden custom
that when a blood-offering should be, all the
bonders should come to the place where was the
Temple, bringing with them all the victuals they
had need of while the feast should last ; and at
that feast should all men have ale with them.
There also was slain cattle of every kind, and horses
withal ; and all the blood that came from them
was called hlaut, but hlaut-bowls were they called
wherein the blood stood, and the hiaut-tein a rod
made in the fashion of a sprinkler. With all the
hlaut should the stalls of the gods be reddened,
and the walls of the temple within and without, and
the men-folk also besprinkled ; but the flesh was to
be sodden for the feasting of men. Fires were to be
made in the midst of the floor of the temple, with
caldrons thereover, and the health-cups should be
borne over the fire. But he who made the feast
and was the lord thereof should sign the cups and
all the meat ; and first should be drunken Odin's cup
for the victory and dominion of the king, and
then the cup of Niord and the cup of Frey for
plentiful seasons and peace. Thereafter were many
1 66 The Saga Library. XVII
men wont to drink the Bragi-cup ; and men drank
also a cup to their kinsmen dead who had been
noble, and that was called the cup of Memory.
Now Earl Sigurd was the most bounteous of men,
and he did a deed that was great of fame, whereas
he made great feast of sacrifice at Ladir, and
alone sustained all the costs thereof. Hereof
telleth Kormak the son of Ogmund in the Sigurd's
Drapa :
Let none bear bowl nor basket
Unto Thiassi's offspring.
E'en to the great gold-wounder,
When gods have feast before them.
What creature would encumber
The greatness of the glaive-god,
When the lord of fen-fire feasteth
All folk ? For gems the king fought.
KING HAKON came to the Frosta-Thing,
and thither were come also great throngs
of the bonders ; and when the Thinor
was duly ordered King Hakon spake, and began
in this wise : That it was his bidding and prayer
to bonders and farming thanes, to mighty and
unmighty, yea, to all the people, young men and old,
rich and poor, men and women, that they all should
be christened and believe in one God, Christ to
wit, die son of Mary ; that they should put from
them all blood-offering and the heathen gods ;
that they should keep holy every seventh day from
all work, and fast also every seventh day. But
XVII The Story of Hakou the Good. 167
as soon as the king had put this before the people
there uprose a great murmur, of the bonders
murmuring how the king would take from them
their work ; saying that in this wise the land might
have no husbandry. And the workmen and
thralls cried out that they might not work if they
lacked meat. They said also that such was the
turn of mind of King Hakon and his father, and
of his kin withal, that they were niggard of their
meat, howso bountiful of gold they might be.
Therewith stood up Asbiorn of Middlehouse in
Gauldale, and answered the king's harangue, and
spake: "So deemed we bonders, King Hakon,"
says he, " when thou didst hold that first Thing
here in Thrandheim, and we took thee for king,
and had of thee our free lands, that we had
verily taken hold of heaven ; but now wot we
not whether we have any the more gotten our
freedom, or whether rather thou wilt not enthrall
us anew in wonderful wise, that we should cast
away the troth that our fathers have held before
us, and all our forefathers, first in the Burning
Age, and now after in the Age of Howes ; and far
mightier they were than we, and this their troth
has availed us well. Such love have we given
thee that we have let thee have thy way amongst
us in all laws and rulinof of the land. But now
this is our will, and the common consent of the
bonders, that we will hold to those laws which
thou gavest us here at the Frosta-Thing, and to
which we assented ; we will all follow thee and
hold thee for king while we have life, each and all
of us bonders here at this Thing, if thou, O king,
i68 The Saga Libmyy. XVII
wilt forbear somewhat with us, and bid us such
things only as we may give thee, and are not unmeet
for us to do. But if thou wilt take up this matter
in so headstrong a wise as to deal with us with
might and mastery, then are we bonders of one con-
sent to depart us from thee and to take us another
lord, who shall rule us in such wise that we may
hold in peace the troth that is most to our mind.
Now shalt thou, O king, choose between these
two ways before the Thing be come to an end."
At these words was there great stir among the
bonders, and they cried out that so would they
have it as he spake. But when silence was gotten,
then answered Earl Sigurd : " It is the will of
King Hakon to be of one accord with you, O
bonders, and never to depart the friendship be-
tween you and him."
Then said the bonders that they would have the
king do blood-offering on their behoof for plen-
teous seasons and peace, as his father did before
him. And therewith the murmur abated and they
brake up the Thing. Then talked Earl Sigurd to
the king, praying him not to deny utterly to do as
the bonders would, and saying that there was
nought else for it ; " For this is, O king, as thou
thyself mayst hear, the will and longing of the
lords, and of all folk besides ; and some good rede
shall we find hereto, O king."
So the king and the earl accorded hereon.
XVIII The Story of Hakon the Good. 169
IN the autumn-tide at winter-nights was there
a blood-offering held at Ladir, and the king
went thereto. Heretofore he had ever been
wont, if he were abiding at any place where was a
feast of blood-offering going on, to eat his meat in
a little house with but few folk, but now the
bonders murmured at it, that he sat not in his own
high-seat, where the feast of men was greatest ;
and the earl said to the king that so he would not
do as now. So it was therefore that the king sat in
his high-seat. But when the first cup was poured,
then spake Earl Sigurd thereover, and signed the cup
to Odin, and drank off the horn to the king. Then
the king took it, and made the sign of the cross
thereover ; and Kar of Griting spake and said :
"Why doeth the king thus, will he not do worship ?"
Earl Sigurd answers : " The king doth as they all
do who trow in their own might and main, and he
signeth the cup to Thor. For he made the sign
of the hammer over it before he drank." So all
was quiet that eve. But on the morrow, when
men went to table, the bonders thronged the king,
bidding him eat horse-flesh, and in no wise the
king would. Then they bade him drink the broth
thereof, but this would he none the more. Then
would they have him eat of the dripping, but he
would not ; and it went nigh to their falling on
him. Then strove Earl Sigurd to appease them,
and bade them lay the storm ; but the king he
lyo The Saga Library. XIX
bade gape over a kettle-bow, whereas the reek of
seething had gone up from the horse-flesh, so that
the kettle-bow was all greasy. Then went the king
thereto, and spread a linen cloth over the kettle-
bow, and gaped thereover, and then went back to
the high-seat ; but neither side was well pleased
THE next winter was the Yule-feast
arrayed for the king in Mere. But when
time wore towards Yule, the eight lords
who had most dealing in blood-offerings of all
Thrandheim appointed a meeting between them ;
four were from the Outer Thrandheim, to wit, Kar
of Griting, Asbiorn of Middlehouse, Thorberg of
Varness, and Worm of Lioxa ; but they from the
Inner Thrandheim were Botolf of Olvirshowe,
Narfi of Staff in Verdale, Thrand o' Chin from
Eggia, and Thorir Beard from Houseby in the
Inner Isle. So these eight men bound themselves
to this, that the four of Outer Thrandheim should
make an end of the Christian faith in Norway,
and the four of Inner Thrandheim should compel
the king to blood-offering.
So the Outer Thrandheimers fared in four ships
south to Mere, and there slew three priests, and
burned three churches, and so gat them back
again. But when King Hakon came to Mere with
his court and Earl Sigurd, there were the bonders
come in great throngs. The very first day of the
XX The Story of Hakon the Good, i^ji
feast the bonders pressed hard on the king bidding
him offer, and threatening him with all things ill if
he would not. Earl Sigurd strove to make peace
between them, and the end of it was that King
Hakon ate some bits of horse-liver, and drank
crossless all the cups of memory that the bonders
poured for him. But so soon as the feast was
ended, the king and the earl went out to Ladir.
Of full little cheer was the king, and straightway
he arrayed him for departing from Thrandheim
with all his court, saying that he would come with
more men another time, and pay back the bonders
for the enmity they had shown him.
But Earl Sigurd prayed the king not to hold
them of Thrandheim for his foes for this ; and said
that no good would come to the king of threaten-
ing or warring against the folk of his own land,
and the very pith of his realm, as were the folk of
Thrandheim. But the king was so wroth, that no
speech might be held with him. He departed
from Thrandheim, and went south to Mere, and
abode there that winter and on into spring; and
as it summered he drew together an host, and
rumour ran that he would fall on the Thrand-
heimers therewith.
UT when King Hakon was come aboard
ship with a great host, there came to him
tidings from the South-country, to wit, that
the sons of King Eric were come north from Den-
172 The Saga Library. XX
mark into the Wick, and therewithal that they had
chased King Tryggvi Olafson from his ships cast-
away by Sotanes. They had harried wide about in
the Wick, and many men had submitted them-
selves to them. So when King Hakon heard
these tidings him-seemed he needed folk, and he
sent word to Earl Sigurd to come to him, and
other lords from whom he looked for help.
Earl Sigurd came to King Hakon with a very
great host, wherein were all they of the Thrand-
heimers who in the winter-tide laid hardest on the
king to worry him to blood-offering ; and all these
were taken into peace of the king at the pleading
of Earl Sigurd.
Then fared King Hakon south along the land,
and when he was come south round about the
Stad, he heard that Eric's sons were come into
North Agdir. Either side fared against the other,
and they met by Kormt Isle. There went both
sides from out their ships, and they fought at
Ogvaldsness ; and either host was of very many
men, and there befell a great fight. King Hakon
fell on fiercely, and King Guthorm, Eric's son, was
before him with his company, and the two kings
came to handy-strokes. There fell King Guthorm,
and his banner was smitten down and many of his
people died about him. Thereon fell the folk of
Eric's sons to flight, and they gat them away to
their ships and rowed away, and had lost a many
Thereof telleth Guthorm Cinder :
The eker of din of Valkyr
Let fight-moons clash together
XXI The story of Hakon the Good. 173
Over the heads of slain ones,
Erst wasters of the hand-warp.
The Niord of the fire of wide-lands
Of sound-steeds then departed
From the Niord of the moon of roaring
Of the swords, left weapon-wounded.
King Hakon fared to his ships and sailed south
after Gunnhild's sons, and either side did their most
might till they were come into East Agdir. Thence
sailed Eric's sons into the main, and so south to
Jutland ; as saith Guthorm Cinder :
The brethren of the awer
Of bow-draught now full often
Must learn of might down-crushing
At the hands of wound-fires' Balder.
I mind me how fight-seeker
Of the flood-craft steered ships seaward,
And drave all sons of Eric,
His brother, off before him.
Then fared King Hakon back into Norway,
and Eric's sons abode again in Denmark for a long
FTER this battle King Hakon made a
law for all the land by the sea-side, and so
far up into the land as a salmon swimmeth
furthest, whereby he ordered all the peopled lands,
and divided them into ship-raths, and settled the tale
of ship-raths in each folk-land. In every folk-land
was it appointed how many ships and how great
should be fitted out from each, when the common
muster of all men should be, which muster afore-
174 The Saga Library. XXII
said should be made whensoever outland war was
come to the land ; and along with the said muster
beacons should be made on high mountains so
that each might be seen from the other. And
so say men that in seven days ran the tidings of
war from the southernmost beacon to the northern-
most Thing-stead in Halogaland.
ERIC'S sons fared oft a-warring in the East-
lands, but whiles they harried in Norway
as is aforewrit. When King Hakon
ruled over Norway were there plenteous seasons
in the land ; and most well-beloved he was.
Withal there was good peace. Now whenas King
Hakon had been king in Norway twenty winters
came Eric's sons north from Denmark with an
exceeding great host ; a great company indeed
was that which had followed them in their warring,
but far ereater was the host of the Danes that
King- Harald Gormson had given into their hands.
They gat a fair wind and sailed out from Vendil
and hove up from the main to Agdir, and thence
sailed north along the land day and night. But
the beacons were not lighted up for this cause :
the wont was, that the beacon-fires went west-along
the land, but east-away had none been ware of
their going. This went to bring it about moreover,
that the king had laid heavy penalty for the wrong-
ful lighting of the beacons, on such as should be
found and proven guilty thereof; because war-
ships and vikings would be a-harrying in the
XXIII The Story of Hakoii the Good. 1 7 5
outer isles, and the folk of the land would be
thinking that these were none else than the sons
of Eric ; and then would the bale-fires be lighted,
and all the land would run to weapons ; but Eric's
sons would go back to Denmark, having no Danish
host, nought save their own following. Or indeed
would it whiles be other kind of vikings ; and
hereof was King Hakon exceeding wroth, whereas
toil and cost came thereof and no profit ; and withal
the bonders for their part cried out when it went
So for this cause it was that no tidings of Eric's
sons went before them till they came north to
Wolf-sound. There they lay seven nights ; then
fared tidings in-land over Eid and so north across
Mere ; but King Hakon was as then in North-
mere in the isle of Fraedi, at a stead called Birch-
strand, a manor of his, and had no folk save his
own courtmen and the bonders who had been
bidden to the guesting.
THE spies came to King Hakon and told
him their errand, to wit, that Eric's sons
were south of the Stad with a great host.
Then he let call to him such men as were wisest
and sought counsel of them, whether he should
fight with Eric's sons for all their greater multi-
tude, or should flee away north, and get him more
men. Now there was a bonder there higrht Egfil
Woolsark, a very old man now, but once bigger
176 The Saga Library. XXIV
and stronger than any man, and the greatest of
warriors, and a long while had he borne the banner
of King Harald Hairfair. So Egil answered the
king's word and said : " I have been in certain
battles with King Harald thy father, and whiles he
fought with more folk, whiles with less, yet ever
had he the victory ; nor ever did I hear him seek
counsel of his friends to teach him how to flee ;
and no such lesson will we learn thee, king, for a
stout-hearted lord we deem we have, and of us
thou shalt have trusty following."
Many others there were also who stood by him
in his speech. Yea, and the king also said that this
was what he was fainest of, to fight with such folk
as might there be gotten. So was it settled, and
the king let shear up the war-arrow, and sent it out
on all sides, and let gather what host he might get.
Then spake Egil Woolsark :
" A while was I dreading amid this long peace
that I should die of eld within doors on my
straw-bed, for as fain as I was to fall in battle
a-following my own lord : and lo ! now may it be
even so, ere all is over."
THE sons of Eric sailed north round about
the Stad as soon as they had wind at will ;
but when they were come north of the
Stad, they heard where King Hakon was, and fare
to meet him. King Hakon had nine ships ; he
lay under the north side of Frsedisberg in Sheppey
XXIV The Story of Hakon the Good. 177
Sound. But Eric's sons lay-to south of the berg and
had more than twenty ships. King Hakon sent
them word, bidding them go aland, and saying
that he had pitched a hazelled field for them at
Rast-Kalf. There are there flat meads and wide,
and above them a long brent somewhat low. So
Eric's sons go forth from their ships and fare over
the neck inward of Fraedisberg and so on to
Rast-Kalf. Then spake Egil to King Hakon,
bidding him give him ten men and ten banners ;
and the king did so, and Egil went with his men
up under the brent. But King Hakon went on to
the fields with his folk, and set up his banner, and
arrayed them, saying : " We will have a long
array, so that they may not encompass us, though
they have the more folk." So did they, and there
befell a great battle, and full sharp was the onset.
Then let Egil Woolsark set up those ten banners
that he had, and ordered the men that bare them
in such wise that they went as nigh the brent's top
as might be, and let there be a certain space between
each man of them. So did they, going right by the
brow of the brent, even as they would fall on the
back of the folk of Eric's sons. That saw the hinder-
most of Eric's sons' array, how many banners came
on flying apace and fluttering over the brow of the
brent, and they deemed that a great host would be
coming after, and would fall on their backs, and cut
them off from their ships. Then arose a great cry,
and either told other what was betid, and thereon
fell flight among their array ; and when the kings
saw that, they fled away. King Hakon set on hard,
and followed up the fleers and slew much folk.
178 The Saga Library. XXV-VI
GAMLI ERICSON, when he came up on
to the brow of the brent, turned back and
saw that no more folk were following
them than they had dealt with afore, and that this
was but a beguiling. Then let King Gamli blow
up the war-blast, and set up his banner and drew
his folk into array ; and all the Northmen turned
thereto, but the Danes fled to the ships. So when
King Hakon and his folk came up with them,
then was there anew the fiercest fisfht. Now had
King Hakon the more folk, and the end of it was
that Eric's sons fled, making south from the neck ;
but some of their men ran south on to the berg,
and King Harald followed them. A flat field is
to the east of the neck and goeth west toward the
berg, and sheer rocks cut it off on the westward.
Thither on to the berg ran Gamli's men ; but
King Hakon fell on them so fiercely that he slew
some, and some leapt west over the berg, and
either band died ; and King Hakon left not till
every man of them was slain.
GAMLI ERICSON fled from the neck
down on to the i^lain south of the berg.
Then yet again turned King Gamli and
upheld the battle, and yet again drew folk unto
him. Thither also came all his brethren, each with
a great company. Egil Woolsark was as then
XXVI The Story of Hakon the Good. 179
leading Hakon's men, and set on full fiercely, and
Gamli and he gat to handy-strokes, and King
Gamli was sore wounded, but Egil fell, and many
men with him. Then came up King Hakon with
the company that had followed him, and there was
yet again a new battle. Full hard then set on King
Hakon, and smote men down on either hand, and
felled one on the top of other. So singeth
Guthorm Cinder :
Afeard before gold-waster
Fled all the host of sword-song ;
The dauntless warflames'-speeder
Went forth before his banner.
The king who gat great plenty
Of the breeze of Mani's darling.
He spared himself in no wise
Amidst the fray of spear-maids.
Eric's sons saw their men falling on all sides
for all they could do, and so they turned and fled
away to their ships ; but they who had fled afore to
the shijjs had thrust out from the shore, and some
ships were yet left high and dry by the ebb. Then
Eric's sons leapt into the sea, and swam with
such folk as was with thein. There fell Gamli
Ericson, but the other brethren gat to the ships,
and went their ways with such of their folk as was
left, and so sailed south to Denmark, and tarried
there a while, and were full evil content with their
i8o The Saga Library. XXVII-VIII
SO King Hakon let take all the ships of
Eric's sons which had been beached, and
let draw them up aland. There King
Hakon let lay Egil Woolsark in a ship, and all
those of his folk with him who were fallen, and let
heap over them stones and earth. Then King
Hakon let set up yet more ships, and bear them
to the field of battle ; and one may see the mounds
to-day south of Fraedisberg.
Eyvind Skald-spiller made this stave whenas
Glum Geirason boasted in his song over the fall
of King Hakon :
The flight-shy king aforetime
Hath reddened Fenrir's jaw-gag
In Gamli's blood ; there waxed
The hearts of the trees of steel-storm,
When seaward the unslumbering
Drave down the heirs of Eric.
Great grief on all spear-warders
For the king's fall lieth heavy.
High standing-stones there are by the howe of
Egil Woolsark.
WHEN King Hakon, Athelstane's foster-
son, had been king in Norway six and
twenty winters since his brother Eric
fled the land, it befell that he was abiding in
XXVIII The Story ofHakon the Good. 1 8 1
Hordland, and took guesting in Stord at Fitiar,
and there had he his court and many bonders as
guests. Now whenas the king sat a-breakfasting,
the warders who were without saw a many ships
saihng from the south, and come no long way
from the island. Then spake one to other that
the king should be told, how they deemed that
war was coming on them ; but it seemed easy to
none to tell the king tidings of war, for he had
laid heavy penalty on whoso should so do lightly.
Yet deemed they it was in no wise to be done that
the king should know not thereof; so one of them
went into the hall, and bade Eyvind Finnson come
out quickly with him, saying that there was the
greatest need thereof So Eyvind went out, and as
soon as he came whence he might see the ships,
forthwithal he saw that there was a great host a-
coming. So he went straightly back into the
hall and before the king, and spake: " In a little
while the hour doth fleet, and a long space here sit
men at meat."
The king looked on him and said : " What is
toward ? "
Eyvind sang :
Avengers now of Blood-axe,
Keen in the play of sheath-staff,
Men say crave byrny-meeting.
Scant cause have we to tarry.
A trouble-bringing telling
To tell our lord of battle !
But well I willed thy glory.
Swift don we the old weapons.
The king said : " Thou art too good a man,
1 82 The Saga Library. XXVIII
Eyvfnd, to tell me tidings of war but they be sooth."
Then said many that sooth the tale was. So
the king let take away the board, and he went out
and beheld the ships, and saw that they were war-
ships. Then the king asked his men what rede
to take, whether they should fight with such folk
as they had, or go to their ships and sail away
north. " It is well seen," says he, " that we shall
now have to fiofht with an host outnumbering us far
more than we had to do with aforetime, though for-
sooth we have oft deemed that we dealt few against
many when we fought with the sons of Gunnhild."
Men were not swift to answer hereto, till Eyvind
Finnson answered and sang :
Niord of the shaft-rain, nowise
The bold thane it beseemeth
North on to urge the sea-steed.
All dallying be accursed !
Lo, now a fleet wide-spreading
From south-away drives Harald
On Rakni's roaring highway.
Now grip in gripe the war-board !
The king answers : " Manfully is it spoken,
Eyvind, and after mine own heart ; yet will I
hearken the mind of more men about this matter."
But when men thought they wotted what the
king would have, then many said that they had
liefer fall with manhood, than flee before Danes
without trying it ; saying that oft had they gotten
the v'ctory when they had been the fewer folk in the
fight. The king thanked them well for their words,
and bade them arm ; and men did so. The king did
a byrny on him, and girt himself with the sword
XXIX The Story of Hakou the Good. 183
Ouern-biter, set a forgilded helm on his head, and
took a glaive in his hand, and had his shield by
his side. Then he ordered his body-guard in one
battle and the bonders with them, and set up his
NOW King Harald Ericson was lord over
the brethren after the fall of Gamli. The
brethren had there a great host from out of
Denmark ; and there were in their company their
mother's brethren, Eyvind Braggart and Alf Ash-
man, both strong men and stout, and the greatest
of man-slayers. Eric's sons laid their ships by
the island and went aland and arrayed their men;
and so it is said that so great were the odds that
the sons of Eric must have been six to one.
NOW King Hakon arrayed his folk; and
as men say he cast his byrny from him
or ever the battle was joined. So sayeth
Eyvind Skald-spiller in the Hakon's-song :
There found they Biorn's brother
A-donning his byrny,
The king the most goodly
Come neath the war-banner.
The foemen were drooping,
Shaken the shafts were,
When uphove the brunt of the battle.
184 TJte Saga Library. XXX
The Halogaland folk,
The Hohnroga people,
The earls' bane was cheering
As he wended to battle.
Good gathering of Northmen
The noble one mustered ;
Neath bright-shining helm
Stood the dread of the Isle-Danes.
War-weed he did off him,
On field cast his byrny,
The war-warders' leader,
Ere the fight had beginning.
There he played with the people
The land's peace a-winning,
The king merry-hearted
Neath gold helm a-standing.
King Hakon chose men diligently for his court
for their might's sake and stoutness, even as King
Harald his father had done. There was Thoralf
Skolmson the Strong going on one hand of the
king, dight with helm and shield, glaive and sword,
which same was called Foot-broad ; and, as folk
said, he and Hakon were of Hke strength. Hereof
telleth Thord Siarekson in the drapa he made
about Thoralf:
The host went fain to the sword-clash,
There where the battle-hardy
Urgers of steed of land's belt
Fought on in Stord at Fitiar.
He, flinger of the glitter
In she-giant's drift on lee-moon
Of sea-stead, dared the nighest
To the Northmen's king to wend there.
So when the battle was joined was the fight wild
and slaughterous; and when men had shot their
XXXI The Story of Hakon the Good. 185
spears, they drew their swords. And King Hakon
went forth before the banner and Thoralf with
him, and smote on either hand. So sayeth Eyvind
the Skald-spiller :
So bit the sword
In the king's hand swayed
Through Vafad's weed
As through the water.
Crashed there the sword-points,
Shivered the shields there,
Rattled the axe-clash
On skulls of the people.
Trodden were targes
And skulls of the Northmen
Before the hard feet
Of the hilt of the Ring-Tyr,
AVar rose in the island
Where the kings reddened
The shield-bright burgs
In blood of warriors.
KING HAKON was easy to know above
other men, for his hehn flashed again
when the sun shone on it; so, great brunt
of weapons was about him. Then took Eyvind
Finnson a hat and did it over the king's helm.
But forthright Eyvind Braggart cried out on high :
" Doth now the king of the Northmen hide ? or is
he fled away ? where is gotten the golden helm ? "
Forth then went Eyvind and Alf his brother
with him, smiting on either hand, and making
as they were mad or raging. But King Hakon
1 86 The Saga Library. XXXI
cried on high to Eyvind : " Keep thou the
road wherein thou art, if thou wouldst find the
king of the Northmen."
So sayeth Eyvind Skald-spiller :
Man's friend to gold unfriendly,
The speeder of the tempest
Of slaughter-hurdles' Gefn,
Bade Braggart nowise turn him.
If thou for victory yearning
Wouldst find the deft crafts-master
Of Odin's brunt, hold hither !
To the king of the doughty Northmen.
But little was the while to bide ere thither came
Eyvind and hove up sword and smote on the king ;
but Thoralf thrust forth his shield against him, so
that Eyvind staggered; and the king took his sword
Ouern-biter in both hands, and smote down on Ey-
vind's helm, and clove helm and head down to the
shoulders. Therewith Thoralf slew Alf Ashman.
So sayeth Eyvind Skald-spiller :
I wot that in both hands brandished
Sharp bit King Hakon's wound-wand
On him, the middling doughty
Dweller in hulk sea-gliding.
The fearless one that eketh
The squall of the boar of AH,
The Dane's hurt, clave the hair-mounds
With war-brand golden-hilted.
After the fall of those brethren. King Hakon
went forth so hard, that all folk shrank aback
before him ; and anon therewith fell terror and
fleeing among the folk of Eric's sons. But King
Hakon was in the vanward of his array, and
XXXI The Story of Hakon the Good. 187
followed fast on the fleers, and smote oft and
hard. Then flew forth a shaft, such as is cafled a
dart, and smote King Hakon on the arm up in
the muscle below the shoulder. And the talk of
many men it is, that a foot-page of Gunnhild, one
named Kisping, ran forth into the press crying
out : " Give room to the king's-bane ! " and so shot
the arrow at King Hakon. Yet some say that
none knoweth who shot ; as may well be, because
arrows and spears, and all kind of shot were flying
as thick as the snow drifts.
Many men fell of the folk of Eric's sons, both
on the field of battle, and on the way to the ships,
yea, and on the very beach ; and many leapt into
the deep sea. Many there were who came aboard
the ships, amongst whom were all Eric's sons, and
they rowed away forthwith, yet followed of King
Hakon's men.
So sayeth Thord Siarekson :
Wolves' slayer wards the coast-folk :
Thus duly peace is broken.
That king all men were wishing
At home to grow eld-hoary.
But toil forsooth hove upward
When Gunnhild's heir from the Southland,
The gold's well-wonted scarer.
Fled, and the king was fallen.
Now fainting was and fleeing,
When no few wounded bonders
Sat by the strong-rowed gunwale.
And a man and another perished.
Sure this to prowess pointeth,
When the all-rich Niord of Gondul
Who giveth drink to Hugin,
Went next the king in battle.
1 88 The Saga Library. XXXII
KING HAKON went forth unto his ship,
and let bind his hurt ; but so fast the
blood ran from it that it might not be
staunched ; and as day wore the king's might
waned. Then he tells his men that he would fare
north to his house at Alrek-stead ; but when they
came to Hakon's crag they brought-to there, for
the king was nigh departing. Then he calls his
friends to him, and tells them how he will have
his realm ordered. He had one child, a daughter
named Thora, but no son ; so he bade send word
to the sons of Eric, saying that they shall be kings
in the land, but bidding them hold his kin and
friends in honour.
" For," said he, " though life be fated me, yet
will I get me from the land unto Christian men,
and atone for what I have misdone against God.
Yet if I die here amongst the heathen, then give
me grave such as seemeth good to you."
A little thereafter King Hakon gave up the ghost,
there on the very rock whereas he had been born.
So was King Hakon sorrowed for, that both
friends and foes wept his death, and said that never
again would so good a king come to Norway.
His friends brought his body north to Seaham in
North Hordland, and raised there a great howe,
and laid the king therein, all armed with the best
of his array, but set no wealth therein beside.
Such words they spake over his grave as heathen
men had custom, wishing him welfare to Valhall.
XXXII The Story of Hakon the Good. 189
Eyvind Skald-spiller did a song on the fall of
King Hakon, and of how he was welcomed to
Valhall. It is called Hakon's Song, and this is the
beginning thereof :
Gondul and Skogul
Sent forth the Goth-god
From the king-folk to choose him
What kindred of Yngvi
Should fare unto Odin
For Valhall's abiding.
There found they Biorn's brother
A-donning his byrny.
The king the most goodly
Come neath the war-banner.
The foemen were drooping.
Shaken the shafts were,
When uphove the brunt of the battle.
The Halogaland folk,
The Holmroga people.
The earls' bane was cheering
As he wended to battle.
Good gathering of Northmen
The noble one mustered ;
Neath brig-ht-shininof helm
Stood the dread of the Isle- Danes.
War-weed he did off him,
On field cast his byrny
The war-warders' leader,
Ere the fisrht had beafinnine.
There he played with the people
The land's peace a-winning.
1 90 The Saga L ibravy. XXXII
The kinor merry-hearted
Neath gold helm a-standing.
So bit the sword
In the king's hand swayed
Through Vafad's weed
As through the water.
Crashed there the sword-points,
Shivered the shields there,
Rattled the axe-clash
On skulls of the people.
Trodden were targes
And skulls of the Northmen
Before the hard feet
Of the hilt of the Ring-Tyr ;
War rose in the island
Where the kings reddened
The shield-bright burgs
In blood of warriors.
Burnt there wound-fires
Amid the wounds bloody ;
There were the long swords
At men's lives a-lowting.
Hish swelled the wound-sea
About the swords' nesses;
The flood of spears fell
On the foreshore of Stord.
Blended were they
Neath the red shield's heaven ;
Neath Skogul's cloud-storm
For rings they strove there,
XXXII The Story of Hakon the Good. 1 9 1
Roared the spear-waves
In Odin's weather;
Fell many a man
Before the sword-stream.
There sat the lords
With swords all naked,
With sharded shields,
And shot-pierced byrnies.
This was the host
With hearts down-fallen
Who had to wend
Their ways to Valhall.
So Gondul spake,
On spear-shaft steadied :
" Great now the gods' folk groweth.
Whereas Hakon the high
And a mighty host
They bid to their home, to abide."
That heard the king
What the Valkyrs spake,
The glorious ones from a-horseback.
Wise ways they had
As helmed they sat there,
And hove up shield before them.
Spake Hakon :
" Why sharest thou war's lot
In such wise, Geir-skogul ?
Worthy we were of the gain of the gods."
192 The Saga Library. XXXII
Spake Skogul :
" Yea, and have we not wrought
That the field thou hast held,
And fled are thy foemen away ? "
" Come ride we away then,"
Quoth the rich Skogul,
" To the green homes of god-folk.
Come tell we to Odin
How a great king is coming
To gaze on his godhead itself."
Spake out the high god :
" Ye, Hermod and Bragi,
Go forth now the mighty to meet ;
For this is a king,
And a champion far-famed,
Who fareth his way to our hall."
Spake now the king
From the battle-roar come.
And he stood with blood bedrifted :
" Odin, meseems,
Looketh awfully on us ;
Grim of heart we behold him to-day."
" Nay, the peace of all heroes
Here hast thou gotten.
Come, drink of the ale of the ^Esir !
O foe of the Earl-folk,
Herein shalt thou find
Eight brethren of thine," quoth Bragi.
XXXII The story of Hakon the Good. 193
The good king spake :
" Our own, our wargear
Here will we have as of old.
Helm and byrny
Are good for heeding ;
Full seemly to handle the spear."
Now was it wotted
How well the king
Had upheld holy places,
Whereas all powers
And all the god-folk
Bade Hakon welcome home.
On a goodly day
Were a great one born
To get him such good will,
And the days of his life
Shall be told of for good
For ever and evermore.
Till free, unbound,
Mid folk of men
The Fenrir's wolf shall fare,
No one so good
To his empty path
Of the kingly folk shall come.
Now dieth wealth,
Die friends and kin,
And lea and land lie waste.
Since Hakon fared
To the heathen gods
Are a many folk enthralled.
III. o
SO Eric's sons took to them the kingdom of
Norway after that King Hakon was fallen.
Harald was the most accounted of amongst
those brethren, and the eldest of them yet ahve.
Gunnhild, their mother, had much to do with the
ruling of the land along with them, and she was
called the Kings' Mother. These were lords in
the land in those days : to wit, Tryggvi Olafson,
in the East-country ; Gudrod Biornson in West-
fold ; and Sigurd the Earl of Ladir in Thrand-
heim. But Gunnhild's sons held but the mid land
the first winter. Then went word betwixt Gunn-
hild's sons and Tryggvi and Gudrod, and all that
was said went toward peace, to wit, that they
should hold such like share of the realm of
Gunnhild's sons as they had aforetime held of
Kinof Hakon.
198 The Saga Library. I
There was one named Glum Geirason, the skald
of King Harald, and a man of great daring, and
he made this song on the fall of King Hakon :
Good vengeance then gat Harald
For Gamli. But sword-bearers
Lost life whenas the fight-strong
War-leader fame was winning.
When Battle-god's black falcons
Drank of the blood of Hakon,
I heard how the ruddy wound-reed
Beyond the sea was reddened.
Right dear was this song deemed ; but when
Eyvind Finnson heard thereof, he made this song,
which is aforewrit :
The flight-shy king aforetime
Hath reddened Fenrir's jaw-gag
In Gamli's blood ; there waxed
The hearts of the trees of steel-storm,
When seaward the unslumbering
Drave down the heirs of Eric.
Great grief on all spear-warders
For the king's fall lieth heavy.
And this stave also was given forth far and
wide. But when King Harald heard thereof, he
laid a death-guilt on Eyvind, till at last their
friends brought peace about between them, so that
Eyvind should become King Harald's skald, even
as erst he had been the skald of King Hakon.
They were nigh akin, for Gunnhild, the mother of
Eyvind, was the daughter of Earl Halfdan. But
her mother was Ingibiorg, daughter of King
Harald Hairfair.
So Eyvind made this stave on King Harald :
I The story of Harald Grey cloak. 199
Herd's land-ward, little say they
Thou lettedst thine heart falter
When burst wound's hail on byrnies
And bows were bent against thee,
That tide the full-edged sheath-ice
Naked screamed out in battle,
In hands of thine, O Harald,
For the hungry wolf's fulfilling.
The sons of Gunnhild abode mostly In the mid
land ; for they trusted not to abide under the hands
either of the Thrandheim men, or of those of the
Wick, who had been the greatest friends of King
Hakon, and withal there were many great men in
either country.
But now men went about to make peace be-
tween Gunnhild's sons and Earl Sigurd, for
hitherto had they gotten no dues from Thrand-
heim ; and so at last they made peace between
them, the kings and the earl, and bound the same
with oaths. Earl Sigurd was to have such do-
minion in Thrandheim from them as he had had
aforetime from King Hakon. And so they were
at peace in words at least.
All Gunnhild's sons were called miserly, and it
was said of them that they buried treasure in the
earth ; whereof made Eyvind Skald-spiller a
stave :
Uller of leek of battle,
Through all the life of Hakon,
The seed of Fyri's meadows
On the falcon-fells we carried.
But now the folk's foe hideth
The meal of the woeful maidens
Of Prodi, in the fair flesh
Of the troll-wives' foeman's mother.
200 The Saga Library. I
And this :
The coif-sun of the brow-fields
Of Fulla shone on the mountains
Of UUer's keel for skald-folk
All through the life of Hakon.
Now the sun of the deep river
In the mother's corpse is hidden
Of the giants' foe — so mighty
Are the spells of the folk strong-hearted.
But when King Harald heard of these staves
he sent word to Eyvind to come to him. But
when Eyvind came before him, the king laid guilt
on him and called him his foe. " And it befitteth
thee ill," said he, " to be untrusty to me, whereas
thou hast now become my man."
Then sang Eyvind a stave :
Dear king, I had one master
Or ever thee I gat me ;
I pray for me no third one.
For eld, lord, 'gainst me beateth.
True to the dear king was I,
With two shields played I never ;
O king, of thy flock am I,
Now on my hands eld falleth.
King Harald made Eyvind handsel him self-
doom in the case. Now Eyvind had a gold ring
great and goodly, which was called Mouldy, and
had long agone been taken from out the earth.
This ring the king saith he will have, and there
was nought else for it.
Then sang Eyvind :
Surely from henceforth should I,
Speeder of skates of isle-mead.
II The story of Harald Greycloak. 201
Find setting fair to me-ward
Thy breeze of giant-maidens.
Since now we needs must hand thee,
Chooser of hawk-land's jewels,
That very lair of the ling-worm
Which long time was my father's.
Therewith fared Eyvind home, nor is it told
that he ever met King Harald again.
GUNNHILD'S sons had been christened
in England, as is aforewrit ; but when
they came to the ruling of Norway they
might nowise bringf about the christeninsf of men
in the land. But whensoever they might compass
it, they brake down temples and undid the feasts
of offerings, and gat great hatred thereby. Early
in their days came to nought the plenteous
seasons ; for many kings there were, and each with
his court about him ; and much they needed, and
at great cost, and withal they were most greedy of
wealth. Neither held they the laws that King
Hakon had set up, save when it pleased them.
They were all the goodliest of men, strong and
big, and great of prowess. So sayeth Glum
Geirason in that drapa which he made on Harald
Gunnhildson :
The terror-staff of the jaw-teeth
Of Heimdall, he that ofttimes
Pressed on in fight, was master
Of twelve-fold kingly prowess.
202 The Saga Library. Ill
Oft those brethren went about all together, but
whiles each by himself. They were men hard-
hearted and bold, great warriors and right happy
in battle.
GUNNHILD, the Kings' Mother, and her
sons would oft be meeting for talk and
counsel, and turned over the matters of
the land thereby. And on a time Gunnhild asked
of her sons, " What way are ye minded to let things
fare in the matter of the dominion of Thrandheim ?
Ye bear the name of kings, indeed, as your fathers
did before you ; but little have ye of land or folk,
and yet are ye many to share. East in the Wick
Tryggvi and Gudrod bear rule, but they indeed
may have some claim thereto, seeing of what kin
they be ; but Earl Sigurd rules alone over all
Thrandheim, nor wot I how this may be meet, to
suffer but a very earl to take so great dominion
from under you ; and marvellous meseemeth, that
year by year ye go a-warring in other lands, while
ye let an earl of your own country take from you
the heritage of your fathers. A little matter had it
seemed to King Harald, thy namesake, thy father's
father, to take from one earl life and land, when
he won all Norway and held it unto eld."
Harald answers : "It is nought so easy, " says
he, "to end the days of Earl Sigurd's life, as
it is to cut the throat of a kid or a calf. Earl
Sigurd is of high blood, and hath much kin, and
IV TJie Story of Harald Greycloak. 203
is well-beloved and wise. We may wot well that if
he know surely that he may look for enmity at our
hands, all the Thrandheimers will be as one man
with him ; and then we have no errand thither
but an ill one. Withal meseemeth none of us
brethren deems it safe to abide under the hand of
the Thrandheimers." Then spake Gunnhild :
" Fare our redes then by clean another way, and
let us betake us to a lesser business. Ye, Harald
and Erling, shall abide this autumn in North-
mere, and I also may fare with you ; and then shall
we try all together what may be done."
So in this wise did they.
THE brother of Earl Sigurd was called
Griotgard. He was far the youngest, and
the least accounted of withal ; no title of
honour had he, but kept a company of men about
him, and went a-warring in the summer-tide and so
gat him wealth.
Now King Harald sent men into Thrandheim
to Earl Sigurd with friendly gifts and friendly
words, and the messengers said that King Harald
would strike up such friendship with the earl as
had been aforetime betwixt him and King Hakon ;
and therewith bidding the earl come see King
Harald that they might bind their friendship
fast and fully. Earl Sigurd received well the
king's messengers and the king's friendship, but
204 ^/^^ Saga Library . IV
said that he might not go see him because of
his much business ; but he sent the king friendly
gifts and good words and kindness in return for
his friendship. So fared away the messengers,
and fared to find Griotgard, and bare him the
same errand, the friendship of King Harald to
wit, and the bidding to his house, and goodly gifts
withal ; and by then the messengers departed for
home, Griotgard had promised to go. And so
on a day appointed came Griotgard to meet
King Harald and Gunnhild, and a right blithe
welcome he had of them. There was he holden
in the greatest well-liking, and was with them
in the closest talk and many hidden matters ;
till it came to this, that the matter of Earl
Sigurd came uppermost, even as was afore agreed
betwixt the king and the queen. Then they
showed forth to Griotgard, how Earl Sigurd had
long held him of small account ; and if he would
be with them in this rede, then says the king that
Griotsfard should be his earl, and have all the
dominion which Earl Sigurd had had heretofore.
So it came about that they agreed to this with
solemn words, that Griotgard should spy out a
likely time for falling on Earl Sigurd, and send
word to King Harald thereof So Griotgard
fared home with so much done, and had good
gifts of the king.
V-VI The story of HaraldGreycloak. 205
EARL SIGURD fared in autumn-tide in to
Stiordale, and abode there a-guesting.
Thence he fared out to Oglo, there to
guest. Now ever would the earl have many men
with him, for he trusted the kings but little ; yet
now, whereas such friendly words had passed be-
twixt him and Kinor Harald, he had no ereat
company of men. So now Griotgard did King
Harald to wit, that there would be no hopefuller
time to fall on Earl Sigurd. So the self-same night
the kings, Harald and Erling, went up the Thrand-
heim-firth with four ships and a great company,
and sailed in by night and starlight. Then came
Griotgard and met them ; and when the night
was far spent, they came to Oglo, whereas Earl
Sigurd was a-guesting. There they set fire to the
house, and burned the stead and the earl therein,
and all his folk with him. So then early in the
morning they went their ways down the firth and
so south to Mere, and dwelt there a lone while.
HAKON, the son of Earl Sigurd, was up
in Thrandheim when he heard of these
tidings. Then was there forthright great
running to arms throughout all Thrandheim, and
every keel that was anywise meet for war was
thrust into the sea; and when the host came
2o6 The Saga Library. VI
together they took for earl and captain of their
host Hakon, son of Earl Sigurd, and therewith
the host put out down the Thrandheim-firth. But
when the sons of Gunnhild knew thereof they
fared south to Raumsdale and South-mere ; and
either side kept watch on the other.
Earl Sigurd was slain two winters after the fall
of King Hakon.
Eyvind Skald-spillersays thus inthe Haloga-tale :
And Sigurd, he
The swans that feedeth
Of the Burden-Tyr
With the rooks' beer
From Hadding's chosen,
The land's wielders
Left life-bereft
Down there at Oglo.
There then the giver
Of the arm's gold-worm,
Who nourished never
Fear of the fish-land.
Laid his life down,
Whenas the land's lords
In trust betrayed
Tyr's very kindred.
Earl Hakon held Thrandheim with the might
of his kin to help him for three winters, so that
the sons of Gunnhild gat no dues from Thrand-
heim. Hakon had many battles with Gunnhild's
sons, and each slew many men for the other.
Hereof telleth Einar Jingle-scale in the Gold-lack,
which he made about Earl Hakon :
The troth-fast spear-point dealer,
Wide sea-host out he drew there,
VI The Story of Ha raid Grey cloak. 207
The merry king laid sleeping
All sloth in storms of Gondul.
The trier of the red moon
That is of Odin's elbow,
Eager uphove the fight-sail
Yox the kings' fight-mood's allaying.
And again he saith :
The gladdener of the swan-fowl
Of the heavy sword-stream nowise
Had any wite laid on him
For the shaft-storm of the spear-wife.
Stoutly the lord of fight-crash
Shook from Hlokk's sail the bow-hail,
And he of the sword unsparing
Goodly the wolves' life nourished.
Full many a storm of Ali
Most mighty was befalling
Ere the deft grove of the shield-leek
Took the Eastland at the gods' will.
And moreover Einar telleth how Earl Hakon
avenged his father :
Loud praise I bear forth herewith
For that vengeance for his father
Which the warder of waves' raven
^Vreaked with the sword of battle.
Mail-rain of the sword-storm's urger
Rained wide on the life of hersirs,
And he, for battle minded,
Gave many a thane to Odin.
The Vidur of gale of sea-steads
Let wax the life-cold sword-storm
'Gainst the shelter of the warriors
That raise the High-one's tempest.
After these things the friends of either side went
between them with words of peace ; for the bonders
2o8 The Saga Library. VII
were weary of war and unrest in the very land.
And so it was brought by the redes of wise men,
that peace was made between them, and Hakon
was to have such dominion in Thrandheim as
Earl Sigurd his father had had, but the kings the
dominion therein that King Hakon had had before
them ; and this was bound with full oath and troth.
And now befell great love betwixt Earl Hakon
and Gunnhild, though now and again they baited
each other with guile. And so time wore for
other three winters, and Hakon abode in peace in
his dominion.
KING HARALD abode oftenest in Hord-
land and Rogaland, and yet more of the
brethren also ; and oft was their dwelling
at Hardang. Now on a certain summer came a
ship of burden from Iceland and owned of Ice-
landers, and laden with grey cloaks. They brought
the ship up to Hardang, because they had heard
tliat there already was the greatest concourse of
men ; but when men came to deal with them they
would not buy their grey cloaks. So went the
skipper to King Harald, for he had known him to
speak to aforetime, and told him of his trouble. The
king said he would come to them, and did so. King
Harald was a kindly-mannered man and a merry-
hearted. He was come there in a cutter all manned;
he looked on their lading, and spake to the skipper:
" Wilt thou give me one of thy grey cloaks ? "
"With a good will would I," said the skipper,
VIII The Story of Harald Grey cloak. 209
" yea, and even more." Then the king took a grey
cloak, and cloaked him therewith, and so went
down into the barge ; and before they rowed away
every one of his men had bought a cloak. More-
over, a few days thereafter came thither so many
men every one of them wanting to buy a grey
cloak, that not the half of them that wanted them
could get them.
So ever after was the king called Harald Grey-
EARL HAKON fared on a winter to the
Uplands to a feast, and there, as it happed,
he lay with a certain woman, and she lowly
of kin ; and as time wore the woman went with child,
and when it was born it was a man-child ; so it was
sprinkled with water and called Eric. The mother
brought the lad to Earl Hakon, and said that he
was the father thereof; so the earl let the lad be
nourished at the house of one called Thorleif the
Sage. He dwelt up in Middledale, and was a wise
man and a wealthy, and a great friend of the earl's.
Eric speedily waxed hopeful ; he was of the fairest
aspect, and great and strong from his earliest days.
The earl had but little to say to him. Earl Hakon
was the goodliest to look on of all men, not high
of stature, yet strong enow, and well skilled in
all prowess, wise of wit, and the greatest of warriors.
2IO The Saga Library. IX
ON a certain autumn Earl Hakon fared to
the Uplands, and when he came on to
Heathmark there came to meet him King
Tryggvi Olafson and King Gudrod Biornson, and
thither also came Gudbrand a-Dale. These held
counsel together, and sat long in privy talk, whereof
this came uppermost, that each should be friend of
the other ; and therewith they parted and went
home each to his own realm. Now Gunnhild and
her sons hear hereof, and misdoubt them of it, that
they have been plotting against the kings ; so often
they talk hereof together. But in spring-tide King
Harald and King Gudrod his brother give out that
they will be a-faring a war-voyage in the summer
West-over-the-sea, or into the East-countries, as
their wont was. So they gather their folk together
and thrust their ships into the water and array them
for departure ; but when they drank their ale of
departure, great drinking there was, and a many
things spoken over the drink ; and so they gat to
the sport of likening man to man, and the talk fell on
the kings themselves. Then spake a man, saying
that King Harald was the foremost of those
brethren in all matters. Then waxed King Gudrod
very wroth, and says so much as that he will be
none the worse in any wise than King Harald,
and that he is ready to prove the same. Then
speedily were they full wroth either of them, so
that either bade other come and fight, and ran to
their weapons withal. But they who had their
X The Story of Ilarald Grey cloak. 2 1 1
wits about them, and were the less drunken, stayed
them and ran betwixt. So they went both to their
ships, but it was no longer to be looked for that
they should sail together. Gudrod sailed east
along the land, and Harald made out into the
main, saying that he would sail VVest-over-the-sea ;
but when he was gotten without the isles, he turned
and sailed cast along the land, keeping out to sea.
King Gudrod sailed by the common course cast-
away to the Wick, and so east across the Fold.
Thence he sent word to King Tryggvi to come
and meet him, and they would go both together
that summer a-warring in the Eastlands. King
Tryggvi took the message well and hopefully. He
had heard that King Gudrod had but few folk ; so
he went to meet him with but one cutter, and they
met at the Walls, east of Sotaness. But when they
came to the council, King Gudrod's men leapt
forth and slew King Tryggvi and twelve men
with him ; and he lieth at the place which is now
called Tryggvi's Cairn.
NOW King Harald sailed far out to sea,
and he made in for the Wick, and came
a-night-time to Tunsberg. There heard
he that King Gudrod was a-guesting a little way
up the country. So King Harald and his folk
went thither, and came there a-night-time, and
took the house over their heads. King Gud-
rod came forth, he and his ; but short was the
212 The Saga Library. XI
stour or e\-er Kinj^ Gudrod fell, and many men
with him. Then King Harald fared away to find
King Gudrod his brother, and they twain laid all
the Wick under them.
wedded well and meetly, and had a son
by his wife called Harald ; he was sent into
Grenland to Roi the White, a lord of the land, to
be fostered there. The son of Roi was Rani the
Wide-faring, and Harald and he were foster-breth-
ren and much of an age. After the fall of Gudrod
his father, Harald, who was called the Gren-
lander, fled away to the Uplands with Rani his
foster-brother and but few other men, and Harald
tarried awhile with his kin. Now Eric's sons pried
closely into all such as had enmity against them, and
on those the most whom they deemed like to rise
up against them. Harald's kindred gave him the
rede that he should depart from the land; so
Harald the Grenlander fared east to Sweden, and
sought for himself a crew, so that he might fall
into company with such men as went a-warring to
ofather wealth ; and Harald was the doughtiest of
men. There was one Tosti in Sweden, the mightiest
and noblest of all men of that land who lacked title
of dignity ; he was the greatest of warriors, and was
for the most part a-warring, and he was called
Skogul-Tosti. Into his fellowship Harald the
Grenlander betook himself, and was with Skogul-
XII The story of Harald Greycloak. 21^
Tosti a-warring in the summer, and every man
deemed well of Harald, and Harald abode behind
with Tosti through the winter. Si^rrid was the
name of Tosti's daughter ; young and fair she was,
and exceeding high-minded. She was afterward
wedded to Eric the Victorious, the Swede-king,
and their son was Olaf the Swede, who was king
in Sweden in after-times. King Eric died of sick-
ness at Upsala ten winters after Styrbiorn fell.
THE sons of Gunnhild drew a great host
out of the Wick, and so fare north along
the land, gathering ships and folk from
every country ; and they lay it bare that they
are bringing that same host north to Thrandheim
against Earl Hakon.
Thereof heareth the earl, and gathereth folk
and goeth a-shipboard ; but when he heard of the
host of Gunnhild's sons how many they were, he
led his folk south to Mere, and harried whereso
he came, and slew much folk. Then he sent back
the host of Thrandheim and the whole crowd of
the bonders, but himself fared a-warring all about
either Mere and Raumsdale, and had spies abroad
south of the Stad on the host of Gunnhild's sons.
But when he heard that they were come into the
Firths, and abode a wind there to sail north about
the Stad, then sailed Earl Hakon south of the
Stad, but out to sea, so that none might behold
his sails from the land. Then he held his course
2 1 4 The Saga L ibniry. XIII
by the open sea east along the land till he came
ricfht on to Denmark ; thence he sailed for the
Eastlands, and harried there the summer long.
The sons of Gunnhild led their host north into
Thrandheim, and abode there a long while through
the summer, and took all scat and dues there ;
but when summer Avas far spent, Sigurd Slaver
and Gudrod abode behind there, and King Harald
and the other brethren went into the East-country
with the host that had gone with them in the
summer season.
EARL HAKON fared in autumn-tide
to Helsingland, and laid up his ships
there, and then fared by land through
Helsingland and Jamtland, and so west over the
Keel down into Thrandheim. Much folk drew
unto him, and he gat a-shipboard. But when
Gunnhild's sons hear thereof they get aboard their
ships and make down the firth ; but Earl Hakon
goeth to Ladir, and abode there the winter, while
Gunnhild's sons dwelt in Mere; and either made
raids on the other, and slew men each of the other.
Earl Hakon held dominion in Thrandheim, and
was there oftest in winter-tide, but whiles in the
summer he fared east into Helsingland, and took
his ships there, and went into the Eastlands, and
harried there in summer-tide. But whiles he abode
in Thrandheim, and had his host out, and then Gunn-
hild's sons might not hold them north of the Stad.
XIV TJie Story of Havald Grey cloak. 2 1 5
summer north to Biarmland, and harried
there, and had a great battle with the
folk of the land at Dvvina side. There had King
Harald the victory, and slew much folk ; then he
harried wide about in the land, and gat to him
exceeding great wealth. Hereof telleth Glum
Geirason :
The word-strong king's oppressor
Reddened the fire-brand east there,
All northward of the township.
Where saw I Biarm-folk running.
Spear-gale the youthful Atheling
Gat him on that same journey.
Good word the men's appeaser
Found on the side of Dwina.
King Sigurd Slaver came to the house of Klypp
the Hersir; he was the son of Thord, the son of
Horda-Kari, and was a mighty man and of great
kin. Now Klypp was not at home as then, but
Alof his wife gave the king good welcome, and
there was noble feast and great drinking. Alof
was the daughter of Asbiorn, and the sister of
Jarnskeggi from Yriar in the North-country.
Hreidar, the brother of Asbiorn, was the father
of Styrkar, the father of Eindrid, the father of
Einar Thambarskelfir.
Now the king went a-night-time to the bed of
Alof, and lay with her against her will ; and there-
after fared the king away. Thereafter in the
2 1 6 The Saga Library . XV
autumn-tide King Harald and Sigurd liis brother
fared up to Vors, and there suinmoned the bonders
to a Thing ; at which Thing the bonders fell on
them to slay them, but they escaped and went
their ways. King Harald went to Hardanger, but
King Sigurd to Alrek-stead. But when Hersir
Klypp heard thereof, he called together his kins-
men to set on the king ; and the captain of the
company was Vemund Knuckle-breaker. And so
when they came to the house they fell on the
king. And so tells the tale that Klypp thrust the
king through with a sword, and slew him ; but
forthright Erling the Old slew Klypp on the
Gudrod his brother drew together a great
host from out the East-country, and made
for Thrandheini with that folk. But when Earl
Hakon heard thereof he gathered folk to him, and
made for Mere and harried there. There was
Griotgard his father's brother, and was charged
with the warding of the land for Gunnhild's sons ;
he drew out folk even as the kings had sent him
word. Earl Hakon went to meet him, and joined
battle with him ; there fell Griotgard and two earls
with him, and much other folk. Hereof telleth
Einar Jingle-scale :
The hardy king caused hchii-storm
To fall upon his foemen.
XVI The Story of Harald Grey cloak. 2 1 7
Thereof were friends a-waxing
In Loft's friend's hall of friendship.
Three earls' sons fierce were fallen
In fiery rain of Odin,
Whereof the pride of the people
Great praise and fame hath gotten.
Thereafter Earl Hakon sailed out to sea, and so
by the outer course south along the land. So came
he south right on to Denmark to Kingr Harald
Gormson the Dane-king ; there had he good wel-
come, and abode with him the winter through.
There also with the Dane-king was a man called
Harald, who was son of Knut, the son of Gorm,
and was the brother's son of King Harald. He
was new-come from warring, wherein he had long
been, and had gotten thereby very great wealth ;
so he was called Gold Harald. He was deemed
to have good right to be king in Denmark.
those brethren brought their folk north
to Thrandheim, and found nought to
withstand them there ; so they took scat and dues,
and all king's revenues, and made the bonders pay
great fines, for the kings had now for a long while
gotten but little money from Thrandheim, since
Earl Hakon had abided there with many men, and
had been at war with the kings.
In the autumn King Harald went into the South-
country with the more part of the folk that were
2 1 8 The Saga Library. XVI I
home-born there ; but King ErHng abode behind
with his folk, and he had yet again plenteous goods
of the bonders, and dealt them out hard measure.
Thereof the bonders bemoaned them sore, and took
their scathe ill. And so in the winter they gathered
together and gat a great company, and went against
King Erling as he was out a-guesting, and had
battle with him. There fell King Erling, and a
many men with him.
IN the days when Gunnhild's sons ruled over
Norway befell great scarcity, and ever the
greater it grew the longer they ruled over
the land ; and the bonders laid it to the account of
the kings, whereas they were greedy of money,
and dealt hardly with the bonders. To such a
pitch it came at last, that all up and down the land
folk well-nigh lacked all corn and fish. In Halo-
galand was there such hunger and need, that well-
nigh no corn grevv^ there, and the snow lay all over
the land at midsummer, and all the live-stock was
bound in stall at the very midsummer. Thus sang
Eyvind Skald-spiller when he came forth from his
house, and it was snowing hard :
On Swolnir's dame it snoweth,
And so have we as Finn-folk
To bind the hind of birch-buds
In byre amidst of summer.
XVIII The story of HaraldGreydoak. 219
EYVIND made a drapa on all the men of
Iceland, and they gave him this reward,
I that each bonder gave him a scat-penny
of the weight of three silver pennies, and which
would cut white. But when this silver came forth
at the Althing, men took counsel to get smiths to
refine the silver ; and thereafter was a cloak-clasp
made thereof, and, the smithying being paid for,
the clasp was worth fifty marks, and this they sent
to Eyvind. But now Eyvind let shear the clasp
asunder, and bought him stuff therewith. That
same spring withal came a shoal of herring to
certain outward-lying fishing-steads ; so Eyvind
manned a row-boat of his with his house-carles
and tenants, and rowed thither whereas the herring
were being netted ; and he sang :
Now did we set our sea-horse
Be spurring from the northward
After the terns fin-tailed,
Foreboders of the long nets,
To wot, O dear fire-goddess.
If silver-weeds of the ice-fields,
Through which the wave-swine rooteth,
My friends be fain to sell me ?
So utterly were his goods expended, that he
must needs buy herring with the arrows of his
bow ; as he singeth :
We fetched the fair cloak-buckle
The sea-heaven's folk had sent us
220 The Saga Library. XVIII
From over the sea, and sold it
For store of the swimming firth-herd.
The more part of the herrings
That leap from hands of Egii,
To Mar for sea-shafts sold I,
And all this came of hunger.
AST RID was the name of the woman whom
King Tryggvi Olafson had had for wife;
she was the daughter of Eric Biodaskalli,
who dwelt at Ofrustead, a mighty man. Now
after the fall of King Tryggvi, Astrid fled away,
and fared privily with such chattels as she might
have with her. In her company was her foster-
father, Thorolf Louse-beard by name. He never
departed from her, but other trusty men of hers
went about spying of tidings of her foes, and their
comings and Qroingrs.
Now Astrid went with child of King Tryggvi,
and she let herself be flitted out into a certain
water, and lay hidden in a holm thereamidst with
but few folk in her company. There she brought
forth a child, a man-child, who was sprinkled with
water and named Olaf after his father's father.
There lay Astrid hidden through the summer-tide ;
but when the nights grew dark and the days grew
short, and the weather waxed cold, then Astrid gat
her gone thence with Thorolf and few other folk,
224 The Saga Library. II
but they went into peopled parts only when they
might be hidden by the night, and met no men.
So on a day in the even they came to Ofrustead,
to Eric, the father of Astrid, and fared privily.
There Astrid sent men to the house to tell Eric,
who let bring them to a certain out-bower, and
spread a table for them with the best of cheer.
And when Astrid had been there a little while
her folk gat them gone, and she abode behind
with two serving-women of hers, her son Olaf, and
Thorolf Louse-beard, with his son Thorgils, of six
winters old ; and there they dwelt through the
his brother after the slaying of Tryggvi
Olafson fared to the steads he had
owned ; but Astrid was gone, and they might hear
no tidings of her. But the rumour reached them
that she was with child of King Tryggvi. So in
autumn-tide they went into the North-country, as
is aforewrit ; and when they saw Gunnhild their
mother, they told her all matters concerning what
had betid them in their journey ; and she asked
closely of all that had to do with Astrid, and they
told her such babble as they had heard thereof.
But now whereas that autumn Gunnhild's sons
had strife with Earl Hakon, yea and the winter
thereafter, as is writ afore, withal there was no
search made after Astrid and her son that winter.
Ill The story of Olaf Tryggvisou. 225
THE next spring Gunnhild sent spies to the
Uplands, and all the way to the Wick, to
spy what Astrid would be doing ; who,
when they came back, had chiefly to tell Gunn-
hild that Astrid would be with her father Eric ;
and they said that it was more like than not that
she would be nourishing there the son of her
and King Tryggvi.
Then Gunnhild sped messengers, and arrayed
them well with weapons and horses ; and they
were thirty men in company, and their leader was
a man of might, a friend of Gunnhild's, Hakon by
name. She bade them fare to Eric at Ofrustead,
and have thenceaway this son of King Tryggvi's,
and bring him to her. So the messengers go
all the way, and when they were come but
a little way from Ofrustead, the friends of Eric
were ware of them, and bare him tidings of the
goings of them at eve of the day. .So straightway
at night-tide Eric arrayed Astrid for departure,
and gave her good guides, and sent her east-away
into Sweden to Hakon the Old, a friend of his,
and a man of might ; so they departed while the
night was yet young, and came by eve of the next
day into a country called Skaun, and saw there a
great stead, and went thereto, and craved a night's
lodging. They had disguised them, and their
raiment was but sorry. The bonder thereat was
called Biorn Poison-sore, a wealthy man but a
churlish ; he drave them away. So they went that
226 The Saga Library. Ill
eve to another thorp hard by, which was called
Attwood ; one Thorstein was the bonder there,
who lodged them and gave them good entertain-
ment that night, and so they slept there well cared
Now Hakon and the men of Gunnhild came
to Ofrustead betimes in the morning, and asked
after Astrid and her son ; but Eric says she is not
there. So Hakon and his men ransacked all
the stead, and abode there far on into the day,
and had some inkling of Astrid's goings. So
they ride away the selfsame road that she had
gone, and come late in the evening to Biorn
Poison-sore in Skaun, and there take lodging.
Then Hakon asks of Biorn if he had aught to tell
him of Astrid. Biorn says that certain folk had
come there that day craving lodging : " But I
drave them away, and they will be lodged some-
where or other in the township."
Now a workman of Thorstein's went that eve
from the wood, and came to Biorn's because
it lay on his road. So he found that guests
were come there, and learned their errand, and
so goes and tells Master Thorstein. And so
when the night had yet one third to endure,
Thorstein waked his guests, and bade them
get them gone, speaking roughly to them ; but
when they were come their ways out from the
garth, Thorstein told them that Gunnhild's mes-
sengers were at Biorn's, and were about seeking
them. They prayed him to help them somewhat,
and he gave them guides and some victual, and
their guide brought them forth away into the wood
IV The Story of Olaf Try ggvison. 12.-1
where was a certain water, and a holm therein
grown about with reeds ; thither to the holm might
they wade, and there they lay hid in the reeds.
Betimes on the morrow rode Hakon from Biorn's
into the country-side, asking after Astrid whereso-
ever he came ; and when he came to Thorstein's he
asked if they were there. Thorstein says that
certain folk had come thither, but had gone away
against daybreak east into the wood. So Hakon
bade Thorstein go with them, seeing that he knew
the wood, both way and thicket ; so he went with
them, but when he came into the wood he brought
them right away from where Astrid lay, and they
went about seeking all day long, and found them
nowhere. So they went back and told Gunnhild
how their errand had sped.
But Astrid and her fellows went their ways,
and came forth into Sweden to Hakon the Old ;
and there abode Astrid and Olaf her son in all
welcome a lone while.
NOW Gunnhild the Kings' Mother hears
that Astrid and Olaf her son are in
the Swede-realm ; so she sent Hakon
yet again, and a goodly company with him, east
to Eric the Swede-king, with good gifts and fair
words and friendly. There had the messengers
good welcome, and abode there in good enter-
tainment. Then Hakon laid his errand before
the king, saying that Gunnhild sent this word,
228 The Saga Library. V
that the king should be to Hakon of such avail
that he might have Olaf Tryggvison back with
him to Norway, where Gunnhild would foster
So the king gave him men, and they ride unto
Hakon the Old. There Hakon craved for Olaf to
fare with him with many friendly words. Hakon
the Old answered him well, but said that Olaf 's
mother should order his going ; but Astrid will in
no wise suffer the boy to go. So the messengers go
their ways, and tell King Eric how matters stand.
Then they array them for their journey home,
but crave somewhat of force of the king to have
the lad away whether Hakon the Old will or not.
So the king gave them again a company of men,
and the messengers go therewith to Hakon the
Old, and crave once more for the lad to fare with
them ; but whereas the message was taken coldly,
they fall to big words and threats, and grow right
wroth. Then sprang forth a thrall named Bristle,
and would smite Hakon, and scarce may they get
away unbeaten of the thrall. Then home they
fare to Norway, and tell Gunnhild of their journey,
and how they have seen Olaf Tryggvison.
IGURD, son of Eric Biodaskalli, was the
brother of Astrid ; he had been a long
V — ) while away from the land east in Garth-
realm with King Valdimar, where he dwelt in great
honour. Now Astrid would fain go thither to
Sigurd her brother ; so Hakon the Old gave her a
VI The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 229
goodly fellowship, and all fair array, and she went
with certain chapmen. She had now been two
winters with Hakon the Old, and Olaf was three
winters old.
But now as they made into the Eastern sea,
vikings fell on them, Estlanders, who took both
men and money ; and some they slew, and some
they shared between them for bond-slaves. There
was Olaf parted from his mother, and an Est-
lander called Klerkon gat him along with Thorolf
and Thorgils. Klerkon deemed Thorolf over old
for a thrall, and could not see any work in him, so
he slew him, but had the lads away with him, and
sold them to a man named Klerk for a riorht crood
he-goat. A third man bought Olaf, and gave there-
for a good coat or cloak ; he was called Reas, and
his wife Rekon, and their son Rekoni. There
abode Olaf long, and was well served, and the
bonder loved him much. He was six winters exiled
thus in Estland.
SIGURD ERICSON came into Estland
on a message of King Valdimar of Holm-
garth, to wit, the claiming of the king's scat
in that land. He fared like a mighty man with
many men and plenteous wealth.
Now he saw in a certain market-place a lad full
fair, and knew him for an outlander, and asked
him of his name and kin. He named himself Olaf,
and called his father Tryggvi Olafson, and his
230 The Saga Library. VII
mother Astrid, daughter of Eric Biodaskalh. So
Sigurd knew that the lad was his sister's son ; so
he asked the lad what made him there, and Olaf
told him all that had befallen in his matter. So
Sigurd bade him show the way to the goodman
Reas ; and when he came there he bought both
the lads, Olaf and Thorgils, and had them with
him to Holmgarth, but gave out nought about the
kinship of Olaf, though he did well to him.
OLAF TRYGGVISON was standing one
day in the gate, and there were many
men about, amongst whom he saw Kler-
kon, who had slain his fosterer, Thorolf Louse-
beard. Olaf had a little axe in his hand, which
same he drave into Klerkon's head, so that it
stood right down in the brain of him ; then he fell
to running home to the house, and told Sigurd his
kinsman thereof. So Sigurd straightway brought
Olaf into the queen's house, and told her these
tidings. She was called Allogia. Her Sigurd
prayed help the lad. She answered, looking on
the lad, that they should not slay so fair a child,
and bade call to her men all armed.
Now in Holmgarth was the peace so hallowed,
that, according to the law thereof, whoso slew a
man undoomed should himself be slain. And now
all the people made a rush together, according to
their custom and law, and sought after the lad,
where he were ; and it was told that he was in the
VII The Stoiy of Olaf Tryggvisoii. 231
queen's garth, and that there was an host of men
all armed.
Hereof was the king told, and he went thereto
with his folk, and would not that they fought, and
so brought about truce and peace thereafter ; and
the king adjudged the weregild, and the queen paid
the fine.
Thereafter abode Olaf with the queen, and was
right dear to her.
It was law at that time in Garth-realm that kingly-
born men might not abide there, save by the king's
counsel. So Sigurd told the queen of what kin
Olaf was, and for why he was come thither, and
how he might not abide in his own land because of
his foes, and prayed her deal with the king con-
cerning this. She did so, praying him to help
this king's son so hardly dealt with, and she did
so much by her words, that the king assented
hereto, and took Olaf under his power, and did
well and worthily to him, as was meet for a king's
son to be served.
Olaf was nine winters old when he came into
Garth-realm, and he abode with King Valdimar
other nine winters.
Olaf was the fairest and tallest and strongest of
all men, and in prowess surpassing all men told of
among the Northmen.
232 The Saga Libya ry. VIII
with Harald Gormson the Dane-king the
winter after he had fled from Norway
before the sons of Gunnhild. So g^reat imaginino^
had Hakon through the winter season, that he lay
in his bed, and waked long, and ate and drank not
save to sustain his might. Then he sent men of
his privily north into Thrandheim to his friends
there, and gave them counsel to slay King Erling
if they might compass it ; and said withal that he
would come back to his realm when summer was
again. That winter they of Thrandheim slew
Erling as is aforewrit.
Now betwixt Hakon and Gold Harald was dear
friendship, and Harald showed all his mind to
Hakon, saying that he would fain settle in the
land, and lie out no more in war-ships ; and he
asked Hakon what he thought of it, whether King
Harald would be willing to share the realm with
him if he craved it.
" Meseemeth," said Hakon, " that the Dane-king
would not deny thee any rights ; but thou wilt
know the uttermost of the matter if thou lay it
before the king; and I ween thou wilt not get the
realm if thou crave it not."
So a little after this talk Gold Harald fell to
talk hereover with King Harald, whenas there were
standing by many mighty men, friends of either of
them. There craved Gold Harald of the king to
share the realm in half with him, even as his birth
warranted, and his kin there in the Dane- realm.
IX TJic Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 233
At this asking grew King Harald exceeding
wroth, saying that no man had craved it of King
Gorm, his father, that he should become half-king
over the Dane-realm ; nay, nor of his father Horda-
knut, nor of Sigurd Worm-in-eye, nor of Ragnar
Lodbrok ; and therewith he waxed so wood-wroth
that none might speak to him.
NOW was Gold Harald worse content than
afore, whereas he had gotten the king's
wrath, and of realm no whit more than
erst. So he came to Hakon his friend, and be-
wailed his trouble to him, and prayed him for
wholesome rede, if such could be, how he might
get the realm to him ; and said withal, that it had
come uppermost in his mind to seek his realm with
might and weapons. Hakon bade him not speak
that word before any, lest it become known. Said
he : " Thy life lieth on it. See thou to it, of what
avail thou art herein. Needs must he who dealeth
with such big deeds be high-hearted and dauntless,
and spare neither for good nor ill in bringing to pass
what he hath set his hand to ; but it is unworthy
to take up high counsels and then lay them down
with dishonour." Gold Harald answers : " In
such wise shall I take up this claim of mine, that I
will not spare to slay the king himself with mine
own hand, if occasion serve, since he must needs
gainsay me this realm which I ought of right to
have." Therewith they left talking.
Now King Harald went to Hakon, and they
234 The Saga Library. X
fall a-talking, and the king tells the earl what claim
Gold Harald had made on him for the realm, and
how he had answered it, saying withal that for
nought would he diminish his realm : " Yea, if
Gold Harald will yet hold by this claim, I shall
deem it but a little matter to let slay him, for I
trust him ill, if he will not give this up."
The earl answers : " Meseemeth that Harald
hath put this matter forth then only when he will by
no means let it fall ; and I must needs deem that
if he raise war in the land he will not lack for folk,
chiefly for the dear remembrance of his father.
Yet is it most unmeet for thee to slay thy kinsman,
when, as the matter now is, all folk shall call him
sackless. Nevertheless I would not have thee
think that I counsel thee to become less of a king
than was Gorm thy father, who indeed brought
increase to his realm, and minished it in no wise."
Then said the king : " What is thy rede then,
Hakon ? Must I needs neither share the realm
then, nor have this bugbear off my hands ? "
" We shall be meeting a few days hence," said
Hakon, " and I will turn my mind before that to
this trouble, and clear it up in some wise."
Then the king went his ways with all his men.
EARL HAKON now fell again to the
greatest brooding and plotting ; and let
few men be in the house with him. But
a few days thereafter came King Harald to the
X The Story of Olaf Tvyggvison. 235
earl, and they fell a-talking, and the king asked if
the earl had bethought him on that matter they
were on the other day.
Says the earl : " 1 have waked day and night
ever since, and the best rede meseemeth is that
thou hold and rule all the realm which thou hadst
from thy father, but get for Harald thy kinsman
another kingdom, whereof he shall be a man well
" What realm is that," said the king, " that I
may lightly give to Harald, keeping the Dane-
realm whole the while ? "
The earl says : " Norway is it. Such kings as
are there, are ill-beloved of all the folk of the
land ; and every man wishes them ill, as is but
The king says : " Norway is a great land and
a hardy folk, an ill land to fall on with an out-
land host. Such hap we had when King Hakon
defended the land, that we lost much folk, and
won no victory ; and Harald Ericson is my foster-
son, and hath sat on my knee."
Then saith the earl : " I knew this long while
that thou hadst oft given help to the sons of Gunn-
hild ; yet have they rewarded thee with nought but
ill ; but we shall come far lightlier by Norway than
by fighting for it with all the host of the Danes.
Send thou for thy foster-son Harald, bidding him
take from thee the lands and fiefs which they had
aforetime here in Denmark, and summon him to
meet thee ; and then may Gold Harald in that little
while win him a kingdom in Norway from Harald
236 The Saga Library. XI
The king says that it will be called an evil deed
to betray his foster-son.
Saith the earl : " The Danes will account it a
good exchange, the slaying a Norse viking rather
than a brother's son, a Dane."
So they talk the matter over a long while till it
was accorded between them.
YET again came Gold Harald to talk with
Earl Hakon ; and the earl tells him that
he has been so busy in his matter that
most like a kingdom would be ready at hand for
him in Norway. "And now," saith he, "let us
hold by our fellowship, and I will be a trusty and
great help to thee in Norway. Get thou first that
realm ; but then moreover is King Harald very
old, and hath but one son, a bastard, whom he
loveth but little."
So the earl talks hereof to Gold Harald till he
says he is well content therewith. Thereafter they
all talk the thing over together full often, the king
to wit, the earl, and Gold Harald.
Then the Dane-king sent his men north into
Norway to Harald Greycloak Right gloriously
was that journey arrayed, and good welcome had
they, when they came to Harald the king. There
they tell the tidings that Earl Hakon is in Den-
mark, lying hard at death's door, and well-nigh
widess; and these other tidings withal, that Harald
the Dane-king biddeth Harald Greycloak, his
XII TJic story of Olaf Tryggvison. 237
foster-son to him, to take such fiefs from him as
the brethren had aforetime in Denmark, and
biddeth Harald come and meet him in Jutland.
Harald Greycloak laid this message before Gunn-
hild his mother and other of his friends ; and men's
minds were not at one thereon ; to some the jour-
ney seemed nought to be trusted in, such men as
were awaiting them yonder ; yet were the others
more who were fain to fare, whereas there was so
great famine in Norway, that the kings might
scarce feed their own household ; wherefrom gat
the firth wherein the kings abode oftest that
name of Hardanger; but in Denmark was the
year's increase of some avail. So men deemed
that there would be somethingf to be Sfot thence if
Kin"- Harald had fief and dominion there.
So it was settled before the messengers went
their ways, that King Harald should come to
Denmark in the summer-tide to meet the Dane-
king, and take of him the fortune he offered.
Iy ARALD GREYCLOAK fared in the
— I summer-tide to Denmark with three
J^ long-ships; Arinbiorn the Hersir of the
Firths sailed one of them.
So King Harald sailed out from the Wick to the
Limbfirth and put in there at the Neck ; and it was
told him that the Dane-king would speedily come
thither. But when Gold Harald heard thereof he
238 The Saga Library. XIII
made tliither with nine long-ships, for he had afore-
time arrayed his host for war-saiHng. Earl Hakon
also had arrayed his folk for war, and had twelve
ships, all great.
But when Gold Harald was gone, then spake Earl
Hakon to the king : " Now see I nought but that
we are both pressed to row, and paying fine. Gold
Harald will slay Harald Greycloak, and take the
kingdom in Norway ; and deemest thou then that
thou mayst trust him, when thou hast put such
might into his hands, whereas he spake this before
me last winter, that he would slay thee, might but
time and place serve ? Now will I win Norway for
thee and slay Gold Harald, if thou wilt promise
me easy atonement at thy hands for the deed.
Then will I be thine earl, and bind myself by oath
to win Norway for thee with thy might to aid, and
to hold the land thereafter under thy dominion
and pay thee scat. Then art thou a greater king
than thy father, when thou rulest over two great
peoples." So this was accorded betwixt the king
and the earl, and Hakon fared with his host a-
seekinof Gold Harald.
GOLD HARALD came to the Neck in the
Limbfirth, and straightway bade battle to
Harald Greycloak. Then, though King
Harald had the fewer folk, he went aland straight-
way, and made him ready for battle, and arrayed
his folk. Then before the battle was joined Harald
XIII llie Story of Olaf Tyyggvisou. 239
Greycloak cheered on his folk full hard, and bade
them draw sword, and so ran forth before the van-
ward battle and smote on either hand. So sayeth
Glum Geirason in Greycloak's Drapa :
The god of hilts made meetly,
E'en he who durst to redden
The green fields for the people,
A doughty word hath spoken.
There Harald the wide-landed
Gave bidding to his king's-men
To swing the sword for slaughter ;
That word his men deemed noble.
There fell King Harald Greycloak, as sayeth
Glum Geirason :
The heeder of the garth-wall
Of Glammi's steeds, the ship-wont.
Alow he needs must lay him
On the wide board of Limbfirth.
The scatterer of the sea's flame
Fell on Neck's sandy stretches ;
He, the word-happy kings' friend
It was who wrought this slaughter.
There fell the more part of King Harald's men
with him ; Arinbiorn the Hersir fell there.
Now was worn away fifteen winters from the fall
of Hakon Athelstane's Foster-son, and thirteen
winters from the fall of Sigurd, the Earl of Ladir.
So sayeth Ari Thorgilson the priest, that Earl
Hakon had ruled for thirteen winters over his
heritage in Thrandheim before Harald Greycloak
was slain ; but the last six winters of Harald Grey-
cloak's life, saith Ari, Gunnhild's sons and Hakon
were at war together, and in turn fled away from
the land.
240 The Saga Library. XIV-XV
EARL HAKON and Gold Harald met a
little after Harald Greycloak was fallen ;
and straightway Earl Hakon joined battle
with Gold Harald. There gat Hakon the victor)',
and Harald was taken, whom Hakon let straight-
way hang up on a gallows. Thereafter fared Earl
Hakon to meet the Dane-king, and had easy atone-
ment from him for the slaying of Gold Harald, his
THEN King Harald called out an host from
all his realm, and sailed with six hundred
ships ; and in his fellowship was Earl
Hakon Sigurdson, and Harald the Grenlander.
son of King Gudrod, and many other mighty men
who had fled their free lands in Norway before
the sons of Gunnhild.
The Dane-king turned his host from the south
into the Wick, and all the folk of the land submitted
them to him ; but when he came to Tunsberg
drew much folk to him, and all the host that came
to him in Norway King Harald gave into the
hands of Earl Hakon, and made him ruler over
Rogaland and Hordland, Sogn, the Firth-country,
South-mere, North-mere, and Raumsdale. These
seven counties gave King Harald unto Earl
Hakon to rule over, with such-like investiture as
XVI The story of Olaf Tryggvisoii. 241
had King Harald Hairfair to his sons ; with this to
boot, that Earl Hakon should have there and in
Thrandheim also all kingly manors and land-dues,
and have of the king's goods what he needed if
war were in the land.
To Harald the Grenlander gave King Harald
Vingul-mark, Westfold,and Agdir out to Lidandis-
ness, and the name of king withal ; and gave him
dominion therein with all such things as his kin
had had aforetime, and as Harald Hairfair cave to
his sons. Harald the Grenlander was as then
eighteen winters old, and was a famed man there-
after. So home again fared Harald the Dane-
king with all the host of the Danes.
EARL HAKON fared with his host north
along the land ; and when Gunnhild and
her sons heard these tidings they gathered
an host, yet sped but ill with the gathering. So
they took the same rede as erst, to sail West-over-
sea with such folk as will follow them ; and first
they fared to the Orkneys and abode there awhile,
wherein were ere this the sons of Thorfinn Skull-
cleaver earls, Lodver to wit, and Arnvid, Liot,
and Skuli.
So Earl Hakon laid all the land under him, and
sat that winter in Thrandheim. Hereof telleth
Einar J ingle-scale .in the Gold-lack :
Evil-shunning heeder
Of eyebrow's field's silk-fiUet,
242 The Saga Library. XVI
Seven counties now hath conquered ;
To all the land good tidings.
Now Earl Hakon, when he went north along the
land that summer, and all folk came under him,
had bidden sustain the temples and blood-offerings
throughout all his dominions ; and so was it done.
So sayeth Gold-lack :
The wise one let Thor's shrine-lands
Once harried, and all steads truly
Unto the gods a-hallowed,
Lie free for all men's usage.
Ere Hlorrid of the spear-garth,
He whom the gods are guiding,
The wolf of the death of the giant
Over the sea-waves ferried.
Fight-worthy folk of Hlokks' staff
To offering-mote now turn them,
And the mighty red-board's wielder,
Thereby a fair fame winneth.
Now as afore earth groweth,
Since once again gold-waster
Lets spear-bridge wielders wend them
Gladheart to the Holy Places.
Now from the Wick all northward
Under Earl Hakon lieth.
Wide stands the rule of Hakon,
Who swells the storm of fight-board.
The first winter that Hakon ruled over the
land, the herring came up everywhere high into
the land, and in the autumn before had the corn
grown well wheresoever it had been sown ; but
the next spring men gat them seed-corn, so that
the more part of the bonders sowed their lands,
and speedily the year was of good promise.
XVII The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 243
KING RAGNFROD, son of Gunnhlld,
and Gudrod, another son of hers, these
were now the only two left of the sons of
Eric and Gunnhild. So sayeth Glum Geirason in
Greycloak's Drapa :
Half of wealth's hope fell from me,
Then when the spear-drift ended
The king's life. For no good hap
To me was Harald's death-day.
Yet nathless both his brethren
Behote me somewhat goodly,
For all the host of manfolk
For good luck looketh thither.
Now Ragnfrod gat him ready in spring-tide,
when he had been one winter in the Orkneys ;
then he made east for Norway with a chosen com-
pany and big ships. And when he came to
Norway he heard that Earl Hakon was in
Thrandheim. So he made north about the Stad,
and harried in South-mere. There some men
came under him, as oft befalleth when warring
bands come on the land, that they whom they fall
in with seek help for themselves whereso it seems
likeliest to be gotten.
Earl Hakon hears these tidings, how there was
war south in Mere. So he dight his ships and
sheared up the war-arrow, and arrayed him at his
speediest, and sailed down the firth, and sped well
with his gatherin^r of folk.
244 ^-^^^ Saga Libraiy. XVII
So they met, Ragnfrod and Earl Hakon, by the
northern parts of South-mere, and Hakon straight-
way joined battle. He had the more folk, but the
smaller ships. Hard was the battle, and the
brunt was heaviest on Hakon. They fought from
the forecastles, as was the wont of those days.
The tide set in up the sound, and drave all the
ships landward together. So the earl bade back-
water toward shore, where it looked handiest to
go aland ; and so when the ships took ground the
earl and all his host went from their ships, and
drew them up, so that their foes might not drag
them out. Then the earl arrayed his battles on
the mead, and cried on Ragnfrod to come ashore.
Ragnfrod and his folk stood close in, and they shot
at each other a long while ; yet would he not go
up aland, but departed at this pass, and stood with
his host south about the Stad, for he dreaded the
land-host if folk should perchance flock to Earl
But the earl would not join battle again, because
he deemed the odds of ship-boards over-great. So
he fared north to Thrandheim in the autumn, and
there abode winter-long-. But King Ragnfrod
held in those days all south of the Stad ; Firth-
land, to wit, Sogn, Hordland, and Rogaland.
He had a great multitude about him that winter,
and when spring came, he bade to the muster, and
gat a mighty host. Then fared he through all
those parts aforenamed to gather men and ships
and other gettings, such as he needed to have.
XVIII The story of Olaf Tryggvisou. 245
EARL HAKON called out folk in the
spring-tide from all the North-country.
He had much folk from Halogaland and
Naumdale. Right away, moreover, from Byrda
to the Stad had he folk from the seaboard lands ;
and a multitude flocked to him from all Thrand-
heim and from Raumsdale. So tells the tale that
he had an host drawn from four folk-lands, and
that seven earls followed him, each and all with a
very great company. So sayeth it in Gold-lack :
Further the tale now tell I,
How the Mere-folks' war-fain warder,
Now let his folk be faring
From the Northland forth to Sogn.
The Frey of Hedin's breezes
From four lands manfolk levied.
Soothly the war-brands' Uller
Therein saw goodly helping.
Seven lords of land came sweeping
On hurdles smooth of Meiti,
Unto the mote of gladdener
Of the sparrow of the shield-swarf.
All Norway clattered round them,
When the god of the wall of Hedin
Rushed on to meet in edge-thing.
Dead men by the nesses floated.
Earl Hakon brought all this host south about
the Stad. There he heard that King Ragnfrod
was gone with his host into the Sogn-firth. So
he turned thither with his folk, and there was the
246 The Saga Library. XVIII
meeting of him and Ragnfrod. The earl brought-
to his ships by the land, and pitched a hazelled
field for King Ragnfrod, and chose there a battle-
stead. So saith Gold-lack :
The Wend-slayer on King Ragnfrod
Came once again in battle,
Sithence betid a man-fall
Far-famed in that meeting.
The Narvi of the screaming
Of shield-witch bade turn landward ;
The need of Talk of snow-shoes
He laid by the sea-ward folk-land.
There befell a full hard battle ; but Earl Hakon
had many more folk, and he won the day. At
Thing-ness this was, where Sogn meeteth Hord-
So King Ragnfrod fled away to his ships, and
there fell of his folk three hundred men. As saith
Gold-lack :
Strong fight ere the fight-groves' queller,
That fierce one, there brought under
The claws of the carrion vulture
Three hundred fallen foemen.
The king, the victory-snatcher.
Who giveth growth to battle.
O'er the heads of the host of the ocean,
Strode thence. 'Twas a deed right gainful.
After this battle King Ragnfrod fled away from
Norway ; but Earl Hakon gave peace to the
land, and let fare back northward that great host
that had followed him through the summer ; but
he himself abode there the autumn, yea, and the
winter-tide withal.
XIX-XX The story of Olaf Tryggvisoii . 247
EARL HAKON wedded a woman called
Thora, the daughter of Skagi Skoptison,
a wealthy man, and Thora was the fairest
of all women. Their sons were Svein and Heming,
and Bergliot was their daughter, who was wedded
thereafter to Einar Thambarskelfir.
Earl Hakon was much given to women, and
had a many children. Ragnfrid was a daughter
of his, whom he gave in marriage to Skopti
Skagison, brother of Thora. The earl loved
Thora so well, that he held her kin dearer than
other men, and Skopti his son-in-law was more
accounted of than any other of them. The earl
gave him great fiefs in Mere ; and whensoever
the earl's fleet was abroad, Skopti was to lay his
ship alongside the earl's ship ; neither would it do
for any to lay ship betwixt them.
ON a summer Earl Hakon had out his fleet,
and Thorleif the Sage was master of a
ship therein. Of that company also was
Eric, the earl's son, who was as then ten or eleven
winters old. So whenever they brought-to in
havens at night-tide, nought seemed good to Eric
but to moor his ship next to the earl's ship.
But when they were come south to Mere, thither
came Skopti, the earl's brother-in-law, with a long-
248 The Saga Library. XX
ship all manned ; but as they rowed up to the
fleet, Skopti called out to Thorleif to clear the
haven for him, and shift his berth. Eric answered
speedily, bidding Skopti take another berth. That
heard Earl Hakon, how Eric his son now deemed
himself so mighty that he would not give place to
Skopti. So the earl called out straightway, and
bade them leave their berth, saying that somewhat
worser lay in store for them else, to wit, to be
speedily beaten. So when Thorleif heard that, he
cried out to his men to slip their cables ; and even
so was it done. And Skopti lay in the berth
whereas he was wont, next the earl's ship to wit.
Now Skopti was ever to tell all tidings to the
earl when they two were together ; or the earl would
tell tidings to Skopti, if so be he wotted first of
them. So Skopti was called Skopti of the Tidings.
The next winterwas Eric with Thorleif his foster-
father, but early in spring-tide he drew to him a
company of men; and Thorleif gave him a fifteen-
benched cutter with all gear, tents, and victuals.
And Eric sailed therewith down the firth, and so
south to Mere ; but Skopti of the Tidings was
a-rowing from one manor of his to another in
a fifteen-benched craft, and Eric turned to meet
him, and joined battle with him. There fell
Skopti, and Eric gave quarter to all those who yet
stood upon their feet. So sayeth Eyjolf Dada-
skald in Banda-drapa :
Yet very young he gat him.
One eve on Meiti's sea-skate.
Well followed, 'gainst the hersir
Tligh-heartcd of the sea-marge.
XX Tlie story of Olaf Try ggvison. 249
Whenas the one that shaketh
The flickering flame of targe-field
Made Skopti fall, wolf-gladdener
Gave meat enow to blood-hawks.
VVealth-swayer, fiercely mighty,
Made fall Sand-Kiar in battle.
Yea there the life thou changedst
Of the land's belt's-fire's giver.
So strode off the steel-awer
Away from the dead din-bidder
Of the storm of stem-plain's ravens.
The land at gods' will draweth. . . .
Then sailed Eric south along the land, and came
right forth to Denmark, and so fared to meet King
Harald Gormson, and abode with him the winter ;
but the spring thereafter the Dane-king sent Eric
north into Norway, and gave him an earldom with
Vingul-mark and Raum-realm to rule over, on such
terms as the scat-paying kings had aforetime had
there. So sayeth Eyjolf :
Few winters old, folk-steerer
Bode south there at the ale-skiff
Of the sea-worm, one while owned
By the Finn of serpent's seat-berg,
Ere the wealth-scatterers willed it
To set adown the helm-coifed.
The whetter of the Hild-storra,
Beside the bride of Odin.
Earl Eric became a mighty chieftain in after
250 The Saga Library. XXI
ALL this while was Olaf Tryggvison in
Garth-realm, amid all honour from King
Valdimar, and loving-kindness from the
queen. King Valdimar made him captain of the
host which he sent forth to defend the land. So
sayeth Hailstone :
The speech-clear foe of the flame-flash
Of the Yew-seat had twelve winters,
When he, stout friend of Hord-folk,
Dight warships out of Garth-realm.
The king's men, there they laded
Prow-beasts with weed of Hamdir,
With the clouds of the clash of sword-edge,
And with the helms moreover.
There had Olaf certain battles, and the leading
of the host throve in his hands. Then sustained
he himself a great company of men-at-arms at his
own costs from the wealth that the kino- grave to
him. Olaf was open-handed to his men, whereof
was he well beloved. Yet it befell, as oft it doth
when outland men have dominion, or win fame
more abimdant than they of the land, that many
envied him the great love he had of the king, and
of the queen no less. So men bade the king be-
ware lest he make Olaf over-great : " For there
is the greatest risk of such a man, lest he lend
himself to doing thee or the realm some hurt, he
being so fulfilled of prowess and might and the
love of men ; nor forsooth wot we whereof he and
the queen are evermore talking."
XXI The Story of Olaf T/yggvison. 25 1
Now it was much the wont of mighty kings in
those days, that the queen should have half the
court, and sustain it at her own costs, and have
thereto of the scat and dues what she needed.
And thus was it at King Valdimar's, and the queen
had no less court than the king ; and somewhat
would they strive about men of fame, and either
of them would have such for themselves.
Now so it befell that the king trowed those redes
aforesaid which folk spake before him, and be-
came somewhat cold to Olaf, and rough. And
when Olaf found that, he told the queen thereof,
and said withal that he was minded to fare into
the Northlands, where, said he, his kin had do-
minion aforetime, and where he deemed it like
that he should have the most furtherance.
So the queen biddeth him farewell, and sayeth
that he shall be deemed a noble man whitherso-
ever he cometh.
So thereafter Olaf dight him for departure, and
went a-shipboard and stood out to sea in the
But when he came from the east he made Borg-
und-holm, and fell on there and harried. Then
came down the landsmen on him, and joined battle
with him ; and Olaf won the victory, and a great
252 The Saga Library. XXII
OLAF lay by Borgund-holm, but there gat
they bitter wind and a storm at sea, so
that they might no longer He there, but
sailed south under Wendland, and gat there good
haven, and, faring full peacefully, abode there
Burislaf was the name of the king in Wendland,
whose daughters were Geira, Gunnhild, and Astrid.
Now Geira, the king's daughter, had rule and do-
minion there, whereas Olaf and his folk came to
the land, and Dixin was the name of him who
had most authority under Queen Geira. And so
when they heard that alien folk were come to the
land, even such as were noble of mien, and held
them ever in peaceful wise, then fared Dixin to
meet them, with this message, that she bade those
new-come men to guest with her that winter-tide ;
for the summer was now far spent, and the weather
hard, and storms great. So when Dixin was come
there, he saw speedily that the captain of these
men is a noble man both of kin and aspect. Dixin
told them that the queen bade them to her in
friendly wise. So Olaf took her bidding, and
fared that autumn-tide unto Queen Geira, and
either of them was wondrous well seen of the
other ; so that Olaf fell a-wooing, and craved
Queen Geira to wife. And it was brought to
pass that he wedded her that winter, and be-
came ruler of that realm with her. Hallfred the
XXIV The story of Olaf Try ggvison. 253
Troublous-skald telleth of this in the Drapa he
made upon Olaf the king :
The king, he made the hardened
Corpse-banes in blood be reddened
At Hohne and east in Garth-realm.
Yea, why should the people hide it ?
EARL HAKON ruled over Norway, and
paid no scat, because the Dane-king had
granted him all the scat which the king
owned in Norway for the labour and costs that
the earl was put to in defending the land against
the sons of Gunnhild.
KEISAR OTTO was lord of Saxland in
those days, who sent bidding to Harald
the Dane-king to take christening and
the right troth, both he and the folk he ruled
over, or else, said the Keisar, he would fall upon
them with an host.
So the Dane-king let array his land-wards and
sustain the Dane-work, and dight his war-ships ;
and therewith he sent bidding to Earl Hakon in
Norway to come to him early in spring with all
the host he micjht sfet. So Earl Hakon called
out his host from all his realm in the spring-tide,
254 The Saga Library. XXV
and eat a orreat followinof, and sailed with that folk
to Denmark to meet the Dane-king, and goodly
welcome the king gave him.
Many other lords were come to the help of the
Dane-king at that tide, and a full mighty host he
OLAF TRYGGVISON had abided that
winter in Wendland, as is afore writ ; and
that same winter he fared into those lands
of Wendland that had been under Queen Geira,
but now were clean turned away from her service
and tribute.
There harried Olaf, and slew many men, and
burned some out of house and home, and took
much wealth, and, having laid under him all those
realms, turned back again to his own stronghold.
Early in spring-tide Olaf dight his ships and sailed
into the sea ; he sailed to Skaney, and went aland
there. The folk of the land gathered together and
gave him battle, but Olaf had the victory, and gat
a great prey.
Then sailed he east to Gothland and took a
cheaping-ship of the lamtlanders. They made a
stout defence forsooth, but in the end Olaf cleared
the ship and slew many men, and took all the
wealth of them.
A third battle he had in Gothland, and won the
victory and gat a great prey. So sayeth Hallfred
the Troublous-skald :
XXVI The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 255
The great king, the shrine's foeman,
There felled the lamtland dwellers
And Wendland folk in fight-stour.
So in young days his wont was.
Sword-hardy lord of hersirs
To Gothland lives was baneful ;
I heard it of gold-shearer,
That he raised spear-gale on Skaney.
KEISAR OTTO drew together a mighty
host ; he had folk from Saxland, and
Frankland, from Frisland and Wendland.
King Burislaf followed him with a great company,
and thereof was Olaf Tryggvison his son-in-law.
The Keisar had a mighty host of riders, and yet
more of footmen; from Holtsetaland also had he
much folk.
King Harald sent Earl Hakon with the host of
Northmen that followed him to the Dane-work to
ward the land there, as it saith in Gold-lack :
It fell, too, that the yoke-beasts
Of the ere-boards ran from the Northland
Neath the deft grove of battle,
Down south to look on Denmark.
The lord of the folk of Dofrar,
The ruler of the Hord-men,
Becoifed with the helm of aweing.
Now sought the lords of Denmark.
The bounteous king would try him.
Amidst the frost of murder.
That elf of the land of mirkwoods,
New-come from out the Northland.
256 TIte Saga Libraiy. XXVI
When bade the king the doughty
Heeder of storm of war-sark
Hold walls against the fight-Niords
Of Hagbard's hurdles' rollers.
Keisar Otto came from the south with his host
against the Dane-work ; and Earl Hakon warded
the burg-wall with his company. Now such is
the fashion of the Dane-work that two firths go
up into the land on either side thereof, and from
end to end of these firths had the Danes made a
great burg-wall of stones and turf and timber, and
dug a deep and broad ditch on the outer side thereof;
and castles are there before each bur^j-eate.
So there befell a great battle ; as is told in
Gold-lack :
'Twas not an easy matter
To go against their war-host,
Though Ragnir of garth of spear-flight
Wrought there a stour full hardy,
Whenas fight-Vidur wended
From the south with the Frisian barons
And the lords of the Franks and Wend-folk,
Egged on the sea-horse rider.
Earl Hakon set companies all over the burg-
gates ; but the more part of his folk he let wend up
and down the wall, and withstand the foe where-
soever the onset was hottest. Fell many of the
Keisars host, and they gat nought won of the
burg-wall. So the Keisar turned away, and tried
it no longer. So saith it in Gold-lack :
Rose din of the flame of Thridi
When the dealers in the point-play
Laid shield to shield. Fight-hardy
Was the stirrer of ernes' cravins;.
XXVII The story of OlnfTryggmsou. 257
The fray-Thrott of tlie sound steed
Turned Saxons unto fleeing ;
The king, he and his goodmcn,
The Work from the aUens warded.
After the battle fared Earl Hakon back to his
ships, and was minded to sail back north to Norway ;
but the wind was foul for him, and he lay out in
the Limbfirth.
y .^ EISAR OTTO wended back with his
1^ host to Sleswick, and there drew a fleet
JL 3L^ together, and so flitteth his host over the
firth to Jutland. But when Harald Gormson the
Dane-king heard thereof, he went against him with
his host, and there was a great battle, wherein the
Keisar prevailed at the last ; so the Dane-king
fled away to the Limbfirth and out into Mars-isle.
Then went men betwixt the King and the Keisar,
and truce was brought about, and a meeting ap-
pointed. So Keisar Otto and the Dane-king met
in Mars-isle, and there Bishop Poppo preached
the holy faith before King Harald, and bare glow-
ing iron in his hand, and showed King Harald his
hand unburnt thereafter.
So King Harald let himself be christened with
all the host of the Danes.
King Harald had sentword afore to Earl Hakon,
whenas the king was abiding in Mars-isle, to come
and help him ; but Earl Hakon came to the isle
in S
258 The Saga Library. XXVIII
when the king had already got christened, who
sent word to the earl to come and meet him ; and
when they met the King let christen Earl Hakon
will he nill he. So the earl was christened, and all
the men who followed him ; and the king gave
him priests and other learned men, and bade the
earl to do christen all folk in Norway.
Therewith they sundered, and Earl Hakon fared
down to the sea and abode a wind there.
NOW when the wind came and he deemed
he might stand out to sea, he cast up
aland all those learned men, and so
sailed out to sea ; but the wind veered round to
the south-west and west, and the earl sailed east
through Ere-sound, harrying on either land ; then
he sailed east-away by Skaney-side, and harried
there, yea, and wheresoever he made land ; but
when he came east off the Gaut-skerries he made
for land and made there a great sacrifice. Then
came flying thither two ravens and croaked with a
high voice ; whereby the earl deemed surely that
Odin had taken his blood-offering, and that he
would have a happy day of fight. So thereon the
earl burnt all his ships, and went up aland with his
host, and wended the war-shield alway. Then
came to meet him Earl Ottar, who ruled over Gaut-
land, and they had a great battle together, and
XXVI 1 1 The Story ofOlaf Tryggvison. 259
Hakon won the day, but Earl Ottar fell, and a
many of his folk with him. Then fared Earl Hakon
through either Gautland, and all with the war-shield
aloft, till he came to Norway ; then he went by the
land-road north-away to Thrandheim.
Hereof is said in Gold-lack :
The feller of the fleeing
For the god's rede forth on mead went ;
The bole of the gear of Hedin
Gat happy day for battle.
And the bidder of war-waging
Had sight of corpse-fowl mighty ;
The Tyr of pine-rod's hollow
Longed for the lives of Gautfolk.
The earl there held a folk-mote
Of the wild-fire of the sword-vale
Where none erst came to harry,
With Sorli's roof above him.
None bare the shield bedizened
With the sleeping-loft of ling-fish,
So far up from the sea-shore
The lord o'erran all Gautland.
The god of the gale of Frodi
The fields with dead men loaded ;
Gain might the gods' son boast of,
Gat Odin many chosen.
What doubt but gods be ruling
The lessener of kings' kindred ?
I say that gods strong-waxen
Make great the sway of Hakon.
26o The Saga Library. XXIX-XXX
KEISAR OTTO fared back to his own
realm of Saxland, and he and the Dane-
king parted in friendly wise. So say men
that Keisar Otto became gossip of Svein, the son
of King Harald, and gave him his name, so that
he was christened Otto Svein.
King Harald held the Christian faith well unto
his death-day.
So fared King Burislaf back to Wendland, and
Olaf his son-in-law with him.
Of this battle telleth Hallfred the Troublous-
skald in the Olaf 's Drapa :
The speeding-stem of the horses
Of rollers there was hewing
The birch of fight-sark barkless
In Denmark south of Heathby.
OLAF TRYGGVISON was three winters
in Wendland ; and then Geira his wife fell
sick, and that sickness brought her to her
bane. Such great scathe did Olaf deem this, that
he had no love for Wendland ever after. So he
betook him to his war-ships, and fared yet again
a-warring ; and first he harried in Friesland, and
then about Saxland, and so right away to Flanders.
So sayeth Hallfred the Troublous-skald :
XXXI The Story of Ola f Tryggvison. 261
The king the son of Tryggvi
At last let fast be hewen
To troll-wife's steed ill-waxen
The bodies of the Saxons.
The king the well-befriended
Gave drink to the dusky stallion,
Whereon Night-rider fareth,
Brown blood of many a Frisian.
Fierce feller of fight's people
Drew from its skin the corpse-awl ;
Let host-lord flesh of Flemings
Be yolden unto ravens.
THEN sailed Olaf Tryggvison to England,
and harried wide about the land ; he sailed
north all up to Northumberland, and har-
ried there, and thence north-away yet to Scotland,
and harried wide about. Thence sailed he to the
South-isles, and had certain battles there ; and then
south to Man, and fought there, and harried also
wide about the parts of Ireland. Then made he for
Bretland, and that land also he wasted wide about,
and also the land which is called of the Kymry ;
and again thence sailed he west to Valland, and
harried there, and thence sailed back east again,
being minded for England, and so came to the isles
called Scillies in the western parts of the English
main. So sayeth Hallfred the Troublous-skald :
The young king all unsparing
Fell unto fight with English ;
The nourisher of spear-shower
Made murder for Northumbria.
262 The Saga Library. XXXII
The war-glad wolf-greed's feeder,
Wide then the Scot-folk wasted ;
Gold-slayer wrought the sword-play
In Man with sword uplifted.
The bow-tree's dread let perish
The Isle-host and the Irish ;
The Tyr of swords be-worshipped
Of fame was sorely yearning.
The king smote Bretland's biders,
And hewed adown the Kymry.
There then the greed departed
From the choughs of the storm of spear-cast.
Olaf Tryggvison was four winters about this
warfare, from the time he fared from Wendland till
when he came to Scilly.
NOW when Olaf Tryggvison lay at Scilly
he heard tell that in the isle there was a
certain soothsayer, who told of things not
yet come to pass ; and many men deemed that things
fell out as he foretold. So Olaf fell a-longing to
try the spacing of this man ; and he sent to the wise
man him who was fairest and biggest of his men,
arrayed in the most glorious wise, bidding him say
that he was the king ; for hereof was Olaf by then
become famed in all lands, that he was fairer and
nobler than all other men. But since he fared from
Garth-realm, he had used no more of his name than
to call him Oli, and a Garth-realmer. Now when
the messenger came to the soothsayer and said he
XXXII The story of Olaf Try ggvison. 263
was the king, then gat he this answer : " King art
thou not ; but my counsel to thee is, that thou be
true to thy king."
Nor said he more to the man, who fared back
and told Olaf hereof; whereby he longed the more
to meet this man, after hearing of such answer
given ; and all doubt fell from him that the man
was verily a soothsayer. So Olaf went to him, and
had speech of him, asking him what he would say
as to how he should speed coming by his kingdom,
or any other good-hap.
Then answered that lone-abider with holy
spaedom : " A glorious king shalt thou be, and do
glorious deeds ; many men shalt thou bring to
troth and christening, helping thereby both thyself
and many others ; but to the end that thou doubt
not of this mine answer, take this for a token : Hard
by thy ship shalt thou fall into a snare of an host
of men, and battle will spring thence, and thou
wilt both lose certain of thy company, and thyself
be hurt ; and of this wound shalt thou look to die,
and be borne to ship on shield ; yet shalt thou be
whole of thy hurt within seven nights, and speedily
be christened thereafter."
So Olaf went down to his ship, and met un-
peaceful men on the way, who would slay him and
his folk ; and it fared with their dealincrs as that
lone-biding man had foretold him, that Olaf was
borne wounded on a shield out to his ship, and was
whole again within seven nights' space.
Then deemed Olaf surely that the man had told
him a true matter, and that he would be a soothfast
soothsayer, whencesoever he had his spaedom. So
264 TJie Saga Librayy. XXXIII
he went a second time to see this soothsayer, and
talked much with him, and asked him closely
whence he had the wisdom to foretell things to
come. The lone-dweller told him that the very
God of christened men let him know all things
that he would, and therewithal he told Olaf many
great works of Almighty God ; from all which
words Olaf yeasaid the taking on him of christen-
ing ; and so was he christened with all his fellows.
He abode there long, and learned the right troth,
and had away with him thence priests and other
learned men.
IN the autumn-tide sailed Olaf from the Scillies
to England. He lay in a certain haven there,
and fared peacefully, for England was chris-
tened, as he was now become christened.
Now went through the land a bidding to a certain
Thing, and all men should go thither ; and when
the Thing was set on foot, thither came a queen
hight Gyda, sister of Olaf Kuaran, who was King
of Dublin in Ireland; she had been wedded in
England to a mighty earl, who was now dead, and
she held his realm after him. Now there was
a man in her realm named Alfwin, a great
champion and fighter at holmgangs. This man
wooed Gyda, who answered that she would make
choice of one to wed her from out the men of her
realm ; and for this cause was the Thing aforesaid
assembled, and there was Gyda to choose herself a
XXXIII The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 265
husband. Thither was come Alfwin decked out
with the best of raiment, and many other well
attired were there. Thither also was come Olaf,
clad in his wet-weather gear, and a shag-cloak
over all, and he stood with his company outward
from other folk.
Now went Gyda, here and there looking at
everyone who seemed to her of the mould of a man ;
but when she came whereas Olaf stood, and looked
up into the face of him, she asked what man he
was. He named himself Oli : " I am an outland
man here," said he.
Gyda said: "Wilt thou have me? then will I
choose thee."
" I will not gainsay that," said he. And therewith
he asked her of her name, and what was her kin,
and the house of her.
" Gyda am I called," said she, " a king's daughter
of Ireland, but I was wedded here in the land to
an earl who had dominion here. But now since
he is dead have I ruled the realm, and men have
wooed me ; neither have I seen any to whom I
list to be wedded."
She was a young woman, and full fair ; so they
talked the matter over, and were of one mind on
that. So now Olaf betrothed him to Gyda.
266 The Saga Libmry. XXXIV-XXXV
BUT now is Alfwln full ill content. And it
was the custom of those days in England
that if any two contended about a matter,
they should meet on the Island ; wherefore Alfwin
biddeth Olaf Tryggvison to the Island on this
matter. So time and place were appointed for the
battle ; and they were to be twelve on either side.
So when they met, Olaf gave the word to his men to
do as he did. He had a great axe, and when Alfwin
would drive his sword at the king, he smote the
sword from the hand of him, and then a stroke on
the man himself; so that Alfwin fell, and therewith
Olaf bound him fast. In like wise fared all Alfwin's
men, and they were beaten and bound, and so led
home to Olaf s lodging. Then Olaf bade Alfwin
depart from the land, and never come back again,
and Olaf took all his wealth.
Then Olaf wedded Gyda and abode in England,
or whiles in Ireland.
NOW when Olaf was in Ireland, he was
warring on a time ; and a-shipboard they
fared, and needed a strand -slaughtering.
When the men go up aland, and drive down a many
beasts, then came to them a certain goodman, who
prayed Olaf give him back his own cows. Olaf bade
him take them if he might find them, " But let him
XXXVI The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 267
not delay the journey ! " Now the goodman had
there a great herd-dog, to which dog he showed
the herd of neat, whereof were being driven many
hundreds. Then the hound ran all about the
herd, and drave away just so many neat as the
goodman had claimed for his, and they were all
marked in one wise ; wherefore men deemed belike
that the hound verily knew them aright, and they
thought him wondrous wise. Then asked Olaf of
the goodman if he would sell his hound. "With a
good will," said the goodman.
But the king gave him a gold ring there and
then, and promised to be his friend.
That dog was called Vigi, and was the best
of all dogs. Olaf had him for long afterward.
NOW Harald Gormson the Dane-king
heard how Earl Hakon had cast aside
his christening, and harried wide in the
realm of the Dane-king. So he called out an host,
and fared away for Norway. And when he came
to the realm of Earl Hakon he harried there, and
laid waste all the land, and then brought-to by the
isles called Solunds. But five steads only were
left standing unburned by him in Lteradale of
Sogn, and all folk fled to the fells and woods with
such of their chattels as they might bear away.
And now was the Dane-king minded to sail with
268 Tlie Saga Library. XXXVII
that mighty host to Iceland, and avenge him of
the shame which the Icelanders, one and all, had
laid upon him. For it had been made a law in
Iceland that for every nose in the land should a
scurvy rime be made on the Dane-king. And
this was the cause thereof, that a ship owned of
Icelandmen had been cast away in Denmark, and
the Danes took all the goods for lawful drift, and
one Birgir, a bailiff of the king's, had been chief
dealer in this matter. And the scurvy rimes were
done on both of them. This is in the said rimes :
When strode fight-wonted Harald
From the south to the mew of Mornir,
The Wend's-bane then as wax was
In no shape but a staUion's.
But unrich Birgir out cast
By the powers of the Hall of Mountains,
In the land in mare's shape met him ;
And that beheld the people.
NOW King Harald bade a wizard shape for
a skin-changingjourneyto Iceland, andsee
what tidings he might bring him thereof.
So he fared in the likeness of a whale. And whenas
he came to the land he went west round about the
north country ; and he saw all the fells and hills full
of land-spirits both great and small. But when he
came off Weapon-firth he went into the firth, and
would go up aland ; but lo, there came down from
the dale a mighty drake, followed of many worms
and paddocks and adders, and blew venom at him.
XXXVII The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 269
So he gat him gone, and went west along the land
till he came to Eyjafirth. Then he fared up into
the firth. But there came against him a fowl so
great that his wings lay on the fells on either side,
and many other fowl were with him, both great
and small. So he fared away thence, and west
along the land, and so south to Broadfirth, and
there stood in up the firth. But there met him a
great bull that waded out to sea and fell a-bellow-
ing awfully, and many land-spirits followed him.
Thenceaway he gat him, and south about Reek-
ness, and would take land on the Vikars-Skeid. But
there came against him a mountain-giant, with an
iron staff in his hand, and who bore his head
higher than the fells, and with him were many
other giants. So thenceaway fared the wizard east
endlong of the south country. " And there," says
he, " was nought but sands, and land haven-less, and
a huge surf breaking round about without them ;
and so great is the main betwixt the lands," said
he, "that all unmeet it is for long-ships."
Now in those days was Brodd-Helgi abiding in
Weapon-firth ; Eyjolf Valgerdson in Eyjafirth ;
Thord the Yeller in Broadfirth ; and Thorod the
Priest in Olfus.
So the Dane-kinof stood south alonqf the land
with his host, and so went south to Denmark.
But Earl Hakon let build all the land again, and
none the more ever paid scat to the Dane-king.
270 The Saga Library. XXXVIII
SVEIN, the son of King Harald, who was
afterwards called Twibeard, craved do-
minion of King Harald his father ; but it
was as afore that King Harald would not share
the Dane-realm, nor give his son dominion. Then
Svein gathers war-ships to him, and says that he
will go a-warring ; but when they were all come
together, and Palnatoki, to wit, of the Jomsburg
vikings was come to help him, then Svein stood
toward Sealand and in up Icefirth, where lay King
Harald his father with his ships, all ready to fare
to the wars. So straightway Svein fell on him, and
there was a great battle. But so much folk drew
to King Harald that Svein was overborne by
odds, and fled away.
Notwithstanding, there gat King Harald the
hurts which brought him to his bane.
So thereafter was Svein taken for king in
In those days was Earl Sigvaldi captain over
Jomsburg in Wendland. He was son of King
Strut-Harald, sometime King of Skaney. The
brethren of Earl Sigvaldi were Heming and
Thorkel the High.
Then also was a lord among the Jomsburg
vikings Bui the Thick of Borgund-holm, and
Sigfurd his brother. Vagn also, the son of Aki
and Thorgunna, and sister's-son of Bui.
Now Earl Sigvaldi and his brother had laid
hands on King Svein, and brought him to Joms-
XXXIX The Story of Olaf Tvyggvisou .271
burg in Wendland, and driven him perforce to
make peace with Burislaf the Wend-king, in such
wise that Sigvaldi was to make peace between them
— Earl Sigvaldi had then to wife Astrid, daughter
of King Burislaf — " either else would the earl," said
he, "deliver King Svein to the Wends." Now
King Svein knew full well that then would the
Wends torment him to death, so he assented to
this peace-making of the earl.
So Earl Sijrvaldi laid down that King Svein
should wed Gunnhild, daughter of King Burislaf;
and King Burislaf, Thyri, Harald's daughter, sister
of King Svein ; and either king to hold his dominion,
and peace to be between the lands of them.
So King Svein fared home to Denmark with
Gunnhild his wife, and their sons were Harald
and Knut the Mighty.
In those days did the Danes make great threats
of sailing with an host to Norway against Earl
KING SVEIN held a famous feast, and
bade to him all lords of his realm, for
he would hold his grave-ale after King;
Harald his father ; and a little before had died
Strut- Harald in Skaney, and Veseti of Borgund-
holm, the father of Bui and Sigurd. So King
Svein sent word to the Jomsburgers bidding Earl
Sigvaldi and Bui, and the brethren of each, come
hold the CTrave-ale of their fathers at this same
272 TJie Saga Library. XXXIX
feast which the king was arraying. So to the
feast fared the Jomsburgers with all the valiantest
of their folk ; eleven ships from Jomsburg had
they, and twenty from Skaney. So thither was
come together a full great company. The first
day of the feast, before King Svein stepped into
the high-seat of his father, he drank the cup of
memory to him, swearing therewith that before
three winters were outworn he would bring an host
to England, and slay King ^Ethelred, or drive him
from his realm. And that cup of memory must
all drink who were at the feast.
Thereupon was poured forth to those lords of
Jomsburg; and ever was borne to them brimming
and of the strongest. But when this cup was drunk
off, then must all men drink a cup to Christ. And
then were borne to the Jomsburgers the biggest
horns of mightiest drink that was there. The third
cup was Michael's memory, and that also must all
drink. But thereafter drank Earl Sigvaldi the
memory of his father, swearing oath therewith
that before three winters were worn away he would
come into Norway, and slay Earl Hakon, or else
drive him from the land.
Then swore Thorkel the High, the brother of
Sigvaldi, that he would followhis brother to Norway,
nor ever flee from battle leaving Sigvaldi fighting.
Then swore Bui the Thick that he would fare to
Norway with them, and in no battle flee before
Earl Hakon.
Then swore Sigurd his brother that he would
fare to Norway, and not flee while the more part
of the Jomsburgers fought.
XL The Story of Ola f Tryggvison. 273
Then swore Vagn Akison that he would fare
with them to Norway, and not come back till he
had slain Thorkel Leira, and lain a-bed by his
dauofhter Ing-ibioror without the leave of her kin.
Many other lords also swore oath on sundry
matters. So that day men drunk the heirship-feast.
But the morrow's morn, when men were no more
drunken, the Jomsburgers thought they had spoken
big words enough ; so they met together and took
counsel how they should bring this journey about,
and the end of it was that they determined to set
about it as speedily as may be. So they arrayed
their ships and their company; and wide about the
lands went the fame of this.
NOW Earl Eric, son of Hakon, heard these
tidings as he abode in Raum-realm. So
he straightway gathered folk to him, and
fared to the Uplands, and so north over the fells to
Thrandheim to meet Earl Hakon, his father.
Hereof telleth Thord Kolbeinson in Eric's Drapa:
Now fared great soothfast war-tales
Of the steel-stems wide around there
Out from the south, and therewith
Good bonders woe foreboded.
The stem of the steed of the meadow
Of Sveidi heard how the boardlong
Dane-ships o'er the well-worn rollers
In the south were run out seaward.
So Earl Hakon and Earl Eric let shear up the
war-arrow all about the Thrandheim parts ; bid-
274 The Saga Library. XLI
ding also they sent to either Mere, and to Raums-
dale, north also into Naumdale and Halogaland ;
therewith they called out their whole muster both
of ships and men. So saith it in Eric's Drapa :
Shield-maple set his cutters,
Round-ships and great keels many
Into the surf a-rushing
(Grows the skald's song praise-bounteous).
OIT shore were ships a-many,
When the point-hardener mighty
Seaward drew garth about it,
His father's land, with war-shields.
Earl Hakon went straightway into Mere to hold
espial there, and gather folk ; but Earl Eric drew
his host together, and led it from the north.
THE Jomsburgers brought their host into
the Limbfirth, and sailed out thence into
the main with sixty ships, and came in to
Agdir ; thence they brought their host to Roga-
land, and fell a-harrying so soon as they came into
the dominion of Earl Hakon ; and so fare they
toward the North-country doing all deeds of war.
Now there was a man named Geirmund, who
was sailing in a skiff, and certain men with him,
and he came on north to Mere, and there fell in
with Earl Hakon, and went in before the board
and told the earl the tidings of an host in the
South-country come from Denmark.
The earl asked if he had any soothfast token
hereof to show. So Geirmund drew forth his
XLII The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 275
other arm with the hand smitten off at the wrist,
and saith that by that token was an host in the
land. Then asked the earl closely concerning this
host, and Geirmund saith they were the vikings of
Jomsburg, and had slain many men, and robbed
far and wide : " Swift fare they though, and full
eagerly, and belike no long time will wear by or
they are come upon thee here."
So thereon the earl rowed through all the firths
in along one shore and out along the other ; night
and day he fared, and had espial holden inland about
the E id-reaches right away south to the Firths on
one side, and north away on the other, whereas Eric
went with his host. This is told of in Eric's Drapa :
The war-wise earl who driveth
The fifth-board steeds far seaward,
Now set his prows high-fashioned
Against Sigvaldi's coming.
There shook the oars a-many,
But the solacers of wound-fowl
Who rent the sea with oar-blade,
They feared the bane in nowise.
Earl Eric meanwhile fared south with his host
at his swiftest.
EARL SIGVALDI led his host north about
the Stad, and brought-to first at Her-isles.
Here, though the vikings fell in with the
folk of the land, these told them never the truth
of what the earl was about. The Jomsburgers
harried wheresoever they came ; they brought-up
276 The Saga Library. XLIII
west of Hod-isle, and went ashore there and
harried, driving down to their ships both thrall and
beast, but slew all carles fit for fight.
But now as they came down to their ships there
came to meet them a certain bonder afoot, and
this was hard by where went the company of Bui.
Spake the bonder: "Nought like men-at-arms fare
ye, driving to the strand cow and calf; better prey
to take the bear, now nigh come to the bear's den."
" What says the carle ? " said they. " Canst
thou tell us aught of Earl Hakon ? "
Said the bonder : " He fared yesterday in to
Hiorund-firth. One ship or two he had, or at the
most not more than three ; nor had he heard
aught of you."
Then straightway Bui and his folk fell a-running
to the ships and let loose all their booty ; and Bui
said : "Make we the most of it that we have espied
on the earl, and so be we the nighest to the victory."
So when they come to their ships, straightway
they row out ; and Earl Sigvaldi called out to
them, asking what tidings ; and they said that
Earl Hakon was there in the firth. So Earl Sigvaldi
weighed, and rowed out north of the isle of Hod,
and so in about the isle.
BUT Earl Hakon and Eric his son lay
in Halkell's-wick, with all their host now
come together, being an hundred and
eighty ships, and they had tidings how the Joms-
XLIII The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 277
burgers had stood from the west in to Hod. So
the earls rowed from the south to seek them.
But when they came to Hiorung-wick they
met, and either side arrayed them for the battle.
In the midst of the array of the Jomsburgers was
set forth the banner of Earl Sigvaldi ; and over
against him was arrayed the battle of Earl Hakon.
Earl Sigvaldi had twenty ships and Earl Hakon
sixty. In Earl Hakon's battle were these two
captains, Thorir Hart of Halogaland and Styrkar
of Gimsar.
On the one wing of the Jomsburgers was Bui
the Thick and Sigurd his brother, and over
against him fell on Earl Eric Hakonson with sixty
ships, and these lords to aid, Gudbrand the White
of the Uplands, to wit, and Thorkel Leira, a man
of the Wick.
Again, on the other wing of the Jomsburgers
was arrayed Vagn Akison with twenty ships, and
against him was Svein Hakonson, and with him
Skeggi from Uphowe in Yriar, and Rognvald of
./Erwick in Stad, with sixty shifts. So is it told
in Eric's Drapa :
Far down along the coast-land
Sped the sea-host, but the sea-mews
Of the glow-home fight-ways glided
To meet the keels of Denmark.
Them most in Mere the earl cleared ;
Neath the seekers of gold's plenty
The steed of the sea-brim drifted
Deep laden with warm slain-heap.
And thus saith Eyvind Skald-spiller in the
Halogaland Tale :
2 78 The Saga Library. X L 1 1 1
To the hurt-wreakers
Of Yngvi Frey
Least of all things
Was that day's dawning
A joyous meeting,
When the land-rulers
Sped their fleet
Against the wasters.
Whereas the sword-elf
Thrust the sea-steeds
Forth from the southland
Against their war-host.
So then they brought the fleets together, and
there befell the grimmest of battles, and many fell
on either side, but many the more of Hakon's folk,
for hardily, hard, and handily fought the vikings of
Jomsburg, and clean through shields they shot, and
so great was the brunt of weapons about Earl Hakon
that his byrny was all rent and perished, so that he
cast it from him. Thereof telleth Tind Hallkelson :
The sewing, that the flame-Gerd
Wrought for the earl with bent-boughs
Of the shoulder, grew ungainly.
Waxed din of Fiolnirs fires,
Whereas the byrny's Vidur
Must shed the ring-bright, clattering
War-sark of Hangi. Cleared were
The weltering steeds of sea-stream.
Where the ring-weaved shirt of Sorli
From the earl was blown to tatters
On the sound ; whereof a token
That friend of warriors show'eth.
XLIV The Story of Olaf Tyyggvisou. 279
NOW the Jomsburgers had the bigger ships
and the higher of bulwark ; but either
side fought most fiercely. Vagn Akison
lay so hard on the ship of Svein Hakonson that
Svein let back-water and was on the point of
fleeing. Then thither turned Earl Eric, and thrust
into the battle against Vagn ; and Vagn gave back
and the ships lay where they had been at the first.
So Earl Eric gat him back to his own battle, where
his men now were giving aback, and Bui having
cut himself adrift from the lashings, was about
driving them to flight. So Earl Eric lay Bui's ship
aboard, and a battle of handy-strokes betid of the
sharpest, and two of Eric's ships or three were on
Bui's ship alone. And therewithal came down
foul weather with so great hail, that a hailstone
weighed an ounce. Even therewith Earl Sigvaldi
cut his lashings and turned his ship about with the
mind to flee. Vagn Akison cried out at him bid-
ding him not to flee away ; but Earl Sigvaldi gave
no heed thereto, whatsoever he might say. Then
Vagn shot a spear at him, and it smote the man
who sat by the tiller. So rowed away Earl Sigvaldi
with five-and-thirty ships, and but five-and-twenty
were left lying behind.
28o The Saga Library. XLV
THEN laid Earl Hakon his ship on the
other board of Bui, and many strokes in
short space befell Bui's men. Vigfus, son
of Slaying Glum, took up a snout-anvil that lay
on the forecastle of Earl Hakon's ship, whereon
some man had been a-driving home the rivet of his
sword-hilt. A strong man was Vigfus ; and he
cast the anvil with both hands and smote it on the
head of Aslak Holm-pill-pate, so that the spike
drave into his brain. By no weapon had Aslak
been bitten afore, as he fought on smiting with
either hand ; he was foster-son of Bui, and his
forecastle-man. There was another of them, hight
Howard the Hewer, the strongest and valiantest
of men. Now in this stour Eric's men gat up
aboard Bui's ship, and made aft to the poop toward
Bui. Then Thorstein Midlang smote Bui right
athwart the nose through the nose-guard, and a
very great wound was that ; but Bui smote Thor-
stein round-handed on the flank, so that the man
fell asunder in the midst.
Then caught up Bui two chests full of gold, and
called on high, " Overboard all folk of Bui ! " and
himself leapt overboard with those chests. And
therewith many men of his leapt overboard, and
others fell on the ship, for as to peace it availed
not to pray it. So was Bui's ship cleared from
stem to stern, and then the rest of them one after
XLVI The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 281
THEN fell Earl Eric on Vagn's ship, and
was met full valiantly ; but in the end was
the ship cleared, and Vagn laid hands on,
and thirty men with him, and they were brought
aland bound. Now Thorkel Leira went up to
them and said : " Vagn, thou swarest oath to
slay me, but now meseemeth I am more like to
slay thee."
Now Vagn and his folk sat all together on a
tree-trunk ; and Thorkel had a great axe, where-
with he smote down him who sat outermost on
the trunk. Vagn and his fellows were so bound
that a rope was done about the feet of them all,
but their hands were loose. Now spake one of
them : " Lo here my cloak-clasp in my hand, and
I will thrust it into the earth if I wot of aught
after my head is off." So the head was smitten
from him, and down fell the clasp from his
Hard by sat a very fair man with goodly hair.
He swept his hair up over his head, and stretched
forth his neck saying : " Make not my hair
bloody ! " So a certain man took his hair in his
hand and held it fast. Thorkel hove up his axe,
but the viking snatched his head sharply, and he
who held his hair lowted forward with him, and
the axe came down on both his hands, and took
them off, so that it struck into the earth. There-
with came Earl Eric thither and asked : " Who is
this goodly man ? " " Sigurd the lads call me,"
282 The Saga Library. XLVII
saith he ; " I am a bastard son of Bui ; not yet are
all the vikings of Jomsburg dead."
Eric saith : " Verily wilt thou be a son of Bui.
Wilt thou have peace ? " says he.
" That hangs on who biddeth it," said Sigurd.
" He biddeth," said the earl, " who hath might
thereto ; Earl Eric to wit."
" Then will I take it," says he. So he was
loosed from the tether.
Then spake Thorkel Leira : " Though thou, earl,
will give peace to all these men, yet never shall
Vagn Akison depart hence alive ! "
And he ran at him with brandished axe ; but
the viking Skardi let himself fall in the tether and
lay before Thorkel's feet, and Thorkel fell flatling
over him. Then Vagn caught up the axe, and
smote Thorkel his death-blow.
Spake the earl then : " Wilt thou have peace,
Vagn?" "Yea will I," saith he, "so be we all
have it."
" Loose them from the tether then," saith the
earl. And so was it done ; eighteen were slain,
but twelve had peace.
NOW sat Earl Hakon with many men on a
tree-bole, and there twanged a bowstring
from Bui's ship, and therewith came an
arrow and smoteGizurof Valdres, alord of land, who
sat next to the earl clad in brave raiment. Then
went men out to the ship and found there Howard
XLVII The Story of Olaf Tryggmson. 283
the Hewer, standing on his knees out by the
bulwark, for the legs had been smitten from him ;
and in his hand he had a bow. So when they
came out to the ship Howard asked, " Who fell
from the log ?" " Gizur," they said. " Then was
my luck lesser than I would," said he.
" 111 luck enough," said they, " but thou shalt win
no more." And they slew him. Then were the
slain searched, and all wealth brought together for
So was it said that twenty and five ships of the
Jomsburg vikings were cleared. Thus Tind
sayeth :
He, Hugin's fellows' feeder,
Now laid the sword-edge foot-prints
Upon the host of Wend-folk.
There bit the dog of thong-sun
Or ever the wight spear-stems
Might clear a five-and-twenty
Of the long-ships of their war-host.
That was a deed of peril.
Then departed the host this way and that ; and
Earl Hakon went to Thrandheim, and was exceed-
ing ill-content that Eric had given peace to Vagn
The talk of men it is that in this battle Earl
Hakon offered up his son Erling to Odin for victory,
and thereafter came down that hail-storm, and fall
of men therewith betid to the Jomsburgers.
Earl Eric fared up to the Uplands, and thence
to his own realm ; and Vagn Akison fared with
him. And Eric wedded Vagn to Ingibiorg,
daughter of Thorkel Leira, and gave him a goodly
long-ship well found in all things, and gat a crew
284 The Saga Library. XLVIII
for him. In all friendship they parted, and Vagn
fared home south to Denmark. He grew of great
fame afterwards, and many great men are come of
HARALD the Grenlander was king in
Westfold, as is afore writ. He had to
wife Asta, daughter of Gudbrand Kula.
Now on a summer whenas Harald the Gren-
lander was a-warring in the East-lands to get him
goods, he came into Sweden. Olaf the Swede
was king there in those days, the son of Eric the
Victorious and Sigrid, daughter of Skogul-Tosti.
Sigrid was now a widow, and had many and great
manors in Sweden. So when she heard that
Harald the Grenlander, her foster-brother, was
come off the land, she sent men to him, bidding
him come guest with her. And he slept not over
his journey, but went thither with a great com-
pany of men. Goodly welcome abode him, and
the king and queen sat in the high-seat and drank
together through the evening, and in noble wise
were all his men treated. At nisrht-tide also, when
the king went to his bed-chamber, the bed was all
hung with pall and arrayed with dear-bought cloths.
In that lodging were but few men ; and when the
king was unclad and gotten into bed, then came
thiiher the queen to him, and poured out to him
herself and pressed the drink on him hard, and
was exceeding kind unto him. The king was full
X LVI 1 1 The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 285
merry with drink ; yea, and she too. Then fell the
king asleep, and she also went her ways to bed.
Now Sigrid was the wisest of women, and fore-
seeing about many matters.
The next morning was the feast still most noble.
But it befell, as oft it doth, that whereas men are
exceeding drunk, on the morrow they are for the
more part wary of the drink. Yet was the queen
joyous, and she and the king talked together ; and
she fell a-saying how she deemed her land and
dominion in Sweden there to be no less worth
than his kingdom in Norway and his lands.
Amidst this talk waxed the king heavy of mood
and short of speech, and so got him ready to
depart with a heart full sick ; but ever was the
queen most merry of mood, and brought him on his
way with great gifts. So Harald fared back to
Norway in the autumn, and abode at home that
winter in joyance little enough.
But the next summer he fared toward the
East-lands with his host, and made for Sweden.
Then he sent word to Queen Sigrid that he would
see her, and she rode down to meet him, and they
fell to speech together. Speedily his words came
to this, whether she would wed with him ; but she
said that were a fool's wedding for him, he being
so well wedded already, as better might not be.
Harald saith that Asta is a good woman and
of noble blood ; " yet is she not so high-born as
I be."
Sigrid answereth : " Maybe thou art come of
higher kin than she ; yet none the less meseemeth
with her lieth the good-hap of you both."
286 The Saga Library. XL IX
And there were but few more words spoken
between them ere Sigrid rode away.
Then waxed King Harald heavy-hearted, and
he arrayed him to ride up into the land and meet
Queen Sigrid yet again. Many of his men would
have stayed him, but he went his way none the
less with a great company of men, and came to
the manor-house where the queen was lady.
Now the self-same evening came east-away
from Garth-realm another king, hight Vissavald,
and he also was about wooing Oueen Siorrid.
So both the kings were lodged in a great cham-
ber, and all their company. Old was the chamber,
and all the array of it in like wise ; but there was
no lack that night of drink, so mighty that all men
were drunken, and the head-guard and the out-
guard were all asleep.
Then amidst the night let Queen Sigrid fall on
them with fire and sword, and the hall burned up
there, and they who were therein ; but they who
won out were slain.
Said Sigrid hereat that she would weary these
small kines of comino- from other lands to woo
her. So she was called Sigrid the Haughty
HE winter before these things, was
foughten the battle with the vikings of
Jomsburg in Hiorung-wick.
Now one Hrani had been left behind with the
L The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 287
ships when Harald had gone up aland, and he was
captain of those folk that were left behind.
But when they heard that Harald had lost his
life, they gat them away at their swiftest and back
to Norway, where they told these tidings. Hrani
went to Asta and told her what had betid, and
therewith on what errand King Harald had gone
to Queen Sigrid. So straightway Asta fared into
the Uplands to her father, so soon as she had
heard these tidings ; and he gave her good wel-
come. And full wroth were they both at the
guiles that had been toward in Sweden, and that
Harald had been minded to put her away.
So Asta Gudbrand's daughter brought forth a
man-child there that summer, who was named
Olaf when he was sprinkled with water ; but
Hrani sprinkled the water on him. And at the
first was the lad nourished with Gudbrand and
with Asta his mother.
EARL HAKON ruled all the outer parts
of Norway along the sea, and had six-
teen folk-lands under his dominion. But
since Harald Hairfair had ordained an earl to be
over every county, that order endured for long,
and Earl Hakon had sixteen earls under him, as
is said in Gold-lack :
Where tell the folk of such like,
A land where earls are lying
Sixteen neath one land-ruler.
Hereof should all folk ponder.
288 The Saga Library. LI
The sea limes' urger's folk-play
Of the fire of head of Hedin
Goes forth on high bepraised
Unto the heavens' four corners.
Whiles Earl Hakon ruled in Norway was the
year's increase good in the land. And good peace
there was betwixt man and man among the
Well beloved of the bonders was the earl the
more part of his life ; but as his years wore, it was
much noted of the earl that he was mannerless in
dealing with women ; and to such a pitch this came,
that the earl let take the daughters of mighty men
and bring them home to him, and would lie by them
for a week or twain, and then send them home.
Whereof he won great hatred from the kin of
such women, and the bonders fell a-murmuring sore
against it, even as they of Thrandheim are wont
to do when aught goeth against their pleasure.
NOW Earl Hakon heard some rumour to
this end, that there would be a man W^est-
over-sea who called himself Oli, and that
they held him for king there. And the earl had a
deeminor from the talk of certain folk that this
man would be come of the blood of the Norse
kings. Now he was told that Oli called himself
of the kin of Garth-realm, and the earl had heard
how Tryggvi Olafson had had a son who had
LI I The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 289
fared east into Garth-realm and been nourished
there at King Valdimar's, and that he was called
Olaf. The earl had sought far and wide for this
man, and now he misdoubted he would be this
man come there into the Westlands.
Now there was a man called Thorir Klakka, a
great friend of Earl Hakon, who was long whiles at
viking work, but whiles would go cheaping voyages,
and was of good knowledge of lands. Him Earl
Hakon sent West-over-sea, bidding him go a
cheaping voyage to Dublin, as many folk were
wont, and look into it closely what this man Oli
was ; and if he found that he verily was Olaf
Tryggvison, or any other offspring of the kingly
stem of the North, then was Thorir to entangle
him with guile if he might bring it to pass.
SO thereon gat Thorir west unto Ireland to
Dublin, and learned that Oli was there, who
was as then with King Olaf Kuaran, his
brother-in-law. Speedily then gat Thorir speech
with Oli, and a man wise of speech was Thorir.
Now when they had talked oft and right long
together, Oli fell to asking concerning Norway,
and first of the Upland kings, and who of them
were yet alive, and what dominion they had. Of
Earl Hakon also he asked, and how well beloved
he might be in the land. Thorir answered : " The
earl is so mighty a man that none durst to speak
but as he will. Yet this somewhat bringeth it
in. u
290 The Saga Library. LI I
about, that there is none to seek to otherwhere.
And yet, to say thee sooth, I know the mind of
many mighty men, yea, of all the people, that
they would be most fain and eager to have a
king for the land come of the blood of Harald
Hairfair; but none such have we to turn to, and
chiefly for this cause, that it is now well proven
how little it availeth to contend with Earl
Now when they had oft talked in this wise, Olaf
bringeth to light before Thorir his name and kin,
and asked his rede, what he thought of it, if Olaf
should fare to Norway, whether the bonders would
take him for king. But Thorir egged him on full
fast to the journey, and praised him much and his
prowess. So Olaf fell a-longing sorely to fare to
the land of his fathers ; and he saileth from the
west with five ships, first to the South-isles, and
Thorir was in company with him. Thence he
sailed to the Orkneys, and there lay as then Earl
Sigurd Hlodverson by Rognvaldsey in Asmunds-
wick with one long-ship, being minded to fare
over to Caithness. Even therewith King Olaf sailed
his folk from the west to the islands, and brought-
to there, whereas he might not win as then
through the Pentland Firth. And when he knew
that the earl lay there already, he let summon
him to talk with him. But when the earl came to
speech with the king, few words were spoken
before the king sayeth this, that the earl must let
himself be christened, and all the folk of his land,
or die there and then. And the king said that he
would fare through the isles with fire and sword,
L 1 1 TJie Story of Olaf Tryggvisoii . 291
and lay waste the whole land, but if the folk would
be christened. So the earl, being thus bestead,
chose to take christening, and he was christened
and all the folk that were with him. Then swore
the earl oath to the king, and became his man,
and gave him his son for hostage, who was called
Whelp or Hound, and Olaf had him home to Nor-
way with him.
Then sailed Olaf east into the sea, and came
from out the main to Most-isle, and there first he
went aland in Norway, and let sing mass in his
land-tent, and in the aftertime was a church built
in that same place.
Now Thorir Klakka told the king that there
was nought for him to do but to keep it hidden
who he was, and let no espial go forth of him, but
to fare with all diligence to meet the earl, in such
wise that he shall come on him unawares.
Even so did King Olaf, and fared north day
and night as weather served, nor let the folk of
the land wot of his ways, whether he was bound.
But when he came north to Agdaness he heard
that Earl Hakon was in the firth, and withal
that he was at strife with the bonders. And when
Thorir heard tell of these things, then were matters
gone a far other way than he had been deeming ;
for after the battle with the Jomsburg vikings
were all men of Norway utterly friendly to Earl
Hakon for the victory he had gotten, and the
deliverance of all the land from war ; but now so ill
had things turned out that here was the earl at
strife with the bonders, and a great lord come into
the land.
292 The Saga Library. LI 1 1
NOW Earl Hakon was a-guesting at
Middlehouse in Gauldale, but his ships
lay out off Vig. There was a man
named Worm Lyrgia, a wealthy bonder, who dwelt
at Buness and had to wife one named Gudrun,
daughter of Bergthor of Lund ; she was called the
Sun of Lund, and was the fairest of women. Now
the earl sent his thralls to Worm on this errand,
to wit, to have away to him Gudrun Worm's wife.
So the thralls showed him their errand, but Worm
bade them first go to supper; and then or ever
they had done their meat, came many men to
Worm from the township, whom he had sent for,
nor would Worm in any wise suffer Gudrun to go
with the thralls. Gudrun moreover spake, and
bade the thralls tell the earl that she would not
come to him but if he sent Thora of Rimul after
her ; a wealthy dame, and one of the earl's best-
So the thralls say that in such wise shall they
come another time that both master and mistress
shall repent them of their scurvy treatment, and
therewithal gat them gone with many threats.
Then Worm let the war-arrow fare four ways
through the country-side with this bidding withal,
that all men should fall with weapons on Earl
Hakon to slay him. He sent moreover to Haldor
of Skerding-Stithy, and straightway Haldor let
wend the Avar-arrow.
A little before the earl had taken the wife of a
LI 1 1 The Story of Ola/ Tryggvison. 293
man named Bryniolf, and had gotten great hatred
for the deed, and war had been at point to arise
So at this message of the war-arrow sprang up
much people, and made for Middlehouse; but the
earl had espial of them, and went his ways from
the stead with his folk into a deep dale which is
now called the Earl's-dale, and there they lay hid.
The next day the earl espied all the host of the
bonders. The bonders took all the ways, but
were most of mind that the earl would have
gotten to his ships, whereof was Erland his son
captain, the most hopeful of men.
But at nightfall the earl scattered his men,
bidding them fare by the woodland ways out to
Orkdale :
"No man will do you hurt, if I be nowhere anigh ;
but send word to Erland to fare out down the
firth, and let us meet in Mere, and meanwhile
I will hide me well from the bonders."
Then departed the earl, and a thrall of his
named Kark was with him.
Now the water of Gaul was under ice, and the
earl thrust his horse into it, and let his cloak lie
behind there, and then went they into the cave
which has been called the Earl's-cave thereafter ;
and there they fell asleep. But when Kark awoke
he told a dream of his : how a man, black and evil
to look on, passed by the cave's mouth so that he
was afeard of his coming in, and this man told him
that Ulli was dead. Then said the earl that it
was Erland would be slain.
Yet again slept Kark the thrall, and was
294 The Saga Library. LI 1 1
troubled in his sleep, and when he woke he told
his dream : how he had seen that same man com-
ing down back again, who bade him tell the earl
that now were all the sounds locked. So told Kark
his dream to the earl, who misdoubted now that
this betokened him a short life.
Then he arose, and they went to the stead of
Rimul, and the earl sent Kark to Thora, bidding
her come privily to him. So did she, and welcomed
the earl kindly, and he prayed her to hide him for
certain nig-hts till the s^atherinsr of the bonders went
to pieces. Said she : " They will be seeking thee
here about my stead both within and without ; for
many wot that I would fain help thee all I may,
but one place there is about my stead where I
deem that I would not think of seeking for such a
man as thou, a certain swine-sty to wit."
So they went thither ; and the earl said : " Make
we ready here ; for we must take heed to our lives
first of all." Then dug the thrall a deep hole
therein, and bore away the mould, and then laid
wood over it. Thora told the earl the tidings how
Olaf Tryggvison was come into the mouth of the
firth, and had slain Erland his son.
Then went the earl into the hole, and Kark with
him, and Thora did it over with wood, and
strawed over it mould and muck, and drave the
swine thereover. And this swine-sty was under
a certain big stone.
LIV The Story of Olaf Ti'yggvisoii. 295
OLAF TRYGGVISON stood in up the
mouth of the firth with five long-ships, and
there rowed out to meet him Erland, the
son of Earl Hakon, with three ships. But as the
ships drew nigh one to the other, Erland misdoubted
him that this would be war, and turned about to-
ward the land. But when King Olaf saw the
long-ships come rowing down the firth to meet
him, he thought that Earl Hakon would be going
there, and bade row after them in all haste. But
when Erland and his folk were come to the land
they ran the ships aground, and leapt overboard
straightway and made for the shore. Then drave
thither Olaf 's ships ; and Olaf saw a man striking
out for shore who was exceeding fair ; so he caught
up the tiller and cast it at that man, and it smote
the head of Erland the earl's son, and beat out his
brains ; and there Erland lost his life.
Olaf and his folk slew many men ; some fled
away, and some they laid hands on and took to
peace, from whom they heard the tidings. So it
was told to Olaf that the bonders had driven Earl
Hakon away, and that he was fleeing before them,
and that all his folk were scattered.
296 The Saga Library. LV
THEREWITHAL came the bonders to
meet Olaf, and either side were fain of
other, and they fall straightway into good
So the bonders take him to be king over them,
and all with one accord go about to seek for Earl
Hakon, and so fare up into Gauldale, deeming
it most like that the earl will be at Rimul, if at any
habited stead he be, because Thora was his dearest
friend of all the dale folk. So thither fare they,
and seek the earl within and without, and find him
not. Then held Olaf a house-thing out in the
garth, and himself stood up on that same big stone
that was beside the swine-sty.
There spake Olaf to his men, and some deal of his
speaking was that he would with wealth and worth
further him who should bring Earl Hakon to harm.
Now this talk heard the earl and Kark, and
they had a light there with them ; and the earl
said : " Why art thou so pale, or whiles as black
as earth .•" is it not so that thou wilt bewray me ? "
" Nay," said Kark.
" We were born both on one and the same
night," said the earl, " nor shall we be far apart in
our deaths."
Then fared King Olaf away as the eve came
on, but in the night the earl kept himself waking,
but Kark slept and went on evilly in his sleep.
Then the earl waked him and asked what he
dreamed ; and he said : "I was e'en now at
LVI The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 297
Ladir, and King Olaf laid a gold necklace on the
neck of me."
The earl answered : " A blood-red necklace shall
Olaf do about thy neck whenso ye meet. See thou
to it ; but from me shalt thou have but good even
as hath been aforetime ; so betray me not."
So thereafter they both waked, as men waking
one over the other.
But against the daybreak the earl fell asleep,
and speedily his sleep waxed troubled, till to such
a pitch it came that he drew under him his heels
and his head as if he would rise up, and cried out
high and awfully. Then waxed Kark adrad and full
of horror, and gripped a big knife from out his belt
and thrust it through the earl's throat and sheared
it right out. That was the bane of Earl Hakon.
Then Kark cut the head from the earl, and ran
away thence with it; and he came the next day
to Ladir, and brought the earl's head to King
Olaf, and told him all these things that had befallen
in the goings of him and Earl Hakon, even as is
here written.
Then let King Olaf lead him away thence, and
smite the head from him.
THEN fared King Olaf, and a many of the
bonders with him, out to N id-holm, and
had with him the heads of Earl Hakon
and Kark.
Now this holm was kept in those days for the
298 TJie Saga Library. LVI
slaying of thieves and evil men, and a gallows
stood there ; and so thereto the king let be borne
the head of Earl Hakon, and of Kark withal.
Then thereto went the whole host of them, and
set up a whooping, and stoned the heads, crying
out, that there they fared meetly together, rascal
by rascal.
Then they let fare up Into Gauldale and take
the corpse of him and drag it away.
And now so great was the might of that enmity
of the Thrandheimers against Earl Hakon, that no
man durst name him otherwise than the Evil Earl ;
and for long after was this name laid on him. Yet
sooth to say of Earl Hakon, for many things was
he worthy to be lord ; first, for the great stock he
was come of, and then also for the wisdom and
insight wherewith he dealt with his dominion ; for
his high heart in battle and his good hap withal,
for the winning of victory and slaying of his foe-
men. And thus saith Thorleif Redfellson :
Of no earl ever heard we
Neath the moon's highway, Hakon,
More famed than thou ; Ran's fight-stem
Gat fame from out the battle.
Nine mighty chiefs to Odin
Thou sentest ; eats the raven
The gotten corpses. Therefore
Mightst thou be king wide-landed.
Most bountiful also was Earl Hakon. But most
evil hap had such a lord in his death-day. And
this brought it most about, that so it was that the
day was come, when foredoomed was blood-offering
and the men of blood-offerings, and the holy faith
come in their stead, and the true worship.
LVII The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 299
NOW was Olaf Tryggvison taken for king
ataThingofall thepeople inThrandheim
over the land even as Harald Hairfair
had held it. There rose up all the people throng-
ing, and would hear nought else but that Olaf
Tryggvison should be king.
Then King Olaf fared through all the land and
laid it under him, and all men of Norway turned to
his obedience ; yea, all the lords of the Uplands or
the Wick, who had aforetime held their lands of
the Dane-king, these became King Olaf's men
and held their lands of him. In such wise he
fared through the land the first winter and the
summer after. Earl Eric Hakonson and Svein his
brother, and others, friends and kin of theirs, fled
the land, and went east to Sweden to King Olaf
the Swede, and had good welcome of him, as
sayeth Thord Kolbeinson :
Short while, O scathe-wolves' scatterer,
Wore ere the land-folk's treason
Ended the life of Hakon—
Weird wendeth things a-many !
When the host fared from the Westland,
Methinks the son of Tryggvi
Came to the land that erewhile
The staff of sword-fields conquered.
And again :
More in his heart had Eric
Against the great wealth-waster
Than spoken word laid open.
As from him might be looked for.
300 The Saga Library. LVIII
The wrathful Earl of Thrandheim
Sought rede of the King of Sweden ;
Therefrom was no man running,
But stiff-necked grew the Thrandfolk.
THERE was one named Lodin, a wealthy-
man of the Wick and of good kin ; he was
oft on cheaping voyages, though whiles
he went a-warring.
Now on a summer Lodin was on a cheaping
voyage aboard a ship which he owned himself, and
had plenteous merchandise therein. He made
for Estland, and was busied with his chaffer
through the summer. Now amidst the market there
were brought thither many kind of wares, and
many thralls were brought for sale. So there saw
Lodin a certain woman who had been sold for a
thrall, and as he beheld her he knew that she was
Astrid, Eric's daughter, who had been wedded to
King Tryggvi Olafson, howsoever she were unlike
what he had seen her aforetime, being pale now,
and lean, and ill-clad ; so he went up to her, and
asked her how it fared with her. She said : "It
is a heavy tale to tell ; I am sold at thrall-cheap-
ings.and am brought hither to be sold." Then they
gat known to each other, and Astrid knew Lodin
and praj'ed him therewith to buy her and have her
home with him to her kin.
" I will give thee a choice over that," said he ;
" I will bring thee back to Norway if thou wilt wed
LIX The Story of Ola f Try ggvi son. 301
Now whereas Astrid was hard bestead, and
that she knew withal that Lodin was a doughty
man and of good kin, she promised him so much
for her freeing. So Lodin bought Astrid and
brought her to Norway, and wedded her with her
kindred's goodwill, and their children were Thorkel
Nefia, Ingirid, and Ingigerd ; but the daughters
of Astrid by King Tryggvi were Ingibiorg and
Astrid. The sons of Eric Biodaskalli were Sigurd
Carlshead, Jostein, and Thorkel Dydrill ; these
were all noble men and wealthy, and had manors
in the East-country. Two brethren who dwelt
east in the Wick, one named Thorgeir and the
other Hyrning, wealthy men and of good kin,
wedded the daughters of Astrid and Lodin, Ingirid
to wit, and Ingigerd.
king when he took christening sent bid-
ding over all his realm that all men
should let themselves be christened and turn to
the right troth. He himself followed on the heels
of that bidding, and used might and mishandling
if otherwise men yielded not ; he sent two earls
into Norway with a great host, Urguthriot and
Brimilskiar by name, in order to bid christening
there, and folk yielded readily enough in the Wick,
where had been Harald's rule, and there were
christened many folk of the land. But after the
death of Harald, Svein Twibeard his son gat
302 TJie Saga Libyayy. LIX
speedily into wars in Saxland and Friesland, and
at last in England. Then those men in Norway
who had taken christening turned back again to
blood-offering, as they had done afore, and after
the fashion of them of the North-country.
But when Olaf Tryggvison was become king in
Norway he abode a long while of summer in the
Wick. Many of his kin came to him there, and
some who were allied to him ; and many there
were who had been great friends of his father ;
and there was he welcomed with very great love.
So then Olaf called to speech with him his
mother's brethren, Lodin his stepfather, and the
sons-in-law of him, Thorgeir and Hyrning. Then
he laid this matter most earnestly before them,
craving that they should undertake it with him,
and afterwards back it with all their might, to wit,
that he will have the Christian faith set forth
throughout all his realm. He saith that he will brinof
about the christening of all Norway, or die else :
" But I will make you all great men and mighty,
because I trust in you best of all, for kinship sake,
and other ties."
So they all accorded to this, to do whatso he
bade them, and to follow him herein whither he
would, and all those men who would do after their
So straightway King Olaf lay bare before all
the people that he would bid all men throughout his
realm be christened. They first assented to these
commands who had afore pledged themselves,
who were all the mightiest of those men who
dwelt thereabout, and all others did according to
LX TJie Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 303
their example. So then east in the Wick were all
men christened.
Then fared the king into the north parts of the
Wick, and bade all men take christening ; but
those who gainsaid him he mishandled sorely.
Some he slew, some he maimed, some he drave
away from the land.
So it came to pass that all through the realm of
Tryggvi his father, and the realm that Harald the
Grenlander, his kinsman, had held, folk gave them-
selves up to be christened according to the bidding
of King Olaf; and that summer and the winter
after was all the Wick christened.
EARLY in spring-tide was Olaf stirring in
the Wick with a great host, and so fared
north into Agdir ; and wheresoever he
came he called a Thing of the bonders and bade
all men be christened. So men come under the
faith of Christ, for there was none of the bonders
might rise up against the king, and the folk were
christened wheresoever he came.
Men there were in Hordland, many and noble,
come of the kin of Horda Kari. He had had
four sons : first, Thorleif the Sage ; then Ogmund,
father of Thorolf Skialg, who was the father of
Erling of Soli ; thirdly, Thord, the father of
Klypp the Hersir, who slew Sigurd Slaver, the
son of Gunnhild ; fourthly, Olmod, the father of
Askel, the father of Aslak Pate a-Fitiar. And this
304 The Saga Library. LXI
stock was the most and the noblest of Herd-
Now when these kinsmen heard of these troublous
tidings, how the king was coming from the east
along the land with a great host, and was bringing
to nought the ancient laws of the people, and that
all who gainsaid him must abide penalties and
torments, then gathered these kinsmen together
among themselves, that they might look to it, for
they wotted well that the king would soon be upon
them. So it seemed good to them to meet all toge-
ther well accompanied at the Gula-Thing, and have
there a summoning to meet King Olaf Tryggvison.
KING OLAF summoned a Thing so soon
as he came into Rogaland ; and when the
bidding thereto came to the bonders they
gathered all together, a many people, and all armed.
And when they were met they fell to talking the
matter over, and appointed three men, the fairest
of speech in their company, to answer King Olaf
at the Thing, and speak against him, and say that
they would not submit themselves to any lawless
ways howsoever the king might bid them. But
when the bonders came to the Thing, and the
Thing was established, then stood up King Olaf
and spake to the bonders in kindly wise at the
first ; albeit it might be seen in his words that he
would have them take christening. This with fair
words he bade them ; but in the end was this
LX I The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 305
added against such as gainsaid him, and would
not obey his bidding, that they shall abye his
wrath, and punishment from him, and heavy ruin,
wheresoever he might bring it about.
But when he had made an end of his speaking,
then stood up he of the bonders who was the
fairest spoken of them all, and at the outset had
been chosen for that end that he might answer
King Olaf; but lo, now when he would speak he
fell a-coughing and choking so that no word would
out of him, and down he sat again. Then arose
the second bonder, and will nowise let his answer
fall dead, howsoever ill the first hath sped ; but
when he beofan his talk such stammerinof fell on
him that not a word would win out ; and all fell
a-laughing who heard, and down sat the bonder.
Yet arose the third and would say his say
against King Olaf; but when he fell to speech he
was so hoarse and husky that no man heard what
he was a-saying, and down he sat again.
And so there was none left of the bonders to
speak against the king ; and whereas the bonders
might get none to answer the king, none uprose to
withstand him, and so it came about that they all
accorded to the king's command, and the whole
Thing-folk was christened or ever the king went
his ways thence.
3o6 The Saga Library. LXII
NOW King Olaf made with his folk to the
Gula-Thing, because the bonders had
sent him word that they would give
answer to his matter thereat. But when either
side was come to the Thing, then would the king
first of all have speech with the lords of the land.
But when they were all come together, the king
set forth his errand, bidding them take christening
according to his command.
Then spake Olmod the Old : "W^e kinsmen
have taken counsel together about this matter, and
will be all of one consent herein. For if thou, king,
art minded to drive us kinsfolk into such matters
by torments, and wilt break down our laws, and
wilt break down us beneath thee by mastery, then
will we withstand thee to the uttermost of our
might, and let him prevail who is fated thereto.
But if, on the other hand, king, thou wilt speed us
kinsfolk somewhat, then mayst thou bring it so
well about, that we shall all turn to thee with hearty
The king saith : " What will ye ask of me to the
end that the peace betwixt us be of the best ? "
Answereth Olmod : " First of all, whether wilt
thou wed Astrid thy sister to Erling Skialgson our
kinsman, whom we now account the likeliest of all
young men of Norway ? "
King Olaf saith that himseemeth the wedding
would be good, whereas Erling is of high kin, and
the goodliest of men to look on ; yet saith he that
LXIII The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 307
Astrid must have a word in the matter. So the
king- laid the matter before his sister.
" Little avails it me," said she, " that I am a
king's daughter and a king's sister, if I am to be
given to a man without title of dignity. Liefer
were I to abide a few winters for another wooing."
And therewith they left talking for that while.
BUT the king let take a hawk of Astrid's
and pluck off all the feathers of it, and then
sent it to her.
Said Astrid : " Wroth is my brother now."
And she arose and went to the king, and he
gave her good welcome. Then spake Astrid and
said that she would have the king deal with her
matter according to his will.
" I was a-thinking," said the king, " that I had
so much power in the land as to make what man
I would a man of dignity."
Then let the king call Olmod and Erling and
all the kin of them to talk with him ; and the
wooing was talked over, with such end that Astrid
was betrothed to Erling.
Then let the king set a Thing on foot, and bade
the bonders be christened ; and now were Olmod
and Erling leaders in pushing forward this matter
for the king, and all their kindred to boot ; nor
had any boldness to gainsay it, and all that folk
was christened.
3o8 The Saga Library. LXIV
SO Erling Skialgson arrayed his wedding in
the summer-tide, and thereat was a full
many folk, and there was Olaf the King.
Then offered the king an earldom to Erling,
but Erling spake thus : " Hersirs have all my kin
been, nor will I have a higher name than they ;
but this will I take of thee, king, that thou make
me the highest of that name here in the land."
The king said yea thereto, and at their parting
King Olaf gave Erling his brother-in-law dominion
south-away from Sogn-sea and east to Lidandis-
ness, in such wise as Harald Hairfair had given
land to his sons, whereof is aforewrit.
THAT same autumn King Olaf summoned
a Thing of four counties north at Drags-
eid of Stad ; thither were to come the
folk of Sogn and the Firths, of South-mere and
Raumsdale. Thither fared King Olaf with a
great host of men that he had from the East-
country, and the folk withal that had come to him
out of Hordland and Rogaland. But when King
Olaf came to the Thing, there bade he christening
as at other places; and whereas the king had with
him a very great host, men were adrad of him ;
and at the end of his speaking the king bade them
have one of two choices, either take christening or
LXV The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 309
make them ready for battle with him. But
whereas the bonders saw that there was no might
with them to fight with the king, they took such
rede that all folk were christened.
Then King Olaf fared with his folk into North-
mere, and christened that country. Thence he
sailed in to Ladir, and let break down the God-
house there, and take all the wealth and adorn-
ment from the God-house, and from off the gods.
A great gold ring also he took from the door
thereof, which Earl Hakon had let make, and
thereafter King Olaf let burn the House.
But when the bonders heard thereof, they sent
forth the war-arrow over all the country-side, and
called out an host and would go against King Olaf.
Then King Olaf brought his folk down the firth,
and stood north-away along the land, being
minded for Halogaland to christen folk there.
But when he came north to Bear-eres, then heard
he of Halogaland that they had an host out there,
and were minded to defend the land against the
king. And these were the captains of that host :
Harek of Thiotta, Thorir Hart of Vogar, and
Eyvind Rent-cheek. So when King Olaf heard
thereof, he turned about, and sailed south along
the land.
But when he came south of the Stad, he went
more at his leisure, but yet came in the beginning
of winter right east-away into the Wick.
3IO The Saga Library. LXVI
NOW Queen Sigrid of Sweden, who was
called the Haughty, sat there on her
manors. And that winter fared men be-
twixt King Olaf and Queen Sigrid, whereby King
Olaf set forth his wooina^ of her ; and she took it
m hopeful wise, and the matter was bounden with
troth-words. Then sent King Olaf unto Queen
Sigrid that great gold ring which he had taken
from the God-house door at Ladir, deeming that a
most noble gift. But the appointed day for
settling this matter was to be holden the next
spring-tide at the marches of the lands amid the
Now while the ring which King Olaf had sent
to Queen Sigrid was being praised exceedingly of
all men, there were with the queen her two smiths,
brethren. These handled the ring about, and
weighed it in their hands, and then spake a privy
word together. So the queen called them to her,
and asked why they mocked at the ring ; but
they naysay that. Then she said that they must
needs in all despite tell her what they had found.
And they said thereon that there was false metal
in the ring. So she let break it asunder, and lo !
inwardly it was but brass. Thereat was the queen
wroth, and said that Olaf would play her false in
more matters than this one only.
That same winter fared King Olaf up into
Ring-realm and christened there.
LXVI 1 1 The Story ofOlaf Tryggvison . 3 1 1
ASTA, Gudbrand's daughter, was speedily
wedded after the death of Harald the
Grenlander to a man named Sigurd Syr,
who was king in Ring-realm. Sigurd was the son
of Halfdan, who was the son of Sigurd a-Bush, son
of Harald Hairfair.
Now Olaf, the son of Asta by Harald the
Grenlander, abode with his mother, and waxed
up in his childhood at the house of Sigurd Syr, his
stepfather. But when King Olaf Tryggvison
came into Ring-realm bidding to christening, then
Sigurd Syr let himself be christened with Asta his
wife and Olaf her son ; and Olaf Tryggvison be-
came gossip to Olaf Haraldson, who was then
three winters old. Then yet again fared King
Olaf south into the Wick, and abode there through
the winter. And now had he been three winters
king over Norway.
EARLY in spring-tide went King Olaf east
to the King's-rock to the appointed meet-
ing with Queen Sigrid. And when they
met they talked over that matter which had been
set on foot in the winter-tide, to wit, how they
would be wedded together, and things looked
hopefully concerning it. Then spake King Olaf,
312 The Saga Library. LXIX
and bade Sigrid take christening, and the right-
wise troth. But she spake thus : " I will not
depart from the troth that I have aforetime
holden, and all my kin before me ; yet will I not
account it against thee, though thou trow in what-
so God seemeth good to thee." Then waxed
King Olaf very wroth, and spake in haste :
" What have I to do to wed with thee, a heathen
bitch ? " and smote her in the face with the glove
he was a-holding.
Therewith he arose, and she too ; and Sigrid
said. " This may well be the bane of thee ! "
Then they departed, and the king went north
into the Wick, but the queen east into the Swede-
THEN fared King Olaf to Tunsberg, and
again held a Thing there, and gave out
thereat that all such as were known and
proven to deal with witchcraft and spellwork, and
all wizards, should get them gone from the land.
Then let the king ransack for those men about the
steads that were hard by, and bid them all to him.
And when they came there, among them was a
man named Eyvind Well-spring, who was the son's
son of Rognvald Straight-leg, the son of King
Harald Hairfair. Now Eyvind was a spellworker,
and wise above all. Now King Olaf let marshal
these men in a certain hall, and let array it well,
and made them a feast therein, and gave them
LXX The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 313
strong drink. But when they were drunken the
king let lay fire in the hall, and the hall burned up
with all them that were therein, save Eyvind
Well-spring, who got out by the luffer, and so
away thence.
And when he was gotten a long way oft', he met
men on his road, and bade them tell the king that
Eyvind Well-spring was gotten away from the
fire, and would never come again into the power
of King Olaf, but would fare in the same wise as
he had heretofore in all his cunning. So when
these men met King Olaf, they told him even as
Eyvind had bidden them. And the king was ill
content that Eyvind was not dead.
"T 'T THEN spring-tide was come King Olaf
\ /\ / fared out along the Wick, and guested
V V at his great manors, and sent word
throughout all the Wick that he would have an
host out in the summer-tide to fare into the North-
country. Then wended he north to Agdir ; but
when Lent was well worn, stood north again for
Rogaland, and came at Easter-eve to Ogvalds-
ness in Kormt-isle. And there was his Easter-feast
arrayed for him, and he had hard on three hundred
That same night made land at the isle Eyvind
Well-spring, with a long-shi^D all manned, and the
crew were all spell-singers or other wizard-folk.
So Eyvind went up aland with his company, and
314 The Saga Library. LXXI
they wrought hard at their wizardry, and made
wrapping of dimness, and thick darkness so great
that the king might not get to see them. But
when they were come hard by the stead at
Ogvaldsness the day waxed bright there, and all
went clean contrary to Eyvind's mind, for the
mirk he had made by wizardry fell upon him
and his fellows, so that they might see no more
with their eyes than with their polls, and kept
going all round and round about. But the king's
warders saw where they went, and wotted not
what folk they were. So the king was told
thereof, and he arose and clad himself and all his
folk. And when he saw where Eyvind and his
folk fared, he bade his men arm them, and go see
what manner of men these would be. But when
the king's men knew Eyvind, they laid hands on
him and the whole company, and brought them to
the king. And Eyvind told all that had befallen
in his journey.
Then the king let take them all and bring them
out into a tide-washed skerry, and bind them
there. So there Eyvind and all of them lost their
lives ; and that skerry is thenceforward called
SO goeth the tale, that as King Olaf was feast-
ing at Ogvaldsness, thither came on an eve
an old man very wise of speech, with a wide
slouched hat and one-eyed ; and that man had
LXX I The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 3 1 5
knowledge to tell of all lands. Now he gat into talk
with the king, and the king deemed it good game
of his talk, and asked him of many matters ; but
the guest answered clearly to all his questioning,
and the king sat long with him that evening. The
king asked if he wotted who Ogvald had been,
after whom that stead and ness were named. Said
the guest that Ogvald was a king and a mighty
warrior, who did very great sacrifices to a certain
cow, and had her with him wheresoever he went,
and deemed it availed him well for his health to
drink always of her milk. Now King Ogvald
fought with a king called Varin, and in that battle
fell King Ogvald, and was laid in howe hard by
the stead here, and standing-stones were set up in
remembrance of him, even those that yet stand
hereby ; but in another place a little way hence
was the cow laid in howe.
Such things he told of, and many other matters
of kincjs and the tidinjjs of old.
But when the night was far spent, the bishop
called to the king's mind that it was time to go to
sleep, and the king did after his words. But
when he was unclad and laid in his bed, then sat
the guest down on the foot-board of his bed and
talked yet a long while with the king ; and ever
when one word was done deemed the king that he
lacked another. Then spake the bishop to the
king, saying that it was time to sleep ; so the
king did according to his word, and the guest went
out. A little after the king awoke and asked after
the guest, and bade call him to him, but nowhere
might the guest be found. But the next morning
3i6 The Saga Library. LXXII
the king let call to him his cook, and him who
had the keeping of his drink, and asked if any
strange man had come to them. They said that
as they were getting ready the meat there came to
them a certain man, and said that wondrous ill
flesh-meat were they seething for the king's table,
and therewith he gave them two sides of neat
both thick and fat, and they seethed them with
the other flesh-meat.
Then sayeth the king that all that victual shall
be wasted, saying that this will have been no man,
but Odin rather, he whom heathen men have long
trowed in. " But," said he, " in no wise shall Odin
beguile us."
KING OLAF drew together much people
from the East-country that summer, and
brought his host north-away to Thrand-
heim, and stood up first to Nidaros. Then he let
wend the Thing-bidding throughout all the firth,
and summoned a Thing of eight folks at Frosta ;
but the bonders turned this Thing-bidding into a
war-arrow, and drew together, both thane and
thrall, from out all Thrandheim.
So when the king came to the Thing, thither
also was come the bonder-host all armed.
Now when the Thing was established the king
spake before his lieges and bade them take
christening, but when he had spoken a litde
while, the bonders cried out at him, bidding him
LX X 1 1 1 The Story ofOlaf Tryggvisoii. 3 1 7
hold his peace, and saying that they will fall on
him else and drive him away : " Thus did we,"
say they, "with Hakon Athelstane's Foster-son
whenas he bade us such-like bidding, nor do we
account thee of more worth than him."
So when King Olaf saw the fierce mind of the
bonders, and withal how great an host they had,
not to be withstood, then he turned his speech
aside- as being of one accord with the bonders, and
said thus : " I will that we make peace and good
fellowship together, even as we have done afore-
time. I will fare thither whereas ye have your
greatest blood-offering, and behold your worship
there. And then let us take counsel together
concerning the worship, which we shall have, and
be all of one accord thereover." So whereas
the king spake softly to the bonders, their fierce
mind was appeased, and thereafter all the talk
went hopefully and peacefully, and at the last
it was determined that the midsummer feast of
offering should be holden in at Mere, and thither
should come all lords and mighty bonders, as
the wont was ; and King Olaf also should be
TH E RE was one Skeggi, a rich bonder, who
was called Iron-Skeggi, and dwelt at
Uphowe in Yriar. Skeggi was the first
to speak against King Olaf at the Thing, and
above all the bonders did he speak against
Christ's faith.
3 1 8 The Saga Library. L X X I V
But on the terms aforesaid came the Thing to
an end, and the bonders fared home, but the king
to Ladir.
NOW King Olaf laid his ships in the Nid,
and thirty ships he had, and a goodly host
and great ; but the king himself was
oftest at Ladir with the company of his court.
But when it wore toward the time whenas the
blood-offerino- should be at Mere, Kin^j Olaf
made a great feast at Ladir, and sent bidding in to
Strind and up into Gauldale, and west into
Orkdale, and bade to him lords and other gfreat
bonders. But when the feast was arrayed, and
the guests were come, the first eve was the feast
full fair and the cheer most glorious, and men
were very drunk ; and that night slept all men in
peace there.
But on the morrow morn when the king was
clad he let sing mass before him, and when the
mass was ended the king let blow up for a House-
Thing. And all his men went from the ships
therewith and came to the Thing. But when the
Thing was established the king stood up and
spake in these words : " A Thing we held up at
Frosta, and thereat I bade the bonders be chris-
tened ; and they bade me back again turn me to
offering with them, even as King Hakon Athel-
stane's Foster-son did. Wherefore we accorded
together to meet up at Mere, and there make a
great blood-offering. But look ye, if I turn me
LXXV The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 319
to offering with you, then will I make the greatest
blood-offering that is, and will offer up men ; yea,
and neither will I choose hereto thralls and
evildoers ; but rather will I choose gifts for the
gods the noblest of men ; and hereto I name
Worm Lygra of Middlehouse, Styrkar of Gimsar,
Kar of Griting, Asbiorn Thorbergson of Varness,
Worm of Lioxa, Haldor of Skerding-stithy."
Other five he named withal, the noblest that
were, and saith that these will he offer up for
peace and the plenty of the year, and biddeth
fall on them forthwith.
But when the bonders saw that they lacked
might to meet the king, they craved peace, and
gave up the whole matter for the king's might to
deal with. So it was agreed on betwixt them
that all the bonders who were there come should
let themselves be christened, and make oath to the
king to hold the true faith, and lay aside all
blood-offering. And all these men did the king
keep for guests till they gave him hostage, son, or
brother, or other near kinsman.
NOW King Olaf fared with all his host
in to Thrandheim, but when he came
up to Mere, thither were come all the
lords of Thrandheim, such as most withstood
christening, and these had with them all the
mighty bonders who had aforetime upheld the sacri-
fices in that place. Great was the concourse of
320 The Saga Library. LXXVI
men even as was wont to be, and after the manner
of what had been aforetime at the Frosta-Thing.
So let the king cry the Thing ; and thither
went both sides all-armed. But when the Thing
was set up, then spake the king, and bade men
Then Iron-Skeggi answered the king on behoof
of the bonders, and said they would no whit more
than aforetime that the king should break down
their laws on them. " We will, king," quoth he,
" that thou make offering here as other kings have
done before thee."
At this his speaking made the bonders great
stir, and said that even as Skeggi spake would
they have it all. Then answered the king saying
that he would fare into the God-house with them,
and look at the worship whenas they made offering.
The bonders were well pleased thereat, and either
side fareth to the God-house.
SO now King Olaf went into the God-house,
and a certain few of his men with him, and a
certain few of the bonders. But when the
king came whereas the gods were, there sat Thor
the most honoured of all the gods, adorned with
gold and silver. Then King Olaf hove up the
eold-wrou^ht rod that he had in his hand, and
smote Thor that he fell down from the stall ; and
therewith ran forth all the king's men and tumbled
down all the gods from their stalls. But whiles
LXXVII The Story of Ola f Try ggvison. 321
the king was in the God-house was Iron-Si<eggi
slain without, even at the very door, and that deed
did the king's men.
So when the king was come back to his folk he
bade the bonders take one of two things, either all
be christened, or else abide the brunt of battle with
him. But after the death of Skeggi there was no
leader among the folk of the bonders to raise up
the banner against King; Olaf. So was the choice
taken of them to go to the king and obey his bid-
ding. Then let King Olaf christen all folk that
were there, and took hostages of the bonders that
they would hold to their christening.
Thereafter King Olaf caused men of his wend
over all parts of Thrandheim ; and now spake no
man against the faith of Christ. And so were
all folk christened in the country-side of Thrand-
KING OLAF brought his host out to
Nidoyce, and there let he raise up a
house on the N id-bank, and so ordered
it that there should be a cheaping-stead, and gave
men tofts there whereon to build them houses ;
but he himself let build the king's house up above
Ship-crook. Thither let he flit in the autumn-tide
all goods that were needed for winter abode, and
there had he a full many men.
322 The Saga Library. LXXVIII
NOW King Olaf appointed a day of meet-
ing with the kin of Iron-Skeggi, and
offered them atonement thereat ; and
many noble men had the answering thereof. Iron-
Skeggi had a daughter named Gudrun ; and so it
befell at last amid their peace-making that King
Olaf should wed Gudrun.
But the very first night they lay together, so
soon as the king was fallen asleep, she drew a
knife and would thrust him through. But when
the king was ware of it he took the knife from
her, and leapt up from the bed, and went to his
men and told them what had betid. Gudrun also
took her raiment and all those men who had fol-
lowed her thither, and they went on their way,
and Gudrun never came again into the same bed
with King Olaf
THAT same autumn let King Olaf build a
great long-ship on the beach of the Nid.
A cutter was this, and many smiths he
had at the building of it. But in the beginning of
winter, when it was fully done, thirty benches
of oars might be told in it ; high in the stem it was,
but nothing broad of beam. That ship the king
called the Crane.
After the slaying of Iron-Skeggi his body was
LXXX The Story of Ola f Tryggvison. 323
brought out to Yriar, and he Heth in Skeggi's-
howe by Eastairt.
NOW whenas Olaf Tryggvison had been
king over Norway two winters, there was
with him a Saxon priest named Thang-
brand ; masterful was he and murderous, but a good
clerk and a doughty man. Now whereas he was
so headstrong a man, the king would not have him
with him ; but sent him on this message, to wit, to
fare out to Iceland and christen the land there. So
a merchant-ship was gotten for him, and the tale
telleth about his journey that he made the East-
firths of Iceland, Swanfirth the southmost to wit,
and the winter after abode with Hall of the Side.
SoThangbrand preached christening in Iceland,
and after his words Hall let himself be christened
and all his household, and many other chieftains
also ; notwithstanding many more there were who
gainsaid him.
Thorvald the Guileful and Winterlid the Skald
made a scurvy rime about Thangbrand, but he slew
them both. Thangbrand abode three winters in
Iceland, and was the bane of three men or ever he
departed thence.
324 The Saga L ibra ry. L X X X I
TWO men there were, one named Sigurd
and the other Hawk ; Halogalanders of
kin were they, and had been much busied
in chaffering voyages. On a summer they had fared
west to England, and when they came back to
Norway they sailed north along the land. But in
North-mere they fell in with the fleet of King
Olaf ; and when the king was told that thither were
come certain men, Halogalanders and heathen, he
let call the skippers to him, and asked if they
would let themselves be christened ; but they gain-
said it. Then the king would talk them over in
many wise, and prevailed nought. So he threatened
them with death or maiming ; but nought for that
would they shift about. So he let set them in
irons, and they were with him a certain while
holden in fetters ; and the king often talked with
them, but it was but labour lost. And on a certain
night they vanished away so that none heard aught
of them, or knew in what wise they had gotten
away. But in the autumn-tide they turned up in
the North-country with Harek of Thiotta, who
gave them good welcome, and they abode the
winter with him in good entertainment.
LXXXII The Story of OlafTryggtiison. 325
NOW on a fair day of spring-tide was Harek
at home and few men with him at the
stead, and the time hung heavy on his
hands. So Sigurd spake to him, saying that if he
will they will go a-rowing somewhither for their
disport. That liked Harek well; so they go down
to the strand, and launch a six-oarer, and Sigurd
took from the boathouse sail and gear that went
with the craft ; for such-wise oft they fared to take
the sail with them when they rowed for their disport.
Then Harek went aboard the boat and shipped
the rudder. The brethren Sigurd and Hawk went
with all weapons, even as they were ever wont to
go with the goodman at home ; and they were both
men of the strongest.
Now before they went aboard the craft they
cast into her a butter-keg and a bread-basket,
and bare between them a beer-cask down to the
boat. Then they rowed away from land ; but
when they were come a little way from the isle,
then the brethren hoisted sail and Harek steered,
and they speedily made way from the isle. Then
went the brethren aft to where Harek sat, and
Sigurd spake : " Now shalt thou make thy choice
of certain things : the first is that thou let us
brethren be masters of our voyage, and the course
of it ; the second, that thou let us bind thee ; and
the third, forsooth, that we slay thee."
Now Harek saw in what a plight he was, being
no more than a match for either of the brethren,
326 The Saga Library. LXXXII
even were he arrayed as well as they ; so he made
that choice which seemed to him the best of a bad
business, to wit, to let them be masters of the
voyage. So he bound himself with oaths thereto,
and gave them his troth ; and Sigurd went to the
rudder, and they stood south along the land. The
brethren took heed that they should meet no man,
and the wind was of the fairest. So they made no
stay till they came south to Thrandheim, and into
Nidoyce, and there met they King Olaf. Then
let the king call Harek to talk with him, and bade
him be christened ; but Harek gainsaid him.
Hereof spake the king and Harek many days at
whiles before many men, at whiles privily, nor
might they be at one thereover. So in the end
spake King Olaf to Harek : " Now shalt thou go
thy ways home, nor will I be heavy on thee this
time, all the more as we are nigh akin, and withal
thou mayst say that I have gotten thee by guile.
But know of a sooth that my mind it is to come up
north there in the summer, and look on you Halo-
galanders, and then shall ye wot how hard I may be
on those that gainsay christening."
Harek seemed well content to get away at his
speediest this time. King Olaf gave him a good
cutter rowing ten or twelve oars a-side ; and let
array that ship as well as might be with all things
needful ; and he gave Harek thirty men, all doughty
fellows and well arrayed.
TIte Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 327
SO Harek of Thiotta gat him gone from the
town at his speediest, but Hawk and Sigurd
abode with the king, and let themselves
both be christened.
Harek went on his ways till he came home to
Thiotta. Thence sent he word to his friend Eyvind
Rent-cheek, bidding men tell him that Harek of
Thiotta had come face to face with King Olaf,
and had not let himself be cowed into christening ;
and again he bade tell him that King Olaf had it
in his heart to come on them with an host next
summer; and saith Harek that they must look to
it to deal warily therewith, and biddeth Eyvind
come to meet him as soon as may be.
But when this errand was set forth before Eyvind,
he seeth that the need is instant to look to it that
they be not tripped by the king. So Eyvind fared
at his speediest in a light skiff, and but few men
with him ; but when they came to Thiotta, Harek
greeted him well, and straightway gat they a-talk-
ing, Harek and Eyvind, on the other way out from
the stead. Yet but a little while had they talked,
ere King Olaf's men, who had followed Harek to
the north, come upon them, and lay hands on
Eyvind, and lead him down to the ship with them,
and so sail away with Eyvind ; nor stayed they
their journey till they were come to Thrandheim
and found King Olaf in Nidoyce. Then was
Eyvind brought to speech with King Olaf, and
the king bade him take christening like other men ;
328 The Saga Library. LXXXIV
which thing Eyvind gainsaid. The king bade him
with kind words to take christening, showing him
many things clearly, he and the bishop also ; but
none the more would Eyvind shift about. Then
the king offered him gifts and great bailifries ; but
Eyvind would none of them. Then the king
threatened him with maiming or death ; but it
availed nought to turn him.
Then let the king bear in a hand-basin full of
glowing coals and set it on Eyvind's belly, and
presently his belly burst asunder. Then spake
Eyvind : " Take away the basin, and I will speak
a word before I die." Said the king : " Wilt thou
now trow in Christ, Eyvind ? " " Nay," said he,
" I may nowise take christening. I am a ghost
quickened in a man's body by cunning of the Finns ;
and my father and mother might have no child
before that."
Then died Eyvind, who had been the cunningest
of wizards.
THE spring after these things, let King
Olaf array his ships and folk, and he him-
self sailed the Crane ; a fair host and a
mighty had the king. So when he was ready he
brought his fleet out of the firth and then north of
Byrda, and so north-away to Halogaland. And
wheresoever he came aland, there held he a Thing
and bade all folk thereat to take christening and
the riijhl troth.
LXXXV The Story of OlafTrygguison. 329
No man durst gainsay him, and all the land was
christened wheresoever he came.
King Olaf took guesting at Thiotta at Harek's,
and there was Harek christened and all his folk.
Harek gave the king good gifts at parting, and
became his man, and took bailifries of the king and
the dues and rights of a lord of the land.
RAUD the Strong was the name of a man
who dwelt in a firth called Salpt in God-
isle. He was very wealthy, and had
many house-carles ; a mighty man, and there fol-
lowed him great plenty of Finns whenso he had
need thereof.
Raud was busy in blood-oflerings, and full wise
in wizardry ; he was a great friend of a man named
afore, Thorir Hart to wit; and they were both
great chieftains.
Now when they heard that King Olaf was faring
over Halogaland from the south with an host of
men, they gathered men to them and called out
ships, and gat a great company.
Raud had a mighty dragon with a head all done
with gold, a ship of thirty benches by tale, and
great of hull withal for her length. Thorir Hart
also had a great ship.
So they stood south with their host to meet
King Olaf; and when they met they joined battle
with the king. Great was the battle, and men fell
thick and fast ; but the slaughter began to fall on
330 The Saga Library. LXXXV
the Halogaland host, and their ships to be cleared ;
and then fell fear and terror on them. Raud rowed
out to sea with his dragon, and so let hoist sail ;
for ever had he wind at will whithersoever he
would sail, which thing came from his wizardry.
But the shortest tale of Raud's journey is that he
sailed home to God-isle.
Thorir Hart and his folk fled in toward land,
and leapt ashore from his ship ; but King Olaf
followed them, he and his, and they also leapt
ashore, and chased them and slew them. The
king was foremost, as ever when such play was
toward, and he saw where Thorir Hart ran, who
was the swiftest footed of men. So the king ran
after him, and his hound Vigi followed him. Then
cried the king, " Vigi, take the hart ! " So Vigi ran
forth after Thorir and was on him straightway.
Thereon Thorir made stay and the king shot a
spear at him. Thorir thrust with his sword at the
hound, and gave him a great wound ; but even
therewith flew the king's spear under Thorir's
arm so that it stood out at the other side. So there
Thorir ended his life, but Vigi was borne wounded
out to the ship.
But King Olaf gave peace to all who craved it,
and would take christeningr.
The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 33 1
NOW King Olaf stood north along the land,
christening all folk whithersoever he
came ; but when he came north to Salpt
he was minded to sail in up the firth to find Raud,
but foul weather and a squally storm raged
down the firth. So there lay the king for a week,
and ever the same foul weather endured down
the firth, though without was the wind blowing
fair for sailing north along the land. So the king
sailed north-away to Omd, and there came all folk
under christening. Then turned the king south
again ; but when he came south off Salpt, again
was there a driving storm with brine spray down
the firth ; certain nights the king lay there, and
still was the weather the same. Then spake the
king to Bishop Sigurd, and asked him if he knew
of any remedy hereto, and the bishop said he
would try it, if God would strengthen his hands to
overcome the might of these fiends.
SO took Bishop Sigurd all his mass-array,
and went forth on to the prow of the king's
ship, and let kindle the candles, and bore
incense. Then he set up the rood in the prow
of the ship, and read out the gospel and many
prayers, and sprinkled holy water over all the
332 The Saga Library. LXXXVII
ship. Then he bade unship the tilt and row in up
the firth.
Then called the king to the other ships, bidding
them all row into the firth after him. But so soon
as they fell a-rowing of the Crane, she made way
up into the firth, and they who rowed that ship
felt no wind on them, and quite calm stood there
the walled-in track behind in the ship's wake, while
on either side thereof whirled the driving spray so
free, that because of it the fells might not be seen.
But in that calm rowed one ship after other ; and
so fared they all day, and the night after, and came
a little before daybreak to the God-isles. And
when they came off Raud's stead, lo, there off the
shore lay his great dragon. So King Olaf went
straightway up to the house with his folk, and set
on the loft wherein Raud slept, and brake open
the door ; then men ran in, and Raud was laid
hand on and bound, but such men as were therein
were slain or taken. Then went men to the hall
wherein slept Raud's house-carles ; and there some
were slain, and some bound, and some beaten.
Then let the king bring Raud before him, and
he bade him be christened. " Then," said the
king, " will I not take thy possessions from thee,
but rather be thy friend, if thou wilt be worthy
thereof." But Raud cried out at him, saying that
he would never trow in Christ, and blasphemed
much ; and the king waxed wroth, and said that
Raud should have the worst of deaths. So he
let take him and bind him face up to a beam, and
let set a gag between his teeth to open the mouth
of him ; then let the king take a ling-worm and
The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 333
set it to his mouth, but nowise would the worm
enter his mouth, but shrank away whenas Raud
blew upon him. Then let the king take a hollow
stalk of angelica, and set it in the mouth of Raud,
or, as some men say, it was his horn that he let set
in his mouth ; but they laid therein the worm, and
laid a glowing iron to the outwards thereof, so that
the worm crawled into the mouth of Raud, and
then into his throat, and dug out a hole in the side
of him, and there came Raud to his ending.
But King Olaf took there very great wealth of
silver and gold and other chattels, weapons to wit,
and divers kinds of dear-bought things ; and all
those men who had served Raud the king let
christen, or if they would not be christened he had
them slain or tormented. There took King Olaf
that dragon which Raud had had, and he himself
steered it, for it was a far greater and goodlier
ship than was the Crane. Forward on it was a
dragon's head, but afterward a crook fashioned in
the end as the tail of a dragon ; but either side the
neck and all the stem were overlaid with gold.
That ship the king called the Worm, because when
the sail was aloft, then should that be as the wings
of the dragon. The fairest of all Norway was
that ship.
Now those isles wherein Raud had dwelt were
called Gilling and Hsering, but all the isles
together the God-isles, and the stream to the
north betwixt them and the mainland was called
the God-isles' stream. All that firth King Olaf
christened now, and then went his ways south
along the land, and in that his journey betid many
334 The Saga Library. LXXXVIII
tidings told of in tale thereafter, how trolls and
evil creatures tempted his men ; yea, whiles him-
self even. Yet will we rather write about the
tidings that befell when King Olaf christened
Norway, or those other lands he brought unto
So K ing Olaf brought his host that same autumn
to Thrandheim, and stood in for Nidoyce, and
there ordered his winter dwelling.
And now will I let write next what is to tell of
Iceland men.
FOR that same harvest came out to Nidaros
from Iceland Kiartan, the son of Olaf, the
the son of Hoskuld, and the son also of
the daughter of Eml Skallagrimson, which Kiartan
hath been called nighabout the likeliest and good-
liest man ever begotten in Iceland. There was
then also Haldor, son of Gudmund of Madder-
mead, and Kolbein, son of Thord, Prey's priest,
the brother of Burning-Flosi ; Sverting also, son
of Runolf the Priest ; these and many others,
mighty and unmighty, were all heathen.
Therewith also were come from Iceland noble
men who had taken christening from Thangbrand,
to wit, Gizur the White, the son of Teit Ketil-
biorn's son, whose mother was Alof, daughter of
Bodvar the Hersir, son of Viking-Kari ; but the
brother of Bodvar was Sigurd, father of Eric
Biodaskalli, the father of Astrid, mother of King
The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 335
Olaf. Another Icelander hight Hialti.sonof Skeggi;
he had to wife Vilborg, daughter of Gizur the
White. Hialti was a christened man, and King
Olaf gave full kindly welcome to father and son-
in-law, Gizur and Hialti, and they abode with
Now those Iceland men who were captains of
the ships, such of them as were heathen, sought to
sail away, when the king was come into the town,
for it was told them that the king would christen
all men perforce ; but the wind was against them,
and they were driven back under N id-holm.
These were the captains of ships there : Thorarin
Nefiolfson, Hallfred the Skald, son of Ottar, Brand
the Bountiful, and Thorleik Brandson. Now it
was told King Olaf that there lay certain ships of
Icelanders, who were all heathen and would flee
away from meeting the king. So he sent men to
them forbidding them to stand out to sea, bidding
them go lie off the town, and so did they, but
unladed not their ships [but they cried a market,
and held chaffer by the king's bridges. Thrice in
the spring-tide they sought to sail away, but the
wind never served, and they lay yet by the bridges.
Now on a fair-weather day many men were a-
swimming for their disport ; and one man of them
far outdid the others in all mastery. Then spake
Kiartanwith Hallfred the Troublous-skald bidding
go try feats of swimming with this man, but he
excused himself. Said Kiartan, " Then shall I
try ; " and cast his clothes from him therewith,
and leapt into the water, and struck out for that
man, and caught him by the foot and drew him
336 The Saga Library. LXXXIX
under. Up they come, and have no word together,
but down they go again, and are underwater much
longer than the first time, and again come up, and
hold their peace, and go down again the third time ;
till Kiartan thought the game all up, but might
nowise amend it, and now knew well the odds of
strength betwixt them. So they are under water
there till Kiartan is well-nigh spent ; then up they
come and swim to land. Then asked the North-
man what might the Icelander's name be, and
Kiartan named himself. Said the other, " Thou
art deft at swimming ; hast thou any mastery in
other matters?" Said Kiartan: "Little mastery
is this." The Northman said : "Why askest thou
me nought again ? " Kiartan answereth : " Me-
seemeth it is nought to me who thou art, or in
what wise thou art named." Answered the other :
" I will tell thee then : Here is Olaf Tryggvison."
And therewith he asked him many things of the
Iceland men, and lightly Kiartan told him all, and
therewith was minded to get him away hastily.
But the king said : " Here is a cloak which I will
give thee, Kiartan." So Kiartan took the cloak,
and thanked him wondrous well.]
AND now was Michaelmas come, and the
king let hold hightide, and sing mass full
gloriously; and thither went the Icelanders,
and hearken the fair song, and the voice of the
bells. And when they came back to their ships.
XC The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 337
each man said how the ways of the Christian
men hked them, and Kiartan said he was well
pleased, but most other mocked at them. And so
it went, as saith the saw, Ma7iy are the king s ears,
and the king was told thereof. So forthwith on that
same day he sent a man after Kiartan bidding him
come to him ; and Kiartan went to the king with
certain men, and the king greeted him well.
Kiartan was the biggest and goodliest of men,
and fair-spoken withal. So now when the king
and Kiartan had taken and given some few words
together, the king bade Kiartan take christening.
Kiartan saith that he will not gainsay it, if he
shall have the king's friendship therefor ; and the
king promised him his hearty friendship ; and so
Kiartan and he strike this bargain between them.
The next day was Kiartan christened, and Bolli
Thorleikson his kinsman, and all their fellows ;
and Kiartan and Bolli were guests of the king
whiles they wore their white weeds ; and the king
was full kind to them, and all men accounted them
noble men wheresoever they came.
ON a day went the king a-walking in the
street, and certain men met him, and
he of them who went first greeted the
king ; and the king asked him of his name, and
he named himself Hallfred.
" Art thou the skald ? " said the king.
Said he : "I can make verses."
lU. z
338 The Saga Library. XC
Then said the kingf : " Wilt thou take christen-
ing, and become my man thereafter ? "
Saith he : " This shall be our bargain : I will let
myself be christened, if thou, king, be thyself my
gossip, but from no other man will I take it."
The king answereth : " Well, I will do that."
So then was Hallfred christened, and the king
himself held him at the font.
Then the king asked of Hallfred : " Wilt thou
now become my man ? "
Hallfred said : " Erst was I of the body-guard
of Earl Hakon ; nor will I now be the liege-man
of thee nor of any other lord, but if thou give me
thy word that for no deed I may happen to do
thou wilt drive me away from thee."
" From all that is told me," said the king, " thou
art neither so wise nor so meek but it seemeth
like enough to me that thou mayest do some deed
or other which I may in nowise put up with."
"Slay me then," said Hallfred.
The king said : " Thou art a Troublous-skald ;
but my man shalt thou be now."
Answereth Hallfred : " What wilt thou give me,
king, for a name-gift, if I am to be called Troub-
lous-skald ? "
The king gave him a sword, but no scabbard
therewith ; and said the king : " Make us now a
stave about the sword, and let the sword come
into every line."
Hallfred sangr :
One only sword of all swords
Hath made me now sword-wealthy.
Now then shall things be sword-some
XCI The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 339
For the Niords of the sweep of sword-edge.
Nought to the sword were lacking,
If to that sword were scabbard
All with the earth -bones coloured.
Of three swords am I worthy.
Then the king gave him the scabbard and
said : " But there is not a sword in every Hne."
" Yea," answers Hallfred, " but there are three
swords in one Hne."
"Yea, forsooth," saith the king.
Now from Hallfrcd's sono-s we take knowledgfe
and sooth witness from what is there told concerning
King Olaf.
THAT same harvest came back from Ice-
land to King Olaf Thangbrand the mass-
priest, and told how that his journey had
been none of the smoothest ; for that the Icelanders
had made scurvy rimes on him, yea, and some
would slay him. And he said there was no hope
that that land would ever be christened. Hereat
was King Olaf so wood wroth that he let blow
together all the Iceland men that were in the
town, saying withal that he would slay them every
one. But Kiartan and Gizur and Hialti, and
other such as had taken christening, went to him
and said : " Thou wilt not, king, draw back from
that word of thine, whereby thou saidst that no
man might do so much to anger thee, but that thou
340 Tlie Saga Library. XCII
wouldst forgive it him if lie cast aside heathendom
and let himself be christened. Now will all Ice-
land men that here are let themselves be chris-
tened ; and we will devise somewhat whereby the
Christian faith shall prevail in Iceland. Here are
sons of many mighty men of Iceland, and their
fathers will help all they may in the matter. But
in sooth Thangbrand fared there as here with thee,
dealing ever with masterful ways and manslaying ;
and such things men would not bear of him."
So the king got to hearken to these redes, and
all men of Iceland that there were, were christened.
KING OLAF was of all men told of the
most of prowess in Norway in all mat-
ters; stronger was he and nimbler than
any, and many are the tales told hereof. One, to
wit, how he went up the Smalshorn, and made fast
his shield to the topmost of the peak ; and withal
how he helped a courtman of his who had clomb
up before him on to a sheer rock in such wise that
he might neither get up nor down ; but the king
went to him and bore him under his arm down
unto a level place.
King Olaf also would walk out-board along the
oars of the Worm while his men were a-rowing ;
and with three hand-saxes would he play so that
one was ever aloft, and one hilt ever in his hand.
He smote well alike with either hand, and shot
with two spears at once.
XCIV The story of Olaf Try ggvison. 341
King Olaf was the gladdest of all men and game-
somest. Kind he was and lowly-hearted ; exceed-
ing eager in all matters ; bountiful of gifts ; very
glorious of attire; before all men for high heart in
battle. The grimmest of all men was he in his
wrath, and marvellous pains laid he upon his foes.
Some he burnt in thehre ; some he let wild hounds
tear asunder ; some he stoned, or cast down from
high rocks. Now for all these things was he well-
beloved of his friends and dreaded of his foes.
Full great, therefore, was his furtherance, whereas
some did his will for love and kindness sake, and
othersome for fear.
LEIF, the son of Eric the Red, who first
settled Greenland, was come this summer
from Greenland to Norway. He went to
King Olaf, and took christening, and abode that
winter with King Olaf.
NOW Gudrod, son of Eric Blood-a.xe and
Gunnhild, had been a-warring in the West-
lands since he fled the land before Earl
Hakon ; but in this summer afore told of, whenas
King Olaf Tryggvison had ruled over Norway
four winters, then came Gudrod to Norway with
many war-ships, and had newly sailed from Eng-
342 The Saga Library. XCIV
land ; but when he drew so nigh as to have inkling
of Norway, he stood south along the land whereas
King Olaf was least to be looked for, and sailed to
the Wick. But so soon as he came aland, he fell
a-harrying and beating down the people under
him, bidding them take him for king. So when
the folk of the land saw that a mighty host was come
upon them, then sought men for truce and peace,
and offered to the king to send the bidding to
a Thing throughout the land, and would rather take
him to jruestinsf than have to bear the war of him ;
and therefore was there tarrying in the matter whiles
the call to the Thing was abroad. Then craved the
king money for his victual whiles he abode thus ;
but the bonders chose rather to give the king
quarters for such time as he needed ; which choice
the king took and went guesting about the land
with some of his folk, while some held ward over
his ships.
But when the brethren Hyrning and Thorgeir,
King Olafs brothers-in-law, heard that, they
gather folk and go a-shipboard, and so fare north
unto the Wick, and come on a night with their
company to where Gudrod was a-guesting ; and
there they fell on him with fire and the sword. There
fell King Gudrod, and the more part of his folk ;
but they of them who had been at the ships were
slain, some of them, and some escaped and fled
away far and wide. And now are all the sons of
Eric and Gunnhild dead.
XCV The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 343
NOW the winter that King Olaf came from
Halogaland he let build a great ship in
under the Ladir-cliffs, and much greater
it was than other ships that were then in the land ;
and yet are the slips whereon it was built left there
for a token : seventy-and-four ells long of grass-
lying keel was it. Thorberg Shave-hewer was the
master-smith of that ship, but there were many
others at the work ; some to join, some to chip,
some to smite rivets, some to flit timbers : there
were all matters of the choicest. Long was that
ship, and broad of beam, high of bulwark, and
great in the scantling.
But now when they were gotten to the free-
board Thorberg had some needful errand that took
him home to his house, and he tarried there very
long, and when he came back the bulwark was all
Now the king went in the eventide and Thor-
berg with him to look on the ship, and see
how the ship showed, and every man said that
never yet had they seen a long-ship so great
or so goodly ; and so the king went back to
the town.
But early the next morning went the king and
Thorberg again to the ship, and the smiths were
already come thither, but there they stood doing
nothing. The king asked them what they were
about then ; and they said that the ship was spoilt,
for some man or other must have gone from stem
344 TJie Saga Library. XCV
to stern cutting notches with an axe all along the
gunwale one by another. So the king went thereto,
and saw that sooth it was ; and he spake therewith,
and swore an oath that if he mig-ht find the man
who for envy's sake had spoilt the ship he should
surely die. " And he who will tell me thereof shall
have great good of me."
Then spake Thorberg : " I might tell thee, be-
like, king, who will have done this deed."
Saith the king : " I might look to thee as much
as to any man to have such good hap as to wot
hereof and tell me."
"Well, I will tell thee, king, who hath done it;
I have done it."
Answereth the king : " Then shalt thou make
it good, so that all be as well as heretofore ; and
thy life shall lie on it."
So Thorberg went to the ship, and planed all
the notches out of the gunwale ; and thereon said
the king and all others that the ship was much
fairer on that board where Thorberg had cut it ;
and the king bade him fashion it so on either
board, and bade him have much thank for it all.
So thereafter was Thorberg master-smith of the
ship until it was done.
This ship was a dragon, and was wrought after
the fashion of the Worm, that ship which the king
had gotten in Halogaland, but bigger it was and
more excellent in all wise ; and he called it the
Long Worm, but the other the Short Worm.
On this Worm were there thirty-and-four
benches of oars. The head and the crooked tail of
it were all done over with gold, and the bulwarks
XCVI The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 345
were as high as in a ship built for sailing the main
sea. The best wrought and the most costly
was that ship of any that have been in Norway.
NOW Earl Eric Hakonson and his
brethren, and many other noble kinsmen
of theirs, had fled away from the land
after the fall of Earl Hakon. Earl Eric fared east
into Sweden to Olaf the Swede-king, and had
good welcome of him, he and his ; and King Olaf
gave the earl a land of peace there, and great grants
to sustain himself and his folk. Hereof telleth
Thord Kolbeinson :
Short while, O scathe-wolves' scatterer,
Wore ere the land-folk's treason
Ended the life of Hakon —
Weird wendeth things a-many !
When the host fared from the Westland,
Methinks the son of Tryggvi
Came to the land that erewhile
The staff of sword-fields con(|uered.
More in his heart had Eric
Against the great wealth-waster
Than spoken word laid open,
As from him might be looked for.
The wrathful Earl of Thrandheim
Sought rede of the King of Sweden ;
Therefore no man forsook him.
Stiff-necked then grew the Thrandfolk.
Much folk resorted from Norway to Earl Eric,
who had fled away from the land before King
Olaf Tryggvison. So Earl Eric took such rede
34^ Tlie Saga Library. XCVI
that he gat him a-shipboard and went a-warring
to gather wealth for him and his men. First he
made for Gothland, and lay off there long in the
summer season, waylaying ships of chapmen who
sailed toward the land, or of the vikings else ;
and whiles he went aland and harried there wide
about the borders of the sea. So it is said in
Banda-drapa :
The Lord renowned thereafter
Won mail-storms more a-many.
That have we learned aforetime ;
The spear-storm bounteous Eric . . .
When wrought he Vali's storm-wreath
Of the hawks of the strand of Virvil
About wide-harried Gothland.
To him, and fight-gay wages . . .
Then sailed Earl Eric south to Wendland, and
fell in there off Staur with certain viking-ships, and
joined battle with them. There won Earl Eric
the victory and slew the vikings ; as is said in
Banda-drapa :
The steerer of the stem-steed
At Staur let heads of men lie,
The Lord such deed he fashioned.
The earl his ^cHirs and swayeth . . .
So then the scalp of vikings
The wound-mew tore by sea-beach.
There at the hard swords' meeting.
The land by gods safe-guarded.
XCVII The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 347
THEN sailed Earl Eric back to Sweden in
harvest-tide and abode there another win-
ter, but in spring-tide he arrayed his
ships and sailed for the Eastlands. And when he
came into the realm of King Valdimar he fell a-
harrying, and slew menfolk, and burnt all before
him, and laid waste the land ; and he came to
Aldeigia-burg, and beset it till he won the stead.
There he slew many folk and brake down and burnt
all the bure, and thereafter fared wide about
Garth-realm doing all deeds of war ; as is said in
Banda-drapa :
Fared thence the sea-flames' brightener
King Valdimar's land to harry,
All with the brand of point-storm,
Thereat the fray grew greater.
Men's awe, thou brok'st Aldeigia,
And hard indeed the fight waxed,
Betwixt the hosts thou earnest
East unto Garths : so knew we.
This warfare wag-ed Earl Eric for five summers
in all ; but when he came from Garth-realm he went
a-warring all about Adalsysla and the Isle-sysla,
and there took he four viking-cutters of the Danes,
and slew all the folk thereof. So saith it in Banda-
drapa :
Heard I where he the hardener
Of the fire of the spear-sea
In Isle-land sound the fray raised.
The spear-storm hotDiteous Eric . . .
The fight-tree, firth-flame's giver
Cleared four ships of the Dane-folk.
348 The Saga Library. XCVIII
So heard we the true story.
To him, and fight-gay wages . . .
O heedful Niord of the launch-steed,
With Gautland men ye battled
When ran the yeomen townward.
The earl his icars and svayeth . . .
The vvar's-god wended war-shield
Aloft all o'er the counties,
To men the peace he minished.
The land by gods safe-guarded.
Earl Eric went to Denmark whenas he had
been one winter in the Swede-reahii ; he met
Svein Twibeard the Dane-king there, and wooed
for himself Gyda his daughter ; which wooing
came to wedding, and Earl Eric had Gyda to
wife, and the next winter they had a son hight
Earl Eric abode in Denmark in the winter, or
whiles in the Swede-realm ; but in summer-tide he
went a-warring.
SVEIN TWIBEARD the Dane-king had
to wife Gunnhild, the daughter of Burislaf,
king of the Wends. But in these days even
now told of it befell that Queen Gunnhild fell sick
and died, and a little after King Svein wedded
Sigrid the Haughty, the daughter of Skogul Tosti,
who was the mother of Olaf the Swede, King of
Sweden ; and with this alliance love also befell
between the kings, and well-beloved of them both,
and they of him, was Earl Eric Hakonson.
XCIX The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 349
NOW Burislaf the Wend-king laid plaint
before Earl Sigvaldi his son-in-law, that
the treaty was broken which Earl Sigvaldi
had made between King Svein and King Burislaf,
to wit, that Burislaf should wed Thyri, Harald's
daughter, the sister of King Svein. which wedding
had never come to pass, because Thyri had said
nay downright to the wedding with a heathen king
and an old man. So sayeth Burislaf now that he
will claim the treaty's fulfilment, and bade the
earl fare to Denmark, and have away with him
Queen Thyri for King Burislaf's behoof
So Earl Sigvaldi slept not over that journey,
but fared to meet the Dane-king, and laid the matter
before him, and in such way the word of the earl
prevailed that King Svein delivered Thyri his sister
into his hands; and certain women went with her,
and her foster-father, one Ozur Agison, a wealthy
man, and certain other men withal. It was cove-
nanted between the king and the earl that those
domains in Wendland which Queen Gunnhild had
had should be for a dowry to Thyri, and other
great possessions should she have for jointure.
Sore greeted Thyri and went all against her
will ; but when the earl and she came to Wendland,
then King Burislaf arrayed the wedding and took
to wife Queen Thyri. But now that she was come
among heathen men she would neither take meat
nor drink of them, and such wise went matters for
seven nichts.
350 The Saga Library. C
NOW it came to pass on a certain night
that Queen Thyri and Ozur fled away
to the wood by night and cloud, and,
shortly to tell of their journeying, they came to
Denmark ; but there nowise durst Thyri abide,
because she wotted well that if King Svein, her
brother, heard of her being there, he would speedily
send her back to Wendland. So they fared with
heads all hidden until they came into Norway, and
Thyri made no stay till she came before King
Olaf Tryggvison. But he took them in kindly,
and in good welcome they abode there. Thyri
told the king all her trouble, and craved helpful
counsel of him and a peaceful dwelling in his
realm. A smooth-spoken woman was Thyri, and the
king thought well of her ways, and beheld her that
she was a fair woman ; and it came into his mind
that this would be a good wedding for him. So
thitherwise he turned the talk, and asketh her will
she wed him. But whereas her fortune had fared
in such wise, and she deemed herself right hard
bestead, and saw on the other hand how happy a
wedding this was, to be wedded to so noble a
king, she bade him deal with her and her matter
as he would. And so according to this talk King
Olaf wedded Queen Thyri, and their wedding was
held in harvest-tide, whenas he was come south
from Halogaland. So King Olaf and Queen
Thyri abode in Nidoyce that winter.
But the next spring would Queen Thyri be oft
C The story of Old/ Try gg7>i son. 351
bewailing to King Olaf, and weeping sorely there-
with, how, for as great possessions as she had in
Wendland, here in the land had she no wealth such
as beseemed a queen : and whiles would she pray
the king with fair words to go get her her own.
saying that King Burislaf was so dear a friend of
King Olaf, that so soon as they met he would give
over to him all that he craved. Nevertheless, all
the friends of the king, when they heard of this
talk, letted the king of that journey.
Now so tells the tale, that on a day early in
spring-tide the king was a-going down the street,
when by the market-place a man met him with
many angelica heads, wondrous big for that season
of spring ; so the king took a great stem of ange-
lica in his hand, and went home therewith to the
lodging of Queen Thyri.
Now Thyri sat a-weeping in her hall when the
king came in ; but he spake : " See here the big
angelica I give thee."
But she thrust it aside with her hand, and spake :
" Harald Gormson was wont to give me greater
gifts ; and moreover he feared less than thou dost
now, to fare from the land and seek his own ; as was
well seen of him when he came hither into Norway
and laid waste the more part of this land, and won
to him all the scat and dues thereof ; whereas thou
durst not wend through the Dane- realm for fear of
King Svein my brother." Then up sprang King
Olaf at that word of hers, and spake out on high,
and sware an oath, saying : " Never shall I fare in
fear for King Svein thy brother. Nay, and if we
meet, he it is shall give aback ! "
352 The Saga Library. CI-CII
O a little hereafter King Olaf summoned a
Thing there in the town, whereat he set
forth before all the people that he would
have an host put off the land that summer, and
would have a levy from every folk-land, both of
men and ships ; and therewithal he sayeth how
many ships he will have thence from out the firth.
Then sendeth he messengers north and south
along the land, by the outer and the inner ways,
and let call out his folk.
Therewith let King Olaf thrust forth the Long
Worm, and all his other ships both great and small ;
and he himself steered the Long Worm.
But when men were dight to go aboard ship, so
well arrayed and chosen was his company, that
none should be aboard the Long Worm older than
sixty or younger than twenty, and full closely were
they chosen both for strength and stoutness of
heart ; and the first set aside thereto were those of
the body-guard of King Olaf, for these were chosen
from all that was strongest and stoutest, both of folk
of the land and of outlanders.
WOLF THE RED was the man hight
who bore King Olaf's banner, and
was in the prow of the Worm ; and
next to him was Kolbiorn the Marshal, Thor-
CI I Tlie Story of Olaf Ti'yggvison. 353
stein Oxfoot also, and Vikar of Tenthland, the
I:)rother of Arnliot Gellin.
These were of the forecastle in the prow : Vakr
of the Klf, son of Raumi ; Bersi the Stroncr ;
An the Shooter of lamtland ; Thrand the Stout of
Thelmark, and Uthyrmir his brother ; these Halo-
.i,''alanders, to wit, Thrand Squint-eye, Ogmund
Sandy, Lodvir the Long of Salt-wick, and Harek
the Keen. Theseof Inner Thrandheim : Ketil the
High, Thorfin Eisli, Howard, he and his brethren
of Orkdale.
These manned the forehold : Biorn of Studla ;
Bork of the Firths ; Thorgrim, son of Thiodolf of
Hvin ; Asbiorn and Worm ; Thord of Niordlow ;
Thorstein the White of Oprustead ; Arnor the
M ere- man ; Hallstein and Hawk of the Firths;
Eyvind the Snake; Bergthor Bestill ; Hallkel of
Fialir ; Olaf the Lad ; Arnfinn of Sogn ; Sigurd
Bill ; Einar of Hordland and Finn ; Ketil of
Rogaland ; Griotgard the Brisk.
These were in the main-hold : Einar Thambar-
skelvir, deemed indeed by the others not able-
bodied, whereas he was but eighteen winters old ;
Thorstein Hlifarson ; Thorolf ; Ivar Smetta ; Worm
Shaw-neb, and many other right noble men withal
were on the Worm, though nought can we name
them. Eight men there were to a half-berth in the
Worm, all chosen man by man. Thirty there were
in the fore-hold.
The talk of men it was that the crew of the
Worm no less bore away the bell from other men
for goodliness and might and stout heart, than did
the Long Worm from other ships.
III. .\ .\
354 TJie Saga Library. CI II
Thorkel Nosy, the king's brother, steered the
Short Worm, and Thorkel Dydril and Jostein,
the mother's brothers of the king, had the Crane ;
and either ship was full well manned. Eleven
great ships had King Olaf from Thrandheim, and
twenty-banked ships, moreover, and smaller ships,
and victuallers.
NOW when King Olaf had wellnigh ar-
rayed his host for sailing from Nidoyce,
he appointed men throughout all Thrand-
heim to the stewardships and bailifries. Then sent
he to Iceland Gizur the White and Hiaiti Skeggi-
son to bid christening therein, and gave them a
priest named Thormod, and other hallowed men ;
but he held as hostages four Iceland men such as
he deemed the noblest, to wit, Kiartan Olafson,
Haldor Gudmundson, Kolbein Thordson, and
Swerting Runolfson. And now it is to be said of
the journey of Gizur and Hiaiti, that they came to
Iceland before the Althing and fared to the Thing,
at which Thing was Christ's troth taken for law in
Iceland ; and that same summer was all manfolk
christened there.
CIV-V The Story of Olaf Tryggvison. 355
THAT same spring also King Olaf sent
Leif Ericson to Greenland to bid chris-
tening there ; so that same summer he
went thither. He took up a ship's crew on the sea
who had come to nought, and were lying on the
wreck of the ship ; and in that journey found he
Vineland the Good and came back in harvest-tide
to Greenland, bearing with him thither a priest and
teachers, and so went to guest with Eric his father
at Brentlithe. Men called him thereafter Leif the
Lucky ; but Eric his father said that one thing
might be set against another, whereas on the one
hand Leif had holpen that wrecked crew, and on
the other had brought that juggler to Greenland,
to wit, the priest.
NOW King Olaf and Queen Thyri abode
in Nidoyce that winter wherein the king
had christened Halogaland ; and the
summer before that Queen Thyri brought forth a
man-child, begotten of King Olaf. Great was the
lad, and of good hope, and was called Harald,
after his mother's father. The king and the queen
loved the lad much, and set their hearts on his
growing up and taking the heritage of his father ;
but he lived not a full year from the time he was
born, and a sore scathe they both deemed it.
356 TJic St\^a Library. CV
That v.inter were there many Iceland men with
King Olaf, as is afore writ, and many other noble
men besides ; and in the court also was Ingibiorg,
Tryggvi's daughter, the sister of King Olaf. Fair
she was to look on, lowly of mien, and kind to all
folk ; faithful she was, great-hearted, and full
friendly. She loved well the Iceland men such as
were there, but Kiartan Olafson was the dearest
of them all to her ; for the longest of them had he
abided with the king, and often talking to him she
deemed a delight, for wise he was and sweet of
King Olaf was ever glad and joyous with his
men, and oft he turned him to asking of the ways
and the glory of the mighty men of the realms
aniofh, when men came to him from Sweden or
Now Hallfred the Troublous-skald was come
that summer from Gautland east-away there, and
had been with Earl Rognvald Wolfson, now come
to the dominion of West Gautland. Wolf the
father of Rognvald was brother of Sigrid the
Haughty, and King Olaf the Swede and Earl
Rognvald were cousins-ofermain. Now Hallfred
told King Olaf many things of Earl Rognvald,
saying how that he was a brave lord and a
masterful, bounteous of money, manly-minded,
and friendly. Hallfred said withal that the earl
would fain fall into friendship with King Olaf, and
had talked over how he would be a-wooing Ingi-
biorg, Tryggvi's daughter. And so that same
winter came west from Gautland messengers from
Earl Rognvald, who met King Olaf north-away in
CV The Story of Olaf Tryggvisou. 357
Nidoyce. There they set forth the earl's trraml
before the king, according to the word that Hall-
fred had spoken, to wit, that the earl was fain to be
ver)' friend of King Olaf, and that he would speak
of alliance with the king and would wed Ingibiorg
his sister. Therewith the messengers brought to
the king manifest tokens of the earl to make it
plain that they did his errand faithfully. The
king took their matter well, but said that Ingi-
biorg must herself be mistress of her weddinof.
Then talked the king this matter over with his
sister, and asked her what her mind was herein ;
and she answered thus : " I have abided with thee
a while, and thou hast given me brotherly further-
ance and loving honour in every place since thou
camest into this land. Therefore will I say yea to
whatso thou wilt have of me in my wedding ; yet
indeed I look to it that thou wilt not give me to a
heathen man."
The king saith that so indeed it shall be, and
therewith he had speech of the messengers ; and
this was determined before they went their ways,
that Earl Rognvald should come to meet King
Olaf in the East-country that summer, if he would
become his very friend, and then should they
themselves talk over the matter when they met.
So the messengers of the earl go back east on
this errand ; but King Olaf abode that winter in
Nidoyce with great glory and many men.
358 The Saga Library. CVI
THAT summer fared King Olaf with his
host south along the land. Now there
resorted to him many friends of his, and
mighty men, such as were arrayed for faring with
the king ; and the first man of all was Erling
Skialgson, his brother-in-law, who had a great
cutter of thirty benches, and full well manned was
that ship. There came to him also his brethren-in-
law, Hyrning and Thorgeir, either of them steering
a big ship ; and many other mighty men followed
him. Sixty long-ships had he as he fared from
the land, and sailed south along Denmark through
the Ere-sound, and so to Wendland. There he
appointed a day of meeting with King Burislaf, and
the kings met, and talked together over those
possessions which King Olaf claimed ; and all
went in likely wise between the kings, and the
claims that King Olaf deemed he had there were
brought into a fair way to be paid. So King Olaf
abode there long that summer, and found there a
many of his friends
OW King Svein Twibeard had then to
wife Sigridthe Haughty, as is afore writ.
Sigrid was the greatest foe of King Olaf
Tryggvison, for this cause forsooth, that King
Olaf had broken their plighted troth and smitten
evil The Stoyy of Olaf Tyyggvisoit. 359
her in the face even as is afore writ. Now she
stirred up King Svein busily to join battle with
King Olaf Tryggvison, and said that he had
enough against him, in that King Olaf had lain
by Thyri his sister without the leave of him ;
" And never would thy forefathers have borne such
Such like words had Queen Sigrld for ever in
her mouth, whereby at the last she brought it to
pass that King Svein was gotten ready to do by
her counsel.
So early in the spring King Svein sent men
east to Sweden to meet Olaf the Swede-king, his
son-in-law, and Earl Eric, and he bade tell them
that Olaf, King of Norway, had his fleet abroad,
and was minded to fare to Wendland that summer.
This word also went with the message of the Dane-
king, that the Swede-king and Earl Eric should
have out their host and go meet King Svein, and
that all they together should go join battle with
King Olaf Tryggvison.
Now Olaf the Swede-king and Earl Eric were
all ready for this journey ; so they drew together a
great host of ships from the Swede-realm, and
brought that host south to Denmark, but came
thither when King Olaf Tryggvison had already
sailed east. Hereof telleth Haldor the Un-
christened in the song that he made on Earl Eric :
The kings' o'er-thrower dauntless
In gale of flame of battle
Called out much folk from Sweden.
The king held south to battle.
Fattencr of carrion-hornets !
360 The Saga Libyayy. CVIII
Then each and ever\' yeoman
Was fain tu follow Eric ?
Drink gat the wound-mew seaward.
So the SAvede-king and Earl Eric held on to
meet the Dane-king, and now joined all together
they had a marvellous great host.
NOW King Svein, when he sent for that
host, had sent Earl Sigvaldi to Wendland
to spy on the host and the ways of King
Olaf Tryggvison.and to lay such a trap that King
-Svein and his fellows might not fail to fall in with
him. So Earl Sigvaldi went his ways, and came
to Wendland and lomsburg, and so went to meet
Olaf Tryggvison. So there was most friendly
converse betwixt them, and the earl grew into the
greatest good liking with King Olaf. Astrid, the
wife of the earl and daughter of King Burislaf,
was a great friend of King Olaf, which came about
much from their former ties, whereas King Olaf
had wedded Geira her sister.
Now Earl Sigvaldi was a wise man and a shifty,
and when he was gotten into the privity of King
Olaf 's counsel, he ever held him back from sailing
from the east, and found hereunto, now one thing,
now another. But King Olaf's folk took it mar-
vellous ill, being waxen very homesick as they lay
all dight for sailing and the weather boding fair
Meanwhile Earl Sigvaldi had privy tidings from
CI X The Sfoiy of Olaf Tryggvisoii. 36 1
Uenmark that the host of the Swede-king was now
come from the east, and that Earl Eric also had
arrayed his host, and that these lords would now
be coming east under Wendland, and had appointed
to waylay King Olaf by an isle called Svoldr ; so
that it behoved the earl to bring it so about that
they might fall in with King Olaf there.
ND now it got whispered about in Wend-
land that Svein the Dane-king had an host
abroad, and speedily arose the rumour
that King Svein would meet King Olaf; but Earl
Sigvaldi saith to the king: " It will be no rede for
King Svein to join battle with thee with the Dane-
host only, so great an host as thou hast gotten ;
but if thou misdoubt at all that war besetteth thy
way, then will I be of thy company with my folk,
and time has been when the following of the
Vikings of lomsburg has been deemed of good
avail for a lord : lo, I will get thee eleven ships
well manned." The king said yea thereto ; the
wind blew light and handy for sailing : so the king
let weigh anchor and blow for departing. Then
men hoisted sail, and all the small ships made the
more way, and sailed away right out to sea.
Now the earl sailed hard by the king's ship, and
called out to them, bidding the king sail after him.
" Full well I know," said he, "where are the deepest
of the sounds betwixt the isles, and this will ye
need for your big ships."
362 The Saga Librai'y. CX
So the earl sailed on before with his ships ; eleven
ships he had ; and the king sailed after him with
his big ships, and he too had eleven there ; but all
the rest of the host sailed out to sea.
Now when Earl Sigvaldi was come sailing off
Svoldr by the west, a skiff rowed off to meet him,
and they told him that the host of the Dane-king
lay awaiting them in the haven there. Then let the
earl strike sail and row in under the isle. So
sayeth Haldor the Unchristened :
From the south came the king of the isle-folk
With ships one more than seventy,
The meet-stem of the wave-steed,
He reddened sword in the murder.
Whenas the earl had ordered
The sea's knop-crownfed reindeer
For a war-mote with the Scanings,
Men's peace it flew asunder.
Herein is it said that King Olaf and Earl
Sigvaldi had seventy ships and one whenas they
sailed from the south.
NOW Svein the Dane-king and Olaf the
Swede-king were there with all their
host : fair weather it was, and bright
shone the sun. So all the lords went up on to the
holm with a great company of men, and they saw
how a many ships together went sailing out to
sea ; and now see they where saileth a great ship
and a brave. Then spake both the kings and
said : " Yonder is a great ship and marvellous fair;
ex The Story of Ola f Tryggvison. 363
this will be the Long Worm." But Earl Eric
answered and said : " Nay, this will not be the
Long Worm."
And so it was as he said, for this ship was of
Eindrid of Gimsar.
A little thereafter they saw where another ship
came sailing much greater than the first. Then
spake King Svein : " Now is Olaf Tryggvison
afeard, and durst not sail with the head on his ship."
Then saith Earl Eric : " This is not the king's
ship, for I know it, ship and striped sail. Erling
Skialgson owneth it. Let these sail on ! for better
for us shall be that rent and lacking in King Olaf's
fleet than that yonder ship be there, so well
arrayed as it is."
But a while after saw they, and knew Earl Sig-
valdi's ships that turned them toward the holm.
Then saw they where three ships came sailing,
and one was great. Then spake King Svein, and
bade go a-shipboard, for that there came the Long
Worm. Then said Earl Eric : " Many other
great ships and glorious have they, beside the
Long Worm ; bide we a while ! "
Then gat many men a-talking, and said : " Earl
Eric will not fight then, and avenge his father.
Great shame is this, to be told of through all lands,
if we lie here with this so great an host, and King
Olaf saileth out to sea, out here past our very
But when they had talked this wise awhile, saw
they where four ships came a-sailing, and one of
them was a dragon full great all done about with
gold. Then up stood King Svein and spake on
364 The Saga Library. CX
high : " This night shall the Worm bear me, and
I will steer her. And many men said withal that
the Worm was a wondrous great ship and goodly,
and great glory it was to let build such a ship.
But Earl Eric said so that certain men heard
him : " If King Olaf had no bigger ship than that
one alone, yet should King Svein never get it from
him with the Dane-host only."
Then drew the folk toward the ships, and struck
the tilts, and were minded to dight them speedily.
But while the lords were so speaking together,
they saw where came three full mighty ships
a-sailing, and a fourth last of all, and lo ! it was
the Long Worm.
But those great ships which had sailed by afore,
and they deemed had been the Worm, were the
first the Crane, and the last the Short Worm.
But now when they saw the Long Worm all
knew her, and none had a word to say against it
that there was sailing Olaf Tryggvison, and they
went to their ships and arrayed them for onset.
This was the privy bargain struck between the
chieftains. King Svein, to wit. King Olaf, and
Earl Eric, that each should have his own third
share of Norway if they laid low Olaf Tryggvison ;
but whoso first went up on the Worm should have
all the prey to be gotten thereon, and each should
have such ships as himself cleared.
Earl Eric had a beaked ship wondrous great,
wherewith he was wont to sail a-warring ; and a
beard there was on either side the prow thereof, and
thick staves of iron down from thence all the breadth
of the beard, and going down to the water-line.
CXI The Story of Olaf Tryggi'isou. 365
NOW when Earl Sigvaldi and his folk
rowed in under the hohn, that saw
Thorkel Dydril from the Crane and the
other captains who went with him, how the earl
turned his ships under the holm ; so they struck sail
and rowed after them, and hailing them, asked why
they fared so. The earl said that he would lie-to for
KingOlaf : " For it looketh like that warawaitethus."
So they let their ships drift till Thorkel Nosy
came up in the Short Worm and the three ships
that went with her. The same tale were they told ;
so they too struck sail and lay-to abiding King
Olaf. But now when the king sailed in toward
the holm, then rowed the whole host out into the
sound to meet them. But when men saw that, they
bade the king sail on his way, and not join battle
with so great an host. Then the king answered with
a high voice, as he stood up in the poop : " Strike
sails ! let no men of mine think of flight ! never
have I fled from battle. Let God look to my life !
for never will I turn to flight."
And so was it done as the king bade ; even as
Hallfred sayeth :
Still must the word be told of.
Which, said the men foe-griping
The king deed-mighty spake there
To his lads at fray of weapons :
The bower-down of Swede-ranks
Forbade his trusty war-host
To think of flight. The stout word
Of the people's leader liveth.
366 TJie Saga Library. C X 1 1-1 1 1
SO King Olaf let blow up for the gathering
together of all his ships ; and the king's ship
was in the midst of his battle, but on one
board lay the Short Worm, and the Crane on the
other. But when they set about lashing together
the stems of the Long Worm and the Short, and
the king saw them at it, he cried out on high,
bidding them lay the big ship better forward, and
not let it hang aback behind all ships in the host.
Then answered Wolf the Red : "If the Worm
shall lie as far forward as she is longer than other
ships, then there will be windy weather to-day in
the bows." Saith the king : " I wotted not that I
had a forecastle-man both Red and adrad." Quoth
Wolf: "Ward thou the poop with thy back no
more than I the bows with mine."
Then the king caught hold of his bow, and laid
an arrow on the string and turned it on Wolf.
Said Wolf: " Shoot another way, king, whereas
it will avail thee more; for thee work I that I work."
KING OLAF stood on the poop of the
Worm and showed high up aloft: a for-
gilded shield he had and a gold-wrought
helm, and was easy to know from other men : a
short red kirtle had he over his byrny.
Now when King Olaf saw that the hosts were
drifting about, and the banners set up before the
ex IV The Stoyy of Olaf Tryggvisou. 367
captains, he asked : " Who is captain of the host
over against us ? " So it was told him that there
was King Svein Twibeard with the Dane-host.
Answered the king: "Wefearnotthoseblenchers;
in Danes there is no heart. But what captain is
behind the banners out there on the right hand } "
It was told him that there was King Olaf with
the .Swede-host. Saith King Olaf: "Better were
the Swedes to sit at home licking their blood-bowls
than setting on the Worm under your weapons.
But who is lord of the big ships that lie out there
on the larboard of the Danes ? " " There is Earl
Eric Hakonson," said they. Then answered King
Olaf: "He will deem us well met to-day ; and we
may look for full fierce fight from that folk, for
they are Northmen as we be."
THEN fell the kings to the onset, and
King Svein laid his ship against the Long
Worm, and King Olaf the Swede lay out-
ward from him, and grappled from the prow the
outermost ship of King Olaf Tryggvison, but on
the other side lay Earl Eric. And then befell a
hard fight. Earl Sigvaldi let hang aback with his
ships, nor thrust into the batde. So saith Skuli
Thorsteinson, who was with Earl Eric that day :
The Frisian's foe I followed,
And Sigvaldi ; young gat I
Life-gain, where spears were singing
(Old now do people find nie).
368 The Saga Libra)'}'. CXV
Where I bore reddened wound-leek
To the mote against the meeter
Of mail-Thing in the helm-din
Off Svold-mouth in the south-land.
And moreover of these tidings saith Hallfrcd :
Meseems the king, fight-framer.
'I'hat tide o'ermuch was missing.
The following of the Thrand-lads
Much folk to fleeing turned them.
The mighty folk-lord fought there
Sole gainst two kings full doughty,
And an earl for third foe had he.
Famed wont such things to tell of.
THIS battle was of the sharpest, and great
was the fall of men. The forecastle-men
of the Long Worm and the Short Worm
and the Crane cast anchors andgrapplings on to the
ships of KingSvein, and had to bring their weapons
to bear right down under their feet. So cleared
they all those ships they grappled ; but King Svein
and such of his folk as escaped fled into other ships,
and therewith drew aback out of shot. So went it
with this host as K ing Olaf Tryggvison had guessed.
Then in the place of them fell on Olaf the
Swede-king ; but so soon as they came nigh to the
big ships it fared with them as with the others,
that they lost much folk and some of their ships,
and in such plight drew aback.
But Earl Eric laid Iron-beak aboard tiie outer-
CXV The story of Olaf Tryggviso7t. 369
most ship of King Olaf, and cleared it, and cut
it adrift from its lashings, and then laid aboard
that one which was next, and fought till that too
was cleared. Then fell the folk a-fleeing from
the lesser ships up on to the bigger ; but Earl
Eric cut each one adrift from her lashings as he
cleared it.
Then drew the Danes and Swedes into bowshot
again, and beset King Olaf's ships all round
about ; but ever Earl Eric laid aboard the ships
and dealt in fight of handy-strokes ; and ever as
men fell aboard his ships came other in the stead
of them, Swedes and Danes. So sayeth Haldor:
Brunt of sharp swords betided
All round about the Long Worm,
Lads sheared peace long asunder
Where golden spears were singing.
Tis told that men of Sweden,
And Dane-groves of bright leg-biters
Him followed forth in the Southland
At war-tide of his foemen.
Then waxed the battle of the sharpest, and
much folk fell ; but in the end it came about that
all the ships of King Olaf Tryggvison were
cleared, saving the Long Worm, and all the folk
were come aboard it who were yet fit for fight of
his men. Then Earl Eric laid Iron-beak aboard
the Long Worm, and there befell fight of handy-
strokes. So sayeth Haldor :
Midst a hard firth was gotten
The Long Worm. There were cloven
The moons of the galley's prow-fork
Where blood-reeds clashed together.
370 TJie Saga Library. CXVI
Where the byrny-witchwife's Regin
Laid the board-mighty Beardling
Gainst Fafnir's side ; and the earl wrought
The hehn-gale off the island.
EARL ERIC was in the forehold of his
ship, and a shield-burg was arrayed about
There was both handy-stroke and thrusting of
spears, and all things cast that might make a
weapon, while some shot with the bow or cast
with the hand. But such brunt of weapons was
borne against the Worm that scarce might any
shield him, so thick flew spears and arrows ; for
the warships lay on the Worm all round about.
But now were King Olaf'smen waxen so wood,
that they leapt up on the bulwark to the end that
they might get stroke of sword to smite folk ; but
many lay not the Worm so nigh aboard that they
would come to handy-strokes ; and Olaf's men
went most of them overboard, and took no more
heed than if they fought on the plain mead, and so
sunk they down with their weapons. So sayeth
Hallfred :
Smiters of ring-wrought war-sark
Sank wounded down from the Adder
In the fray of arrows' peril ;
And nowise there they spared them.
The Worm shall long be lacking
Such lads as these, though glorious
The king may be who steers her
As 'neath war-host she glideth.
ex VI I The Story of Ola f Tryggvison. 371
NOW Einar Thambarskelvir was aboard
the Worm aft in the main-hold ; and he
shot with the bow and was the hardest
shooting of all men. Einar shot at Earl Eric,
and the arrow smote the tiller-head above the
head of the earl, and went in up to the shaft
binding. The earl looked thereon and asked if
they wist who shot ; and even therewith came
another arrow so nigh that it flew betwixt the
earl's side and his arm, and so on into the staying
board of the steersman, and the point stood out
far beyond. Then spake the earl to a man whom
some name Finn, but othersome say that he was
of Finnish kin, and he was the greatest of bow-
men ; and he said, " Shoot me yonder big man in
the strait hold."
So Finn shot, and the arrow came on Einar's
bow even as he drew the third time, and the bow
burst asunder in the midst. Then spake King
Olaf : " What brake there so loud ?"
Answereth Einar : " Norway, king, from thine
" No such crash as that," said the king ; " take
my bow and shoot therewith." And he cast the
bow to him. So Einar took the bow and drew it
straightway right over the arrow-head, and said :
" Too weak, too weak, All-wielder's bow ! " and
cast the bow back. Then took he his shield and
sword, and fought manfully.
372 TJie Saga Library. CXVIII
the poop of the Worm, and shot full oft
that day, whiles with the bow and
whiles with javelins, and ever twain at once.
Now looked he forward on the ship, and saw his
men heave up sword and smite full fast, but saw
withal that they bit but ill ; so he cried out aloud :
" Is it because ye raise your swords so dully, that I
see that none of ye bite ? "
So a man answered : " Our swords are dull and
all to-sharded."
Then went the king down into the forehold, and
unlocked the chest of the high-seat; and took thence
many sharp swords and gave them to his men.
But as he stretched down his right hand men
saw that the blood ran down from under his byrny
sleeve ; but none wist where he was wounded.
NOW the most defence on the Worm and
the most murderous to men was of those
of the forehold and the forecastle, for in
either place was the most chosen folk and the
bulwark hiofhest ; but the folk becfan to fall first
amidships. But now whenas but few men were
on their feet about the mast. Earl Eric fell to
boarding, and came up on to the Worm with
fourteen men. Then came against him Hyrning,
ex IX The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 373
brother-in-law of King Olaf, with a company of
men, and there befell the hardest battle ; but such
was the end of it that the earl drew aback on to
Iron-beak, and of those men who followed him,
some fell and some were wounded. Hereof telleth
Thord Kolbeinson :
There was upraised the war-din
Around the gory Hropt's walls
Of the king's host: and there Hyrning,
Who turned the blue swords' edges.
Gat good word. Ere it dieth
Shall the high fells' hall be fallen.
And yet again was the battle of the sharpest, and
many men fell aboard the Worm. But when the
crew of the Worm waxed thin for the warding, then
Earl Eric fell on again to come up on to her ; and
yet again was his meeting hard. But when the
forecastle men of the Worm saw this, they went
aft and turned against the earl to defend them,
and dealt him a hard meeting. Nevertheless,
whereas there was so much folk fallen aboard the
Worm that the bulwarks were widely waste of
men, the earl's men came aboard on every side,
and all the folk that yet stood upon their feet for
the warding of the Worm fell aback aft whereas
the king was. So saith Haldor the Unchristened,
telling how Earl Eric cheered on his men :
Back shrank the folk with Olaf
Across the thwarts, when glad-heart
The earl cheered on his war-lads,
The doughty in the battle,
When they had locked the ship-boards
Around the King of Halland,
Bounteous of sea-flame. Tided
Sword-oath round that Wend-slayer.
374 The Saga Libvavy. CXX
NOW Kolbiorn the Marshal went up on to
the poop to the king, and much alike
were they in raiment and weapons, and
Kolbiorn also was the fairest and biggest of men.
And now once more in the forehold was the battle
full fierce ; but, because so much folk of the earl was
gotten aboard the Worm as the ship might well hold,
and his ships also lay close all round about the Worm,
and but a few folk were left forwarding her aeainst so
great an host, now albeit those men were both strong
and stout of heart, yet there in short space fell the
more part of them. But King Olaf himself and
Kolbiorn leapt overboard, either on his own board ;
but the earl's men had put forth small boats and
slew such as leapt into the deep. So when the
king himself leapt into the sea they would have
laid hands on him and brought him to Earl Eric ;
but King Olaf threw up his shield over him, and
sank down into the deep sea. But Kolbiorn the
Marshal thrust his shield under him to guard him
from the weapons thrust up at him from the boats
that lay below, and in such wise he came into the
sea that his shield was under him, so that he sank
not so speedily, but that they laid hand on him
and drew him up into a boat ; and they deemed of
him that he was the king. So he was led before
the earl ; and when the earl was ware that it was
Kolbiorn and not King Olaf, then was peace given
to Kolbiorn.
But even at this point of time leapt overboard
CXXI The story of Olaf Tryggvison. 375
from the Worm all King Olafs men that were yet
alive; and Hallfred sayeth that Thorkel Nosy the
king's brother leapt overboard the last of all :
The waster of the arm-stone
Saw the Crane floating empty,
And either Adder : gladsome
He reddened spear in the battle
Ere the fight-daring, bold-heart
Thorketil deft at swimming
Fled from huge brunt of battle
Offboard the wolf of tackle.
NOW as is aforewrit Earl Sigvaldi had
fallen into fellowship with King Olaf in
Wendland, and had ten ships with him ;
but an eleventh there was whereon were the men
of Astrid the king's daughter, wife of Earl Sigvaldi.
But whenas King Olaf leaped overboard, then all
the host cried the cry of victory, and therewith
Earl Sigvaldi and his men dashed their oars into
the water and rowed into the battle. Hereof
telleth Haldor the Unchristened ;
From wide away the Wend-ships
Drew o'er the sea together.
And Thridi's land's lean monsters
On the folk yawned iron-throated.
Swords'-din at sea betided,
Wolf's fare the erne was tearing,
There fought the lads' dear leader,
And fled full many a war-host.
But the Wendland cutter whereon were Astrid's
men rowed away and back under Wendland ; and
376 The Saga Library. CXXI
the talk of many it was then and there that King
Olaf will have done off his byrny under water, and
so dived out under the long-ships and swum for the
Wendland cutter, and that Astrid's men brought
him to land. And many are the tales told there-
after by some men about King Olaf's farings.
Nevertheless in this wise sayeth Hallfred :
I wot not one or the other,
To call him dead or living.
The soother of mews of clatter
Of the sheen of Leyfi's sea-deer.
Since either tale folk tell me
For true, and this is certain
That wounded must the king be,
.\nd tidings of him fail us.
And howsoever it may have been, nevermore
thenceforward came Olaf Tryggvison back to his
realm of Norway.
But thus sayeth Hallfred the Troublous-skald :
The man who said that living
Was the folk's king, all his life long
Was the point-shaking servant
Of the guile-shy son of Tryggvi.
And so folk say that Olaf
Gat him from out the steel-storm —
.^h, wide from truth their words are ;
Woe worth that all is worser !
And again :
When thanes fell on with folk-host,
On the king the hardy-hearted,
E'en as I learn, then would not
Such luck befall his land's folk.
As that the swayer of hand's ice,
Of worth so manifolded.
From such an host should get him,
And yet folk deem it likely.
CXXII The Story of Ola f Tyyggvison. 377
Still will some tell the wealth-wise
Of the king in battle wounded,
Or of his coming safely
Forth from the clash of metal.
But sooth from the Southland cometh
Of the Great Play and his slaying,
Nor many things now may I
With the wavering word of men-folk.
SO had Earl Eric gotten the Long Worm,
and the victory, and a great prey ; as
sayeth Haldor :
Thither the Long Worm bore him,
The lord with helm becoifed,
To the Thing of swords full mighty.
And the folk adorned their shipboard.
Right glad the earl took over
The Adder south in the war-din,
But Heming's high-born brother
Ere that must redden edges.
Now Svein, the son of Earl Hakon, had wedded
Holmfrid, the daughter of Olaf the Swede-king.
But when they shared the realm of Norway between
them, the Dane-king, the Swede-king, and Earl
Eric, then had Olaf the Swede-king four folklands
in Thrandheim, both the Meres and Raumsdale,
and Ran-realm from the Gaut-elf to Swine-sound.
This dominion King Olaf delivered into the hands
of Earl Svein on such covenant as the scat-paying
kings or earls had held it aforetime of the over-
But Earl Eric had four counties in Thrandheim,
Halogaland and Naumdale, the Firths and Fialir,
378 The Saga Library. CXXII
Sogn and Hordland and Rogaland, and North
Agdir out to Lidandisness. So sayeth Thord
Kolbeinson :
Wot I that, save for Erling,
Most Hersirs erst were friendly
Unto the Earls. Here sing I
The Tyr of the flame of ship-land.
Fight done, and all the land lay
At peace north all from Veiga
To Agdir south, or further
Maybe. I chose words rightly.
Now folk well-pleased of their ruler,
To love their lot well liked them ;
And he gave out he was bounden
To hold hand over Norway.
But Svein the king, the tale goes,
Is dead now in the Southland,
And his towns withal are wasted.
But few of folk woe faileth.
Svein the Dane-kincrhad still the Wick even as
he had aforetime ; but he gave Earl Eric Raum-
realm and Heathmark.
Svein Hakonson took earldom from Olaf the
Swede. Earl Svein was the goodliest man ever
seen. Earl Eric and Earl Svein both let them-
selves be christened and took the right troth ; but
whiles they ruled over Norway they let every man
do as he would about the holding of the faith ; but
the ancient laws they held well and all customs of
the land, and were men of upright rule and well
beloved. Earl Eric was by far the foremost of
the brethren in all authority.
Of the less obvious "kenningar" (periphrases), preceded by a
list of abbreviated references.
B. Stud. — Sophus Bugge, Studier over de nordiske Gude og
Heltesagns Oprindelse. Christiania, 1881-89.
FaS. — Fornaldarsogur NorSrlanda. 2nd ed., Reykjavik, 1886.
Fm. — Fafnisnidl, in N. F., pp. 219-226.
Fs. — Fornnianna-sogur. Kaupmannahofn, 1825, etc.
Gh. — GuSrunar-hvot (Gudrun's Whetting), in N. F., pp. 311-315.
Grm. — Gn'mnis-mdl (Grimnis[= Odin's]-lay), in N. F., pp. 75-89.
Hbl.— Hdr-bar«s lj6» (Hoary-beard's[= Odin's]-lay), in N. F., pp.
Hdm. — HamSismdl (Lay of Hamdir), in N. F., pp. 316-23.
H. H. — Helga kvi*a HjorvariSssonar (Lay of Helgi Hiorvardson),
in N. F., pp. 171-178.
Hm. — Hdvamdl (High-one's[= Odin's]-lay), in N. F., pp. 43-64.
Lex. poet. — Lexicon poeticum linguae septentrionalis, conscripsit
Sveinbjom Egilsson. Hafniae, i860.
N. F. — Norrcsn FornkvaeJSi . . . almindelig kaldet Sa?mundar Edda
hins Fr68a. Udgiven af Sophus Bugge. Christiania, 1867.
N. F. H.— A. P. Munch's Det norske Folks Historic. Christiania,
1852, etc.
S. E. — (Snorra Edda) Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. Hafniae, 1848, etc.
Saxo. — Saxo Grammaticus. Ed. P. E. Miiller. Hafniae, 1839-58.
Vk. — Volundar-kviSa (Wealand's Lay), in N. F., pp. 163-170.
Vsp. — Voluspd (The Witches' Word), in N. F., pp. i-ii.
V))m.— VafhTiSnismdl (Lay of the Riddle-Wise), in N. F., pp.
Y. — Ynglingasaga (Story of the Ynglings), in the present vol.
Page 16.
SEAS' sun : " djiip-ro'Sull," Sun of the deep = gold. —
Forehead's moons : " enni-tungl " = eyes.
Page 21. Sire of As-folk : "asa niSr" = Odin, to
which the epithet reddener of shield: " skaldbloetr," =
" skjaldblcetr," links itself appositively. Others take
382 The Saga Library.
" reddener of shield " as vocat., an apostrophe to a
listener. — Scat-giver : " skattfoerir " = Seeming. — Giant-
maiden : "jarnviSja" = Skadi. Cf. S. E. i. 58: " Gygr
ein byr fyrir austan MiXgarS i )ieim sk6gi er JarnviSr
heitir ; i feim skogi byggja fair trollkonur er JarnviSjur
heita," i.e. a certain trolhvoman dwells to the east of
Midgarth in that wood which is called Iron-" with"; in
that wood dwell the trollwomen who are called Iron-
withies. For Skadi's kin, cf. S. E. i. 92 : " NjorBr i fd
konu er SkaSi heitir, d6ttir jjjaza jotuns," t.e. Niord has
her for wife who is hight Skadi, the daughter of the
giant Thiazi, cf. Grm. 1 1 (N. F.). — Manhome : " Mann-
heimar," according to Snorri another name for Sweden
proper, to distinguish it from Godhome, or Sweden the
Great = Scythia. Possibly, however, Snorri was mis-
taken here. From the myth of Gefjon, Y. ch. v., it
would seem that the parts of Sweden believed to be
inhabited by giants were named Giant-home, Jotun-
heimar ; naturally, therefore, the remaining parts, in-
habited by man, would be called Manhome.
/''or Read
The warriors' friend The sea-bone's folk's
And Skadi with him. Friend and Skadi.
But she of the rock-lands' But she, the goddess
Rushing snow-skids, Of gliding snow-skids,
The sea-bone's folk's friend : "sc-evar beins skatna vinr"
= Odin (in his character of Thiazi's son-in-law) ; sea-
bone = stone, rock, hence rocky mountains, their folk
= mountain giants. Goddess of snow-skids : " ondur-
dis" = Skadi ; cf S. E. i. 94: " ferr hon (Ska?)i) mjok
d ski'iJum ok meS boga ok skytr dyr ; hon heitir ondurguS
e'Sr ondurdfs," i.e. fares she much on snow-shoes and with
bow and shoots wild things ; she is called snow-shoe
goddess or snow-shoe maid.
Page 25. Windless wave of the wild bull's spears:
" vindlauss vagr svigSis geira " = mead ; thus : bull's
spears = horns ; their wave = the fluid, liquor, which is
Explanations. 383
drunk out of them, here the mead of the vat, in the still
deep of which Fjolnir was drowned.
Page 26. Durnir's offspring : " Durnis ni^r " = a
dwarf, Durnir being one of many Eddaic names of
dwarfs, S. E. i. 470. — Sokmimir, a giant (S. E. i. 551,
and n. 2). Sokmimir's hall = a hollow stone, cavernous
rocks being regarded as the abode of mountain giants.
Page 27. Vili's (not Vilir's) brother: " Vilja brSsir" =
Odin. Cf S. E. i. 46 : " Borr fekk feirrar konu, er
Besla het, dottir Bolforns jotuns, ok fengu fau III sonu :
bet einn OSinn, annar Vili, III Ve," i.e. Bor gat that
woman who hight Besla, a daughter of the giant Bale-
thorn, and they had three sons, one hight Odin, another
Vili, a third Ve. — Men's over-thrower : " Ijona bagi " =
Vanland. — Jewel caster : " men-glotuSr" = Vanland.
Page 28. Will-burg: "vilja byrgi," prop, the chest,
the breast = body. — The sea's brother : " sjdvar ni'Sr "
= fire. — Baneful thief of the woodland : " mein-j3J6fr
markar" = fire. Cf. S. E. i. 332 : " Hvernig skal kenna
eld .'' Svd, at kalla hann broSur vinds ok .i^gis, bana ok
grand viBar," &c., i.e. How shall fire be betokened }
Thus, to call it the brother of the wind and of .^gir, the
bane and destruction of wood, &c.
Page 29. I. Roaring wolf of gleed, or, better, roaring
Garm of gleed: "glymjandi glo'Sa Garmr " = fire.
Garm, the name of the dog that watched the entrance to
" Gnipa "-cave, Vsp. passim, Grm. 44. — Dog of the
gleed = fiery devourer = flame. — Hearth-keel : "arin-
kjoll," nave of the hearth = house, hall.
Page 30. 2. Roaring bane of Half: "dynjandi bani
Hilfs " = fire, funeral burning. Half, a king of Hord-
land, and famous sea-rover, about A.D. 700, N. F. H. i.
356, set upon with fire by his stepfather Asmund and, on
escaping from the flames, slain by him together with his
company, the famous Halfs champions ("Halfs-rekkar"),
FaS. ii. 35-38. Half's bane = fire, S. E. i. 332. The
earliest tradition was clearly that Half had been burnt
to death.
384 The Saga Library.
Page 31. Glitnir's goddess: "Glitnisgnd" = the Sun,
a goddess among the ^sir, S. E. i. 118. GHtnir, the
glittering region, the sky ; also the heavenly palace of
the god Forseti (President), S. E. i. 78, 102-104. Gna, a
goddess in the service of Frigg, S. E. i. 1 16. — The sister
of Wolf, the sister of Narfi : "jodis Ulfs ok Narfa " =
" Loki's daughter," at the end of the strophe, i.e. Hel.
Cf. S. E. i. 104 : " Sd er enn taldr meS Asum, er sumir
kalla r6gbera Asanna . . . . sa er nefndr Loki eSa
Loptr, son Farbauta jotuns .... kona bans heitir
Sygin, sonr feirra Nari e^a Narvi. Enn atti Loki fleiri
born. AngrboSa het gygr i Jotunheimum, viS henni gat
Loki III born : eitt var Fenris-ulfr, annat Jormungandr,
fat er MiSgarSsormr, III er W&\" i.e. Further, among the
.^sir is counted he, whom some folk call the slanderer of
the yEsir .... he is named Loki or Lopt, son of the
giant Farbauti .... his wife is hight Sygin, and their
son, Nari or Narvi. Still more children had Loki.
Angrboda hight a troll-wife in Giant-home on whom
Loki gat three children : one of whom was Fenris-VVolf,
another Jormungand, that is, Midgarth-worm, and the
third Hel.
Page 32. Death-rod : " val-teinn " = sword ; he that
tameth its hunger : " spak-fromu^r " = a warrior, here
King Day.
Page 33. The fork that pitcheth the meat of Sleipnir :
" slongu-))ref Sleipnis vei^ar " = hay-fork. Sleipnir,
Odin's eight-footed horse, S. E. i. -jo : " Hestar Asanna
heita sva : Sleipnir er baztr, hann a Odinn, hann hefir
atta fzetr," i.e. The horses of the /Esir are thus called :
Sleipnir is the best, he is owned by Odin, he has eight
feet. Cf S. E. i. 132-4. Sleipnir's meat = horse fodder,
Page 34. Loki's sister, read daughter: "Logad{s" =
Hel. Cf p. 31. — He who needs must tame the wind-cold
steed of Signy's husband : " hinn er temja skyldi svalan
best Signyjar vers" = King Agni, hanged on gallows.
Signy's husband, the famous sea-king Hagbard, whom
Explanations. 385
King Sigar had hanged on gallows (S. E. I. 522) for getting
disguised into bed with his daughter Signy, whose brothers,
Sigar's sons, Hagbard had lately felled in battle. His
death Signy so took to heart, that she burnt herself
and her handmaidens in her own bovver. Cf. Saxo,
lib. vii. 341 foil.; S. E. i. 522; FaS, i. 180. Hence
Signy's husband's, i.e. Hagbard's, horse = the gallows
that bore the weight of his body. " Wind-cold," as an
epithet to a gallows, is derived from the name of the
tree on which Odin hung, "vingameiSr," " vindga mei'Si "
(dat.), the windy, to winds exposed tree, Havamdl, 138,
cf. Bugge, Stud., I Sen, p. 292 foil.
Page 39. The grim-heart horse of Sigar : " grimmr
Sigars j6r " = gallows ; corpse-ridden windy tree : " nd-
rei'Sr vinga meiSr," id.
Page 41. High-breasted hemp-rope Sleipnir: "ha-
brjostrhorva Sleipnir" = tall gallows. — The leavings of
Hagbard's goat : " HagbariSs hoSnu leif " = hang-rope,
halter. A doubtful " kenning." " The goat's leavings "
is supposed to mean the skin of a goat out of which
might have been made the halter with which Hagbard
was hanged.
Pages 43, 44. The little end of the sword that bull
beareth : "svei^u^s ma;kis hlutr hinn mjovari " = the
sword-point of the yoke reindeer; " ok-hreins log'Sis oddr"
= the herd's head-weapon : " hjar^ar mzekir ; " all mean-
ing a horn — the horn of oxen being the animal's weapon
(sword) of attack.
Page 46. Jotun's yoke-beast : " jotuns eykr" = wild
bull ; its head sword : " flsemingr farra trjonu " = horn. —
Brows' temple : " briina horgr" = head.
Page 52. The mountain-tangle's biting sickness :
" hh'Sar-fangs bit-sott" = wood fire, fire. — Ship of the
hearth-fires : " brand-nor " = house ; cf. hearth keel,
p. 29.
Page 53. Toft's-bark : " toptar nokkvi "= nave (navis),
hall. — Sea-heart: "lagar hjarta" = stone, hence = the
countryside or place called Stone in Esthonia.
III. c c
386 The Saga Library.
Page 54. Gymir's song: "Gymis lj6S" = the sea-
god's lay, the murmur of the sea.
Page 56. The bane of Jonaker's sons : " harmr
Jonakrs bura" = rock-slip, stones. Gudrun, daughter
of Giuki, had with King Jonakr three sons, Sorli, Erp,
and Hamdir. With her first husband, Sigurd Fafnir's-
bane, she had a daughter, Swan-hild, afterwards married
to King Jormunrek (Ermanaric), who had her trodden to
death by horses. The sons of Jonakr undertook the
revenge, and Sorli and Hamdir, having slain Erp on the
way, made so good an account of themselves in the hall
of Jormunrek, that they could not be overcome by
weapons. Then Jormunrek cried out :
Stone ye the men.
Since spears won't bite.
Nor edge nor iron,
The sons of Jonaker.
And so they fell, Cf. Gh., N. F., 311, Hdm. v. 25, S. E.
i. 366-70.
Page 57. Corpse destroyer, read copse destroyer :
" heipt hn'sungs " = the stone slip. — Hogni's bulrush :
" Hogna hror" {i.e. "hreyr" = "reyr") = sword or
spear. Hogni, a famous sea-king, cf. S. E. i. 432-34.
World's bones : "foldarbein" = stones, rocks. Cf. S. E.
i. 48 : " Jjeir (Bors synir) toku Ymi ( — i. 46 : hinn
gamli hrimpurs, hann kollum vrer Ymi — ) ok fluttu { mitt
Ginnunga-gap, ok gerSu af honum jorSina ; af bl65i
hans sa;inn ok votnin, jorSin var gor af holdinu, en
bjorgin af beinunum, grjot ok ur^ir gerSu feir af tonnum
ok joxlum, ok af feim beinum cr brotin voru," i.e.
They (the sons of Bor) took Ymir ( — the ancient rhyme-
giant, him we call Ymir — ), and brought him into the
midst of Ginnung-gap, and made of him the earth ; out
of his blood the sea and the waters, the earth (soil)
being made of his flesh, but the rocks of his bones, grit
and skries'-heaps they made of his front teeth and jaw-
teeth, and of such of his bones as were broken.
Page 64. Reek-flinger: " reyks r6su5r"= fire. — House-
Explanations. 387
thief fiery-footed : " hus-J)j6fr hyrjar leistum . ..."
= id.
Page (^. Temple-wolf: "hof-gyldir" = fire. — The
glede-, read : gleed-wrapt son of Forniot : "gloS-fjalgr
sonr Fornj6ts " = fire. Cf. S. E. i. 330 : " Hvernig skal
kenna vind 1 Sva, at kalla hann son Fornjots, br6'5ur
.(Egis ok elds," i.e. How shall wind be betokened ? Thus,
to call it the son of Forniot, the brother to yEgir and fire.
Page 68. The hill-ward's helpsome daughter: "hall-
varps hli'fi-nauma," must mean Hel. We have followed
Egilsson's conjecture, who, instead of "hallvarps" reads
"hall-varfs," from "hall-varjjr" ("hall-vor^r"), guardian of
rocks, rock-abider, a giant, Loki, whose " hlifi-nauma,"
helping or aiding daughter, Hel might well be named,
seeing that in the last fight of the gods all Hel's company
follows Loki — "en Loka fylgja allir Heljarsinnar"(S. E.
i. i9o).^Elfof thebyrny : "brynj-alfr"= man, here Half-
dan Whiteleg.
Page 69. To the may (= daughter) of the brother of
Byleist : " til meyjar Byleists broSur" = to Hel. Cf.
S. E. i. 104 : "brae^r hans {i.e. Loka) eru {leir Byleistr ok
Helblindi," i.e. the brothers of him (Loki, the father of
Hel) are these, Byleist and Hell-blind.
Sea's bones : " lagar bein " = stones, cf. p. 57.
Page 70. The Thing of Odin : " j^riSja fing," lit. the
Third-one's Thing or assembly = Val-Hall ; jJri'Si, one
of Odin's names, S. E. i. 36. — Hvedrung's maiden :
" hve'Srungs ma:r"= Hel. HveSrungr, a giant (S. E.
i. 549), cf. " mogr Hve'Srungs," the son of Hvedrung =
Fenris-wolf, the brother of Hel, Vsp. 555.
Page 73. Thror : " \x6x " = Odin.
Page 99. I. Fight-fish: " hjaldr-seiS " = sword ; its
home-road : " v^-braut " = wonted path = shield ; the
sword's singing : " galdrar," thereon = weapon din, fight,
battle ; those who crave it (lit. its craving beams) : " seski-
meiSar" = rebels. — Heathland = " Updale Woods" of
the text. — War-din's raiser : " Grimnis gny-staerandi," lit.
increaser of Gn'mni's, i.e. Odin's, din = Harald Hairfair.
388 The Saga Library.
— Sea skates : " lagar ski'Bi "= ships. — Horses that welter
in wind-swept hall : "gnap-salar riS-vigg " = ships ; "gnap-
salr " = exposed hall, windswept ocean, " riS-vigg " =
rocking, rolling horse.
2. War-din's heeder: "|7r6ttar hlym-raekr," lit. Thrott's,
i.e. Odin's din's pursuer, strenuous fighter = Harald the
king. — Wolf-pack's highway: "glamma fcrSar troB" =
heath-land, the Updale Woods again. — Manscathe that
meeteth the home-way unto the sea-log : " mann-skaeSr
msetir ve-brautar lagar tanna" = Harald, in his capacity
of a victorious commander of the fleet ; " tanni " = fir-
tree ; " t. lagar," the fir-tree of the sea, ship ; its " ve-
braut," home-way, wonted path = ocean ; its " mastir,"
he who meets, i.e. braves it.
Page 100. Board -steed: " borS - holkvir " = ship.
" Holkvir," the name of Hogni's horse, S. E. i. 484. —
Wargear's wielder = Harald. ^The red shields' voice :
" rauSra randa r5dd " = battle din, battle.
Page 102. Byrny'sfowl: " bryn-gogl "= weapons for
thrusting and cutting. — The din of Skogul : " Skoglar
dynr " = battle. Skogul, one of the " Valkyrjur," S. E. i.
1 18-20. — Dyer of edges : " egg-lituSr " = King Harald.
Page 104. Stem of Hogni's daughter: "vi'SrHogna
meyjar" = warrior, a warlike lord. Hogni's daughter,
Hildr, S. E. i. 432-36, here treated as the " Valkyrja" of
the same name, S. E. i. 118.
Page 105. The friend of Lodur : "vinr LoBurs" =
Odin; his din = battle. — In Vsp, 18, Lodur plays
with Odin the same part in the creation of Ask and
Embla, that Odin's brother, Vili, plays in S. E. i. 52.
Page 109. 1. Frey's game : "Frays leikr" = warfare.
2. Feeder of the fight mew : " grennir gunn-mas " =
Harald Hairfair. — The linden's wild deer : " olmr lindi-
hjortr " = ship, that " bounds over billow."
Page 110. Construe: Black gleaming swords of the
followers of the mighty, i.e. of Harald, bit men.
Page 112. 2. Wolf-coats: " ulf-heBnar," the bareserks
of King Harald, who defended the forecastle of his ship,
Explanations. 389
and wore wolf-coats for byrnies. Cf. Vatnsda;la saga,
ch. 9 (in Fornsogur, Leipzig, iS6o).
3. Bold lord of the Eastmen = King of the Norwegians,
Harald Hairfair. — The brawny-necked king : Kiotvi the
Wealthy, King of Agdir.
Page 113. Odin's hall-tiles: " Svafnis salna^frar" =
shields. " Svafnir," sopitor, one of the names of Odin
(Grm. 54); his "salr" = "Val"-hall ; its"nc'efrar" (from
" na;fr," the rind of the birch bark) = shields. Cf. S. E.
i. 34 : " sva segir Jjjo'iSolfr hinn hvinverski, at ValhoU
var skjoldum fokt," so says Thiodolf of Hvin, that
Val-hall was roofed with shields. In proof of this the
present verse is quoted. — Gold staves : " auS-kylfur," lit.
wealth-clubs = men.
Page 114. Holmfolk : " Holmrygir," the dwellers of
the islands belonging to Rogaland ; here, such of Harald's
wives as hailed from Rogaland.
Page 116. Gold-loader: " men-fergir," he who loads
his men with gold, a bounteous prince. King Harald. —
The grove of Nith-wolves' land-lace: "lundr NiSar-varga
land-mens" = King Harald. Nith,name of several rivers,
= river ; its wolf, the prowler thereof, a ship ; its (the
ship's) land = ocean ; the lace, ornament, jewel, therein
= gold ; the grove thereof = man, here King Harald.
Cf K. G/slason, Njala, ii. 380-388, and Finnur Jons-
son, Kritiske Studier, 76-78. — Waster of the path of
the fish that playeth around the war-sword's isthmus:
" Jjverrir logSis ei'Ss lae-brautar " = relentless warrior,
King Harald. The war -sword's isthmus = a shield
(which swords habitually cross) ; the shield's fish =
weapon(s) passing through and across it ; the shield-
fish's path = shield again ; its waster, a warrior, here
King Harald.
Page 118. Brave brother of the barons = Rolf Wend-
afoot. — Wolf of Odin's war-board : " ulfr Yggs val-bn'kar "
= Rolf Wend-afoot. " Yggr," terrifier, one of Odin's"
names, S. E. i. 86, Grm. 54 ; his war-board = shield ;
its wolf, destroyer = warrior, here Rolf.
390 Tlie Saga Libmry.
Page 126. 3. Foot-thorn of the eagle : " il-forn arnar "
= claw.
Page 1 34. Ship's plain: "fleyjaflatv6llr"=sea. — Geitir's
way: "Geitis vegr" = sea. Gcitir, a sea-king, S. E.
i. 546.
Page 155. I. Rider of the strand-steed: "blakk-
ri'Sandi bakka," i.e. riSandi bakka blakks = Harald
Greycloak. Strand-steed = ship ; its rider = captain,
commander of a fleet. — Fight-fire's speeder : " rog-eisu
rsesir" = Harald Greycloak. Fight-fire = gleaming
2. Folk's friend drave the fight-flames to gladden the
choughs of the Valkyrs : "gumna vinr rak dolg-eisu at
gamni gjo'Sum disar" = Harald Greycloak pursued war-
fare with much manslaughter. Choughs of the Valkyrs
= carrion birds, ravens. — The Frey of the land : " Foldar
Freyr " — Harald Greycloak.
Page 156. Drift of battle's maiden: " drifa Mistar
vffs " = weapon-fray, fight. This "kenning" is somewhat
unsatisfactory, unless " Mist," a name of a Valkyrja, is
taken as an appellative for battle. Another reading is :
"drifa Mistar ni'fs" (= "hn{fs" or "knifs "), the drift of
Mist's knife, the shower of the battle-maiden's missiles,
which is both full and correct. Mist, one of the cup-
bearers in " Val "-hall, a Valkyrja, Grm. 16. — Swan of
Odin: "svanr JalfaSar" (one of Odin's many names)
= raven, bird of prey.— Lurers to crows' wine (= blood),
warriors ; their covering = byrnies, coats of mail. — In
his Kritiske Studier, pp. 81-84, I^f- Finnur Jonsson has
made an ingenious attempt at restoring the second half
of this strophe, in the translation of which we have
followed Egilsson, Fs. xii. 26, Lex. Poet., convinced that
it still awaits proper interpretation.
Page 157. I. Speeder of gales of bow-drifts' fires ;
"^1-runnr alm-drosareisu," i.e. runnr eisu alm-drosar ^Is
= King Hakon the Good. Bow-drift, flight of arrows ;
its gale, brunt of battle ; the fire thereof, gleaming
weapons ; their speeder, Warrior, commander in battles.
Explanations. 39 1
— Green ness (lit. snout) of the Seal-wound : " graen
trj6na Sel-meina " = the green nesses of Sealand. Guth-
orm Cinder has known the name of Sealand only in
the form of Selund, and takes it to be a compound of
Sel = seal, and und = wound, hurt. Selund is the oldest
name of the Danish island, which afterwards by mis-
taken folk-etymology went into Sealand, Sialand. —
Plate-decked sea-steeds : " tingls marar " = ships. —
Wand of slaughter : " vals vondr " = sword ; its sender
= man, here Hakon the Good.
2. Blackthorn of the onset : " s6kn-heggr " = warrior.
King Hakon. — The safe-guard of the Wend-host : " frelsi
Vinda vals " = safe retreats, which the Wends might
have had in Skaney. Cf Gislason, Udvalg af oldnord.
skjaldekvad, p. 63. — Egilsson takes "safe-guard" to refer
to the ships of the Wends.
Page 158. I. Shielded by the skirt of Odin : "skyldir
skaut-jalfaSar " = King Hakon. So Egilsson, who takes
jalfa^ar for gen. of JalfaSr, one of the names of Odin ;
his skirt = byrny. But the kenning may also be ren-
dered : He who beshields the skirt -bear ; skirt ("skaut")
= sail ; its bear = ship ; its skyldir, he who furnishes it
with shields, goes a-warring on board her. — Gold -hewer :
"gull-skyflir " = a bounteous man. King Hakon.
2. The helmet's (lit. onset-hat's) ice-rod's reddener :
"sokn-hattar svell-rj6Sr"= King Hakon. Helmet's ice-
rod = sword. — Mind -gladdener: " ge?-baetir " = King
Tryggvi Olafson. — Oak-green maid of Onar : "eiki-grzent
flj6« Onars " = land, territory. Cf S. E. i. 320 : " Hvernig
skal jorS kenna .' Kalla Ymis hold, ok moSur j^ors, dottur
Onars," i.e. How shall earth (land) be betokened } Call
her Ymir's flesh, and mother of Thor, daughter of Onar.
Page 159. Swegdir's hall: " Sveg^is salr" = shield-
burg, testudo clipeorum ; its breaker : " brigSandl " =
ardent warrior, King Tryggvi. Svegdir, one of the
princes of the Yngling race(Y., chap, xv.), or, it may be,
some other hero of fame, renowned for an attack upon,
or defence within a "skjald-borg," which, according to
392 TJie Saga Library.
S. E. i. 420, may be called " holl ok rsefr " = hall and
roof. — Swan-mead's runners : "svan-vangsski'S" = ships.
Swan-mead = sea ; the runner, skate, or skid of the
sea = ship.
Page 160. War-shrine : " gunn-horgr " = shield. —
Sheath-tongues : " sli'Sr-tungur " = swords.
Page 166. Thiassi's offspring : "afspringr |7jaza" =
Earl Sigurd. It is stated (Y., chap, ix.) that Earl Hakon
the Mighty, the father of Earl Sigurd, carried back the
tale of his forefathers to Seeming, the son of Odin and
Skadi, but Skadi was the daughter of the giant Thiazi,
S. E. i. 92. — Gold-wounder : " fd-ssrandi " = one who
shares gold, scatters wealth, a bounteous prince = Earl
Sigurd. — Glaive god : "vsegja v6 " = Earl Sigurd. — Lord
of fen-fire: "fens fur-r6gnir"= Earl Sigurd. Fen's fire
= gold. Cf S. E. i. 336 : " Hvernig skal kenna gull ?
Sva, at kalla pat . . . eld allra vatna," i.e. How shall gold
be betokened.' Thus, to call it the fire of all waters.
The many kennings of this kind for gold must derive
their origin from myths about the Rhine gold, the Nibe-
lung's hoard (cf. Rinar bal, gloS, log, sol, tjor, &c. ; see
also S. E. i. 364).
Page 172. Eker of din of Valkyr : "gildir val-fagnar"
= King Hakon.
Page 173. I. Fight-moons :" vi'g-nestr " = shields. —
Hand-warp, read hand-wrap : " handar-vaf "= that which
covers the hand, a shield. — The Niord of the fire of wide
lands of sound-steeds : " NjorSr brands vi'Sra landa
sunda-vals" ' = King Hakon. Sound-steed = ship; its
wide land = the sea; the fire of the sea = gold; its Niord
(god) = man, here King Hakon. — Niord of the moon of
roaring of the swords : " NjorSr nadds-ha-raddar mana "
= King Guthorm. Roaring of swords = battle; its moon
= shield ; the shield's Niord (god) = warrior, here King
2. Awcr of bow-draught : " eegir alm-drauga " = King
' See Gi'slason, Udvalg af oldnordiske skjaldekvad. K^benh.
1892, p. 65.
Explanations. 393
Hakon; his brethren: "braeSr" = his brother's sons, the
sons of King Eric. Bow-draught = bow-string. — Wound-
fire's Balder = King Hakon. Wound-fire = sword ; its
Balder (god) = man, warrior. — Fight-seeker of the flood-
craft = seeker of the flood-craft's fight : " boS-saekir
flseSa br/kar" = "ssekir flaeSa brikar bo'Svar" = King
Hakon. Flood-craft's fight = naval battle.
Page 179. Gold waster: " malma fverrir" = King
Hakon. — Host of sword song ; " hjorva raddar herr " =
war-host, army ; sword song = battle. — War-flame :
" rog-eisa" = sword ; its speeder : " rssir" = King Hakon.
— The breeze of Mani's darling : " byrr Mina osk-
kvanar " = courage. Cf. S. E. i. 540 : " huginn skal
sva kenna, at kalla vind troUkvenna, ok rett at nefna til
hverja er vill, ok sva at nefna jotnana ok kenna fa til
konu eSa moBur e'Sa dottur fess," i.e. the mind shall thus
be betokened, to call it the wind of troll-women
(giantesses), and it is right to name thereto anyone
(giantess) at will, and also to name the giants, and then
to betoken the mind by (the wind of) a wife or a mother
or a daughter of the giant named. Thus Mani was the
son of the giant Mundilfceri, S. E. i. 56, Vfm. 23 ; his
darling, therefore, a trollwoman, whose wind, breeze =
" hugr," which means not only thought, mind, but also
courage, valour. Finn J6nsson's interpretation, Kritiske
Studier, 93. — Fray of spear-maids: "Snerra geir-vffa"
= battle. Spear-maids = Valkyrjur.
Page 180. Fenrir's jaw-gag : " Fenris varra sparri" =
sword, cf S. E. i. 112: " Ulfrinn gapti akaflega, ok
fekkst um mjok ok vildi bi'ta \iA. feir skutu i munn
honum sverSi nokkvoru, nema hjoltin vi^ ne'5rag6mi, en
efra gomi bloSrefillinn, fat er gom-sparri hans," i.e. The
Wolf (Fenrir) gaped awfully and struggled about much
and wanted to bite them. They slipped into his mouth
a certain sword, the hilts of which stick against the lower
jaw and the point against the upper ; this is his jaw-
gag. — Steel-storm : " malm-hn'^ " = battle ; its trees,
" meiBar " = men, warriors.
394 The Saga Library.
Page l8i. Sheath-staff: " fetil-stingr" = sword. —
Byrny - meeting : " bryn-ping " = meeting of hosts in
armour, battle.
Page 182. Shaft - rain : " nadd - regn " = battle ; its
Niord, god, war commander. — Rakni's roaring highway :
" Rakna rym-leiS " = sea. Rakni, a sea-king of fame,
S. E. i. 548. — War-board: "gunn-borS " = shield.
Page 184. 2. War-weed: " her- vd^ir"= armour, byrny.
War-warders' leader: "vi'si ver^ungar " = King Hakon,
" VerSung " = body-guard.
3. Flinger of the glitter in the she-giant's drift on lee-
moon of sea-steed : "gim-slongvirnausta-blakkshle-mana-
gffrs dn'fu " = King Hakon. Sea-steed = ship ; its lee-
moon = shield ; the shield's she-giant = axe ; its drift on or
against the shield = battle ; the'glitter of battle = gleam-
ing weapons ; the flinger thereof = a warrior, here King
Page 185. I. Vafad's weeds: "vaSir Vdfa'5ar"= byrny,
armour. " VafaSr," one of the names of Odin = the
wavering one, the shifty wanderer, Tro^wrpoTroj.
2. Ring Tyr : " bauga Tyr " = King Hakon. Tyr, one
of the " Ms\x " or Gods ; cf S. E. i. 334 : " Mann er ok
r^tt at kenna til allra Asa heita," i.e. it is right to be-
token a man by all the names of the " .^sir." — Shield-
bright burgs = bright shieldburgs : " ski'rar skjald-borgir"
= lines of warriors with bright shields aloft.
Page 186. I. Tempest of slaughter-hurdles' Gefn :
" veSr val-grindar Gefnar " = battle. Slaughter-hurdle
= shield ; its " Gefn " (one of the names of the goddess
Freyja, S. E. i. 1 14), a " Valkyrja" ; her tempest = battle ;
its speeder: "heyjandi" = man, warrior. King Hakon. —
Crafts-master of Odin's brunt : "kennir Njots svips" =
King Hakon. Njotr, one of Odin's names, S. E. i. 86,
note 1 1, ii. 266, note i (cf ib. 472, 556) ; his brunt (svipr)
= battle ; its crafts-master (knower), a renowned warrior,
King Hakon.
2. Wound-wand : " ben-viindr " = sword. — The squall
of the boar of Ali : " el galtar Ala " = sea-fight. Ali,. a
Explanations. 395
sea-king of fame (S. E. i. 546) ; his boar = ship ; the squall
thereof = naval fight. — Hair mounds : " skarar haugar "
= heads, skulls.
Page 187. I. Wolves' slayer : "varga myrSir" = King
Hakon. Wolves = misdoers. — Gold's well wonted scarer:
" vanr 6tta gulls " = accustomed to scatter gold about, a
bounteous prince.
2. The Niord of Gondul who giveth drink to
Hugin : " Gondlar NjorBr, sa er ger?5i hugins drekku " =
Thoralf Skolmson (cf p. 184). "Gondul," one of the
" Valkyrjur," hence, appellatively, fight ; the Niord (god)
thereof, a warrior ; " Huginn," one of Odin's two wise
ravens (" Thought," in fact) ; its drink, liquor = blood.
Page 190. 4. Wound-sea: " sar-gymir " (cf p. 54) =
oceans of blood. — Swords' nesses : " sverSa nes " =
shields. — Flood of spears : "floS fleina" = blood shed in
5. Red shield's [read : brim's] heaven : " ro'Snar (ro^in-
nar) randar himinn " = shield. — Skogul's cloud storm :
" Skoglar skys veSr " = brunts of fighting. Skogul's
cloud = shield ; the storm thereof = fight.
Page 191. I. Spear-waves: "odd-lar" = blood flowing.
— Odin's weather : " Ottins veSr " = brunt of battle.
5. Geir-skogul, one of the "Valkyrjur," as is also
Skogul, p. 192, I.
Page 193. 4. Fenriswolf ; see note to p. 31.
Page 198. I. Battle-god's black falcons : "dolg-bands
dokk-valir " = ravens. Battle-god = Odin ; his black fal-
cons = ravens. — Wound-reed : "benja reyr" = sword.
2. See note to p. 180.
Page 199. I. Hords' land-ward: " HorSa land-vorSr "
= King Harald Greycloak. — Wounds' hail : " benja
hagl " = arrows. — Sheath-ice : " fetla svell," stiria baltei
= sword.
2. Uller of leek of battle : " Ullr imun-lauks " = King
Harald Greycloak. Leek of battle = sword ; its Uller
(god) = man, warrior. — The seed of Fyris meadow :
"frze Fyris- valla" = gold. Cf. S. E. i. 396-98, where
39^ The Saga Library.
the story is told, how Rolf Kraki was betrayed at Upsala
by King Adils, his stepfather. " But Yrsa, the mother of
Rolf, gave him an ox-horn full of gold, and therewithal
the ring ' Svi'agriss,' and bade him and his ride away to
their host. They sprang to their horses, and rode down
unto the Fyris-meads, and then saw how King Adils
rode after them with all his host in full armour, intent on
slaying them. Then took Rolf Kraki with his right hand
the gold out of the horn and sowed it all about the road.
And when the Swedes saw this, they sprang from their
saddles and each one picked up what he caught hold of,
but King Adils bade them ride on, himself riding as hard
as he could, Slungnir, his steed, being the best of all
horses. Now when Rolf Kraki saw King Adils riding
close upon him, he took the ring ' Svfagriss ' and flung
it to him, and bade him take it for a gift. King Adils
rode to the ring and lifted it with the point of his spear
and slipped it up over the socket. But Rolf Kraki,
turning back, saw how Adils bowed down (catching the
ring) and said : ' Utterly humbled have I now him who
is the mightiest among the Swedes ; ' and thereon they
parted. By reason of this gold is called the seed of
Kraki or of Fyris-mead." — The falcon's fell : "hauka fjoll"
= hands, whereon the falcon sits. — The meal of the woe-
ful maidens of Frodi : " meldr fa-glyja'Sra fyja FroSa" =
gold. Cf. S. E. i. 376 : " King Frodi (Fridleifson of Den-
mark) went to a feast in Sweden to the king who was
named Fjolnir. Then he bought two bondswomen who
were called Fenja and Menja, being big women and
strong. At this time were found in Denmark two quern-
stones so huge, that none might be found strong enough
to turn them. Now such was the nature of the quern
that it would grind whatever the grinder of it wished.
That quern was calledGrotti. Drop-chaps,' Hengi-kjoptr,'
is he called who gave the quern to King Frodi. King
Frodi had the bondswomen brought to the quern and
bade them grind gold and peace and bliss to Frodi. But
no longer rest or sleep gave he to them than while the
Explanations. 397
cuckoo was silent or a song might be sung. And so it
is said they sang that lay which is called Grotti's-lay, and
ere the song came to an end they had ground an armed
host upon Frodi ; and on that night there came the sea-
king called Mysing and slew Frodi, and took much
plunder ; and then Frodi's peace came to naught. Now
Mysing took away with him both Grotti and Fenja and
Mcnja besides, and bade them grind salt ; and at mid-
night they asked if Mysing was not growing weary of
salt ; but he bade them grind on. But a little while had
they yet ground or ever the ships sank down, leaving a
whirlpool in the ocean where the sea falls through the
quern -hole." — Troll-wives' foeman: " mellu -d61gr" =
Thor ; his mother = Earth ; her flesh = mould, soil.
Page 200. I. The coif-sun of the brow-fields of Fulla :
"fall-sol Fullarbrd-vallar" = gold, the diadem of Fulla's
headdress. — Mountains of Uller's keel: " fjoU Ullar
kjols " = hands. Uller's keel = shield (as, according to
the so-called Laufass Edda, he owned a ship called
Skjoldr = shield ; Lex. Poet., sub Ullr); its mountains =
hands, that lift the shield on high. — Sun of the river:
"alf-roBull elfar" = gold. — Corpse of the mother of the
giant's foe ; cf end of preceding note.
3. Speeder of skates of isle-mead : " skerja-foldar sk/S-
rennandi " = seafarer, sea-king, here King Harald Grey-
Page 201. I. Breeze of giant maidens: "byrfursa toes"
= mind ; cf. note to p. 179, breeze of Mani's darling.
Hawk-land's jewel : " val-jarSar men " = gold. Hawk-
land = hand. — Lair of the ling-worm : " lyngva latr " =
gold, here gold-ring. Ling-worm = serpent. The myth
of the serpent or dragon Fafnir underlies all " kennings "
of this kind. ,
2. Terror-staff of the jaw-teeth of Heimdall : " Ognar-
stafr tanna HallinskiSa" =scatterer, destroyer of gold, a
bounteous lord, King Harald Greycloak. " Hallinskfei,"
one of the names of Heimdall. Cf. S. E. i. 100 : " Heim-
dallr hcitir einn . . > hann heitir ok HallinskiSi ok
398 The Saga Library.
Gullintanni ; tennr bans voru af gulli," i.e. Heimdall is
the name of one (of the ^sir), he is also hight Haliinskidi
and Goldentooth ; his teeth being of gold. Hence
Heimdall's jaw-teeth = gold ; its terror-staff = destroyer,
a man liberal of his wealth.
Page 206. I. Swans of the Burden-Tyr : " svanir-
farma-Tys " = ravens. Burden-Tyr = Odin (cf S. E. i.
230) ; his swans = ravens. — Rooks' beer from Hadding's
chosen: -" Hroka-bjor Haddingja-vals " = blood. Had-
ding's chosen (ones) = war-host ; the rook thereof = bird
of carnage, raven ; its beer = blood. The Hadding here
mentioned is Hadding, son of Gram, legendary King of
Denmark of mighty fame ; cf. Saxo, lib. i. 34-60.
2. The arm's (gold-) worm : " alnar ormr " = ring,
bracelet. — Fish land : "olun-jorS" = sea, ocean.
Page 207. I. For "merry king" read merry lord, i.e.
Earl Hakon. — Storms of Gondul : " Gondlar ve^r" =
fight, battle. — Red moon that is of Odin's (read: Hedin's)
elbow: "rau^mani HeSin's b6ga" = war-shield. — Fight-
sail : " r6g-segl " = shield.
2. Swan(-fowl) of the heavy sword-stream: "svanr
sverSa sverri-fjar?5ar " = raven. Sverri-fjorSr, lit. heavy
sea ; heavy sword-sea = blood shed in torrents. — Shaft-
storm of the spear- wife : " orva-drifa odda-vifs " = fight,
battle; spear-wife ="Valkyrja." — Hlokk's sail : "Hlakk-
ar segl" = shield. Hlokk, a " Valkyrja."— Bow-hail:
" bogna hagl " = showers of arrows.
3. Storm of Ali : "el Ala" = fight. Ali, a renowned
sea-king. — Deft grove of the shield leek : " rseki-lundr
randar-lauks " = warrior. Earl Hakon. Shield leek =
4. Warder of waves' raven : " vorSr hranna hrafna " =
commander of a fleet. Earl Hakon. Waves' raven =
5. Mail-rain : "mel-regn" = shower of arrows. — Sword-
storm's urger: "hjors hriS-remmir = remmirhjors hri^ar"
= commander in battle, Earl Hakon. — Vidur of gale of
sea-steeds ; " hald-ViSurr haf-fa.xa " = " Vi'Surr hjaldrs
Explanations. 399
haf-faxa" = commander in sea-fight, Earl Hakon. Sea-
steed's gale = sea-fight ; its Vidur (one of the names of
Odin) the director, ruler thereof. — The High-one's tem-
pest: "Hars dr/fa" = battle. " Har," one of Odin's
many names.
Page 215. Spear-gale : "geir-drffa " = battle.
Pages 2 16-17. Helm-storm : "hjalm-grdp" = shower of
arrows, brunt of battle. — Loft's friend's hall of friendship :
" Lofts vinar vin-heimr " = " Val "-hall. Loft's friend
= Loki's friend, Odin ; his hall of friendship, friendly
home = " Val "-hall. — Fiery rain of Odin : " skiir |?r6ttar
furs" = brunt of battle, "j^rottr" = Odin; his fire =
sword ; the shower thereof = battle.
Page 218. Svolnir's dame: "Svolnis vara " = earth.
Svolnir = Odin ; his wife = earth. — Hind of birch-buds :
" hind birki-brums " = goat.
Page 2ig. i. Terns fin-tailed foreboders of long nets :
" sporS-fjaSraSar spa-pernur langra nota " = herring, the
approach of whose shoals forebodes long nets being called
into use. — Fire goddess = woman (apostrophe). — Silver-
weeds of the ice-fields : "akr-murur jokla " = " murur
jokla akrs " = herring. "Jokla akr" = sea, ocean surface ;
its silver-weed, the silver shining herring. — Wave-swine :
" unn-svi'n " = ship, here fishing or herring boat.
2. Sea-heaven's folk : " al-himins lendingar " = Ice-
landers. Sea-heaven = ice, covering the sea's surface. —
Swimming firth-herd: "fjorS-hjorS" = fish, here herring.
Page 220. Herrings that leap from hands of Egil to
Mar for sea-shafts sold I : " hlaup-sildr Egils gaupna selda
ek Mze viS orum sjevar" = my arrows I sold to Mar for
herrings. Egil, the son of a king of the Fins and brother
to Vcilund (Velent) (cf. Vk. introd., N.F. 163), was a most
famous archer, and performed at the behest of King
NiSuS (Nidung) the same feat of archery that Tell did at
the bidding of Gessler (cf. DiSriks saga af Bern, ch. 75).
Here real arrows are called the herrings that leap from
archer Egil's hands, while real herrings are called the
arrows of the sea.
400 The Saga Librajy.
Page 239. I. God of hilts made meetly: " Msetra
hjalta malm-OSinn " = King Harald Greycloak. A more
literal rendering would be God of the precious hilt-
metal ; hilt-metal = sword ; its Odin, god, a warrior.
2. Glammi's steed : " Glamma soti " = ship ; its garth-
wall : " garSr " = shield ; its heeder = warrior. King
Harald Greycloak. " Glammi," a sea-king of fame,
S. E. i. 546. — The scatterer of the sea's flame : " sendir
sjavar bals " = bounteous prince, King Harald. — The
word-happy kings' friend: "orS-heppinn jofra spjalli " =
Earl Hakon Sigurdson the Mighty.
Page 241. Eyebrow's field : " briina grund" = fore-
head ; the heeder of the silk-fillet thereof = one who
wears such a band as a mark of social distinction, here
Earl Hakon.
Page 242. 2. Thor's shrine-lands : " hofs lond Ein-
riBa " = lands belonging to the temples of Thor. Ein-
ridi, one of Thor's names, S. E. i. 553. — Hlorrid
of the spear-garth: "geira garSs HldrriSi " = Earl
Hakon. Spear-garth = shield ; the Hlorrid = Thor (god)
thereof, a warrior, here Earl Hakon. — Wolf of the death
of the giants : " vitnir jotna val falls " = ship. The death
of the giants = ocean, cf. S. E. i. 46-48 : " Synir Bors
drapu Ymi jotun ; enn er hann fell, fa hljop sva mikit
bloS or sarum hans, at meS Jjvi drekktu feir allri astt
Hrimpursa," i.e. the sons of Bor slew the giant Ymir ;
but when he fell, then flowed so much blood from his
wounds, that therewith they drowned all the kindred of
the Rime-giants . . . . " \€\x gerSu af bloSi hans saeinn
ok votnin" : they made of his blood the sea and the waters.
3. Fight-worthy folk of Hlokk's staff: " Her-farfir
Hlakkar as-megir " {i.e. Hlakkar ass megir) = warriors,
then men in general. " Hlokk," a " Valkyrja," here used
appellatively for battle. — Mighty red-board's wielder :
" riki rauB-brikar raekir " = Earl Hakon. Red-board =
shield. — Gold-waster: "au'S-ryrir" = Earl Hakon. — Spear-
bridge : " geir-brii " = shield.
4. Fight-board : " I'mun-borS " = id. .
Explanalious. 40 1
Page 245. I. Frey of Hedin's breezes : "FreyrH^^-
ins byrjar " = Earl Hakon. Iledin, a sea-king; his
breeze = fight. — War-brand's UUer (god) : "brandaUllr"
= Earl Hakon.
2. Hurdles smooth of Meiti : " Meita mjiik-hurSir" =
ships. Meiti, a sea-king of fame, S. E. ii. 468. — Glad-
denner of the sparrow of the shield-svvarf : "sv6r-ga;lir
randa-sdrva " = Earl Hakon. Shicld-swarf = shield-
filings, chipping-up of shields = battle; the sparrow
thereof = raven, carrion bird. Gods (not god) of the
wall of Hedin : " UUar Hedins veggjar "= warriors.
Wall of Hedin = shield.
Page 246. I. The Narvi of the screaming of the shield-
witch : " Hlym-Narfi hli'far flag^s " = " Narfi hli'far-
flag^s hlyms " = Earl Hakon. Shield-witch = axe ; its
screaming = battle ; the Narvi (a son of Loki, S. E. i.
104 = giant) thereof: war commander, Earl Hakon. —
The need of the Talk of snow-shoes : " forf ondiir-Jalks "
= ship. lalk, one of the names of Odin ; the lalk of snow-
shoes = the god famed for snow-shoes, i.e. UUer. Cf
S. E. i. 102 : "hann (Ullr) er bogmaSr sva goSr ok
ski'Sfaerr, sva at engi ma vi'S hann keppast," i.e. He is an
archer so good and so skilled at snow-shoeing, that no
one may contend against him. Ullcr's need = his ship,
the name of which was Skjiildr = shield, which points to
UUer's need being meant here to signify shield-hung
ships, warships. The last two lines of the verse corre-
spond to the prose-words, " The earl brought-to his ships
by the land."
2. Fight-groves : " gunnar-lundar " — warriors, armed
hosts. — The host of the ocean = King Ragnfrod's levies
from Orkney.
Page 248. Meiti's sea-skate : " Meita skf=5 " = ship.
" Meiti," cf note to p. 245, 2.
Page 249. I. The flickering flame of targe-field :
" riS-logi rand-vallar " = vibrated, gleaming sword.
Targe-field = shield.— Wolf-gladdener : " Ulf-teitir " =
he who by carnage provides food for wolves ; here
III. u D
402 The Saga Library.
Earl Eric. — Blood-hawks : " bl6B-valr " = raven, carrion
2. Sand-Kiar : " Kjar sanda " = Skopti of the tidings.
Kiar, a lord of Normandy (N. F. 163, cf. 283, 6), here
used appellatively for lord. " Kiar sanda," lord of the
sands, i.e. sea-side countries, therefore = hersir of the
sea-marge in the preceding stanza.
The land's belt's fire's giver : " log-reifir land-mens " =
" reifir land-mens logs " = Skopti of the tidings. Land's
belt = sea ; its fire = gold ; its giver = bounteous man,
liberal lord.^ — Steel-awer, perhaps better steel vEgir, god :
" stal-aagir " = Earl Eric, j^gir, the god of the sea. —
Din-bidder of the storm of stem-plain's raven : " stafns
flet-balkar hrafna dynbei'Sir," i.e. " beiSir dyns balkar
stafns-flets hrafna " = Skopti of the tidings. Stem-plain,
planities prors = ocean ; its raven = ship ; the storm
(balkr) thereof = brunt of battle, naval fight ; the din
thereof = clash of weapons.
The italicized line here, and those on pp. 346-48, form
the so-called klofa-stef or cleft, split-up refrain of Eyjolf
Dadaskald's poem, the Banda-drapa. Taken together,
the five lines, of which the " stave " consists, form the
following sentences in praise of Earl Eric :
The land at gods' will draweth
The spearstorm bounteous Eric
To him, and fight-gay wages
That earl his wars, and swayeth
The land by gods safe-guarded.
3. The ale-skiff of the sea-worm : " 6l-knarrar sjdfar-
na%r " = hall, palace. Ale-skiff = beaker, bowl, in a col-
lective, multiplicative sense ; its sea-worm = ship, i.e.
nave, hall, palace. — Finn of the serpent's seat-berg : " linna
set-bergs Finnr" = bounteous prince, King Harald Gorm-
son. Serpent's seat-berg = gold ; its Finnr — Dwarf = a
wealthy man, a bounteous lord. — The whetter of the
Hild-storm : " Hildar el-hvetjandi " = " hvetjandi Hildar
els " = Earl Eric. Hild, a " Valkyrja " (S. K. i. 118); her
storm = battle ; its " hvetjandi," a dauntless warrior, a war
Explaiialions. 403
dulcc. — The bride of Odin : " Vggjar biiibir " = earth,
land, Norway, the preceding prose text stating that King-
Harald appointed Eric earl with dominion over Vingul-
mark and Raumrealm.
Page 250. The foe of the flame-flash of the yew-seat :
" hati elds y-setrs " = Olaf Tryggvison. Yew-seat =
the seat of the yew-bow, the hand that holds and
lifts it ; the hand's flame-flash = gold ; its foe = he
who wastes, scatters it, a liberal, open-handed person. —
Stout friend of Hord-folk = Olaf Tryggvison. Hord-
folk stands here, pars pro toto, for the Norwegian
nation ; the poet must have chosen this folk-land in pre-
ference to any other because of the close alliance which
afterwards took place between the great Hord-land chiefs,
the kinsmen of Hor^a-Kari and the family of Olaf
Tryggvison, cf. ch. Ixii.-iv. — Weed of Hamdir: " Hamdis
klaeSi " = byrnies or coats of mail. — Clash of sword edge :
" hjorva gnyr" = battle ; its clouds : "sky " = shields.
Page 253. Corpse-banes: " hr£e-sk6^ " (scathe) =
Page 255. I. Gold-shearer: " gull-skerSir " = boun-
teous man, Olaf Tryggvison. — Spear-gale : " geir-jieyr "
(thaw) = battle.
2. Yoke-beasts of the ere-boards : " eykir aur-borBs "
= ships. Aur-bor^, which, for want of any technical
term for it, we translate "ere-board," the board that
drags through the ere = the sand or shingle, when a
boat is hauled up on to the beach, is the second plank
from the keel (bilge-plank .''). — Grove of battle : " sig-
runnr " = warrior, Earl Hakon. Helm of aweing : " holm-
fjbturs hjalmr " = "cegis-hjalmr," the terrifier's helmet.
Cf. S. E. i. 356 : " Fafnir hafSi fd tekit hjdlm, er
Hrei'Smar hafSi att, ok setti a hofut ser, er kalla^r
var CEgis-hjAlmr, er oil kvikvendi hrxBast er sja," i.e.
Fafnir had then taken the helm, which (his father)
Hreidmar had owned, and all quick things dread who
see it. " Holm-fjoturr " = holm-fetter, island-belt = sea
= " iEgir " = god of the sea, taken as an appellative =
404 The Saga Library.
sea. This verse, it would seem, was not made till the
sound of ce in cegir = terrifier, and that of ^e in /Egir
had become identical in sound, but that was a long time
after the death of Jingle-scale, which occurred shortly after
A.D. 986.
3. Frost of murder : " morS-frost " = battle (where
bodies of men are rendered stiff as if they were frozen). —
Elf of the land of mirkwoods : " alfr myrk-markar fold-
ynjar " = Norway, the land of dense, dim woods.
Page 256. I. Heeder of storm ofwar-sark : "val-serkja
veSr-hirSir" = "hirSir veSrs val-serkja " = Earl Hakon.
War-sark = byrny, coat of mail ; its storm = battle ; its
heeder = fighter, commander in war. — Fight-Niords of
Hagbard's hurdles' rollers : " Hlunn-NirSir HagbarSa-
hurSa " = fighters, armed host. Hagbard, a sea-king
(cf. note to page 34) ; his hurdle = shield ; the roller
thereof = sword ; the Niords (gods) whereof = armed
2. Ragnir of garth of spear-flight : " garS-Rognir geir-
rasar" = "Rognirgeir-rasargarSs" = the Emperor Otto.
Garth of spear-flight = shield ; its Ragnir = Odin (S. E.
ii. 472), ruler, wielder, a warrior. — Fight Vidur : " gunn-
Vi'Surr " = the Emperor Otto. ViSurr = Odin (Grm. 49).
— Sea - horse rider : " vags blakk-riSi " = " riBi vags
blakks" = sailor, shipmate, man, here the Emperor Otto.
3. Flame of Thridi : " log bri^ja " = gleaming sword ;
its din : " frymr " = battle. — Stirrer of ernes' craving :
"arn-greddir " = "greddir arna" = he who rouses the
eagle's greed with corpses of the slain, here Earl Hakon.
Page 257. The fray-Thrott of the sound steed :
" sa;ki-|7r6ttr sund-faxa " = Earl Hakon. j^rottr (pith),
one of Odin's names. Fray-Thrott = fight god, a warring
lord. Sound-steed = ship.
Page 259. I. Bole of the gear of Hedin ; " draugr
He'Sins vaSa"= Earl Hakon. Hedin's gear = byrny, coat
of mail ; its bole = warrior, man. — Corpse-fowls : " hra;-
gammar" (vultures) = ravens. — Tyr of pine-rod's hollow,
or rather : Tyr of pine-hollow's rod : " Tyr tyrva tein-
Explanations. 405
lautar" = " Tyr tyrva-lautar teins " = Earl Hakon. Pine
(like " askr," "" lind ") = sword ; its hollow (" laut ") =
shield ; the shield's rod (" teinn ") = sword ; its Tyr
(god), a man, warrior.
2. Wild-fire of the sword-vale: "hyrr hjor-lautar" =
sword. Sword-vale (" hjor-laut ") = shield ; its wild-fire
(" hyrr "), the flashing sword. — Sorli's roof : " Sorla rann "
= shield. Sorli, son of King Jonaker, slain in the hall
of Ermanaric, Hdm. 31. — Sleeping-loft of ling-fish:
"lopt lyngs bar?a" = gold. Ling-fish = serpent ; its
sleeping loft = gold. Cf. the myth of Fafnir, Em.,
Story of the Volsungs, S. E. i. 356-60.
3. God of the gale of Frodi : " Ass Fr6Sa hrfSar "
= Earl Hakon. Erodi, a sea-king of fame, S. E. i. 546 ;
his gale = battle ; the god thereof = commander, war
Page 260. Speeding-stem of the (sea-)steed of rollers :
" hleypi-meiSr hlunn-viggja" = King (jlaf Tryggvison.
Steeds of rollers ("hlunn-vigg") = ship; its speeding-
stem = sailor, skipper, sea-king, commander. — Birch of
fight-sark : " birki boS-serkjar " = host in armour, an
army. Fight-sark = byrny ; its birch (collectively, birch-
wood) = an host in arms.
Page 261. I. Troll-wife's steed ill-waxen: " Ljot-
vaxinn Leiknar hestr " = wolf. Leikn = a troll-wife ;
her steed, riding-horse = wolf. Cf N. F. (H. H.), 176:
" Hefiinn for einn saman heim or scogi iolaaptan oc fann
trollkono ; sv reif vargi oc hafSi orma at taumum," i.e.
Medinn went alone together home from the wood Yule-
cve and found (met) a troll-wife ; she rode on a wolf
and had snakes for reins. — The dusky stallion whereon
Night-rider fareth : " blakkt kveld-ri«u stoS " = wolf
2. Corpse awl (probe) : " val-keri " — sword ; its skin
(" h'ki ") = sheath.
3. Nourisher of spear-shower : "naerir nadd-skiirar" =
a war-leader, warrior, Olaf Tryggvison.
Page 262. Bow-trees' dread : " y-drauga segir " = Olaf
Tryggvison. Bow-tree, the tree that upbears the bow =
4o6 The Saga Library.
archer, warrior, man. — Choughs of the storm of spear-
cast : "gj6'5ar geira hr/Sar" = carrion birds, ravens.
Storm of spear-cast = battle ; the chough thereof,
carrion fowl.
Page 268. Mew of Mornir : "mar (mor) Mornis" =
ship. Mornir, a sea-king ; his mew = ship. — Powers of
the hall of mountains : " bond berg-salar " = guardian
spirits. Hall of mountains = cave.
Page 273. Steel stems: "stala meiSar" = an host
under arms. — The stem of the steed of the meadow of
Sveidi : "SveiSa vangs vigg-mei'Sr" = " mei'Sr viggs
SveiBa-vangs" = Earl Hakon. Sveidi, a sea-king of fame
(S. E. i. 546) ; his meadow = the sea ; the steed thereof =
ship ; the stem thereof = sailor, master, commander at
Page 274. Shield - maple : " skjald-hlynr " = Earl
Page 275. Fifth-board steeds: "hrefnis stoS " =
ships, fleet. " Hrefni" = the fifth plank from the keel.
Page 277. (Sea-)mews of the glow-home : " masvar
glse-heims " = ships. Glow-home, the glittering region
= sea ; the mews of it as such = ships. — The steed of
the sea-brim, or rather, gunwale : " barms vigg " =
Page 278. I. Land-rulers: " jarS-ra'Sendr " = the
Earls Hakon and Eric. — Wasters : " eySendr " = the
vikings of Jom. — Sword -elf: " sverS - alfr " = Earl
2. Sewing: "seeing" = thing sown, byrny. — Flame-
Gerd : "gims GerSr " = woman. — Bent boughs of the
shoulder: "bjiig-limir herSa" = arms, hands. — Din of
Fiolnir's fires : "gnyr Fjolnis fiira " = battle. Fjolnir =
Odin, S. E. i. 38, Grm. 47 ; his fire = gleaming sword. —
Byrny's Vidur : "brynju Vi'Surr" = Earl Hakon. Vidur
= Odin, cf. p. 256, 2. — Clattering war-sark of Hangi :
" hryn-scrl<r Hanga" = byrny, coat of mail. Hangi =
lie who Jiangs, a hanged person, here = Odin. Cf. Hni.
Exphtiiatioiis. 407
V'^it ec at ec Iiect I wot, that I hung
Vindga meiSi a On the windy tree
n§tr allar nio, Nights all nine together,
geiri vndaj>r Wounded with spear
oc gefin Odni, To Wodan given,
sialfr sialfom mer. Self unto myself.
Odin's clattering war-sark = byrny.— Weltering steeds
of the sea-stream, better : of Rodi's stream or roost :
" ri'S-marar Ro'Sa rastar " = ships. R6'Si, a sea-king of
fame, S. E. i. 548 ; his stream, roost = sea.
3. The ring-weaved shirt of Sorli : " hring-ofinn serkr
Sorla" = byrny ; for Sorli, of. p. 259, 2.
Page 283. Hugin's fellows' feeder: "verS-bjoSr Hugins
ferlSar " = warrior, fighter, here Earl Hakon. Hugin,
one of Odin's wise ravens ; its " fer^ " = company, fellow-
ship = ravens. — Dog of thong sun : " sol-gagarr seilar "
= "gagarr seilar-solar " = sword. Sell, thong, strap to
which the shield was attached {ts?m/ji.uv) ; its sun = shield ;
shield's dog = sword. — Wight spcar-stems = able-bodied
fighters, the Norwegian army.
Page 288. The sea-lime's urger's folk-play of the fire
of head of Hedin : " log-skunda^ar lindar = lagar-lindar
skundaSar folk-leikr Hedins reikar furs " = great battle.
The fire of Hedin's head = gleaming helmet ; its folk-
play = general agitation, battle, national fight. Sea-
lime = ship, whose urger = Earl Hakon, whose great,
national fight = the battle of Hiorung-wick.
Page 298. Ran's fight-stem: "folk-runnr Ranar" =
" Ranar-folks runnr" = .sea-rover, fighter at sea, here
Earl Hakon. Ran = goddess of the sea, S. E. i. 338 ;
Ran's fight = sea fight. The stem of fight = warrior,
Page 299. I. Scathe-wolves' scatterer: " mein-rennir
varga " = " rennir mein-varga" = Earl Eric. "Mein-
vargar " = robbers and evil-doers, the Joms-viking.s. —
.Staff of .sword-fields : " lindar laS-stafr = "stafr lindar-
laSs " = Earl Hakon. Sword-field = shield ; its staff or
stem = a man.
4o8 The Saga Libmry.
Page 339. Niords of the sweep of sword-cdge : " svip-
NirSir sveiiSa " = warriors. — Scabbard all with the earth-
bones coloured (lit. scabbard of earth's leg) : " umger^
jar^ar leggs " = stained, painted scabbard. Earth's leg
= earth's bone = stone (cf. sea-bone, p. 21, and world's
bones, p. 54), here in the derived sense : stone-colour, stain.
Page 345. See notes to pp. 299-300.
Page 346. I. Mail-storm: " malm-hn'S "= battle, cf.
p. 180. — Spear-storm bounteous: " geira ve'Sr-mildr,"
i.e. " mildr geira veSrs " = fight eager. — Vali's storm-
wreath of the hawks of the strand of Virvil : " Vala
garSr vala Virfils strandar" = sea-fight. " Virvill " ( =
Huyruillus, Holandiae princeps, Saxo, lib. iv., 178-79),
a sea-king (S. E. ii. 469) ; his strand, i.e. haunts = sea ;
the hawks thereof = ships ; Vali, a sea-rover, his storm-
wreath = battle ; his storm-wreath of the hawks of
Virvil's strand = sea-fight.
2. Steerer of the stem-steed : " styrir stafn-viggs " =
Earl Eric. Stem-steed = ship. — Wound-mew : " unda
mar" = raven.
Page 347. I. Sea-flame's brightener : "Isegis log-
fagandi," i.e. " fagandi Isegis logs " = one liberal of his
wealth, Earl Eric. — Brand of point-storm : "brandrodd-
hri'Sar " = sword. Point-storm = battle ; its brand, i.e.
flame = gleaming sword.
2. Hardener of the fire of the spear-sea : " fiir-herSir
fleina-sjavar," i.e. " herSir furs fieina-sjavar " = doughty
fighter, Earl Eric. Spear-sea = blood ; its fire = gleam-
ing weapon ; the hardener thereof = he who tempers his
steel in blood. — The fight-tree, firth-flame's giver : "folk-
meiSr vaga fur-gjafall," i.e. "gjafall vaga-furs" = boun-
teous Earl Eric. " Vagr " = bay, firth ; its " fiirr," fire
= gold.
Page 348. O heedful Niord of the launch-steed :
" hlunn-viggs gaeti-NjorSr " = sea captain. Earl Eric.
Launch steed = ship ; its heedful Niord (god) = com-
mander.— War's god : " Hildarass" = Earl Eric. Hildr,
used with appellative force, = battle.
Explanations. 409
Page 35g. Dauntless in gale of flame of battle : " cl-
moSr gunn-bliks," i.e. "m6'Sr [= m6Sugr] gunn-bliks
cIs " = Earl Eric. Flame of battle = flashing weapon ;
its gale = fight, battle. — Fattencr of carrion hornets :
" feitir hrje-geitunga " = fighter, warrior. " Geitungr,"
Dan. geding, Swed. geting = hornet ; but S. E. ii. 488
gives it as the name of a bird. Hence carrion hornet =
Page 360. Wound-mew : " sara mar " = raven.
Page 362. Meet stem of the wave-steed : " msetr
meiSr unn-viggs " = King Olaf Tryggvison. — Sea's knop-
crovvned reindeer : " lagar hun-hreinar " = ships with
knopped mast-heads.
Page 368. I. Wound-leek: " sdr-laukr " = sword. —
Mail-Thing: "malm-jjing" = weapon mote, battle. —
Helm-din : "dynr hjdlma" = fray of battle, fight.
Page 369. I. Dane groves of bright leg-biter: "dansk-
ir runnar frans Icgg-bita" = Danish warriors. Leg-
biter = sword. — Him, i.e. Earl Eric, followed, etc.
2. Hard firth : " harSr fjorSr " = heavy sea, i.e. severe
brunt of fight. — Moons of the galley's prow-fork : " tungl
tingla tangar " = shields. Tingl = figure-head ; the
prow-fork (lit. pair of tongues) thereof, the converging
beams of the prow upholding it. — Blood-reeds: "dreyra
reyr" = swords.
Page 370. I. The byrny witchwife's Regin : "bryn-
flagSs Reginn " = Earl Eric. Byrny witchwife = axe ;
its Reginn, dwarf, S. E. ii. 470, Vsp. 1 2, = warrior. —
Fafnir = the Long Worm.
2. Ring-wrought war-sark : " baugs megin-serkr " =
ring-wrought coat of mail. — Adder : " naSr " = the
Long Worm, cf. p. 377.
Page 373. I. Hropt's walls: "Hroptstoptir" = shields;
" Hroptr" = Odin.— High fells' hall : " hdrra fjalla holl "
= heaven.
2. Halland for Ha^Iand = HaSaland, i.e. Hathaland ;
the king thereof, Olaf Tryggvison. — Sea-flame: "haf-
viti " = gold. — Sword-oath : " Vapn-ei'Sr " = battle-fray.
4IO The Saga Library.
Page 375. I. Waster of the arm-stone: " ugraeBir
arm-grjots " = Thorkel Nosy. — Either Adder = both the
Long and the Short Worm. — Wolf of Tackle : " snsris
vitnir " = ship, here the Long Worm.
2. Thridi's land's lean monsters: "Jjri'Sja hau'Srs {lunn
galkn " = swords. Thridi, Third-one = Odin (S. E. i.
36) ; his land = shield ; its thin monsters, devouring
beasts = swords. — Wolf's fare (lit. bait) : " gera beita " =
dead corpses.
Page 376. I. The soother of mews of clatter Of the
sheen of Leyfi's (sea-)deer : " hungr-deyfir dyn-sjeSinga
Leyfa dyr-bliks," i.e. " deyfir hungrs sseBinga dyns Leyfa
dyrs bliks " = feeder of ravens. Leyfi, a sea-king of
fame (= Leifi, S. E. 548); his deer = ship (bounding over
wavy sea) ; the ship's sheen = shield ; the shields' clatter
= battle ; its (the battle's) mew = carrion bird, raven ;
the soother thereof, a man, here Olaf Tryggvison.
2. Point-shaking servant of, etc. : " odd-brag^s drr "
= captain, commander in battle.
3. Swayer of hand's ice : " styrir mund-jokuls " = Olaf
Tryggvison. Hand's ice, prop, silver, silvern ornaments,
here jewels in general.
Page 377. I. Some tell the wealth-wise: "sumr
seggr segir auSar-kenni," i.e. tell me, the poet, Hallfred
2. Thing (= encounter) of swords: "brings f ing " =
battle. Hringr = sword, S. E. i. 566. — Heming's high-
born brother. Earl Eric, cf. Story of 01. Tryggvison,
ch. xix.
Page 378. I. Tyr of the flame of ship-land: "fasta-Tyr
far-lands," i.e. " Tyr far-lands fasta " = Erling Skialgson.
Ship-land = sea ; its fire (fasti) = gold ; the Tyr (god)
thereof, a bounteous lord.
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